281 lines
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281 lines
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import { currentURL, visit } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support';
import a11yAudit from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/a11y-audit';
import pageSizeSelect from './behaviors/page-size-select';
import VolumesList from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/storage/volumes/list';
import Layout from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/layout';
const assignWriteAlloc = (volume, alloc) => {
const assignReadAlloc = (volume, alloc) => {
module('Acceptance | volumes list', function (hooks) {
hooks.beforeEach(function () {
server.create('csi-plugin', { createVolumes: false });
test('it passes an accessibility audit', async function (assert) {
await VolumesList.visit();
await a11yAudit(assert);
test('visiting /csi redirects to /csi/volumes', async function (assert) {
await visit('/csi');
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/csi/volumes');
test('visiting /csi/volumes', async function (assert) {
await VolumesList.visit();
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/csi/volumes');
assert.equal(document.title, 'CSI Volumes - Nomad');
test('/csi/volumes should list the first page of volumes sorted by name', async function (assert) {
const volumeCount = VolumesList.pageSize + 1;
server.createList('csi-volume', volumeCount);
await VolumesList.visit();
const sortedVolumes = server.db.csiVolumes.sortBy('id');
assert.equal(VolumesList.volumes.length, VolumesList.pageSize);
VolumesList.volumes.forEach((volume, index) => {
assert.equal(volume.name, sortedVolumes[index].id, 'Volumes are ordered');
test('each volume row should contain information about the volume', async function (assert) {
const volume = server.create('csi-volume');
const readAllocs = server.createList('allocation', 2, { shallow: true });
const writeAllocs = server.createList('allocation', 3, { shallow: true });
readAllocs.forEach((alloc) => assignReadAlloc(volume, alloc));
writeAllocs.forEach((alloc) => assignWriteAlloc(volume, alloc));
await VolumesList.visit();
const volumeRow = VolumesList.volumes.objectAt(0);
let controllerHealthStr = 'Node Only';
if (volume.controllerRequired || volume.controllersExpected > 0) {
const healthy = volume.controllersHealthy;
const expected = volume.controllersExpected;
const isHealthy = healthy > 0;
controllerHealthStr = `${isHealthy ? 'Healthy' : 'Unhealthy'} (${healthy}/${expected})`;
const nodeHealthStr = volume.nodesHealthy > 0 ? 'Healthy' : 'Unhealthy';
assert.equal(volumeRow.name, volume.id);
assert.equal(volumeRow.schedulable, volume.schedulable ? 'Schedulable' : 'Unschedulable');
assert.equal(volumeRow.controllerHealth, controllerHealthStr);
`${nodeHealthStr} (${volume.nodesHealthy}/${volume.nodesExpected})`
assert.equal(volumeRow.provider, volume.provider);
assert.equal(volumeRow.allocations, readAllocs.length + writeAllocs.length);
test('each volume row should link to the corresponding volume', async function (assert) {
const [, secondNamespace] = server.createList('namespace', 2);
const volume = server.create('csi-volume', { namespaceId: secondNamespace.id });
await VolumesList.visit({ namespace: '*' });
await VolumesList.volumes.objectAt(0).clickName();
assert.equal(currentURL(), `/csi/volumes/${volume.id}?namespace=${secondNamespace.id}`);
await VolumesList.visit({ namespace: '*' });
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/csi/volumes?namespace=*');
await VolumesList.volumes.objectAt(0).clickRow();
assert.equal(currentURL(), `/csi/volumes/${volume.id}?namespace=${secondNamespace.id}`);
test('when there are no volumes, there is an empty message', async function (assert) {
await VolumesList.visit();
assert.equal(VolumesList.emptyState.headline, 'No Volumes');
test('when there are volumes, but no matches for a search, there is an empty message', async function (assert) {
server.create('csi-volume', { id: 'cat 1' });
server.create('csi-volume', { id: 'cat 2' });
await VolumesList.visit();
await VolumesList.search('dog');
assert.equal(VolumesList.emptyState.headline, 'No Matches');
test('searching resets the current page', async function (assert) {
