Adds 2 tests around Connect Native. Both make use of the example connect native services in https://github.com/hashicorp/nomad-connect-examples One of them runs without Consul ACLs enabled, the other with.
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package connect
import (
consulapi "github.com/hashicorp/consul/api"
nomadapi "github.com/hashicorp/nomad/api"
const (
// envConsulToken is the consul http token environment variable
envConsulToken = "CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN"
// demoConnectJob is the example connect enabled job useful for testing
demoConnectJob = "connect/input/demo.nomad"
// demoConnectNativeJob is the example connect native enabled job useful for testing
demoConnectNativeJob = "connect/input/native-demo.nomad"
type ConnectACLsE2ETest struct {
// manageConsulACLs is used to 'enable' and 'disable' Consul ACLs in the
// Consul Cluster that has been setup for e2e testing.
manageConsulACLs consulacls.Manager
// consulMasterToken is set to the generated Consul ACL token after using
// the consul-acls-manage.sh script to enable ACLs.
consulMasterToken string
// things to cleanup after each test case
jobIDs []string
consulPolicyIDs []string
consulTokenIDs []string
func (tc *ConnectACLsE2ETest) BeforeAll(f *framework.F) {
// Wait for Nomad to be ready before doing anything.
e2eutil.WaitForLeader(f.T(), tc.Nomad())
e2eutil.WaitForNodesReady(f.T(), tc.Nomad(), 2)
// Now enable Consul ACLs, the bootstrapping process for which will be
// managed automatically if needed.
var err error
tc.manageConsulACLs, err = consulacls.New(consulacls.DefaultTFStateFile)
require.NoError(f.T(), err)
// Sanity check the consul master token exists, otherwise tests are just
// going to be a train wreck.
tokenLength := len(tc.consulMasterToken)
require.Equal(f.T(), 36, tokenLength, "consul master token wrong length")
// Sanity check the CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN is NOT set, because that will cause
// the agent checks to fail (which do not allow having a token set (!)).
consulTokenEnv := os.Getenv(envConsulToken)
require.Empty(f.T(), consulTokenEnv)
// Wait for Nomad to be ready _again_, since everything was restarted during
// the bootstrap process.
e2eutil.WaitForLeader(f.T(), tc.Nomad())
e2eutil.WaitForNodesReady(f.T(), tc.Nomad(), 2)
// enableConsulACLs effectively executes `consul-acls-manage.sh enable`, which
// will activate Consul ACLs, going through the bootstrap process if necessary.
func (tc *ConnectACLsE2ETest) enableConsulACLs(f *framework.F) {
tc.consulMasterToken = tc.manageConsulACLs.Enable(f.T())
// AfterAll runs after all tests are complete.
// We disable ConsulACLs in here to isolate the use of Consul ACLs only to
// test suites that explicitly want to test with them enabled.
func (tc *ConnectACLsE2ETest) AfterAll(f *framework.F) {
// disableConsulACLs effectively executes `consul-acls-manage.sh disable`, which
// will de-activate Consul ACLs.
func (tc *ConnectACLsE2ETest) disableConsulACLs(f *framework.F) {
// AfterEach does cleanup of Consul ACL objects that were created during each
// test case. Each test case may assume it is starting from a "fresh" state -
// as if the consul ACL bootstrap process had just taken place.
