Buck Doyle e9e52e0dfe
Update Ember/Ember CLI to 3.20 (#9641)
This doesn’t include Ember Data, as we are still back on 3.12.

Most changes are deprecation updates, linting fixes, and dependencies. It can
be read commit-by-commit, though many of them are mechanical and skimmable.
For the new linting exclusions, I’ve added them to the Tech Debt list.

The decrease in test count is because linting is no longer included in ember test.

There’s a new deprecation warning in the logs that can be fixed by updating Ember
Power Select but when I tried that it caused it to render incorrectly, so I decided to
ignore it for now and address it separately.
2021-02-17 15:01:44 -06:00

301 lines
9.2 KiB

import { alias, equal, or, and, mapBy } from '@ember/object/computed';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import Model from '@ember-data/model';
import { attr, belongsTo, hasMany } from '@ember-data/model';
import { fragmentArray } from 'ember-data-model-fragments/attributes';
import RSVP from 'rsvp';
import { assert } from '@ember/debug';
import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator';
const JOB_TYPES = ['service', 'batch', 'system'];
export default class Job extends Model {
@attr('string') region;
@attr('string') name;
@attr('string') plainId;
@attr('string') type;
@attr('number') priority;
@attr('boolean') allAtOnce;
@attr('string') status;
@attr('string') statusDescription;
@attr('number') createIndex;
@attr('number') modifyIndex;
@attr('date') submitTime;
// True when the job is the parent periodic or parameterized jobs
// Instances of periodic or parameterized jobs are false for both properties
@attr('boolean') periodic;
@attr('boolean') parameterized;
@attr('boolean') dispatched;
@attr() periodicDetails;
@attr() parameterizedDetails;
@computed('periodic', 'parameterized', 'dispatched')
get hasChildren() {
return this.periodic || (this.parameterized && !this.dispatched);
@belongsTo('job', { inverse: 'children' }) parent;
@hasMany('job', { inverse: 'parent' }) children;
// The parent job name is prepended to child launch job names
@computed('name', 'parent.content')
get trimmedName() {
return this.get('parent.content') ?\//, '') :;
// A composite of type and other job attributes to determine
// a better type descriptor for human interpretation rather
// than for scheduling.
@computed('type', 'periodic', 'parameterized')
get displayType() {
if (this.periodic) {
return 'periodic';
} else if (this.parameterized) {
return 'parameterized';
return this.type;
// A composite of type and other job attributes to determine
// type for templating rather than scheduling
@computed('type', 'periodic', 'parameterized', 'parent.{periodic,parameterized}')
get templateType() {
const type = this.type;
if (this.get('parent.periodic')) {
return 'periodic-child';
} else if (this.get('parent.parameterized')) {
return 'parameterized-child';
} else if (this.periodic) {
return 'periodic';
} else if (this.parameterized) {
return 'parameterized';
} else if (JOB_TYPES.includes(type)) {
// Guard against the API introducing a new type before the UI
// is prepared to handle it.
return this.type;
// A fail-safe in the event the API introduces a new type.
return 'service';
@attr() datacenters;
@fragmentArray('task-group', { defaultValue: () => [] }) taskGroups;
@belongsTo('job-summary') summary;
// A job model created from the jobs list response will be lacking
// task groups. This is an indicator that it needs to be reloaded
// if task group information is important.
@equal('taskGroups.length', 0) isPartial;
// If a job has only been loaded through the list request, the task groups
// are still unknown. However, the count of task groups is available through
// the job-summary model which is embedded in the jobs list response.
@or('taskGroups.length', 'taskGroupSummaries.length') taskGroupCount;
// Alias through to the summary, as if there was no relationship
@alias('summary.taskGroupSummaries') taskGroupSummaries;
@alias('summary.queuedAllocs') queuedAllocs;
@alias('summary.startingAllocs') startingAllocs;
@alias('summary.runningAllocs') runningAllocs;
@alias('summary.completeAllocs') completeAllocs;
@alias('summary.failedAllocs') failedAllocs;
