When a Nomad agent starts and loads jobs that already existed in the cluster, the default template uid and gid was being set to 0, since this is the zero value for int. This caused these jobs to fail in environments where it was not possible to use 0, such as in Windows clients. In order to differentiate between an explicit 0 and a template where these properties were not set we need to use a pointer.
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package api
import (
func TestJobs_Register(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Listing jobs before registering returns nothing
resp, _, err := jobs.List(nil)
require.Emptyf(resp, "expected 0 jobs, got: %d", len(resp))
// Create a job and attempt to register it
job := testJob()
resp2, wm, err := jobs.Register(job, nil)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Query the jobs back out again
resp, qm, err := jobs.List(nil)
assertQueryMeta(t, qm)
// Check that we got the expected response
if len(resp) != 1 || resp[0].ID != *job.ID {
t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", resp[0])
func TestJobs_Register_PreserveCounts(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Listing jobs before registering returns nothing
resp, _, err := jobs.List(nil)
require.Emptyf(resp, "expected 0 jobs, got: %d", len(resp))
// Create a job
task := NewTask("task", "exec").
SetConfig("command", "/bin/sleep").
CPU: pointerOf(100),
MemoryMB: pointerOf(256),
MaxFiles: pointerOf(1),
MaxFileSizeMB: pointerOf(2),
group1 := NewTaskGroup("group1", 1).
SizeMB: pointerOf(25),
group2 := NewTaskGroup("group2", 2).
SizeMB: pointerOf(25),
job := NewBatchJob("job", "redis", "global", 1).
// Create a job and register it
resp2, wm, err := jobs.Register(job, nil)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Update the job, new groups to test PreserveCounts
group1.Count = nil
group2.Count = pointerOf(0)
group3 := NewTaskGroup("group3", 3).
SizeMB: pointerOf(25),
// Update the job, with PreserveCounts = true
_, _, err = jobs.RegisterOpts(job, &RegisterOptions{
PreserveCounts: true,
}, nil)
// Query the job scale status
status, _, err := jobs.ScaleStatus(*job.ID, nil)
require.Equal(1, status.TaskGroups["group1"].Desired) // present and nil => preserved
require.Equal(2, status.TaskGroups["group2"].Desired) // present and specified => preserved
require.Equal(3, status.TaskGroups["group3"].Desired) // new => as specific in job spec
func TestJobs_Register_NoPreserveCounts(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Listing jobs before registering returns nothing
resp, _, err := jobs.List(nil)
require.Emptyf(resp, "expected 0 jobs, got: %d", len(resp))
// Create a job
task := NewTask("task", "exec").
SetConfig("command", "/bin/sleep").
CPU: pointerOf(100),
MemoryMB: pointerOf(256),
MaxFiles: pointerOf(1),
MaxFileSizeMB: pointerOf(2),
group1 := NewTaskGroup("group1", 1).
SizeMB: pointerOf(25),
group2 := NewTaskGroup("group2", 2).
SizeMB: pointerOf(25),
job := NewBatchJob("job", "redis", "global", 1).
// Create a job and register it
resp2, wm, err := jobs.Register(job, nil)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Update the job, new groups to test PreserveCounts
group1.Count = pointerOf(0)
group2.Count = nil
group3 := NewTaskGroup("group3", 3).
SizeMB: pointerOf(25),
// Update the job, with PreserveCounts = default [false]
_, _, err = jobs.Register(job, nil)
// Query the job scale status
status, _, err := jobs.ScaleStatus(*job.ID, nil)
require.Equal("default", status.Namespace)
require.Equal(0, status.TaskGroups["group1"].Desired) // present => as specified
require.Equal(1, status.TaskGroups["group2"].Desired) // nil => default (1)
require.Equal(3, status.TaskGroups["group3"].Desired) // new => as specified
func TestJobs_Register_EvalPriority(t *testing.T) {
requireAssert := require.New(t)
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
// Listing jobs before registering returns nothing
listResp, _, err := c.Jobs().List(nil)
requireAssert.Len(listResp, 0)
// Create a job and register it with an eval priority.
job := testJob()
registerResp, wm, err := c.Jobs().RegisterOpts(job, &RegisterOptions{EvalPriority: 99}, nil)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Check the created job evaluation has a priority that matches our desired
// value.
evalInfo, _, err := c.Evaluations().Info(registerResp.EvalID, nil)
requireAssert.Equal(99, evalInfo.Priority)
func TestJobs_Register_NoEvalPriority(t *testing.T) {
requireAssert := require.New(t)
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
// Listing jobs before registering returns nothing
listResp, _, err := c.Jobs().List(nil)
requireAssert.Len(listResp, 0)
// Create a job and register it with an eval priority.
job := testJob()
registerResp, wm, err := c.Jobs().RegisterOpts(job, nil, nil)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Check the created job evaluation has a priority that matches the job
// priority.
evalInfo, _, err := c.Evaluations().Info(registerResp.EvalID, nil)
requireAssert.Equal(*job.Priority, evalInfo.Priority)
func TestJobs_Validate(t *testing.T) {
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Create a job and attempt to register it
job := testJob()
resp, _, err := jobs.Validate(job, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
if len(resp.ValidationErrors) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("bad %v", resp)
job.ID = nil
resp1, _, err := jobs.Validate(job, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
if len(resp1.ValidationErrors) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("bad %v", resp1)
func TestJobs_Canonicalize(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
expected *Job
input *Job
name: "empty",
input: &Job{
TaskGroups: []*TaskGroup{
Tasks: []*Task{
expected: &Job{
ID: pointerOf(""),
Name: pointerOf(""),
Region: pointerOf("global"),
Namespace: pointerOf(DefaultNamespace),
Type: pointerOf("service"),
ParentID: pointerOf(""),
Priority: pointerOf(50),
AllAtOnce: pointerOf(false),
ConsulToken: pointerOf(""),
ConsulNamespace: pointerOf(""),
VaultToken: pointerOf(""),
VaultNamespace: pointerOf(""),
NomadTokenID: pointerOf(""),
Status: pointerOf(""),
StatusDescription: pointerOf(""),
Stop: pointerOf(false),
Stable: pointerOf(false),
Version: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
CreateIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
ModifyIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
JobModifyIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
Update: &UpdateStrategy{
Stagger: pointerOf(30 * time.Second),
MaxParallel: pointerOf(1),
HealthCheck: pointerOf("checks"),
MinHealthyTime: pointerOf(10 * time.Second),
HealthyDeadline: pointerOf(5 * time.Minute),
ProgressDeadline: pointerOf(10 * time.Minute),
AutoRevert: pointerOf(false),
Canary: pointerOf(0),
AutoPromote: pointerOf(false),
TaskGroups: []*TaskGroup{
Name: pointerOf(""),
Count: pointerOf(1),
EphemeralDisk: &EphemeralDisk{
Sticky: pointerOf(false),
Migrate: pointerOf(false),
SizeMB: pointerOf(300),
