135 lines
3.9 KiB
135 lines
3.9 KiB
package volumes
import (
e2e "github.com/hashicorp/nomad/e2e/e2eutil"
const ns = ""
type VolumesTest struct {
jobIDs []string
func init() {
Component: "Volumes",
CanRunLocal: true,
Cases: []framework.TestCase{
func (tc *VolumesTest) BeforeAll(f *framework.F) {
e2e.WaitForLeader(f.T(), tc.Nomad())
e2e.WaitForNodesReady(f.T(), tc.Nomad(), 1)
func (tc *VolumesTest) AfterEach(f *framework.F) {
if os.Getenv("NOMAD_TEST_SKIPCLEANUP") == "1" {
for _, id := range tc.jobIDs {
_, err := e2e.Command("nomad", "job", "stop", "-purge", id)
tc.jobIDs = []string{}
_, err := e2e.Command("nomad", "system", "gc")
// TestVolumeMounts exercises host volume and Docker volume functionality for
// the exec and docker task driver, particularly around mounting locations
// within the container and how this is exposed to the user.
func (tc *VolumesTest) TestVolumeMounts(f *framework.F) {
jobID := "test-node-drain-" + uuid.Generate()[0:8]
f.NoError(e2e.Register(jobID, "volumes/input/volumes.nomad"))
tc.jobIDs = append(tc.jobIDs, jobID)
expected := []string{"running"}
f.NoError(e2e.WaitForAllocStatusExpected(jobID, ns, expected), "job should be running")
allocs, err := e2e.AllocsForJob(jobID, ns)
f.NoError(err, "could not get allocs for job")
allocID := allocs[0]["ID"]
nodeID := allocs[0]["Node ID"]
cmdToExec := fmt.Sprintf("cat /tmp/foo/%s", allocID)
out, err := e2e.AllocExec(allocID, "docker_task", cmdToExec, ns, nil)
f.NoError(err, "could not exec into task: docker_task")
f.Equal(allocID+"\n", out, "alloc data is missing from docker_task")
out, err = e2e.AllocExec(allocID, "exec_task", cmdToExec, ns, nil)
f.NoError(err, "could not exec into task: exec_task")
f.Equal(out, allocID+"\n", "alloc data is missing from exec_task")
_, err = e2e.Command("nomad", "job", "stop", jobID)
f.NoError(err, "could not stop job")
// modify the job so that we make sure it's placed back on the same host.
// we want to be able to verify that the data from the previous alloc is
// still there
job, err := jobspec.ParseFile("volumes/input/volumes.nomad")
job.ID = &jobID
job.Constraints = []*api.Constraint{
LTarget: "${node.unique.id}",
RTarget: nodeID,
Operand: "=",
_, _, err = tc.Nomad().Jobs().Register(job, nil)
f.NoError(err, "could not register updated job")
testutil.WaitForResultRetries(5000, func() (bool, error) {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
allocs, err = e2e.AllocsForJob(jobID, ns)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if len(allocs) < 2 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("no new allocation for %v: %v", jobID, allocs)
return true, nil
}, func(e error) {
f.NoError(e, "failed to get new alloc")
newAllocID := allocs[0]["ID"]
newCmdToExec := fmt.Sprintf("cat /tmp/foo/%s", newAllocID)
out, err = e2e.AllocExec(newAllocID, "docker_task", cmdToExec, ns, nil)
f.NoError(err, "could not exec into task: docker_task")
f.Equal(out, allocID+"\n", "previous alloc data is missing from docker_task")
out, err = e2e.AllocExec(newAllocID, "docker_task", newCmdToExec, ns, nil)
f.NoError(err, "could not exec into task: docker_task")
f.Equal(out, newAllocID+"\n", "new alloc data is missing from docker_task")
out, err = e2e.AllocExec(newAllocID, "exec_task", cmdToExec, ns, nil)
f.NoError(err, "could not exec into task: exec_task")
f.Equal(out, allocID+"\n", "previous alloc data is missing from exec_task")
out, err = e2e.AllocExec(newAllocID, "exec_task", newCmdToExec, ns, nil)
f.NoError(err, "could not exec into task: exec_task")
f.Equal(out, newAllocID+"\n", "new alloc data is missing from exec_task")