Sending the Ctrl-Break signal to PowerShell <6 causes it to drop into debug mode. Closing its output pipe at that point will block indefinitely and prevent the process from being killed by Nomad. See the upstream powershell issue for details: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/4254
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package executor
import (
shelpers "github.com/hashicorp/nomad/helper/stats"
syslog "github.com/RackSec/srslog"
dstructs "github.com/hashicorp/nomad/client/driver/structs"
cstructs "github.com/hashicorp/nomad/client/structs"
const (
// pidScanInterval is the interval at which the executor scans the process
// tree for finding out the pids that the executor and it's child processes
// have forked
pidScanInterval = 5 * time.Second
// processOutputCloseTolerance is the length of time we will wait for the
// launched process to close its stdout/stderr before we force close it. If
// data is written after this tolerance, we will not capture it.
processOutputCloseTolerance = 2 * time.Second
var (
// The statistics the basic executor exposes
ExecutorBasicMeasuredMemStats = []string{"RSS", "Swap"}
ExecutorBasicMeasuredCpuStats = []string{"System Mode", "User Mode", "Percent"}
// Executor is the interface which allows a driver to launch and supervise
// a process
type Executor interface {
SetContext(ctx *ExecutorContext) error
LaunchCmd(command *ExecCommand) (*ProcessState, error)
LaunchSyslogServer() (*SyslogServerState, error)
Wait() (*ProcessState, error)
ShutDown() error
Exit() error
UpdateLogConfig(logConfig *structs.LogConfig) error
UpdateTask(task *structs.Task) error
Version() (*ExecutorVersion, error)
Stats() (*cstructs.TaskResourceUsage, error)
Signal(s os.Signal) error
Exec(deadline time.Time, cmd string, args []string) ([]byte, int, error)
// ExecutorContext holds context to configure the command user
// wants to run and isolate it
type ExecutorContext struct {
// TaskEnv holds information about the environment of a Task
TaskEnv *env.TaskEnv
// Task is the task whose executor is being launched
Task *structs.Task
// TaskDir is the host path to the task's root
TaskDir string
// LogDir is the host path where logs should be written
LogDir string
// Driver is the name of the driver that invoked the executor
Driver string
// PortUpperBound is the upper bound of the ports that we can use to start
// the syslog server
PortUpperBound uint
// PortLowerBound is the lower bound of the ports that we can use to start
// the syslog server
PortLowerBound uint
// ExecCommand holds the user command, args, and other isolation related
// settings.
type ExecCommand struct {
// Cmd is the command that the user wants to run.
Cmd string
// Args is the args of the command that the user wants to run.
Args []string
// TaskKillSignal is an optional field which signal to kill the process
TaskKillSignal os.Signal
// FSIsolation determines whether the command would be run in a chroot.
FSIsolation bool
// User is the user which the executor uses to run the command.
User string
// ResourceLimits determines whether resource limits are enforced by the
// executor.
ResourceLimits bool
// Cgroup marks whether we put the process in a cgroup. Setting this field
// doesn't enforce resource limits. To enforce limits, set ResourceLimits.
// Using the cgroup does allow more precise cleanup of processes.
BasicProcessCgroup bool
// ProcessState holds information about the state of a user process.