RestartPolicy: &RestartPolicy{
Delay: pointerOf(15 * time.Second),
Attempts: pointerOf(2),
Interval: pointerOf(30 * time.Minute),
Mode: pointerOf("fail"),
ReschedulePolicy: &ReschedulePolicy{
Attempts: pointerOf(0),
Interval: pointerOf(time.Duration(0)),
DelayFunction: pointerOf("exponential"),
Delay: pointerOf(30 * time.Second),
MaxDelay: pointerOf(1 * time.Hour),
Unlimited: pointerOf(true),
Consul: &Consul{
Namespace: "",
Update: &UpdateStrategy{
Stagger: pointerOf(30 * time.Second),
MaxParallel: pointerOf(1),
HealthCheck: pointerOf("checks"),
MinHealthyTime: pointerOf(10 * time.Second),
HealthyDeadline: pointerOf(5 * time.Minute),
ProgressDeadline: pointerOf(10 * time.Minute),
AutoRevert: pointerOf(false),
Canary: pointerOf(0),
AutoPromote: pointerOf(false),
Migrate: DefaultMigrateStrategy(),
Tasks: []*Task{
KillTimeout: pointerOf(5 * time.Second),
LogConfig: DefaultLogConfig(),
Resources: DefaultResources(),
RestartPolicy: defaultServiceJobRestartPolicy(),
name: "batch",
input: &Job{
Type: pointerOf("batch"),
TaskGroups: []*TaskGroup{
Tasks: []*Task{
expected: &Job{
ID: pointerOf(""),
Name: pointerOf(""),
Region: pointerOf("global"),
Namespace: pointerOf(DefaultNamespace),
Type: pointerOf("batch"),
ParentID: pointerOf(""),
Priority: pointerOf(50),
AllAtOnce: pointerOf(false),
ConsulToken: pointerOf(""),
ConsulNamespace: pointerOf(""),
VaultToken: pointerOf(""),
VaultNamespace: pointerOf(""),
NomadTokenID: pointerOf(""),
Status: pointerOf(""),
StatusDescription: pointerOf(""),
Stop: pointerOf(false),
Stable: pointerOf(false),
Version: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
CreateIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
ModifyIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
JobModifyIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
TaskGroups: []*TaskGroup{
Name: pointerOf(""),
Count: pointerOf(1),
EphemeralDisk: &EphemeralDisk{
Sticky: pointerOf(false),
Migrate: pointerOf(false),
SizeMB: pointerOf(300),
RestartPolicy: &RestartPolicy{
Delay: pointerOf(15 * time.Second),
Attempts: pointerOf(3),
Interval: pointerOf(24 * time.Hour),
Mode: pointerOf("fail"),
ReschedulePolicy: &ReschedulePolicy{
Attempts: pointerOf(1),
Interval: pointerOf(24 * time.Hour),
DelayFunction: pointerOf("constant"),
Delay: pointerOf(5 * time.Second),
MaxDelay: pointerOf(time.Duration(0)),
Unlimited: pointerOf(false),
Consul: &Consul{
Namespace: "",
Tasks: []*Task{
KillTimeout: pointerOf(5 * time.Second),
LogConfig: DefaultLogConfig(),
Resources: DefaultResources(),
RestartPolicy: defaultBatchJobRestartPolicy(),
name: "partial",
input: &Job{
Name: pointerOf("foo"),
Namespace: pointerOf("bar"),
ID: pointerOf("bar"),
ParentID: pointerOf("lol"),
TaskGroups: []*TaskGroup{
Name: pointerOf("bar"),
Tasks: []*Task{
Name: "task1",
expected: &Job{
Namespace: pointerOf("bar"),
ID: pointerOf("bar"),
Name: pointerOf("foo"),
Region: pointerOf("global"),
Type: pointerOf("service"),
ParentID: pointerOf("lol"),
Priority: pointerOf(50),
AllAtOnce: pointerOf(false),
ConsulToken: pointerOf(""),
ConsulNamespace: pointerOf(""),
VaultToken: pointerOf(""),
VaultNamespace: pointerOf(""),
NomadTokenID: pointerOf(""),
Stop: pointerOf(false),
Stable: pointerOf(false),
Version: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
Status: pointerOf(""),
StatusDescription: pointerOf(""),
CreateIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
ModifyIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
JobModifyIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
Update: &UpdateStrategy{
Stagger: pointerOf(30 * time.Second),
MaxParallel: pointerOf(1),
HealthCheck: pointerOf("checks"),
MinHealthyTime: pointerOf(10 * time.Second),
HealthyDeadline: pointerOf(5 * time.Minute),
ProgressDeadline: pointerOf(10 * time.Minute),
AutoRevert: pointerOf(false),
Canary: pointerOf(0),
AutoPromote: pointerOf(false),
TaskGroups: []*TaskGroup{
Name: pointerOf("bar"),
Count: pointerOf(1),
EphemeralDisk: &EphemeralDisk{
Sticky: pointerOf(false),
Migrate: pointerOf(false),
SizeMB: pointerOf(300),
RestartPolicy: &RestartPolicy{
Delay: pointerOf(15 * time.Second),
Attempts: pointerOf(2),
Interval: pointerOf(30 * time.Minute),
Mode: pointerOf("fail"),
ReschedulePolicy: &ReschedulePolicy{
Attempts: pointerOf(0),
Interval: pointerOf(time.Duration(0)),
DelayFunction: pointerOf("exponential"),
Delay: pointerOf(30 * time.Second),
MaxDelay: pointerOf(1 * time.Hour),
Unlimited: pointerOf(true),
Consul: &Consul{
Namespace: "",
Update: &UpdateStrategy{
Stagger: pointerOf(30 * time.Second),
MaxParallel: pointerOf(1),
HealthCheck: pointerOf("checks"),
MinHealthyTime: pointerOf(10 * time.Second),
HealthyDeadline: pointerOf(5 * time.Minute),
ProgressDeadline: pointerOf(10 * time.Minute),
AutoRevert: pointerOf(false),
Canary: pointerOf(0),
AutoPromote: pointerOf(false),
Migrate: DefaultMigrateStrategy(),
Tasks: []*Task{
Name: "task1",
LogConfig: DefaultLogConfig(),
Resources: DefaultResources(),
KillTimeout: pointerOf(5 * time.Second),
RestartPolicy: defaultServiceJobRestartPolicy(),
name: "example_template",
input: &Job{
ID: pointerOf("example_template"),
Name: pointerOf("example_template"),
Datacenters: []string{"dc1"},
Type: pointerOf("service"),
Update: &UpdateStrategy{
MaxParallel: pointerOf(1),
AutoPromote: pointerOf(true),
TaskGroups: []*TaskGroup{
Name: pointerOf("cache"),
Count: pointerOf(1),
RestartPolicy: &RestartPolicy{
Interval: pointerOf(5 * time.Minute),
Attempts: pointerOf(10),
Delay: pointerOf(25 * time.Second),
Mode: pointerOf("delay"),
Update: &UpdateStrategy{
AutoRevert: pointerOf(true),
EphemeralDisk: &EphemeralDisk{
SizeMB: pointerOf(300),
Tasks: []*Task{
Name: "redis",
Driver: "docker",
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"image": "redis:7",
"port_map": []map[string]int{{
"db": 6379,
RestartPolicy: &RestartPolicy{
// inherit other values from TG
Attempts: pointerOf(20),
Resources: &Resources{
CPU: pointerOf(500),
MemoryMB: pointerOf(256),
Networks: []*NetworkResource{
MBits: pointerOf(10),
DynamicPorts: []Port{
Label: "db",
Services: []*Service{
Name: "redis-cache",
Tags: []string{"global", "cache"},
CanaryTags: []string{"canary", "global", "cache"},
PortLabel: "db",
Checks: []ServiceCheck{
Name: "alive",
Type: "tcp",
Interval: 10 * time.Second,
Timeout: 2 * time.Second,
Templates: []*Template{
EmbeddedTmpl: pointerOf("---"),
DestPath: pointerOf("local/file.yml"),
EmbeddedTmpl: pointerOf("FOO=bar\n"),
DestPath: pointerOf("local/file.env"),
Envvars: pointerOf(true),
expected: &Job{
Namespace: pointerOf(DefaultNamespace),
ID: pointerOf("example_template"),
Name: pointerOf("example_template"),
ParentID: pointerOf(""),
Priority: pointerOf(50),
Region: pointerOf("global"),
Type: pointerOf("service"),
AllAtOnce: pointerOf(false),
ConsulToken: pointerOf(""),
ConsulNamespace: pointerOf(""),
VaultToken: pointerOf(""),
VaultNamespace: pointerOf(""),
NomadTokenID: pointerOf(""),
Stop: pointerOf(false),
Stable: pointerOf(false),
Version: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
Status: pointerOf(""),