func (tc *ConnectACLsE2ETest) AfterEach(f *framework.F) {
if os.Getenv("NOMAD_TEST_SKIPCLEANUP") == "1" {
t := f.T()
r := require.New(t)
// cleanup jobs
for _, id := range tc.jobIDs {
t.Log("cleanup: deregister nomad job id:", id)
_, _, err := tc.Nomad().Jobs().Deregister(id, true, nil)
// cleanup consul tokens
for _, id := range tc.consulTokenIDs {
t.Log("cleanup: delete consul token id:", id)
_, err := tc.Consul().ACL().TokenDelete(id, &consulapi.WriteOptions{Token: tc.consulMasterToken})
// cleanup consul policies
for _, id := range tc.consulPolicyIDs {
t.Log("cleanup: delete consul policy id:", id)
_, err := tc.Consul().ACL().PolicyDelete(id, &consulapi.WriteOptions{Token: tc.consulMasterToken})
// do garbage collection
err := tc.Nomad().System().GarbageCollect()
// assert there are no leftover SI tokens, which may take a minute to be
// cleaned up
r.Eventually(func() bool {
siTokens := tc.countSITokens(t)
t.Log("cleanup: checking for remaining SI tokens:", siTokens)
return len(siTokens) == 0
}, 2*time.Minute, 2*time.Second, "SI tokens did not get removed")
tc.jobIDs = []string{}
tc.consulTokenIDs = []string{}
tc.consulPolicyIDs = []string{}
type consulPolicy struct {
Name string // e.g. nomad-operator
Rules string // e.g. service "" { policy="write" }
func (tc *ConnectACLsE2ETest) createConsulPolicy(p consulPolicy, f *framework.F) string {
r := require.New(f.T())
result, _, err := tc.Consul().ACL().PolicyCreate(&consulapi.ACLPolicy{
Name: p.Name,
Description: "test policy " + p.Name,
Rules: p.Rules,
}, &consulapi.WriteOptions{Token: tc.consulMasterToken})
r.NoError(err, "failed to create consul policy")
tc.consulPolicyIDs = append(tc.consulPolicyIDs, result.ID)
return result.ID
func (tc *ConnectACLsE2ETest) createOperatorToken(policyID string, f *framework.F) string {
r := require.New(f.T())
token, _, err := tc.Consul().ACL().TokenCreate(&consulapi.ACLToken{
Description: "operator token",
Policies: []*consulapi.ACLTokenPolicyLink{{ID: policyID}},
}, &consulapi.WriteOptions{Token: tc.consulMasterToken})
r.NoError(err, "failed to create operator token")
tc.consulTokenIDs = append(tc.consulTokenIDs, token.AccessorID)
return token.SecretID
func (tc *ConnectACLsE2ETest) TestConnectACLsRegisterMasterToken(f *framework.F) {
t := f.T()
r := require.New(t)
t.Log("test register Connect job w/ ACLs enabled w/ master token")
jobID := "connect" + uuid.Generate()[0:8]
tc.jobIDs = append(tc.jobIDs, jobID)
jobAPI := tc.Nomad().Jobs()
job, err := jobspec.ParseFile(demoConnectJob)
// Set the job file to use the consul master token.
// One should never do this in practice, but, it should work.
// https://www.consul.io/docs/acl/acl-system.html#builtin-tokens
job.ConsulToken = &tc.consulMasterToken
// Avoid using Register here, because that would actually create and run the
// Job which runs the task, creates the SI token, which all needs to be
// given time to settle and cleaned up. That is all covered in the big slow
// test at the bottom.
resp, _, err := jobAPI.Plan(job, false, nil)
func (tc *ConnectACLsE2ETest) TestConnectACLsRegisterMissingOperatorToken(f *framework.F) {
t := f.T()
r := require.New(t)
t.Log("test register Connect job w/ ACLs enabled w/o operator token")
job, err := jobspec.ParseFile(demoConnectJob)
jobAPI := tc.Nomad().Jobs()
// Explicitly show the ConsulToken is not set
job.ConsulToken = nil
_, _, err = jobAPI.Register(job, nil)
t.Log("job correctly rejected, with error:", err)
func (tc *ConnectACLsE2ETest) TestConnectACLsRegisterFakeOperatorToken(f *framework.F) {
t := f.T()
r := require.New(t)
t.Log("test register Connect job w/ ACLs enabled w/ operator token")
policyID := tc.createConsulPolicy(consulPolicy{
Name: "nomad-operator-policy",
Rules: `service "count-api" { policy = "write" } service "count-dashboard" { policy = "write" }`,
}, f)
t.Log("created operator policy:", policyID)
// generate a fake consul token token
fakeToken := uuid.Generate()
job := tc.parseJobSpecFile(t, demoConnectJob)
jobAPI := tc.Nomad().Jobs()
// deliberately set the fake Consul token
