
395 lines
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/* eslint-disable ember/no-observers */
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import { assert } from '@ember/debug';
import { observes } from '@ember-decorators/object';
import { computed as overridable } from 'ember-overridable-computed';
import { run } from '@ember/runloop';
import { htmlSafe } from '@ember/template';
import d3 from 'd3-selection';
import d3Scale from 'd3-scale';
import d3Axis from 'd3-axis';
import d3Array from 'd3-array';
import d3Format from 'd3-format';
import d3TimeFormat from 'd3-time-format';
import WindowResizable from 'nomad-ui/mixins/window-resizable';
import styleStringProperty from 'nomad-ui/utils/properties/style-string';
import { classNames, classNameBindings } from '@ember-decorators/component';
import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator';
// Returns a new array with the specified number of points linearly
// distributed across the bounds
const lerp = ([low, high], numPoints) => {
const step = (high - low) / (numPoints - 1);
const arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
arr.push(low + step * i);
return arr;
// Round a number or an array of numbers
const nice = val => (val instanceof Array ? : Math.round(val));
const iconFor = {
error: 'cancel-circle-fill',
info: 'info-circle-fill',
const iconClassFor = {
error: 'is-danger',
info: '',
@classNames('chart', 'line-chart')
export default class LineChart extends Component.extend(WindowResizable) {
// Public API
data = null;
annotations = null;
activeAnnotation = null;
onAnnotationClick() {}
xProp = null;
yProp = null;
curve = 'linear';
timeseries = false;
chartClass = 'is-primary';
title = 'Line Chart';
@overridable(function() {
return null;
// Private Properties
width = 0;
height = 0;
isActive = false;
activeDatum = null;
@computed('activeDatum', 'timeseries', 'xProp')
get activeDatumLabel() {
const datum = this.activeDatum;
if (!datum) return undefined;
const x = datum[this.xProp];
return this.xFormat(this.timeseries)(x);
@computed('activeDatum', 'yProp')
get activeDatumValue() {
const datum = this.activeDatum;
if (!datum) return undefined;
const y = datum[this.yProp];
return this.yFormat()(y);
get curveMethod() {
const mappings = {
linear: 'curveLinear',
stepAfter: 'curveStepAfter',
assert(`Provided curve "${this.curve}" is not an allowed curve type`, mappings[this.curve]);
return mappings[this.curve];
// Overridable functions that retrurn formatter functions
xFormat(timeseries) {
return timeseries ? d3TimeFormat.timeFormat('%b %d, %H:%M') : d3Format.format(',');
yFormat() {
return d3Format.format(',.2~r');
tooltipPosition = null;
@styleStringProperty('tooltipPosition') tooltipStyle;
get chartAnnotationBounds() {
return {
height: this.xAxisOffset,
@styleStringProperty('chartAnnotationBounds') chartAnnotationsStyle;
@computed('data.[]', 'xProp', 'timeseries', 'yAxisOffset')
get xScale() {
const xProp = this.xProp;
const scale = this.timeseries ? d3Scale.scaleTime() : d3Scale.scaleLinear();
const data =;
const domain = data.length ? d3Array.extent(, d => d[xProp]) : [0, 1];
scale.rangeRound([10, this.yAxisOffset]).domain(domain);
return scale;
@computed('data.[]', 'xFormat', 'xProp', 'timeseries')
get xRange() {
const { xProp, timeseries, data } = this;
const range = d3Array.extent(data, d => d[xProp]);
const formatter = this.xFormat(timeseries);
@computed('data.[]', 'yFormat', 'yProp')
get yRange() {
const yProp = this.yProp;
const range = d3Array.extent(, d => d[yProp]);
const formatter = this.yFormat();
@computed('data.[]', 'yProp', 'xAxisOffset')
get yScale() {
const yProp = this.yProp;
let max = d3Array.max(, d => d[yProp]) || 1;
if (max > 1) {
max = nice(max);
return d3Scale
.rangeRound([this.xAxisOffset, 10])
.domain([0, max]);
@computed('timeseries', 'xScale')
get xAxis() {
const formatter = this.xFormat(this.timeseries);
return d3Axis
@computed('xAxisOffset', 'yScale')
get yTicks() {
const height = this.xAxisOffset;
const tickCount = Math.ceil(height / 120) * 2 + 1;
const domain = this.yScale.domain();
const ticks = lerp(domain, tickCount);