StatusDescription: pointerOf(""),
CreateIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
ModifyIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
JobModifyIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
Datacenters: []string{"dc1"},
Update: &UpdateStrategy{
Stagger: pointerOf(30 * time.Second),
MaxParallel: pointerOf(1),
HealthCheck: pointerOf("checks"),
MinHealthyTime: pointerOf(10 * time.Second),
HealthyDeadline: pointerOf(5 * time.Minute),
ProgressDeadline: pointerOf(10 * time.Minute),
AutoRevert: pointerOf(false),
Canary: pointerOf(0),
AutoPromote: pointerOf(true),
TaskGroups: []*TaskGroup{
Name: pointerOf("cache"),
Count: pointerOf(1),
RestartPolicy: &RestartPolicy{
Interval: pointerOf(5 * time.Minute),
Attempts: pointerOf(10),
Delay: pointerOf(25 * time.Second),
Mode: pointerOf("delay"),
ReschedulePolicy: &ReschedulePolicy{
Attempts: pointerOf(0),
Interval: pointerOf(time.Duration(0)),
DelayFunction: pointerOf("exponential"),
Delay: pointerOf(30 * time.Second),
MaxDelay: pointerOf(1 * time.Hour),
Unlimited: pointerOf(true),
EphemeralDisk: &EphemeralDisk{
Sticky: pointerOf(false),
Migrate: pointerOf(false),
SizeMB: pointerOf(300),
Consul: &Consul{
Namespace: "",
Update: &UpdateStrategy{
Stagger: pointerOf(30 * time.Second),
MaxParallel: pointerOf(1),
HealthCheck: pointerOf("checks"),
MinHealthyTime: pointerOf(10 * time.Second),
HealthyDeadline: pointerOf(5 * time.Minute),
ProgressDeadline: pointerOf(10 * time.Minute),
AutoRevert: pointerOf(true),
Canary: pointerOf(0),
AutoPromote: pointerOf(true),
Migrate: DefaultMigrateStrategy(),
Tasks: []*Task{
Name: "redis",
Driver: "docker",
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"image": "redis:7",
"port_map": []map[string]int{{
"db": 6379,
RestartPolicy: &RestartPolicy{
Interval: pointerOf(5 * time.Minute),
Attempts: pointerOf(20),
Delay: pointerOf(25 * time.Second),
Mode: pointerOf("delay"),
Resources: &Resources{
CPU: pointerOf(500),
Cores: pointerOf(0),
MemoryMB: pointerOf(256),
Networks: []*NetworkResource{
MBits: pointerOf(10),
DynamicPorts: []Port{
Label: "db",
Services: []*Service{
Name: "redis-cache",
Tags: []string{"global", "cache"},
CanaryTags: []string{"canary", "global", "cache"},
PortLabel: "db",
AddressMode: "auto",
OnUpdate: "require_healthy",
Provider: "consul",
Checks: []ServiceCheck{
Name: "alive",
Type: "tcp",
Interval: 10 * time.Second,
Timeout: 2 * time.Second,
OnUpdate: "require_healthy",
KillTimeout: pointerOf(5 * time.Second),
LogConfig: DefaultLogConfig(),
Templates: []*Template{
SourcePath: pointerOf(""),
DestPath: pointerOf("local/file.yml"),
EmbeddedTmpl: pointerOf("---"),
ChangeMode: pointerOf("restart"),
ChangeSignal: pointerOf(""),
Splay: pointerOf(5 * time.Second),
Perms: pointerOf("0644"),
LeftDelim: pointerOf("{{"),
RightDelim: pointerOf("}}"),
Envvars: pointerOf(false),
VaultGrace: pointerOf(time.Duration(0)),
SourcePath: pointerOf(""),
DestPath: pointerOf("local/file.env"),
EmbeddedTmpl: pointerOf("FOO=bar\n"),
ChangeMode: pointerOf("restart"),
ChangeSignal: pointerOf(""),
Splay: pointerOf(5 * time.Second),
Perms: pointerOf("0644"),
LeftDelim: pointerOf("{{"),
RightDelim: pointerOf("}}"),
Envvars: pointerOf(true),
VaultGrace: pointerOf(time.Duration(0)),
name: "periodic",
input: &Job{
ID: pointerOf("bar"),
Periodic: &PeriodicConfig{},
expected: &Job{
Namespace: pointerOf(DefaultNamespace),
ID: pointerOf("bar"),
ParentID: pointerOf(""),
Name: pointerOf("bar"),
Region: pointerOf("global"),
Type: pointerOf("service"),
Priority: pointerOf(50),
AllAtOnce: pointerOf(false),
ConsulToken: pointerOf(""),
ConsulNamespace: pointerOf(""),
VaultToken: pointerOf(""),
VaultNamespace: pointerOf(""),
NomadTokenID: pointerOf(""),
Stop: pointerOf(false),
Stable: pointerOf(false),
Version: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
Status: pointerOf(""),
StatusDescription: pointerOf(""),
CreateIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
ModifyIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
JobModifyIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
Update: &UpdateStrategy{
Stagger: pointerOf(30 * time.Second),
MaxParallel: pointerOf(1),
HealthCheck: pointerOf("checks"),
MinHealthyTime: pointerOf(10 * time.Second),
HealthyDeadline: pointerOf(5 * time.Minute),
ProgressDeadline: pointerOf(10 * time.Minute),
AutoRevert: pointerOf(false),
Canary: pointerOf(0),
AutoPromote: pointerOf(false),
Periodic: &PeriodicConfig{
Enabled: pointerOf(true),
Spec: pointerOf(""),
SpecType: pointerOf(PeriodicSpecCron),
ProhibitOverlap: pointerOf(false),
TimeZone: pointerOf("UTC"),
name: "update_merge",
input: &Job{
Name: pointerOf("foo"),
ID: pointerOf("bar"),
ParentID: pointerOf("lol"),
Update: &UpdateStrategy{
Stagger: pointerOf(1 * time.Second),
MaxParallel: pointerOf(1),
HealthCheck: pointerOf("checks"),
MinHealthyTime: pointerOf(10 * time.Second),
HealthyDeadline: pointerOf(6 * time.Minute),
ProgressDeadline: pointerOf(7 * time.Minute),
AutoRevert: pointerOf(false),
Canary: pointerOf(0),
AutoPromote: pointerOf(false),
TaskGroups: []*TaskGroup{
Name: pointerOf("bar"),
Consul: &Consul{
Namespace: "",
Update: &UpdateStrategy{
Stagger: pointerOf(2 * time.Second),
MaxParallel: pointerOf(2),
HealthCheck: pointerOf("manual"),
MinHealthyTime: pointerOf(1 * time.Second),
AutoRevert: pointerOf(true),
Canary: pointerOf(1),
AutoPromote: pointerOf(true),
Tasks: []*Task{
Name: "task1",
Name: pointerOf("baz"),
Tasks: []*Task{
Name: "task1",
expected: &Job{
Namespace: pointerOf(DefaultNamespace),
ID: pointerOf("bar"),
Name: pointerOf("foo"),
Region: pointerOf("global"),
Type: pointerOf("service"),
ParentID: pointerOf("lol"),
Priority: pointerOf(50),
AllAtOnce: pointerOf(false),
ConsulToken: pointerOf(""),
ConsulNamespace: pointerOf(""),
VaultToken: pointerOf(""),
VaultNamespace: pointerOf(""),
NomadTokenID: pointerOf(""),
Stop: pointerOf(false),
Stable: pointerOf(false),
Version: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
Status: pointerOf(""),
StatusDescription: pointerOf(""),
CreateIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
ModifyIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
JobModifyIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
Update: &UpdateStrategy{
Stagger: pointerOf(1 * time.Second),
MaxParallel: pointerOf(1),
HealthCheck: pointerOf("checks"),
MinHealthyTime: pointerOf(10 * time.Second),
HealthyDeadline: pointerOf(6 * time.Minute),
ProgressDeadline: pointerOf(7 * time.Minute),
AutoRevert: pointerOf(false),
Canary: pointerOf(0),
AutoPromote: pointerOf(false),
TaskGroups: []*TaskGroup{
Name: pointerOf("bar"),
Count: pointerOf(1),
EphemeralDisk: &EphemeralDisk{
Sticky: pointerOf(false),
Migrate: pointerOf(false),
SizeMB: pointerOf(300),
RestartPolicy: &RestartPolicy{
Delay: pointerOf(15 * time.Second),
Attempts: pointerOf(2),
Interval: pointerOf(30 * time.Minute),
Mode: pointerOf("fail"),
ReschedulePolicy: &ReschedulePolicy{
Attempts: pointerOf(0),
Interval: pointerOf(time.Duration(0)),
DelayFunction: pointerOf("exponential"),
Delay: pointerOf(30 * time.Second),
