The job factory will now accept an array of resourceSpecs that is a shorthand notation for memory, cpu, disk, and iops requirements. These specs get passed down to task groups. The task group factory will split the resource requirements near evenly (there is variance threshold) across all expected tasks. Allocations then construct task-resource objects based on the resources from the matching task.
208 lines
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208 lines
5.8 KiB
import { Factory, trait } from 'ember-cli-mirage';
import faker from 'nomad-ui/mirage/faker';
import { provide } from '../utils';
import { generateResources } from '../common';
const DISK_RESERVATIONS = [200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 100000];
export default Factory.extend({
name: id => `${faker.hacker.noun().dasherize()}-g-${id}`,
count: () => faker.random.number({ min: 1, max: 2 }),
ephemeralDisk: () => ({
Sticky: faker.random.boolean(),
SizeMB: faker.helpers.randomize(DISK_RESERVATIONS),
Migrate: faker.random.boolean(),
noHostVolumes: trait({
volumes: () => ({}),
withScaling: faker.random.boolean,
volumes: makeHostVolumes(),
// Directive used to control whether or not allocations are automatically
// created.
createAllocations: true,
// Directived used to control whether or not the allocation should fail
// and reschedule, creating reschedule events.
withRescheduling: false,
// Directive used to control whether the task group should have services.
withServices: false,
// When true, only creates allocations
shallow: false,
// When set, passed into tasks to set resource values
resourceSpec: null,
afterCreate(group, server) {
let taskIds = [];
let volumes = Object.keys(group.volumes);
if (group.withScaling) {
scaling: {
Min: 1,
Max: 5,
Policy: faker.random.boolean() && {
EvaluationInterval: '10s',
Cooldown: '2m',
Check: {
avg_conn: {
Source: 'prometheus',
'scalar(avg((haproxy_server_current_sessions{backend="http_back"}) and (haproxy_server_up{backend="http_back"} == 1)))',
Strategy: {
'target-value': {
target: 20,
if (!group.shallow) {
const resources =
group.resourceSpec && divide(group.count, parseResourceSpec(group.resourceSpec));
const tasks = provide(group.count, (_, idx) => {
const mounts = faker.helpers
.slice(0, faker.random.number({ min: 1, max: 3 }));
const maybeResources = {};
if (resources) {
maybeResources.Resources = generateResources(resources[idx]);
return server.create('task', {
taskGroup: group,
volumeMounts: mounts.map(mount => ({
Volume: mount,
Destination: `/${faker.internet.userName()}/${faker.internet.domainWord()}/${faker.internet.color()}`,
PropagationMode: '',
ReadOnly: faker.random.boolean(),
taskIds = tasks.mapBy('id');
taskIds: taskIds,
if (group.createAllocations) {
.forEach((_, i) => {
const props = {
jobId: group.job.id,
namespace: group.job.namespace,
taskGroup: group.name,
name: `${group.name}.[${i}]`,
rescheduleSuccess: group.withRescheduling ? faker.random.boolean() : null,
rescheduleAttempts: group.withRescheduling
? faker.random.number({ min: 1, max: 5 })
: 0,
if (group.withRescheduling) {
server.create('allocation', 'rescheduled', props);
} else {
server.create('allocation', props);
if (group.withServices) {
Array(faker.random.number({ min: 1, max: 3 }))
.forEach(() => {
server.create('service', {
taskGroup: group,
function makeHostVolumes() {
const generate = () => ({
Name: faker.internet.domainWord(),
Type: 'host',
Source: faker.internet.domainWord(),
ReadOnly: faker.random.boolean(),
const volumes = provide(faker.random.number({ min: 1, max: 5 }), generate);
return volumes.reduce((hash, volume) => {
hash[volume.Name] = volume;
return hash;
}, {});
function parseResourceSpec(spec) {
const mapping = {
M: 'MemoryMB',
C: 'CPU',
D: 'DiskMB',
I: 'IOPS',
const terms = spec.split(',').map(t => {
const [k, v] = t
.map(kv => kv.trim());
return [k, +v];
return terms.reduce((hash, term) => {
hash[mapping[term[0]]] = term[1];
return hash;
}, {});
// Split a single resources object into N resource objects where
// the sum of each property of the new resources objects equals
// the original resources properties
// ex: divide(2, { Mem: 400, Cpu: 250 }) -> [{ Mem: 80, Cpu: 50 }, { Mem: 320, Cpu: 200 }]
function divide(count, resources) {
const wheel = roulette(1, count);
const ret = provide(count, (_, idx) => {
return Object.keys(resources).reduce((hash, key) => {
hash[key] = Math.round(resources[key] * wheel[idx]);
return hash;
}, {});
return ret;
// Roulette splits a number into N divisions
// Variance is a value between 0 and 1 that determines how much each division in
// size. At 0 each division is even, at 1, it's entirely random but the sum of all
// divisions is guaranteed to equal the total value.
function roulette(total, divisions, variance = 0.8) {
let roulette = new Array(divisions).fill(total / divisions);
roulette.forEach((v, i) => {
if (i === roulette.length - 1) return;
roulette.splice(i, 2, ...rngDistribute(roulette[i], roulette[i + 1], variance));
return roulette;
function rngDistribute(a, b, variance = 0.8) {
const move = a * faker.random.number({ min: 0, max: variance, precision: 0.01 });
return [a - move, b + move];