return domain[1] - domain[0] > 1 ? nice(ticks) : ticks;
@computed('yScale', 'yTicks')
get yAxis() {
const formatter = this.yFormat();
return d3Axis
@computed('yAxisOffset', 'yScale', 'yTicks')
get yGridlines() {
// The first gridline overlaps the x-axis, so remove it
const [, ...ticks] = this.yTicks;
return d3Axis
get xAxisHeight() {
// Avoid divide by zero errors by always having a height
if (!this.element) return 1;
const axis = this.element.querySelector('.x-axis');
return axis && axis.getBBox().height;
get yAxisWidth() {
// Avoid divide by zero errors by always having a width
if (!this.element) return 1;
const axis = this.element.querySelector('.y-axis');
return axis && axis.getBBox().width;
@overridable('height', 'xAxisHeight', function() {
return this.height - this.xAxisHeight;
@computed('width', 'yAxisWidth')
get yAxisOffset() {
return this.width - this.yAxisWidth;
@computed('annotations.[]', 'xScale', 'xProp', 'timeseries')
get processedAnnotations() {
const { xScale, xProp, annotations, timeseries } = this;
if (!annotations || !annotations.length) return null;
let sortedAnnotations = annotations.sortBy(xProp);
if (timeseries) {
sortedAnnotations = sortedAnnotations.reverse();
let prevX = 0;
let prevHigh = false;
return => {
const x = xScale(annotation[xProp]);
if (prevX && !prevHigh && Math.abs(x - prevX) < 30) {
prevHigh = true;
} else if (prevHigh) {
prevHigh = false;
const y = prevHigh ? -15 : 0;
const formattedX = this.xFormat(timeseries)(annotation[xProp]);
prevX = x;
return {
style: htmlSafe(`transform:translate(${x}px,${y}px)`),
icon: iconFor[annotation.type],
iconClass: iconClassFor[annotation.type],
staggerClass: prevHigh ? 'is-staggered' : '',
label: `${annotation.type} event at ${formattedX}`,
didInsertElement() {
const canvas ='.hover-target'));
const updateActiveDatum = this.updateActiveDatum.bind(this);
const chart = this;
canvas.on('mouseenter', function() {
const mouseX = d3.mouse(this)[0];
chart.set('latestMouseX', mouseX);
run.schedule('afterRender', chart, () => chart.set('isActive', true));
canvas.on('mousemove', function() {
const mouseX = d3.mouse(this)[0];
chart.set('latestMouseX', mouseX);
canvas.on('mouseleave', () => {
run.schedule('afterRender', this, () => this.set('isActive', false));
this.set('activeDatum', null);
didUpdateAttrs() {
updateActiveDatum(mouseX) {
const { xScale, xProp, yScale, yProp, data } = this;
if (!data || !data.length) return;
// Map the mouse coordinate to the index in the data array
const bisector = d3Array.bisector(d => d[xProp]).left;
const x = xScale.invert(mouseX);
const index = bisector(data, x, 1);
// The data point on either side of the cursor
const dLeft = data[index - 1];
const dRight = data[index];
let datum;
// If there is only one point, it's the activeDatum
if (dLeft && !dRight) {
datum = dLeft;
} else {
// Pick the closer point
datum = x - dLeft[xProp] > dRight[xProp] - x ? dRight : dLeft;
this.set('activeDatum', datum);
this.set('tooltipPosition', {
left: xScale(datum[xProp]),
top: yScale(datum[yProp]) - 10,
updateChart() {
// The renderChart method should only ever be responsible for runtime calculations
// and appending d3 created elements to the DOM (such as axes).
renderChart() {
// There is nothing to do if the element hasn't been inserted yet
if (!this.element) return;
// First, create the axes to get the dimensions of the resulting
// svg elements
this.mountD3Elements(); => {
// Then, recompute anything that depends on the dimensions
// on the dimensions of the axes elements
// Since each axis depends on the dimension of the other
// axis, the axes themselves are recomputed and need to
// be re-rendered.
if (this.isActive) {
mountD3Elements() {
if (!this.isDestroyed && !this.isDestroying) {'.x-axis')).call(this.xAxis);'.y-axis')).call(this.yAxis);'.y-gridlines')).call(this.yGridlines);
annotationClick(annotation) {
windowResizeHandler() {
run.once(this, this.updateDimensions);
updateDimensions() {
const $svg = this.element.querySelector('svg');
const width = $svg.clientWidth;
const height = $svg.clientHeight;
this.setProperties({ width, height });