type ProcessState struct {
Pid int
ExitCode int
Signal int
IsolationConfig *dstructs.IsolationConfig
Time time.Time
// nomadPid holds a pid and it's cpu percentage calculator
type nomadPid struct {
pid int
cpuStatsTotal *stats.CpuStats
cpuStatsUser *stats.CpuStats
cpuStatsSys *stats.CpuStats
// SyslogServerState holds the address and isolation information of a launched
// syslog server
type SyslogServerState struct {
IsolationConfig *dstructs.IsolationConfig
Addr string
// ExecutorVersion is the version of the executor
type ExecutorVersion struct {
Version string
func (v *ExecutorVersion) GoString() string {
return v.Version
// UniversalExecutor is an implementation of the Executor which launches and
// supervises processes. In addition to process supervision it provides resource
// and file system isolation
type UniversalExecutor struct {
cmd exec.Cmd
ctx *ExecutorContext
command *ExecCommand
pids map[int]*nomadPid
pidLock sync.RWMutex
exitState *ProcessState
processExited chan interface{}
fsIsolationEnforced bool
lre *logRotatorWrapper
lro *logRotatorWrapper
rotatorLock sync.Mutex
syslogServer *logging.SyslogServer
syslogChan chan *logging.SyslogMessage
resConCtx resourceContainerContext
totalCpuStats *stats.CpuStats
userCpuStats *stats.CpuStats
systemCpuStats *stats.CpuStats
logger *log.Logger
// NewExecutor returns an Executor
func NewExecutor(logger *log.Logger) Executor {
if err := shelpers.Init(); err != nil {
logger.Printf("[ERR] executor: unable to initialize stats: %v", err)
exec := &UniversalExecutor{
logger: logger,
processExited: make(chan interface{}),
totalCpuStats: stats.NewCpuStats(),
userCpuStats: stats.NewCpuStats(),
systemCpuStats: stats.NewCpuStats(),
pids: make(map[int]*nomadPid),
return exec
// Version returns the api version of the executor
func (e *UniversalExecutor) Version() (*ExecutorVersion, error) {
return &ExecutorVersion{Version: "1.1.0"}, nil
// SetContext is used to set the executors context and should be the first call
// after launching the executor.
func (e *UniversalExecutor) SetContext(ctx *ExecutorContext) error {
e.ctx = ctx
return nil
// LaunchCmd launches the main process and returns its state. It also
// configures an applies isolation on certain platforms.
func (e *UniversalExecutor) LaunchCmd(command *ExecCommand) (*ProcessState, error) {
e.logger.Printf("[INFO] executor: launching command %v %v", command.Cmd, strings.Join(command.Args, " "))
// Ensure the context has been set first
if e.ctx == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("SetContext must be called before launching a command")
e.command = command
// setting the user of the process
if command.User != "" {
e.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] executor: running command as %s", command.User)
if err := e.runAs(command.User); err != nil {
return nil, err
// set the task dir as the working directory for the command
e.cmd.Dir = e.ctx.TaskDir
// start command in separate process group
if err := e.setNewProcessGroup(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// configuring the chroot, resource container, and start the plugin
// process in the chroot.
if err := e.configureIsolation(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Apply ourselves into the resource container. The executor MUST be in
// the resource container before the user task is started, otherwise we
// are subject to a fork attack in which a process escapes isolation by
// immediately forking.
if err := e.applyLimits(os.Getpid()); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Setup the loggers
if err := e.configureLoggers(); err != nil {
return nil, err
e.cmd.Stdout = e.lro.processOutWriter
e.cmd.Stderr = e.lre.processOutWriter
// Look up the binary path and make it executable
absPath, err := e.lookupBin(e.ctx.TaskEnv.ReplaceEnv(command.Cmd))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := e.makeExecutable(absPath); err != nil {
return nil, err
path := absPath
// Determine the path to run as it may have to be relative to the chroot.
if e.fsIsolationEnforced {
rel, err := filepath.Rel(e.ctx.TaskDir, path)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to determine relative path base=%q target=%q: %v", e.ctx.TaskDir, path, err)
path = rel
// Set the commands arguments
e.cmd.Path = path
e.cmd.Args = append([]string{e.cmd.Path}, e.ctx.TaskEnv.ParseAndReplace(command.Args)...)
e.cmd.Env = e.ctx.TaskEnv.List()
// Start the process
if err := e.cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to start command path=%q --- args=%q: %v", path, e.cmd.Args, err)
// Close the files. This is copied from the os/exec package.
go e.collectPids()
go e.wait()
ic := e.resConCtx.getIsolationConfig()
return &ProcessState{Pid: e.cmd.Process.Pid, ExitCode: -1, IsolationConfig: ic, Time: time.Now()}, nil
// Exec a command inside a container for exec and java drivers.
func (e *UniversalExecutor) Exec(deadline time.Time, name string, args []string) ([]byte, int, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), deadline)
defer cancel()
return ExecScript(ctx, e.cmd.Dir, e.ctx.TaskEnv, e.cmd.SysProcAttr, name, args)
// ExecScript executes cmd with args and returns the output, exit code, and
// error. Output is truncated to client/driver/structs.CheckBufSize
func ExecScript(ctx context.Context, dir string, env *env.TaskEnv, attrs *syscall.SysProcAttr,
name string, args []string) ([]byte, int, error) {
name = env.ReplaceEnv(name)
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, name, env.ParseAndReplace(args)...)