MaxDelay: pointerOf(1 * time.Hour),
Unlimited: pointerOf(true),
Consul: &Consul{
Namespace: "",
Update: &UpdateStrategy{
Stagger: pointerOf(2 * time.Second),
MaxParallel: pointerOf(2),
HealthCheck: pointerOf("manual"),
MinHealthyTime: pointerOf(1 * time.Second),
HealthyDeadline: pointerOf(6 * time.Minute),
ProgressDeadline: pointerOf(7 * time.Minute),
AutoRevert: pointerOf(true),
Canary: pointerOf(1),
AutoPromote: pointerOf(true),
Migrate: DefaultMigrateStrategy(),
Tasks: []*Task{
Name: "task1",
LogConfig: DefaultLogConfig(),
Resources: DefaultResources(),
KillTimeout: pointerOf(5 * time.Second),
RestartPolicy: defaultServiceJobRestartPolicy(),
Name: pointerOf("baz"),
Count: pointerOf(1),
EphemeralDisk: &EphemeralDisk{
Sticky: pointerOf(false),
Migrate: pointerOf(false),
SizeMB: pointerOf(300),
RestartPolicy: &RestartPolicy{
Delay: pointerOf(15 * time.Second),
Attempts: pointerOf(2),
Interval: pointerOf(30 * time.Minute),
Mode: pointerOf("fail"),
ReschedulePolicy: &ReschedulePolicy{
Attempts: pointerOf(0),
Interval: pointerOf(time.Duration(0)),
DelayFunction: pointerOf("exponential"),
Delay: pointerOf(30 * time.Second),
MaxDelay: pointerOf(1 * time.Hour),
Unlimited: pointerOf(true),
Consul: &Consul{
Namespace: "",
Update: &UpdateStrategy{
Stagger: pointerOf(1 * time.Second),
MaxParallel: pointerOf(1),
HealthCheck: pointerOf("checks"),
MinHealthyTime: pointerOf(10 * time.Second),
HealthyDeadline: pointerOf(6 * time.Minute),
ProgressDeadline: pointerOf(7 * time.Minute),
AutoRevert: pointerOf(false),
Canary: pointerOf(0),
AutoPromote: pointerOf(false),
Migrate: DefaultMigrateStrategy(),
Tasks: []*Task{
Name: "task1",
LogConfig: DefaultLogConfig(),
Resources: DefaultResources(),
KillTimeout: pointerOf(5 * time.Second),
RestartPolicy: defaultServiceJobRestartPolicy(),
name: "restart_merge",
input: &Job{
Name: pointerOf("foo"),
ID: pointerOf("bar"),
ParentID: pointerOf("lol"),
TaskGroups: []*TaskGroup{
Name: pointerOf("bar"),
RestartPolicy: &RestartPolicy{
Delay: pointerOf(15 * time.Second),
Attempts: pointerOf(2),
Interval: pointerOf(30 * time.Minute),
Mode: pointerOf("fail"),
Tasks: []*Task{
Name: "task1",
RestartPolicy: &RestartPolicy{
Attempts: pointerOf(5),
Delay: pointerOf(1 * time.Second),
Name: pointerOf("baz"),
RestartPolicy: &RestartPolicy{
Delay: pointerOf(20 * time.Second),
Attempts: pointerOf(2),
Interval: pointerOf(30 * time.Minute),
Mode: pointerOf("fail"),
Consul: &Consul{
Namespace: "",
Tasks: []*Task{
Name: "task1",
expected: &Job{
Namespace: pointerOf(DefaultNamespace),
ID: pointerOf("bar"),
Name: pointerOf("foo"),
Region: pointerOf("global"),
Type: pointerOf("service"),
ParentID: pointerOf("lol"),
Priority: pointerOf(50),
AllAtOnce: pointerOf(false),
ConsulToken: pointerOf(""),
ConsulNamespace: pointerOf(""),
VaultToken: pointerOf(""),
VaultNamespace: pointerOf(""),
NomadTokenID: pointerOf(""),
Stop: pointerOf(false),
Stable: pointerOf(false),
Version: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
Status: pointerOf(""),
StatusDescription: pointerOf(""),
CreateIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
ModifyIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
JobModifyIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
Update: &UpdateStrategy{
Stagger: pointerOf(30 * time.Second),
MaxParallel: pointerOf(1),
HealthCheck: pointerOf("checks"),
MinHealthyTime: pointerOf(10 * time.Second),
HealthyDeadline: pointerOf(5 * time.Minute),
ProgressDeadline: pointerOf(10 * time.Minute),
AutoRevert: pointerOf(false),
Canary: pointerOf(0),
AutoPromote: pointerOf(false),
TaskGroups: []*TaskGroup{
Name: pointerOf("bar"),
Count: pointerOf(1),
EphemeralDisk: &EphemeralDisk{
Sticky: pointerOf(false),
Migrate: pointerOf(false),
SizeMB: pointerOf(300),
RestartPolicy: &RestartPolicy{
Delay: pointerOf(15 * time.Second),
Attempts: pointerOf(2),
Interval: pointerOf(30 * time.Minute),
Mode: pointerOf("fail"),
ReschedulePolicy: &ReschedulePolicy{
Attempts: pointerOf(0),
Interval: pointerOf(time.Duration(0)),
DelayFunction: pointerOf("exponential"),
Delay: pointerOf(30 * time.Second),
MaxDelay: pointerOf(1 * time.Hour),
Unlimited: pointerOf(true),
Consul: &Consul{
Namespace: "",
Update: &UpdateStrategy{
Stagger: pointerOf(30 * time.Second),
MaxParallel: pointerOf(1),
HealthCheck: pointerOf("checks"),
MinHealthyTime: pointerOf(10 * time.Second),
HealthyDeadline: pointerOf(5 * time.Minute),
ProgressDeadline: pointerOf(10 * time.Minute),
AutoRevert: pointerOf(false),
Canary: pointerOf(0),
AutoPromote: pointerOf(false),
Migrate: DefaultMigrateStrategy(),
Tasks: []*Task{
Name: "task1",
LogConfig: DefaultLogConfig(),
Resources: DefaultResources(),
KillTimeout: pointerOf(5 * time.Second),
RestartPolicy: &RestartPolicy{
Attempts: pointerOf(5),
Delay: pointerOf(1 * time.Second),
Interval: pointerOf(30 * time.Minute),
Mode: pointerOf("fail"),
Name: pointerOf("baz"),
Count: pointerOf(1),
EphemeralDisk: &EphemeralDisk{
Sticky: pointerOf(false),
Migrate: pointerOf(false),
SizeMB: pointerOf(300),
RestartPolicy: &RestartPolicy{
Delay: pointerOf(20 * time.Second),
Attempts: pointerOf(2),
Interval: pointerOf(30 * time.Minute),
Mode: pointerOf("fail"),
ReschedulePolicy: &ReschedulePolicy{
Attempts: pointerOf(0),
Interval: pointerOf(time.Duration(0)),
DelayFunction: pointerOf("exponential"),
Delay: pointerOf(30 * time.Second),
MaxDelay: pointerOf(1 * time.Hour),
Unlimited: pointerOf(true),
Consul: &Consul{
Namespace: "",
Update: &UpdateStrategy{
Stagger: pointerOf(30 * time.Second),
MaxParallel: pointerOf(1),
HealthCheck: pointerOf("checks"),
MinHealthyTime: pointerOf(10 * time.Second),
HealthyDeadline: pointerOf(5 * time.Minute),
ProgressDeadline: pointerOf(10 * time.Minute),
AutoRevert: pointerOf(false),
Canary: pointerOf(0),
AutoPromote: pointerOf(false),
Migrate: DefaultMigrateStrategy(),
Tasks: []*Task{
Name: "task1",
LogConfig: DefaultLogConfig(),
Resources: DefaultResources(),
KillTimeout: pointerOf(5 * time.Second),
RestartPolicy: &RestartPolicy{
Delay: pointerOf(20 * time.Second),
Attempts: pointerOf(2),
Interval: pointerOf(30 * time.Minute),
Mode: pointerOf("fail"),
name: "multiregion",
input: &Job{
Name: pointerOf("foo"),
ID: pointerOf("bar"),
ParentID: pointerOf("lol"),
Multiregion: &Multiregion{
Regions: []*MultiregionRegion{
Name: "west",
Count: pointerOf(1),
expected: &Job{
Multiregion: &Multiregion{
Strategy: &MultiregionStrategy{
MaxParallel: pointerOf(0),
OnFailure: pointerOf(""),
Regions: []*MultiregionRegion{
Name: "west",
Count: pointerOf(1),
Datacenters: []string{},
Meta: map[string]string{},
Namespace: pointerOf(DefaultNamespace),
ID: pointerOf("bar"),
Name: pointerOf("foo"),
Region: pointerOf("global"),
Type: pointerOf("service"),
ParentID: pointerOf("lol"),
Priority: pointerOf(50),
AllAtOnce: pointerOf(false),
ConsulToken: pointerOf(""),
ConsulNamespace: pointerOf(""),
VaultToken: pointerOf(""),
VaultNamespace: pointerOf(""),
NomadTokenID: pointerOf(""),
Stop: pointerOf(false),
Stable: pointerOf(false),
Version: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
Status: pointerOf(""),
