Tim Gross c9d92f845f
e2e: add a Windows client to test runner (#6735)
* Adds a constraint to prevent tests from landing on Windows
* Improve Terraform output for mixed windows/linux clients
* Makes some Windows client config fixes from 0.10.2 testing
2019-11-25 13:31:00 -05:00

50 lines
1.6 KiB
Executable file

[string]$Cloud = "aws",
[string]$NomadSha = "",
# Force TLS1.2
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
# Consul
cp "C:\ops\shared\consul\base.json" "C:\opt\consul.d\base.json"
cp "C:\ops\shared\consul\retry_$Cloud.json" "C:\opt\consul.d\retry_$Cloud.json"
sc.exe create "Consul" binPath= "C:\opt\consul.exe agent -config-dir C:\opt\consul.d -log-file C:\opt\consul\consul.log" start= auto
sc.exe start "Consul"
# Vault
# TODO(tgross): we don't need Vault for clients
# cp "C:\ops\shared\vault\vault.hcl" C:\opt\vault.d\vault.hcl
# sc.exe create "Vault" binPath= "C:\opt\vault.exe" agent -config-dir "C:\opt\vault.d" start= auto
# Nomad
md C:\opt\nomad
Read-S3Object `
-BucketName nomad-team-test-binary `
-Key "builds-oss/nomad_windows_amd64_$" `
-File .\
Expand-Archive .\ .\
rm C:\opt\nomad.exe
mv .\pkg\windows_amd64\nomad.exe C:\opt\nomad.exe
# install config file
cp "C:\ops\shared\nomad\client-windows.hcl" "C:\opt\nomad.d\nomad.hcl"
# Setup Host Volumes
md C:\tmp\data
# TODO(tgross): not sure we even support this for Windows?
# Write-Output "Install CNI"
# md C:\opt\cni\bin
# $cni_url = ""
# Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$cni_url" -Outfile cni.tgz
# Expand-7Zip -ArchiveFileName .\cni.tgz -TargetPath C:\opt\cni\bin\
# enable as a service
sc.exe create "Nomad" binPath= "C:\opt\nomad.exe agent -config C:\opt\nomad.d" start= auto
sc.exe start "Nomad"