Manual interventions: • decorators on the same line for service and controller injections and most computed property macros • preserving import order when possible, both per-line and intra-line • moving new imports to the bottom • removal of classic decorator for trivial cases • conversion of init to constructor when appropriate
41 lines
1,019 B
41 lines
1,019 B
import { reads } from '@ember/object/computed';
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
import { run } from '@ember/runloop';
import { classNames } from '@ember-decorators/component';
import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator';
@classNames('search-box', 'field', 'has-addons')
export default class SearchBox extends Component {
// Passed to the component (mutable)
searchTerm = null;
// Used as a debounce buffer
@reads('searchTerm') _searchTerm;
// Used to throttle sets to searchTerm
debounce = 150;
// A hook that's called when the search value changes
onChange() {}
setSearchTerm(e) {
this.set('_searchTerm', e.target.value);
run.debounce(this, updateSearch, this.debounce);
clear() {
this.set('_searchTerm', '');
run.debounce(this, updateSearch, this.debounce);
function updateSearch() {
const newTerm = this._searchTerm;
this.set('searchTerm', newTerm);