// Copy runtime environment from the main command
cmd.SysProcAttr = attrs
cmd.Dir = dir
cmd.Env = env.List()
// Capture output
buf, _ := circbuf.NewBuffer(int64(dstructs.CheckBufSize))
cmd.Stdout = buf
cmd.Stderr = buf
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
exitErr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError)
if !ok {
// Non-exit error, return it and let the caller treat
// it as a critical failure
return nil, 0, err
// Some kind of error happened; default to critical
exitCode := 2
if status, ok := exitErr.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok {
exitCode = status.ExitStatus()
// Don't return the exitError as the caller only needs the
// output and code.
return buf.Bytes(), exitCode, nil
return buf.Bytes(), 0, nil
// configureLoggers sets up the standard out/error file rotators
func (e *UniversalExecutor) configureLoggers() error {
defer e.rotatorLock.Unlock()
logFileSize := int64(e.ctx.Task.LogConfig.MaxFileSizeMB * 1024 * 1024)
if e.lro == nil {
lro, err := logging.NewFileRotator(e.ctx.LogDir, fmt.Sprintf("%v.stdout", e.ctx.Task.Name),
e.ctx.Task.LogConfig.MaxFiles, logFileSize, e.logger)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating new stdout log file for %q: %v", e.ctx.Task.Name, err)
r, err := newLogRotatorWrapper(e.logger, lro)
if err != nil {
return err
e.lro = r
if e.lre == nil {
lre, err := logging.NewFileRotator(e.ctx.LogDir, fmt.Sprintf("%v.stderr", e.ctx.Task.Name),
e.ctx.Task.LogConfig.MaxFiles, logFileSize, e.logger)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating new stderr log file for %q: %v", e.ctx.Task.Name, err)
r, err := newLogRotatorWrapper(e.logger, lre)
if err != nil {
return err
e.lre = r
return nil
// Wait waits until a process has exited and returns it's exitcode and errors
func (e *UniversalExecutor) Wait() (*ProcessState, error) {
return e.exitState, nil
// COMPAT: prior to Nomad 0.3.2, UpdateTask didn't exist.
// UpdateLogConfig updates the log configuration
func (e *UniversalExecutor) UpdateLogConfig(logConfig *structs.LogConfig) error {
e.ctx.Task.LogConfig = logConfig
if e.lro == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("log rotator for stdout doesn't exist")
e.lro.rotatorWriter.MaxFiles = logConfig.MaxFiles
e.lro.rotatorWriter.FileSize = int64(logConfig.MaxFileSizeMB * 1024 * 1024)
if e.lre == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("log rotator for stderr doesn't exist")
e.lre.rotatorWriter.MaxFiles = logConfig.MaxFiles
e.lre.rotatorWriter.FileSize = int64(logConfig.MaxFileSizeMB * 1024 * 1024)
return nil
func (e *UniversalExecutor) UpdateTask(task *structs.Task) error {
e.ctx.Task = task
// Updating Log Config
if e.lro != nil && e.lre != nil {
fileSize := int64(task.LogConfig.MaxFileSizeMB * 1024 * 1024)
e.lro.rotatorWriter.MaxFiles = task.LogConfig.MaxFiles
e.lro.rotatorWriter.FileSize = fileSize
e.lre.rotatorWriter.MaxFiles = task.LogConfig.MaxFiles
e.lre.rotatorWriter.FileSize = fileSize
return nil
func (e *UniversalExecutor) wait() {
defer close(e.processExited)
err := e.cmd.Wait()
ic := e.resConCtx.getIsolationConfig()
if err == nil {
e.exitState = &ProcessState{Pid: 0, ExitCode: 0, IsolationConfig: ic, Time: time.Now()}
exitCode := 1
var signal int
if exitErr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
if status, ok := exitErr.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok {
exitCode = status.ExitStatus()
if status.Signaled() {
// bash(1) uses the lower 7 bits of a uint8
// to indicate normal program failure (see
// <sysexits.h>). If a process terminates due
// to a signal, encode the signal number to
// indicate which signal caused the process
// to terminate. Mirror this exit code
// encoding scheme.
