Provisions vault with the policies described in the Nomad Vault integration guide, and drops a configuration file for Nomad vault server configuration with its token. The vault root token is exposed to the E2E runner so that tests can write additional policies to vault.
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# Bootstrapping Nomad ACLs:
# We can't both bootstrap the ACLs and use the Nomad TF provider's
# resource.nomad_acl_token in the same Terraform run, because there's no way
# to get the management token into the provider's environment after we bootstrap.
# So we run a bootstrapping script and write our management token into a file
# that we read in for the output of $(terraform output environment) later.
resource "null_resource" "bootstrap_nomad_acls" {
depends_on = [module.nomad_server]
triggers = {
script = data.template_file.bootstrap_nomad_script.rendered
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = data.template_file.bootstrap_nomad_script.rendered
# write the bootstrap token to the keys/ directory (where the ssh key is)
# so that we can read it into the data.local_file later. If not set,
# ensure that it's empty.
data "template_file" "bootstrap_nomad_script" {
template = var.nomad_acls ? "NOMAD_ADDR=http://${aws_instance.server.0.public_ip}:4646 ./scripts/bootstrap-nomad.sh" : "mkdir -p ${path.root}/keys; echo > ${path.root}/keys/nomad_root_token"
data "local_file" "nomad_token" {
depends_on = [null_resource.bootstrap_nomad_acls]
filename = "${path.root}/keys/nomad_root_token"