@alias('summary.lostAllocs') lostAllocs;
@alias('summary.totalAllocs') totalAllocs;
@alias('summary.pendingChildren') pendingChildren;
@alias('summary.runningChildren') runningChildren;
@alias('summary.deadChildren') deadChildren;
@alias('summary.totalChildren') totalChildren;
@attr('number') version;
@hasMany('job-versions') versions;
@hasMany('allocations') allocations;
@hasMany('deployments') deployments;
@hasMany('evaluations') evaluations;
@belongsTo('namespace') namespace;
@belongsTo('job-scale') scaleState;
@hasMany('recommendation-summary') recommendationSummaries;
get drivers() {
return this.taskGroups
.reduce((all, drivers) => {
return all;
}, [])
@mapBy('allocations', 'unhealthyDrivers') allocationsUnhealthyDrivers;
// Getting all unhealthy drivers for a job can be incredibly expensive if the job
// has many allocations. This can lead to making an API request for many nodes.
@computed('allocations', 'allocationsUnhealthyDrivers.[]')
get unhealthyDrivers() {
return this.allocations
.reduce((all, drivers) => {
return all;
}, [])
get hasBlockedEvaluation() {
return this.evaluations.toArray().some(evaluation => evaluation.get('isBlocked'));
@and('latestFailureEvaluation', 'hasBlockedEvaluation') hasPlacementFailures;
get latestEvaluation() {
const evaluations = this.evaluations;
if (!evaluations || evaluations.get('isPending')) {
return null;
return evaluations.sortBy('modifyIndex').get('lastObject');
get latestFailureEvaluation() {
const evaluations = this.evaluations;
if (!evaluations || evaluations.get('isPending')) {
return null;
const failureEvaluations = evaluations.filterBy('hasPlacementFailures');
if (failureEvaluations) {
return failureEvaluations.sortBy('modifyIndex').get('lastObject');
return undefined;
@equal('type', 'service') supportsDeployments;
@belongsTo('deployment', { inverse: 'jobForLatest' }) latestDeployment;
@computed('latestDeployment', 'latestDeployment.isRunning')
get runningDeployment() {
const latest = this.latestDeployment;
if (latest.get('isRunning')) return latest;
return undefined;
fetchRawDefinition() {
forcePeriodic() {
stop() {
plan() {
assert('A job must be parsed before planned', this._newDefinitionJSON);
run() {
assert('A job must be parsed before ran', this._newDefinitionJSON);
update() {
assert('A job must be parsed before updated', this._newDefinitionJSON);
parse() {
const definition = this._newDefinition;
let promise;
try {
// If the definition is already JSON then it doesn't need to be parsed.
const json = JSON.parse(definition);
this.set('_newDefinitionJSON', json);
// You can't set the ID of a record that already exists
if (this.isNew) {
promise = RSVP.resolve(definition);
} catch (err) {
// If the definition is invalid JSON, assume it is HCL. If it is invalid
// in anyway, the parse endpoint will throw an error.
promise =
.then(response => {
this.set('_newDefinitionJSON', response);
return promise;
scale(group, count, message) {
if (message == null) message = `Manually scaled to ${count} from the Nomad UI`;
return'job').scale(this, group, count, message);
setIdByPayload(payload) {
const namespace = payload.Namespace || 'default';
const id = payload.Name;
this.set('plainId', id);
this.set('_idBeforeSaving', JSON.stringify([id, namespace]));
const namespaceRecord ='namespace', namespace);
if (namespaceRecord) {
this.set('namespace', namespaceRecord);
resetId() {
this.set('id', JSON.stringify([this.plainId, this.get('') || 'default']));
get statusClass() {
const classMap = {
pending: 'is-pending',
running: 'is-primary',
dead: 'is-light',
return classMap[this.status] || 'is-dark';
@attr('string') payload;
get decodedPayload() {
// Lazily decode the base64 encoded payload
return window.atob(this.payload || '');
// An arbitrary HCL or JSON string that is used by the serializer to plan
// and run this job. Used for both new job models and saved job models.
@attr('string') _newDefinition;
// The new definition may be HCL, in which case the API will need to parse the
// spec first. In order to preserve both the original HCL and the parsed response
// that will be submitted to the create job endpoint, another prop is necessary.
@attr('string') _newDefinitionJSON;