StatusDescription: pointerOf(""),
CreateIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
ModifyIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
JobModifyIndex: pointerOf(uint64(0)),
Update: &UpdateStrategy{
Stagger: pointerOf(30 * time.Second),
MaxParallel: pointerOf(1),
HealthCheck: pointerOf("checks"),
MinHealthyTime: pointerOf(10 * time.Second),
HealthyDeadline: pointerOf(5 * time.Minute),
ProgressDeadline: pointerOf(10 * time.Minute),
AutoRevert: pointerOf(false),
Canary: pointerOf(0),
AutoPromote: pointerOf(false),
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(tc.input, tc.expected) {
t.Fatalf("Name: %v, Diffs:\n%v", tc.name, pretty.Diff(tc.expected, tc.input))
func TestJobs_EnforceRegister(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Listing jobs before registering returns nothing
resp, _, err := jobs.List(nil)
// Create a job and attempt to register it with an incorrect index.
job := testJob()
resp2, _, err := jobs.EnforceRegister(job, 10, nil)
require.Contains(err.Error(), RegisterEnforceIndexErrPrefix)
// Register
resp2, wm, err := jobs.EnforceRegister(job, 0, nil)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Query the jobs back out again
resp, qm, err := jobs.List(nil)
require.Len(resp, 1)
require.Equal(*job.ID, resp[0].ID)
assertQueryMeta(t, qm)
// Fail at incorrect index
curIndex := resp[0].JobModifyIndex
resp2, _, err = jobs.EnforceRegister(job, 123456, nil)
require.Contains(err.Error(), RegisterEnforceIndexErrPrefix)
// Works at correct index
resp3, wm, err := jobs.EnforceRegister(job, curIndex, nil)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
func TestJobs_Revert(t *testing.T) {
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Register twice
job := testJob()
resp, wm, err := jobs.Register(job, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
if resp == nil || resp.EvalID == "" {
t.Fatalf("missing eval id")
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
job.Meta = map[string]string{"foo": "new"}
resp, wm, err = jobs.Register(job, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
if resp == nil || resp.EvalID == "" {
t.Fatalf("missing eval id")
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Fail revert at incorrect enforce
_, _, err = jobs.Revert(*job.ID, 0, pointerOf(uint64(10)), nil, "", "")
if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "enforcing version") {
t.Fatalf("expected enforcement error: %v", err)
// Works at correct index
revertResp, wm, err := jobs.Revert(*job.ID, 0, pointerOf(uint64(1)), nil, "", "")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
if revertResp.EvalID == "" {
t.Fatalf("missing eval id")
if revertResp.EvalCreateIndex == 0 {
t.Fatalf("bad eval create index")
if revertResp.JobModifyIndex == 0 {
t.Fatalf("bad job modify index")
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
func TestJobs_Info(t *testing.T) {
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Trying to retrieve a job by ID before it exists
// returns an error
id := "job-id/with\\troublesome:characters\n?&字"
_, _, err := jobs.Info(id, nil)
if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "not found") {
t.Fatalf("expected not found error, got: %#v", err)
// Register the job
job := testJob()
job.ID = &id
_, wm, err := jobs.Register(job, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Query the job again and ensure it exists
result, qm, err := jobs.Info(id, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertQueryMeta(t, qm)
// Check that the result is what we expect
if result == nil || *result.ID != *job.ID {
t.Fatalf("expect: %#v, got: %#v", job, result)
func TestJobs_ScaleInvalidAction(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Check if invalid inputs fail
tests := []struct {
jobID string
group string
value int
want string
{"", "", 1, "404"},
{"i-dont-exist", "", 1, "400"},
{"", "i-dont-exist", 1, "404"},
{"i-dont-exist", "me-neither", 1, "404"},
for _, test := range tests {
_, _, err := jobs.Scale(test.jobID, test.group, &test.value, "reason", false, nil, nil)
require.Errorf(err, "expected jobs.Scale(%s, %s) to fail", test.jobID, test.group)
require.Containsf(err.Error(), test.want, "jobs.Scale(%s, %s) error doesn't contain %s, got: %s", test.jobID, test.group, test.want, err)
// Register test job
job := testJob()
job.ID = pointerOf("TestJobs_Scale")
_, wm, err := jobs.Register(job, nil)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Perform a scaling action with bad group name, verify error
_, _, err = jobs.Scale(*job.ID, "incorrect-group-name", pointerOf(2),
"because", false, nil, nil)
require.Contains(err.Error(), "does not exist")
func TestJobs_Versions(t *testing.T) {
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Trying to retrieve a job by ID before it exists returns an error
_, _, _, err := jobs.Versions("job1", false, nil)
if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "not found") {
t.Fatalf("expected not found error, got: %#v", err)
// Register the job
job := testJob()
_, wm, err := jobs.Register(job, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Query the job again and ensure it exists
result, _, qm, err := jobs.Versions("job1", false, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertQueryMeta(t, qm)
// Check that the result is what we expect
if len(result) == 0 || *result[0].ID != *job.ID {
t.Fatalf("expect: %#v, got: %#v", job, result)
func TestJobs_PrefixList(t *testing.T) {
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Listing when nothing exists returns empty
results, _, err := jobs.PrefixList("dummy")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
if n := len(results); n != 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected 0 jobs, got: %d", n)
// Register the job
job := testJob()
_, wm, err := jobs.Register(job, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Query the job again and ensure it exists
// Listing when nothing exists returns empty
results, _, err = jobs.PrefixList((*job.ID)[:1])
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
// Check if we have the right list
if len(results) != 1 || results[0].ID != *job.ID {
t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", results)
func TestJobs_List(t *testing.T) {
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Listing when nothing exists returns empty
results, _, err := jobs.List(nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
if n := len(results); n != 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected 0 jobs, got: %d", n)
// Register the job
job := testJob()
_, wm, err := jobs.Register(job, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Query the job again and ensure it exists
// Listing when nothing exists returns empty
results, _, err = jobs.List(nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
// Check if we have the right list
if len(results) != 1 || results[0].ID != *job.ID {
t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", results)
func TestJobs_Allocations(t *testing.T) {
