2023-04-10 15:36:59 +00:00

305 lines
8.2 KiB

* Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
/* eslint-disable ember/no-incorrect-calls-with-inline-anonymous-functions */
import Controller from '@ember/controller';
import { computed, action } from '@ember/object';
import { alias } from '@ember/object/computed';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator';
import { reduceBytes, reduceHertz } from 'nomad-ui/utils/units';
import {
deserializedQueryParam as selection,
} from 'nomad-ui/utils/qp-serialize';
import { scheduleOnce } from '@ember/runloop';
import intersection from 'lodash.intersection';
import Searchable from 'nomad-ui/mixins/searchable';
const sumAggregator = (sum, value) => sum + (value || 0);
const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(window.navigator.locale || 'en', {
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
export default class TopologyControllers extends Controller.extend(Searchable) {
@service userSettings;
queryParams = [
searchTerm: 'search',
qpState: 'status',
qpVersion: 'version',
qpClass: 'class',
qpDatacenter: 'dc',
@tracked searchTerm = '';
qpState = '';
qpVersion = '';
qpClass = '';
qpDatacenter = '';
setFacetQueryParam(queryParam, selection) {
this.set(queryParam, serialize(selection));
@selection('qpState') selectionState;
@selection('qpClass') selectionClass;
@selection('qpDatacenter') selectionDatacenter;
@selection('qpVersion') selectionVersion;
get optionsState() {
return [
{ key: 'initializing', label: 'Initializing' },
{ key: 'ready', label: 'Ready' },
{ key: 'down', label: 'Down' },
{ key: 'ineligible', label: 'Ineligible' },
{ key: 'draining', label: 'Draining' },
{ key: 'disconnected', label: 'Disconnected' },
@computed('model.nodes', 'nodes.[]', 'selectionClass')
get optionsClass() {
const classes = Array.from(new Set(this.model.nodes.mapBy('nodeClass')))
// Remove any invalid node classes from the query param/selection
scheduleOnce('actions', () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line ember/no-side-effects
serialize(intersection(classes, this.selectionClass))
return classes.sort().map((dc) => ({ key: dc, label: dc }));
@computed('model.nodes', 'nodes.[]', 'selectionDatacenter')
get optionsDatacenter() {
const datacenters = Array.from(
new Set(this.model.nodes.mapBy('datacenter'))
// Remove any invalid datacenters from the query param/selection
scheduleOnce('actions', () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line ember/no-side-effects
serialize(intersection(datacenters, this.selectionDatacenter))
return datacenters.sort().map((dc) => ({ key: dc, label: dc }));
@computed('model.nodes', 'nodes.[]', 'selectionVersion')
get optionsVersion() {
const versions = Array.from(
new Set(this.model.nodes.mapBy('version'))
// Remove any invalid versions from the query param/selection
scheduleOnce('actions', () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line ember/no-side-effects
serialize(intersection(versions, this.selectionVersion))
return versions.sort().map((v) => ({ key: v, label: v }));
@alias('userSettings.showTopoVizPollingNotice') showPollingNotice;
@tracked pre09Nodes = null;
get filteredNodes() {
const { nodes } = this.model;
return nodes.filter((node) => {
const {
} = this;
return (
(selectionState.length ? selectionState.includes(node.status) : true) &&
? selectionVersion.includes(node.version)
: true) &&
? selectionDatacenter.includes(node.datacenter)
: true) &&
? selectionClass.includes(node.nodeClass)
: true) &&
( ||
node.datacenter.includes(searchTerm) ||
get datacenters() {
return Array.from(new Set(this.model.nodes.mapBy('datacenter'))).compact();
get scheduledAllocations() {
return this.model.allocations.filterBy('isScheduled');
get totalMemory() {
const mibs = this.model.nodes
.reduce(sumAggregator, 0);
return mibs * 1024 * 1024;
get totalCPU() {
return this.model.nodes
.reduce((sum, cpu) => sum + (cpu || 0), 0);
get totalMemoryFormatted() {
return formatter.format(reduceBytes(this.totalMemory)[0]);
get totalMemoryUnits() {
return reduceBytes(this.totalMemory)[1];
get totalCPUFormatted() {
return formatter.format(reduceHertz(this.totalCPU, null, 'MHz')[0]);
get totalCPUUnits() {
return reduceHertz(this.totalCPU, null, 'MHz')[1];
get totalReservedMemory() {
const mibs = this.scheduledAllocations
.reduce(sumAggregator, 0);
return mibs * 1024 * 1024;
get totalReservedCPU() {
return this.scheduledAllocations
.reduce(sumAggregator, 0);
@computed('totalMemory', 'totalReservedMemory')
get reservedMemoryPercent() {
if (!this.totalReservedMemory || !this.totalMemory) return 0;
return this.totalReservedMemory / this.totalMemory;
@computed('totalCPU', 'totalReservedCPU')
get reservedCPUPercent() {
if (!this.totalReservedCPU || !this.totalCPU) return 0;
return this.totalReservedCPU / this.totalCPU;
get siblingAllocations() {
if (!this.activeAllocation) return [];
const taskGroup = this.activeAllocation.taskGroupName;
const jobId = this.activeAllocation.belongsTo('job').id();
return this.scheduledAllocations.filter((allocation) => {
return (
allocation.taskGroupName === taskGroup &&
allocation.belongsTo('job').id() === jobId
get nodeUtilization() {
const node = this.activeNode;
const [formattedMemory, memoryUnits] = reduceBytes(
node.memory * 1024 * 1024
const totalReservedMemory = node.allocations
.reduce(sumAggregator, 0);
const totalReservedCPU = node.allocations
.reduce(sumAggregator, 0);
return {
totalMemoryFormatted: formattedMemory.toFixed(2),
totalMemoryUnits: memoryUnits,
totalMemory: node.memory * 1024 * 1024,
totalReservedMemory: totalReservedMemory * 1024 * 1024,
reservedMemoryPercent: totalReservedMemory / node.memory,
totalCPU: node.cpu,
reservedCPUPercent: totalReservedCPU / node.cpu,
get uniqueActiveAllocationNodes() {
return this.siblingAllocations.mapBy('').uniq();
async setAllocation(allocation) {
if (allocation) {
await allocation.reload();
await allocation.job.reload();
this.set('activeAllocation', allocation);
setNode(node) {
this.set('activeNode', node);
handleTopoVizDataError(errors) {
const pre09NodesError = errors.findBy('type', 'filtered-nodes');
if (pre09NodesError) {
this.pre09Nodes = pre09NodesError.context;