server.createList('csi-volume', VolumesList.pageSize + 1);
await VolumesList.visit();
await VolumesList.nextPage();
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/csi/volumes?page=2');
await VolumesList.search('foobar');
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/csi/volumes?search=foobar');
test('when the cluster has namespaces, each volume row includes the volume namespace', async function (assert) {
server.createList('namespace', 2);
const volume = server.create('csi-volume');
await VolumesList.visit({ namespace: '*' });
const volumeRow = VolumesList.volumes.objectAt(0);
assert.equal(volumeRow.namespace, volume.namespaceId);
test('when the namespace query param is set, only matching volumes are shown and the namespace value is forwarded to app state', async function (assert) {
server.createList('namespace', 2);
const volume1 = server.create('csi-volume', { namespaceId: server.db.namespaces[0].id });
const volume2 = server.create('csi-volume', { namespaceId: server.db.namespaces[1].id });
await VolumesList.visit();
assert.equal(VolumesList.volumes.length, 2);
const firstNamespace = server.db.namespaces[0];
await VolumesList.visit({ namespace: firstNamespace.id });
assert.equal(VolumesList.volumes.length, 1);
assert.equal(VolumesList.volumes.objectAt(0).name, volume1.id);
const secondNamespace = server.db.namespaces[1];
await VolumesList.visit({ namespace: secondNamespace.id });
assert.equal(VolumesList.volumes.length, 1);
assert.equal(VolumesList.volumes.objectAt(0).name, volume2.id);
test('the active namespace is carried over to the jobs pages', async function (assert) {
server.createList('namespace', 2);
const namespace = server.db.namespaces[1];
await VolumesList.visit();
await VolumesList.facets.namespace.toggle();
await VolumesList.facets.namespace.options.objectAt(2).select();
await Layout.gutter.visitJobs();
assert.equal(currentURL(), `/jobs?namespace=${namespace.id}`);
test('when accessing volumes is forbidden, a message is shown with a link to the tokens page', async function (assert) {
server.pretender.get('/v1/volumes', () => [403, {}, null]);
await VolumesList.visit();
assert.equal(VolumesList.error.title, 'Not Authorized');
await VolumesList.error.seekHelp();
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/settings/tokens');
resourceName: 'volume',
pageObject: VolumesList,
pageObjectList: VolumesList.volumes,
async setup() {
server.createList('csi-volume', VolumesList.pageSize);
await VolumesList.visit();
testSingleSelectFacet('Namespace', {
facet: VolumesList.facets.namespace,
paramName: 'namespace',
expectedOptions: ['All (*)', 'default', 'namespace-2'],
optionToSelect: 'namespace-2',
async beforeEach() {
server.create('namespace', { id: 'default' });
server.create('namespace', { id: 'namespace-2' });
server.createList('csi-volume', 2, { namespaceId: 'default' });
server.createList('csi-volume', 2, { namespaceId: 'namespace-2' });
await VolumesList.visit();
filter(volume, selection) {
return volume.namespaceId === selection;
function testSingleSelectFacet(
{ facet, paramName, beforeEach, filter, expectedOptions, optionToSelect }
) {
test(`the ${label} facet has the correct options`, async function (assert) {
await beforeEach();
await facet.toggle();
let expectation;
if (typeof expectedOptions === 'function') {
expectation = expectedOptions(server.db.jobs);
} else {
expectation = expectedOptions;
facet.options.map((option) => option.label.trim()),
'Options for facet are as expected'
test(`the ${label} facet filters the volumes list by ${label}`, async function (assert) {
await beforeEach();
await facet.toggle();
const option = facet.options.findOneBy('label', optionToSelect);
const selection = option.key;
await option.select();
const expectedVolumes = server.db.csiVolumes
.filter((volume) => filter(volume, selection))
VolumesList.volumes.forEach((volume, index) => {
`Volume at ${index} is ${expectedVolumes[index].name}`
test(`selecting an option in the ${label} facet updates the ${paramName} query param`, async function (assert) {
await beforeEach();
await facet.toggle();
const option = facet.options.objectAt(1);
const selection = option.key;
await option.select();
'URL has the correct query param key and value'