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Looking up by a nonexistent job returns nothing
allocs, qm, err := jobs.Allocations("job1", true, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
if qm.LastIndex != 0 {
t.Fatalf("bad index: %d", qm.LastIndex)
if n := len(allocs); n != 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected 0 allocs, got: %d", n)
// TODO: do something here to create some allocations for
// an existing job, lookup again.
func TestJobs_Evaluations(t *testing.T) {
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Looking up by a nonexistent job ID returns nothing
evals, qm, err := jobs.Evaluations("job1", nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
if qm.LastIndex != 0 {
t.Fatalf("bad index: %d", qm.LastIndex)
if n := len(evals); n != 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected 0 evals, got: %d", n)
// Insert a job. This also creates an evaluation so we should
// be able to query that out after.
job := testJob()
resp, wm, err := jobs.Register(job, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Look up the evaluations again.
evals, qm, err = jobs.Evaluations("job1", nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertQueryMeta(t, qm)
// Check that we got the evals back, evals are in order most recent to least recent
// so the last eval is the original registered eval
idx := len(evals) - 1
if n := len(evals); n == 0 || evals[idx].ID != resp.EvalID {
t.Fatalf("expected >= 1 eval (%s), got: %#v", resp.EvalID, evals[idx])
func TestJobs_Deregister(t *testing.T) {
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Register a new job
job := testJob()
_, wm, err := jobs.Register(job, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Attempting delete on non-existing job returns an error
if _, _, err = jobs.Deregister("nope", false, nil); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error deregistering job: %v", err)
// Do a soft deregister of an existing job
evalID, wm3, err := jobs.Deregister("job1", false, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm3)
if evalID == "" {
t.Fatalf("missing eval ID")
// Check that the job is still queryable
out, qm1, err := jobs.Info("job1", nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertQueryMeta(t, qm1)
if out == nil {
t.Fatalf("missing job")
// Do a purge deregister of an existing job
evalID, wm4, err := jobs.Deregister("job1", true, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm4)
if evalID == "" {
t.Fatalf("missing eval ID")
// Check that the job is really gone
result, qm, err := jobs.List(nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertQueryMeta(t, qm)
if n := len(result); n != 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected 0 jobs, got: %d", n)
func TestJobs_Deregister_EvalPriority(t *testing.T) {
requireAssert := require.New(t)
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
// Listing jobs before registering returns nothing
listResp, _, err := c.Jobs().List(nil)
requireAssert.Len(listResp, 0)
// Create a job and register it.
job := testJob()
registerResp, wm, err := c.Jobs().Register(job, nil)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Deregister the job with an eval priority.
evalID, _, err := c.Jobs().DeregisterOpts(*job.ID, &DeregisterOptions{EvalPriority: 97}, nil)
requireAssert.NotEmpty(t, evalID)
// Lookup the eval and check the priority on it.
evalInfo, _, err := c.Evaluations().Info(evalID, nil)
requireAssert.Equal(97, evalInfo.Priority)
func TestJobs_Deregister_NoEvalPriority(t *testing.T) {
requireAssert := require.New(t)
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
// Listing jobs before registering returns nothing
listResp, _, err := c.Jobs().List(nil)
requireAssert.Len(listResp, 0)
// Create a job and register it.
job := testJob()
registerResp, wm, err := c.Jobs().Register(job, nil)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Deregister the job with an eval priority.
evalID, _, err := c.Jobs().DeregisterOpts(*job.ID, &DeregisterOptions{}, nil)
requireAssert.NotEmpty(t, evalID)
// Lookup the eval and check the priority on it.
evalInfo, _, err := c.Evaluations().Info(evalID, nil)
requireAssert.Equal(*job.Priority, evalInfo.Priority)
func TestJobs_ForceEvaluate(t *testing.T) {
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Force-eval on a non-existent job fails
_, _, err := jobs.ForceEvaluate("job1", nil)
if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "not found") {
t.Fatalf("expected not found error, got: %#v", err)
// Create a new job
_, wm, err := jobs.Register(testJob(), nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Try force-eval again
evalID, wm, err := jobs.ForceEvaluate("job1", nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Retrieve the evals and see if we get a matching one
evals, qm, err := jobs.Evaluations("job1", nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertQueryMeta(t, qm)
for _, eval := range evals {
if eval.ID == evalID {
t.Fatalf("evaluation %q missing", evalID)
func TestJobs_PeriodicForce(t *testing.T) {
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Force-eval on a nonexistent job fails
_, _, err := jobs.PeriodicForce("job1", nil)
if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "not found") {
t.Fatalf("expected not found error, got: %#v", err)
// Create a new job
job := testPeriodicJob()
_, _, err = jobs.Register(job, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
testutil.WaitForResult(func() (bool, error) {
out, _, err := jobs.Info(*job.ID, nil)
if err != nil || out == nil || *out.ID != *job.ID {
return false, err
return true, nil
}, func(err error) {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
// Try force again
evalID, wm, err := jobs.PeriodicForce(*job.ID, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
if evalID == "" {
t.Fatalf("empty evalID")
// Retrieve the eval
evals := c.Evaluations()
eval, qm, err := evals.Info(evalID, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertQueryMeta(t, qm)
if eval.ID == evalID {
t.Fatalf("evaluation %q missing", evalID)
func TestJobs_Plan(t *testing.T) {
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Create a job and attempt to register it
job := testJob()
resp, wm, err := jobs.Register(job, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
if resp == nil || resp.EvalID == "" {
t.Fatalf("missing eval id")
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Check that passing a nil job fails
if _, _, err := jobs.Plan(nil, true, nil); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expect an error when job isn't provided")
// Make a plan request
planResp, wm, err := jobs.Plan(job, true, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
if planResp == nil {
t.Fatalf("nil response")
if planResp.JobModifyIndex == 0 {
t.Fatalf("bad JobModifyIndex value: %#v", planResp)
if planResp.Diff == nil {
t.Fatalf("got nil diff: %#v", planResp)
if planResp.Annotations == nil {
t.Fatalf("got nil annotations: %#v", planResp)
// Can make this assertion because there are no clients.