const exitSignalBase = 128
signal = int(status.Signal())
exitCode = exitSignalBase + signal
} else {
e.logger.Printf("[WARN] executor: unexpected Cmd.Wait() error type: %v", err)
e.exitState = &ProcessState{Pid: 0, ExitCode: exitCode, Signal: signal, IsolationConfig: ic, Time: time.Now()}
var (
// finishedErr is the error message received when trying to kill and already
// exited process.
finishedErr = "os: process already finished"
// noSuchProcessErr is the error message received when trying to kill a non
// existing process (e.g. when killing a process group).
noSuchProcessErr = "no such process"
// ClientCleanup is the cleanup routine that a Nomad Client uses to remove the
// remnants of a child UniversalExecutor.
func ClientCleanup(ic *dstructs.IsolationConfig, pid int) error {
return clientCleanup(ic, pid)
// Exit cleans up the alloc directory, destroys resource container and kills the
// user process
func (e *UniversalExecutor) Exit() error {
var merr multierror.Error
if e.syslogServer != nil {
if e.lre != nil {
if e.lro != nil {
// If the executor did not launch a process, return.
if e.command == nil {
return nil
// Prefer killing the process via the resource container.
if e.cmd.Process != nil && !(e.command.ResourceLimits || e.command.BasicProcessCgroup) {
proc, err := os.FindProcess(e.cmd.Process.Pid)
if err != nil {
e.logger.Printf("[ERR] executor: can't find process with pid: %v, err: %v",
e.cmd.Process.Pid, err)
} else if err := e.cleanupChildProcesses(proc); err != nil && err.Error() != finishedErr {
merr.Errors = append(merr.Errors,
fmt.Errorf("can't kill process with pid: %v, err: %v", e.cmd.Process.Pid, err))
if e.command.ResourceLimits || e.command.BasicProcessCgroup {
if err := e.resConCtx.executorCleanup(); err != nil {
merr.Errors = append(merr.Errors, err)
return merr.ErrorOrNil()
// Shutdown sends an interrupt signal to the user process
func (e *UniversalExecutor) ShutDown() error {
if e.cmd.Process == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("executor.shutdown error: no process found")
proc, err := os.FindProcess(e.cmd.Process.Pid)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("executor.shutdown failed to find process: %v", err)
return e.shutdownProcess(proc)
// pidStats returns the resource usage stats per pid
func (e *UniversalExecutor) pidStats() (map[string]*cstructs.ResourceUsage, error) {
stats := make(map[string]*cstructs.ResourceUsage)
pids := make(map[int]*nomadPid, len(e.pids))
for k, v := range e.pids {
pids[k] = v
for pid, np := range pids {
p, err := process.NewProcess(int32(pid))
if err != nil {
e.logger.Printf("[TRACE] executor: unable to create new process with pid: %v", pid)
ms := &cstructs.MemoryStats{}
if memInfo, err := p.MemoryInfo(); err == nil {
ms.RSS = memInfo.RSS
ms.Swap = memInfo.Swap
ms.Measured = ExecutorBasicMeasuredMemStats
cs := &cstructs.CpuStats{}
if cpuStats, err := p.Times(); err == nil {
cs.SystemMode = np.cpuStatsSys.Percent(cpuStats.System * float64(time.Second))
cs.UserMode = np.cpuStatsUser.Percent(cpuStats.User * float64(time.Second))
cs.Measured = ExecutorBasicMeasuredCpuStats
// calculate cpu usage percent
cs.Percent = np.cpuStatsTotal.Percent(cpuStats.Total() * float64(time.Second))
stats[strconv.Itoa(pid)] = &cstructs.ResourceUsage{MemoryStats: ms, CpuStats: cs}
return stats, nil
// lookupBin looks for path to the binary to run by looking for the binary in
// the following locations, in-order: task/local/, task/, based on host $PATH.
