2023-01-26 14:17:11 +01:00

252 lines
8.1 KiB

package state
import (
func TestStateStore_UpsertACLAuthMethods(t *testing.T) {
testState := testStateStore(t)
// Create mock auth methods
mockedACLAuthMethods := []*structs.ACLAuthMethod{mock.ACLAuthMethod(), mock.ACLAuthMethod()}
must.NoError(t, testState.UpsertACLAuthMethods(10, mockedACLAuthMethods))
// Check that the index for the table was modified as expected.
initialIndex, err := testState.Index(TableACLAuthMethods)
must.NoError(t, err)
must.Eq(t, 10, initialIndex)
// List all the auth methods in the table, so we can perform a number of
// tests on the return array.
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
iter, err := testState.GetACLAuthMethods(ws)
must.NoError(t, err)
// Count how many table entries we have, to ensure it is the expected
// number.
var count int
for raw := iter.Next(); raw != nil; raw = iter.Next() {
// Ensure the create and modify indexes are populated correctly.
authMethod := raw.(*structs.ACLAuthMethod)
must.Eq(t, 10, authMethod.CreateIndex)
must.Eq(t, 10, authMethod.ModifyIndex)
must.Eq(t, 2, count)
// Try writing the same auth methods to state which should not result in an
// update to the table index.
must.NoError(t, testState.UpsertACLAuthMethods(20, mockedACLAuthMethods))
reInsertActualIndex, err := testState.Index(TableACLAuthMethods)
must.NoError(t, err)
must.Eq(t, 10, reInsertActualIndex)
// Make a change to the auth methods and ensure this update is accepted and
// the table index is updated.
updatedMockedAuthMethod1 := mockedACLAuthMethods[0].Copy()
updatedMockedAuthMethod1.Type = "new type"
updatedMockedAuthMethod2 := mockedACLAuthMethods[1].Copy()
updatedMockedAuthMethod2.Type = "yet another new type"
must.NoError(t, testState.UpsertACLAuthMethods(20, []*structs.ACLAuthMethod{
updatedMockedAuthMethod1, updatedMockedAuthMethod2,
// Check that the index for the table was modified as expected.
updatedIndex, err := testState.Index(TableACLAuthMethods)
must.NoError(t, err)
must.Eq(t, 20, updatedIndex)
// List the ACL auth methods in state.
iter, err = testState.GetACLAuthMethods(ws)
must.NoError(t, err)
// Count how many table entries we have, to ensure it is the expected
// number.
count = 0
for raw := iter.Next(); raw != nil; raw = iter.Next() {
// Ensure the create and modify indexes are populated correctly.
aclAuthMethod := raw.(*structs.ACLAuthMethod)
must.Eq(t, 10, aclAuthMethod.CreateIndex)
must.Eq(t, 20, aclAuthMethod.ModifyIndex)
must.Eq(t, 2, count, must.Sprintf("incorrect number of ACL auth methods found"))
// Try adding a new auth method, which has a name clash with an existing
// entry.
dup := mock.ACLAuthMethod()
dup.Name = mockedACLAuthMethods[0].Name
dup.Type = mockedACLAuthMethods[0].Type
err = testState.UpsertACLAuthMethods(50, []*structs.ACLAuthMethod{dup})
must.NoError(t, err)
// Get all the ACL auth methods from state.
iter, err = testState.GetACLAuthMethods(ws)
must.NoError(t, err)
// Count how many table entries we have, to ensure it is the expected
// number.
count = 0
for raw := iter.Next(); raw != nil; raw = iter.Next() {
must.Eq(t, 2, count, must.Sprintf("incorrect number of ACL auth methods found"))
func TestStateStore_DeleteACLAuthMethods(t *testing.T) {
testState := testStateStore(t)
// Generate some mocked ACL auth methods for testing and upsert these
// straight into state.
mockedACLAuthMethods := []*structs.ACLAuthMethod{mock.ACLAuthMethod(), mock.ACLAuthMethod()}
must.NoError(t, testState.UpsertACLAuthMethods(10, mockedACLAuthMethods))
// Try and delete a method using a name that doesn't exist. This should
// return an error and not change the index for the table.
err := testState.DeleteACLAuthMethods(20, []string{"not-a-method"})
must.EqError(t, err, "ACL auth method not found")
tableIndex, err := testState.Index(TableACLAuthMethods)
must.NoError(t, err)
must.Eq(t, 10, tableIndex)
// Delete one of the previously upserted auth methods. This should succeed
// and modify the table index.
err = testState.DeleteACLAuthMethods(20, []string{mockedACLAuthMethods[0].Name})
must.NoError(t, err)
tableIndex, err = testState.Index(TableACLAuthMethods)
must.NoError(t, err)
must.Eq(t, 20, tableIndex)
// List the ACL auth methods and ensure we now only have one present and
// that it is the one we expect.