job.ConsulToken = &fakeToken
// should fail, because the token is fake
_, _, err := jobAPI.Register(job, nil)
t.Log("job correctly rejected, with error:", err)
func (tc *ConnectACLsE2ETest) TestConnectACLsConnectDemo(f *framework.F) {
t := f.T()
r := require.New(t)
t.Log("test register Connect job w/ ACLs enabled w/ operator token")
// === Setup ACL policy and mint Operator token ===
// create a policy allowing writes of services "count-api" and "count-dashboard"
policyID := tc.createConsulPolicy(consulPolicy{
Name: "nomad-operator-policy",
Rules: `service "count-api" { policy = "write" } service "count-dashboard" { policy = "write" }`,
}, f)
t.Log("created operator policy:", policyID)
// create a Consul "operator token" blessed with the above policy
operatorToken := tc.createOperatorToken(policyID, f)
t.Log("created operator token:", operatorToken)
jobID := connectJobID()
tc.jobIDs = append(tc.jobIDs, jobID)
allocs := e2eutil.RegisterAndWaitForAllocs(t, tc.Nomad(), demoConnectJob, jobID, operatorToken)
r.Equal(2, len(allocs), "expected 2 allocs for connect demo", allocs)
allocIDs := e2eutil.AllocIDsFromAllocationListStubs(allocs)
r.Equal(2, len(allocIDs), "expected 2 allocIDs for connect demo", allocIDs)
e2eutil.WaitForAllocsRunning(t, tc.Nomad(), allocIDs)
// === Check Consul SI tokens were generated for sidecars ===
foundSITokens := tc.countSITokens(t)
r.Equal(2, len(foundSITokens), "expected 2 SI tokens total: %v", foundSITokens)
r.Equal(1, foundSITokens["connect-proxy-count-api"], "expected 1 SI token for connect-proxy-count-api: %v", foundSITokens)
r.Equal(1, foundSITokens["connect-proxy-count-dashboard"], "expected 1 SI token for connect-proxy-count-dashboard: %v", foundSITokens)
t.Log("connect legacy job with ACLs enable finished")
func (tc *ConnectACLsE2ETest) TestConnectACLsConnectNativeDemo(f *framework.F) {
t := f.T()
r := require.New(t)
t.Log("test register Connect job w/ ACLs enabled w/ operator token")
// === Setup ACL policy and mint Operator token ===
// create a policy allowing writes of services "uuid-fe" and "uuid-api"
policyID := tc.createConsulPolicy(consulPolicy{
Name: "nomad-operator-policy",
Rules: `service "uuid-fe" { policy = "write" } service "uuid-api" { policy = "write" }`,
}, f)
t.Log("created operator policy:", policyID)
// create a Consul "operator token" blessed with the above policy
operatorToken := tc.createOperatorToken(policyID, f)
t.Log("created operator token:", operatorToken)
jobID := connectJobID()
tc.jobIDs = append(tc.jobIDs, jobID)
allocs := e2eutil.RegisterAndWaitForAllocs(t, tc.Nomad(), demoConnectNativeJob, jobID, operatorToken)
allocIDs := e2eutil.AllocIDsFromAllocationListStubs(allocs)
e2eutil.WaitForAllocsRunning(t, tc.Nomad(), allocIDs)
// === Check Consul SI tokens were generated for native tasks ===
foundSITokens := tc.countSITokens(t)
r.Equal(2, len(foundSITokens), "expected 2 SI tokens total: %v", foundSITokens)
r.Equal(1, foundSITokens["frontend"], "expected 1 SI token for frontend: %v", foundSITokens)
r.Equal(1, foundSITokens["generate"], "expected 1 SI token for generate: %v", foundSITokens)
t.Log("connect native job with ACLs enable finished")
var (
siTokenRe = regexp.MustCompile(`_nomad_si \[[\w-]{36}] \[[\w-]{36}] \[([\S]+)]`)
func (tc *ConnectACLsE2ETest) serviceofSIToken(description string) string {
if m := siTokenRe.FindStringSubmatch(description); len(m) == 2 {
return m[1]
return ""
func (tc *ConnectACLsE2ETest) countSITokens(t *testing.T) map[string]int {
aclAPI := tc.Consul().ACL()
tokens, _, err := aclAPI.TokenList(&consulapi.QueryOptions{
Token: tc.consulMasterToken,
require.NoError(t, err)
// count the number of SI tokens matching each service name
foundSITokens := make(map[string]int)
for _, token := range tokens {
if service := tc.serviceofSIToken(token.Description); service != "" {
return foundSITokens
func (tc *ConnectACLsE2ETest) parseJobSpecFile(t *testing.T, filename string) *nomadapi.Job {
job, err := jobspec.ParseFile(filename)
require.NoError(t, err)
return job