// The return path is absolute.
func (e *UniversalExecutor) lookupBin(bin string) (string, error) {
// Check in the local directory
local := filepath.Join(e.ctx.TaskDir, allocdir.TaskLocal, bin)
if _, err := os.Stat(local); err == nil {
return local, nil
// Check at the root of the task's directory
root := filepath.Join(e.ctx.TaskDir, bin)
if _, err := os.Stat(root); err == nil {
return root, nil
// Check the $PATH
if host, err := exec.LookPath(bin); err == nil {
return host, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("binary %q could not be found", bin)
// makeExecutable makes the given file executable for root,group,others.
func (e *UniversalExecutor) makeExecutable(binPath string) error {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
return nil
fi, err := os.Stat(binPath)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("binary %q does not exist", binPath)
return fmt.Errorf("specified binary is invalid: %v", err)
// If it is not executable, make it so.
perm := fi.Mode().Perm()
req := os.FileMode(0555)
if perm&req != req {
if err := os.Chmod(binPath, perm|req); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error making %q executable: %s", binPath, err)
return nil
// getFreePort returns a free port ready to be listened on between upper and
// lower bounds
func (e *UniversalExecutor) getListener(lowerBound uint, upperBound uint) (net.Listener, error) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
return e.listenerTCP(lowerBound, upperBound)
return e.listenerUnix()
// listenerTCP creates a TCP listener using an unused port between an upper and
// lower bound
func (e *UniversalExecutor) listenerTCP(lowerBound uint, upperBound uint) (net.Listener, error) {
for i := lowerBound; i <= upperBound; i++ {
addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%v", i))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
return l, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No free port found")
// listenerUnix creates a Unix domain socket
func (e *UniversalExecutor) listenerUnix() (net.Listener, error) {
f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "plugin")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
path := f.Name()
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := os.Remove(path); err != nil {
return nil, err
return net.Listen("unix", path)
// collectPids collects the pids of the child processes that the executor is
// running every 5 seconds
func (e *UniversalExecutor) collectPids() {
// Fire the timer right away when the executor starts from there on the pids
// are collected every scan interval
timer := time.NewTimer(0)
defer timer.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-timer.C:
pids, err := e.getAllPids()
if err != nil {
e.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] executor: error collecting pids: %v", err)
// Adding pids which are not being tracked
for pid, np := range pids {
if _, ok := e.pids[pid]; !ok {
e.pids[pid] = np
// Removing pids which are no longer present
for pid := range e.pids {
if _, ok := pids[pid]; !ok {
delete(e.pids, pid)
case <-e.processExited:
// scanPids scans all the pids on the machine running the current executor and
// returns the child processes of the executor.
func (e *UniversalExecutor) scanPids(parentPid int, allPids []ps.Process) (map[int]*nomadPid, error) {
processFamily := make(map[int]struct{})
processFamily[parentPid] = struct{}{}
// A mapping of pids to their parent pids. It is used to build the process
// tree of the executing task
pidsRemaining := make(map[int]int, len(allPids))
for _, pid := range allPids {
pidsRemaining[pid.Pid()] = pid.PPid()
for {
// flag to indicate if we have found a match
foundNewPid := false
for pid, ppid := range pidsRemaining {
_, childPid := processFamily[ppid]
// checking if the pid is a child of any of the parents
if childPid {
processFamily[pid] = struct{}{}
delete(pidsRemaining, pid)
foundNewPid = true
// not scanning anymore if we couldn't find a single match
if !foundNewPid {
res := make(map[int]*nomadPid)
for pid := range processFamily {
np := nomadPid{
pid: pid,
cpuStatsTotal: stats.NewCpuStats(),
cpuStatsUser: stats.NewCpuStats(),
cpuStatsSys: stats.NewCpuStats(),
res[pid] = &np
return res, nil
// aggregatedResourceUsage aggregates the resource usage of all the pids and
// returns a TaskResourceUsage data point
func (e *UniversalExecutor) aggregatedResourceUsage(pidStats map[string]*cstructs.ResourceUsage) *cstructs.TaskResourceUsage {
ts := time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()
var (
systemModeCPU, userModeCPU, percent float64
totalRSS, totalSwap uint64
for _, pidStat := range pidStats {
systemModeCPU += pidStat.CpuStats.SystemMode
userModeCPU += pidStat.CpuStats.UserMode