if len(planResp.CreatedEvals) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("got no CreatedEvals: %#v", planResp)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Make a plan request w/o the diff
planResp, wm, err = jobs.Plan(job, false, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
if planResp == nil {
t.Fatalf("nil response")
if planResp.JobModifyIndex == 0 {
t.Fatalf("bad JobModifyIndex value: %d", planResp.JobModifyIndex)
if planResp.Diff != nil {
t.Fatalf("got non-nil diff: %#v", planResp)
if planResp.Annotations == nil {
t.Fatalf("got nil annotations: %#v", planResp)
// Can make this assertion because there are no clients.
if len(planResp.CreatedEvals) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("got no CreatedEvals: %#v", planResp)
func TestJobs_JobSummary(t *testing.T) {
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Trying to retrieve a job summary before the job exists
// returns an error
_, _, err := jobs.Summary("job1", nil)
if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "not found") {
t.Fatalf("expected not found error, got: %#v", err)
// Register the job
job := testJob()
taskName := job.TaskGroups[0].Name
_, wm, err := jobs.Register(job, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Query the job summary again and ensure it exists
result, qm, err := jobs.Summary("job1", nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertQueryMeta(t, qm)
// Check that the result is what we expect
if *job.ID != result.JobID {
t.Fatalf("err: expected job id of %s saw %s", *job.ID, result.JobID)
if _, ok := result.Summary[*taskName]; !ok {
t.Fatalf("err: unable to find %s key in job summary", *taskName)
func TestJobs_NewBatchJob(t *testing.T) {
job := NewBatchJob("job1", "myjob", "global", 5)
expect := &Job{
Region: pointerOf("global"),
ID: pointerOf("job1"),
Name: pointerOf("myjob"),
Type: pointerOf(JobTypeBatch),
Priority: pointerOf(5),
if !reflect.DeepEqual(job, expect) {
t.Fatalf("expect: %#v, got: %#v", expect, job)
func TestJobs_NewServiceJob(t *testing.T) {
job := NewServiceJob("job1", "myjob", "global", 5)
expect := &Job{
Region: pointerOf("global"),
ID: pointerOf("job1"),
Name: pointerOf("myjob"),
Type: pointerOf(JobTypeService),
Priority: pointerOf(5),
if !reflect.DeepEqual(job, expect) {
t.Fatalf("expect: %#v, got: %#v", expect, job)
func TestJobs_NewSystemJob(t *testing.T) {
job := NewSystemJob("job1", "myjob", "global", 5)
expect := &Job{
Region: pointerOf("global"),
ID: pointerOf("job1"),
Name: pointerOf("myjob"),
Type: pointerOf(JobTypeSystem),
Priority: pointerOf(5),
if !reflect.DeepEqual(job, expect) {
t.Fatalf("expect: %#v, got: %#v", expect, job)
func TestJobs_NewSysbatchJob(t *testing.T) {
job := NewSysbatchJob("job1", "myjob", "global", 5)
expect := &Job{
Region: pointerOf("global"),
ID: pointerOf("job1"),
Name: pointerOf("myjob"),
Type: pointerOf(JobTypeSysbatch),
Priority: pointerOf(5),
require.Equal(t, expect, job)
func TestJobs_SetMeta(t *testing.T) {
job := &Job{Meta: nil}
// Initializes a nil map
out := job.SetMeta("foo", "bar")
if job.Meta == nil {
t.Fatalf("should initialize metadata")
// Check that the job was returned
if job != out {
t.Fatalf("expect: %#v, got: %#v", job, out)
// Setting another pair is additive
job.SetMeta("baz", "zip")
expect := map[string]string{"foo": "bar", "baz": "zip"}
if !reflect.DeepEqual(job.Meta, expect) {
t.Fatalf("expect: %#v, got: %#v", expect, job.Meta)
func TestJobs_Constrain(t *testing.T) {
job := &Job{Constraints: nil}
// Create and add a constraint
out := job.Constrain(NewConstraint("kernel.name", "=", "darwin"))
if n := len(job.Constraints); n != 1 {
t.Fatalf("expected 1 constraint, got: %d", n)
// Check that the job was returned
if job != out {
t.Fatalf("expect: %#v, got: %#v", job, out)
// Adding another constraint preserves the original
job.Constrain(NewConstraint("memory.totalbytes", ">=", "128000000"))
expect := []*Constraint{
LTarget: "kernel.name",
RTarget: "darwin",
Operand: "=",
LTarget: "memory.totalbytes",
RTarget: "128000000",
Operand: ">=",
if !reflect.DeepEqual(job.Constraints, expect) {
t.Fatalf("expect: %#v, got: %#v", expect, job.Constraints)
func TestJobs_AddAffinity(t *testing.T) {
job := &Job{Affinities: nil}
// Create and add an affinity
out := job.AddAffinity(NewAffinity("kernel.version", "=", "4.6", 100))
if n := len(job.Affinities); n != 1 {
t.Fatalf("expected 1 affinity, got: %d", n)
// Check that the job was returned
if job != out {
t.Fatalf("expect: %#v, got: %#v", job, out)
// Adding another affinity preserves the original
job.AddAffinity(NewAffinity("${node.datacenter}", "=", "dc2", 50))
expect := []*Affinity{
LTarget: "kernel.version",
RTarget: "4.6",
Operand: "=",
Weight: pointerOf(int8(100)),
LTarget: "${node.datacenter}",
RTarget: "dc2",
Operand: "=",
Weight: pointerOf(int8(50)),
if !reflect.DeepEqual(job.Affinities, expect) {
t.Fatalf("expect: %#v, got: %#v", expect, job.Affinities)
func TestJobs_Sort(t *testing.T) {
jobs := []*JobListStub{
{ID: "job2"},
{ID: "job0"},
{ID: "job1"},
expect := []*JobListStub{
{ID: "job0"},
{ID: "job1"},
{ID: "job2"},
if !reflect.DeepEqual(jobs, expect) {
t.Fatalf("\n\n%#v\n\n%#v", jobs, expect)
func TestJobs_AddSpread(t *testing.T) {
job := &Job{Spreads: nil}
// Create and add a Spread
spreadTarget := NewSpreadTarget("r1", 50)
spread := NewSpread("${meta.rack}", 100, []*SpreadTarget{spreadTarget})
out := job.AddSpread(spread)
if n := len(job.Spreads); n != 1 {
t.Fatalf("expected 1 spread, got: %d", n)
// Check that the job was returned
if job != out {
t.Fatalf("expect: %#v, got: %#v", job, out)
// Adding another spread preserves the original
spreadTarget2 := NewSpreadTarget("dc1", 100)
spread2 := NewSpread("${node.datacenter}", 100, []*SpreadTarget{spreadTarget2})
expect := []*Spread{
Attribute: "${meta.rack}",
Weight: pointerOf(int8(100)),
SpreadTarget: []*SpreadTarget{
Value: "r1",
Percent: 50,
Attribute: "${node.datacenter}",
Weight: pointerOf(int8(100)),
SpreadTarget: []*SpreadTarget{
Value: "dc1",
Percent: 100,
if !reflect.DeepEqual(job.Spreads, expect) {
t.Fatalf("expect: %#v, got: %#v", expect, job.Spreads)
// TestJobs_ScaleAction tests the scale target for task group count
func TestJobs_ScaleAction(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
