
308 lines
7.3 KiB

package nomad
import (
autopilot ""
var _ autopilot.ApplicationIntegration = (*AutopilotDelegate)(nil)
// wantPeers determines whether the server has the given
// number of voting raft peers.
func wantPeers(s *Server, peers int) error {
future := s.raft.GetConfiguration()
if err := future.Error(); err != nil {
return err
var n int
for _, server := range future.Configuration().Servers {
if server.Suffrage == raft.Voter {
if got, want := n, peers; got != want {
return fmt.Errorf("server %v: got %d peers want %d\n\tservers: %#+v", s.config.NodeName, got, want, future.Configuration().Servers)
return nil
func TestAutopilot_CleanupDeadServer(t *testing.T) {
conf := func(c *Config) {
c.NumSchedulers = 0 // reduces test log noise
c.BootstrapExpect = 3
c.RaftConfig.ProtocolVersion = raft.ProtocolVersion(3)
s1, cleanupS1 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS1()
s2, cleanupS2 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS2()
s3, cleanupS3 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS3()
servers := []*Server{s1, s2, s3}
TestJoin(t, servers...)
t.Logf("waiting for initial stable cluster")
waitForStableLeadership(t, servers)
s4, cleanupS4 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS4()
// Kill a non-leader server
killedIdx := 0
for i, s := range servers {
if !s.IsLeader() {
killedIdx = i
t.Logf("killing a server (index %d)", killedIdx)
t.Logf("waiting for server loss to be detected")
testutil.WaitForResultUntil(10*time.Second, func() (bool, error) {
for i, s := range servers {
alive := 0
if i == killedIdx {
// Skip shutdown server
for _, m := range s.Members() {
if m.Status == serf.StatusAlive {
if alive != 2 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("expected 2 alive servers but found %v", alive)
return true, nil
}, func(err error) { must.NoError(t, err) })
// Join the new server
servers[killedIdx] = s4
t.Logf("adding server s4")
TestJoin(t, servers...)
t.Logf("waiting for dead server to be removed")
waitForStableLeadership(t, servers)
func TestAutopilot_CleanupDeadServerPeriodic(t *testing.T) {
conf := func(c *Config) {
c.NumSchedulers = 0 // reduces test log noise
c.BootstrapExpect = 5
s1, cleanupS1 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS1()
s2, cleanupS2 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS2()
s3, cleanupS3 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS3()
s4, cleanupS4 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS4()
s5, cleanupS5 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS5()
servers := []*Server{s1, s2, s3, s4, s5}
TestJoin(t, servers...)
t.Logf("waiting for initial stable cluster")
waitForStableLeadership(t, servers)
t.Logf("killing a non-leader server")
if leader := waitForStableLeadership(t, servers); leader == s4 {
s1, s4 = s4, s1
t.Logf("waiting for dead peer to be removed")
servers = []*Server{s1, s2, s3, s5}
waitForStableLeadership(t, servers)
func TestAutopilot_RollingUpdate(t *testing.T) {
conf := func(c *Config) {
c.NumSchedulers = 0 // reduces test log noise
c.BootstrapExpect = 3
c.RaftConfig.ProtocolVersion = 3
s1, cleanupS1 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS1()
s2, cleanupS2 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS2()
s3, cleanupS3 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS3()
servers := []*Server{s1, s2, s3}
TestJoin(t, s1, s2, s3)
t.Logf("waiting for initial stable cluster")
waitForStableLeadership(t, servers)
// Add one more server like we are doing a rolling update.
t.Logf("adding server s4")
s4, cleanupS4 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS4()
TestJoin(t, s1, s4)
// Wait for s4 to stabilize and get promoted to a voter
t.Logf("waiting for s4 to stabilize and be promoted")
servers = append(servers, s4)
waitForStableLeadership(t, servers)
// Now kill one of the "old" nodes like we are doing a rolling update.
t.Logf("shutting down server s3")
// Wait for s3 to be removed and the cluster to stablize.
t.Logf("waiting for cluster to stabilize")
servers = []*Server{s1, s2, s4}
waitForStableLeadership(t, servers)
func TestAutopilot_MultiRegion(t *testing.T) {
conf := func(c *Config) {
c.NumSchedulers = 0 // reduces test log noise
c.BootstrapExpect = 3
s1, cleanupS1 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS1()
s2, cleanupS2 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS2()
s3, cleanupS3 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS3()
// federated regions should not be considered raft peers or show up in the
// known servers list
s4, cleanupS4 := TestServer(t, func(c *Config) {
c.BootstrapExpect = 0
c.Region = "other"
defer cleanupS4()
servers := []*Server{s1, s2, s3}
TestJoin(t, s1, s2, s3, s4)
t.Logf("waiting for initial stable cluster")
waitForStableLeadership(t, servers)
apDelegate := &AutopilotDelegate{s3}
known := apDelegate.KnownServers()
must.Eq(t, 3, len(known))
func TestAutopilot_CleanupStaleRaftServer(t *testing.T) {
conf := func(c *Config) {
c.NumSchedulers = 0 // reduces test log noise
c.BootstrapExpect = 3
s1, cleanupS1 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS1()
s2, cleanupS2 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS2()
s3, cleanupS3 := TestServer(t, conf)
defer cleanupS3()
s4, cleanupS4 := TestServer(t, func(c *Config) {
c.BootstrapExpect = 0
defer cleanupS4()
servers := []*Server{s1, s2, s3}
TestJoin(t, s1, s2, s3)
t.Logf("waiting for initial stable cluster")
leader := waitForStableLeadership(t, servers)
t.Logf("adding server s4 to peers directly")
addr := fmt.Sprintf("", s4.config.RPCAddr.Port)
future := leader.raft.AddVoter(raft.ServerID(s4.config.NodeID), raft.ServerAddress(addr), 0, 0)
if err := future.Error(); err != nil {
t.Logf("waiting for 4th server to be removed")
waitForStableLeadership(t, servers)
func TestAutopilot_PromoteNonVoter(t *testing.T) {
s1, cleanupS1 := TestServer(t, func(c *Config) {
c.NumSchedulers = 0 // reduces test log noise
c.RaftConfig.ProtocolVersion = 3
defer cleanupS1()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testutil.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC)
s2, cleanupS2 := TestServer(t, func(c *Config) {
c.NumSchedulers = 0 // reduces test log noise
c.BootstrapExpect = 0
c.RaftConfig.ProtocolVersion = 3
defer cleanupS2()
TestJoin(t, s1, s2)
// Note: we can't reliably detect that the server is initially a non-voter,
// because it can transition too quickly for the test setup to detect,
// especially in low-resource environments like CI. We'll assume that
// happens correctly here and only test that it transitions to become a
// voter.
testutil.WaitForResultUntil(10*time.Second, func() (bool, error) {
future := s1.raft.GetConfiguration()
if err := future.Error(); err != nil {
return false, err
servers := future.Configuration().Servers
if len(servers) != 2 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("expected 2 servers, got: %v", servers)
if servers[1].Suffrage != raft.Voter {
return false, fmt.Errorf("expected server to be voter: %v", servers)
return true, nil
}, func(err error) { must.NoError(t, err) })