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
iter, err := testState.GetACLAuthMethods(ws)
must.NoError(t, err)
var aclAuthMethods []*structs.ACLAuthMethod
for raw := iter.Next(); raw != nil; raw = iter.Next() {
aclAuthMethods = append(aclAuthMethods, raw.(*structs.ACLAuthMethod))
must.Len(t, 1, aclAuthMethods, must.Sprintf("incorrect number of auth methods found"))
must.True(t, aclAuthMethods[0].Equal(mockedACLAuthMethods[1]))
// Delete the final remaining auth method. This should succeed and modify
// the table index.
err = testState.DeleteACLAuthMethods(30, []string{mockedACLAuthMethods[1].Name})
must.NoError(t, err)
tableIndex, err = testState.Index(TableACLAuthMethods)
must.NoError(t, err)
must.Eq(t, 30, tableIndex)
// List the auth methods and ensure we have zero entries.
iter, err = testState.GetACLAuthMethods(ws)
must.NoError(t, err)
aclAuthMethods = []*structs.ACLAuthMethod{}
for raw := iter.Next(); raw != nil; raw = iter.Next() {
aclAuthMethods = append(aclAuthMethods, raw.(*structs.ACLAuthMethod))
must.Len(t, 0, aclAuthMethods, must.Sprintf("incorrect number of ACL roles found"))
func TestStateStore_GetACLAuthMethods(t *testing.T) {
testState := testStateStore(t)
// Generate a some mocked ACL auth methods for testing and upsert these
// straight into state.
mockedACLAuthMethods := []*structs.ACLAuthMethod{mock.ACLAuthMethod(), mock.ACLAuthMethod()}
must.NoError(t, testState.UpsertACLAuthMethods(10, mockedACLAuthMethods))
// List the auth methods and ensure they are exactly as we expect.
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
iter, err := testState.GetACLAuthMethods(ws)
must.NoError(t, err)
var aclAuthMethods []*structs.ACLAuthMethod
for raw := iter.Next(); raw != nil; raw = iter.Next() {
aclAuthMethods = append(aclAuthMethods, raw.(*structs.ACLAuthMethod))
expected := mockedACLAuthMethods
for i := range expected {
expected[i].CreateIndex = 10
expected[i].ModifyIndex = 10
must.SliceContainsAll(t, aclAuthMethods, expected)
func TestStateStore_GetACLAuthMethodByName(t *testing.T) {
testState := testStateStore(t)
// Generate a some mocked ACL auth methods for testing and upsert these
// straight into state.
mockedACLAuthMethods := []*structs.ACLAuthMethod{mock.ACLAuthMethod(), mock.ACLAuthMethod()}
must.NoError(t, testState.UpsertACLAuthMethods(10, mockedACLAuthMethods))
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
// Try reading an auth method that does not exist.
authMethod, err := testState.GetACLAuthMethodByName(ws, "not-a-method")
must.NoError(t, err)
must.Nil(t, authMethod)
// Read the two ACL roles that we should find.
authMethod, err = testState.GetACLAuthMethodByName(ws, mockedACLAuthMethods[0].Name)
must.NoError(t, err)
must.Equal(t, mockedACLAuthMethods[0], authMethod)
authMethod, err = testState.GetACLAuthMethodByName(ws, mockedACLAuthMethods[1].Name)
must.NoError(t, err)
must.Equal(t, mockedACLAuthMethods[1], authMethod)
func TestStateStore_GetDefaultACLAuthMethod(t *testing.T) {
testState := testStateStore(t)
// Generate 2 auth methods, make one of them default
am1 := mock.ACLAuthMethod()
am1.Default = true
am2 := mock.ACLAuthMethod()
// upsert
mockedACLAuthMethods := []*structs.ACLAuthMethod{am1, am2}
must.NoError(t, testState.UpsertACLAuthMethods(10, mockedACLAuthMethods))
// Get the default method
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
defaultACLAuthMethod, err := testState.GetDefaultACLAuthMethod(ws)
must.NoError(t, err)
must.True(t, defaultACLAuthMethod.Default)
must.Eq(t, am1, defaultACLAuthMethod)