percent += pidStat.CpuStats.Percent
totalRSS += pidStat.MemoryStats.RSS
totalSwap += pidStat.MemoryStats.Swap
totalCPU := &cstructs.CpuStats{
SystemMode: systemModeCPU,
UserMode: userModeCPU,
Percent: percent,
Measured: ExecutorBasicMeasuredCpuStats,
TotalTicks: e.systemCpuStats.TicksConsumed(percent),
totalMemory := &cstructs.MemoryStats{
RSS: totalRSS,
Swap: totalSwap,
Measured: ExecutorBasicMeasuredMemStats,
resourceUsage := cstructs.ResourceUsage{
MemoryStats: totalMemory,
CpuStats: totalCPU,
return &cstructs.TaskResourceUsage{
ResourceUsage: &resourceUsage,
Timestamp: ts,
Pids: pidStats,
// Signal sends the passed signal to the task
func (e *UniversalExecutor) Signal(s os.Signal) error {
if e.cmd.Process == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Task not yet run")
e.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] executor: sending signal %s to PID %d", s, e.cmd.Process.Pid)
err := e.cmd.Process.Signal(s)
if err != nil {
e.logger.Printf("[ERR] executor: sending signal %v failed: %v", s, err)
return err
return nil
func (e *UniversalExecutor) LaunchSyslogServer() (*SyslogServerState, error) {
// Ensure the context has been set first
if e.ctx == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("SetContext must be called before launching the Syslog Server")
e.syslogChan = make(chan *logging.SyslogMessage, 2048)
l, err := e.getListener(e.ctx.PortLowerBound, e.ctx.PortUpperBound)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
e.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] syslog-server: launching syslog server on addr: %v", l.Addr().String())
if err := e.configureLoggers(); err != nil {
return nil, err
e.syslogServer = logging.NewSyslogServer(l, e.syslogChan, e.logger)
go e.syslogServer.Start()
go e.collectLogs(e.lre.rotatorWriter, e.lro.rotatorWriter)
syslogAddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", l.Addr().Network(), l.Addr().String())
return &SyslogServerState{Addr: syslogAddr}, nil
func (e *UniversalExecutor) collectLogs(we io.Writer, wo io.Writer) {
for logParts := range e.syslogChan {
// If the severity of the log line is err then we write to stderr
// otherwise all messages go to stdout
if logParts.Severity == syslog.LOG_ERR {
} else {
// logRotatorWrapper wraps our log rotator and exposes a pipe that can feed the
// log rotator data. The processOutWriter should be attached to the process and
// data will be copied from the reader to the rotator.
type logRotatorWrapper struct {
processOutWriter *os.File
processOutReader *os.File
rotatorWriter *logging.FileRotator
hasFinishedCopied chan struct{}
logger *log.Logger
// newLogRotatorWrapper takes a rotator and returns a wrapper that has the
// processOutWriter to attach to the processes stdout or stderr.
func newLogRotatorWrapper(logger *log.Logger, rotator *logging.FileRotator) (*logRotatorWrapper, error) {
r, w, err := os.Pipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create os.Pipe for extracting logs: %v", err)
wrap := &logRotatorWrapper{
processOutWriter: w,
processOutReader: r,
rotatorWriter: rotator,
hasFinishedCopied: make(chan struct{}),
logger: logger,
return wrap, nil
// start starts a go-routine that copies from the pipe into the rotator. This is
// called by the constructor and not the user of the wrapper.
func (l *logRotatorWrapper) start() {
go func() {
defer close(l.hasFinishedCopied)
_, err := io.Copy(l.rotatorWriter, l.processOutReader)
if err != nil {
// Close reader to propagate io error across pipe.
// Note that this may block until the process exits on
// Windows due to
// https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/4254
// or similar issues. Since this is already running in
// a goroutine its safe to block until the process is
// force-killed.
// Close closes the rotator and the process writer to ensure that the Wait
// command exits.
func (l *logRotatorWrapper) Close() {
// Wait up to the close tolerance before we force close
select {
case <-l.hasFinishedCopied:
case <-time.After(processOutputCloseTolerance):
// Closing the read side of a pipe may block on Windows if the process
// is being debugged as in:
// https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/4254
// The pipe will be closed and cleaned up when the process exits.
closeDone := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(closeDone)
err := l.processOutReader.Close()
if err != nil && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "file already closed") {
l.logger.Printf("[WARN] executor: error closing read-side of process output pipe: %v", err)
select {
case <-closeDone:
case <-time.After(processOutputCloseTolerance):
l.logger.Printf("[WARN] executor: timed out waiting for read-side of process output pipe to close")