id := "job-id/with\\troublesome:characters\n?&字"
job := testJobWithScalingPolicy()
job.ID = &id
groupName := *job.TaskGroups[0].Name
origCount := *job.TaskGroups[0].Count
newCount := origCount + 1
// Trying to scale against a target before it exists returns an error
_, _, err := jobs.Scale(id, "missing", pointerOf(newCount), "this won't work",
false, nil, nil)
require.Contains(err.Error(), "not found")
// Register the job
regResp, wm, err := jobs.Register(job, nil)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Perform scaling action
scalingResp, wm, err := jobs.Scale(id, groupName,
pointerOf(newCount), "need more instances", false,
"meta": "data",
}, nil)
require.Greater(scalingResp.JobModifyIndex, regResp.JobModifyIndex)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Query the job again
resp, _, err := jobs.Info(*job.ID, nil)
require.Equal(*resp.TaskGroups[0].Count, newCount)
// Check for the scaling event
status, _, err := jobs.ScaleStatus(*job.ID, nil)
require.Len(status.TaskGroups[groupName].Events, 1)
scalingEvent := status.TaskGroups[groupName].Events[0]
require.Equal("need more instances", scalingEvent.Message)
"meta": "data",
}, scalingEvent.Meta)
require.Greater(scalingEvent.Time, uint64(0))
require.Equal(scalingResp.EvalID, *scalingEvent.EvalID)
require.Equal(int64(origCount), scalingEvent.PreviousCount)
func TestJobs_ScaleAction_Error(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
id := "job-id/with\\troublesome:characters\n?&字"
job := testJobWithScalingPolicy()
job.ID = &id
groupName := *job.TaskGroups[0].Name
prevCount := *job.TaskGroups[0].Count
// Register the job
regResp, wm, err := jobs.Register(job, nil)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Perform scaling action
scaleResp, wm, err := jobs.Scale(id, groupName, nil, "something bad happened", true,
"meta": "data",
}, nil)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Query the job again
resp, _, err := jobs.Info(*job.ID, nil)
require.Equal(*resp.TaskGroups[0].Count, prevCount)
require.Equal(regResp.JobModifyIndex, scaleResp.JobModifyIndex)
status, _, err := jobs.ScaleStatus(*job.ID, nil)
require.Len(status.TaskGroups[groupName].Events, 1)
errEvent := status.TaskGroups[groupName].Events[0]
require.Equal("something bad happened", errEvent.Message)
"meta": "data",
}, errEvent.Meta)
require.Greater(errEvent.Time, uint64(0))
func TestJobs_ScaleAction_Noop(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
id := "job-id/with\\troublesome:characters\n?&字"
job := testJobWithScalingPolicy()
job.ID = &id
groupName := *job.TaskGroups[0].Name
prevCount := *job.TaskGroups[0].Count
// Register the job
regResp, wm, err := jobs.Register(job, nil)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Perform scaling action
scaleResp, wm, err := jobs.Scale(id, groupName, nil, "no count, just informative",
false, map[string]interface{}{
"meta": "data",
}, nil)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Query the job again
resp, _, err := jobs.Info(*job.ID, nil)
require.Equal(*resp.TaskGroups[0].Count, prevCount)
require.Equal(regResp.JobModifyIndex, scaleResp.JobModifyIndex)
status, _, err := jobs.ScaleStatus(*job.ID, nil)
require.Len(status.TaskGroups[groupName].Events, 1)
noopEvent := status.TaskGroups[groupName].Events[0]
require.Equal("no count, just informative", noopEvent.Message)
"meta": "data",
}, noopEvent.Meta)
require.Greater(noopEvent.Time, uint64(0))
// TestJobs_ScaleStatus tests the /scale status endpoint for task group count
func TestJobs_ScaleStatus(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
jobs := c.Jobs()
// Trying to retrieve a status before it exists returns an error
id := "job-id/with\\troublesome:characters\n?&字"
_, _, err := jobs.ScaleStatus(id, nil)
require.Contains(err.Error(), "not found")
// Register the job
job := testJob()
job.ID = &id
groupName := *job.TaskGroups[0].Name
groupCount := *job.TaskGroups[0].Count
_, wm, err := jobs.Register(job, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
assertWriteMeta(t, wm)
// Query the scaling endpoint and verify success
result, qm, err := jobs.ScaleStatus(id, nil)
assertQueryMeta(t, qm)
// Check that the result is what we expect
require.Equal(groupCount, result.TaskGroups[groupName].Desired)
func TestJobs_Services(t *testing.T) {
// TODO(jrasell) add tests once registration process is in place.
// TestJobs_Parse asserts ParseHCL and ParseHCLOpts use the API to parse HCL.
func TestJobs_Parse(t *testing.T) {
jobspec := `job "example" {}`
// Assert ParseHCL returns an error if Nomad is not running to ensure
// that parsing is done server-side and not via the jobspec package.
c, err := NewClient(DefaultConfig())
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = c.Jobs().ParseHCL(jobspec, false)
require.Error(t, err)
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "Put")
c, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)
defer s.Stop()
// Test ParseHCL
job1, err := c.Jobs().ParseHCL(jobspec, false)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "example", *job1.Name)
require.Nil(t, job1.Namespace)
job1Canonicalized, err := c.Jobs().ParseHCL(jobspec, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "example", *job1Canonicalized.Name)
require.Equal(t, "default", *job1Canonicalized.Namespace)
require.NotEqual(t, job1, job1Canonicalized)
// Test ParseHCLOpts
req := &JobsParseRequest{
JobHCL: jobspec,
HCLv1: false,
Canonicalize: false,
job2, err := c.Jobs().ParseHCLOpts(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, job1, job2)
// Test ParseHCLOpts with Canonicalize=true
req = &JobsParseRequest{
JobHCL: jobspec,
HCLv1: false,
Canonicalize: true,
job2Canonicalized, err := c.Jobs().ParseHCLOpts(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, job1Canonicalized, job2Canonicalized)
// Test ParseHCLOpts with HCLv1=true
req = &JobsParseRequest{
JobHCL: jobspec,
HCLv1: true,
Canonicalize: false,
job3, err := c.Jobs().ParseHCLOpts(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, job1, job3)
// Test ParseHCLOpts with HCLv1=true and Canonicalize=true
req = &JobsParseRequest{
JobHCL: jobspec,
HCLv1: true,
Canonicalize: true,
job3Canonicalized, err := c.Jobs().ParseHCLOpts(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, job1Canonicalized, job3Canonicalized)