180 lines
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180 lines
5 KiB
/* eslint-disable ember/no-string-prototype-extensions */
import { copy } from 'ember-copy';
import { get } from '@ember/object';
import { makeArray } from '@ember/array';
import JSONSerializer from '@ember-data/serializer/json';
import { pluralize, singularize } from 'ember-inflector';
import removeRecord from '../utils/remove-record';
import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills';
export default class Application extends JSONSerializer {
primaryKey = 'ID';
A list of keys that are converted to empty arrays if their value is null.
arrayNullOverrides = ['Array'];
{ Array: null } => { Array: [] }
@property arrayNullOverrides
@type String[]
arrayNullOverrides = null;
A list of keys that are converted to empty objects if their value is null.
objectNullOverrides = ['Object'];
{ Object: null } => { Object: {} }
@property objectNullOverrides
@type String[]
objectNullOverrides = null;
A list of keys or objects to convert a map into an array of maps with the original map keys as Name properties.
mapToArray = ['Map'];
{ Map: { a: { x: 1 } } } => { Map: [ { Name: 'a', x: 1 }] }
mapToArray = [{ beforeName: 'M', afterName: 'Map' }];
{ M: { a: { x: 1 } } } => { Map: [ { Name: 'a', x: 1 }] }
@property mapToArray
@type (String|Object)[]
mapToArray = null;
A list of keys for nanosecond timestamps that will be split into two properties: `separateNanos = ['Time']` will
produce a `Time` property with a millisecond timestamp and `TimeNanos` with the nanoseconds alone.
separateNanos = ['Time'];
{ Time: 1607839992000100000 } => { Time: 1607839992000, TimeNanos: 100096 }
@property separateNanos
@type String[]
separateNanos = null;
keyForAttribute(attr) {
return attr.camelize().capitalize();
keyForRelationship(attr, relationshipType) {
const key = `${singularize(attr).camelize().capitalize()}ID`;
return relationshipType === 'hasMany' ? pluralize(key) : key;
// Modeled after the pushPayload for ember-data/serializers/rest
pushPayload(store, payload) {
const documentHash = {
data: [],
included: [],
Object.keys(payload).forEach((key) => {
const modelName = this.modelNameFromPayloadKey(key);
const serializer = store.serializerFor(modelName);
const type = store.modelFor(modelName);
makeArray(payload[key]).forEach((hash) => {
const { data, included } = serializer.normalize(type, hash, key);
if (included) {
normalize(modelClass, hash) {
if (hash) {
if (this.arrayNullOverrides) {
this.arrayNullOverrides.forEach((key) => {
if (!hash[key]) {
hash[key] = [];
if (this.objectNullOverrides) {
this.objectNullOverrides.forEach((key) => {
if (!hash[key]) {
hash[key] = {};
if (this.mapToArray) {
this.mapToArray.forEach((conversion) => {
let apiKey, uiKey;
if (conversion.beforeName) {
apiKey = conversion.beforeName;
uiKey = conversion.afterName;
} else {
apiKey = conversion;
uiKey = conversion;
const map = hash[apiKey] || {};
hash[uiKey] = Object.keys(map)
.map((mapKey) => {
const propertiesForKey = map[mapKey] || {};
const convertedMap = { Name: mapKey };
assign(convertedMap, propertiesForKey);
return convertedMap;
if (this.separateNanos) {
this.separateNanos.forEach((key) => {
const timeWithNanos = hash[key];
hash[`${key}Nanos`] = timeWithNanos % 1000000;
hash[key] = Math.floor(timeWithNanos / 1000000);
return super.normalize(modelClass, hash);
normalizeFindAllResponse(store, modelClass) {
const result = super.normalizeFindAllResponse(...arguments);
this.cullStore(store, modelClass.modelName, result.data);
return result;
// When records are removed server-side, and therefore don't show up in requests,
// the local copies of those records need to be unloaded from the store.
cullStore(store, type, records, storeFilter = () => true) {
const newRecords = copy(records).filter((record) => get(record, 'id'));
const oldRecords = store.peekAll(type);
.filter((record) => get(record, 'id'))
.forEach((old) => {
const newRecord = newRecords.find(
(record) => get(record, 'id') === get(old, 'id')
if (!newRecord) {
removeRecord(store, old);
} else {
modelNameFromPayloadKey(key) {
return singularize(key.dasherize());