This PR switches the Nomad repository from using govendor to Go modules for managing dependencies. Aspects of the Nomad workflow remain pretty much the same. The usual Makefile targets should continue to work as they always did. The API submodule simply defers to the parent Nomad version on the repository, keeping the semantics of API versioning that currently exists.
109 lines
2.9 KiB
109 lines
2.9 KiB
package units
import (
// See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_prefix
const (
// Decimal
KB = 1000
MB = 1000 * KB
GB = 1000 * MB
TB = 1000 * GB
PB = 1000 * TB
// Binary
KiB = 1024
MiB = 1024 * KiB
GiB = 1024 * MiB
TiB = 1024 * GiB
PiB = 1024 * TiB
type unitMap map[string]int64
var (
decimalMap = unitMap{"k": KB, "m": MB, "g": GB, "t": TB, "p": PB}
binaryMap = unitMap{"k": KiB, "m": MiB, "g": GiB, "t": TiB, "p": PiB}
sizeRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d+(\.\d+)*) ?([kKmMgGtTpP])?[iI]?[bB]?$`)
var decimapAbbrs = []string{"B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"}
var binaryAbbrs = []string{"B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB"}
func getSizeAndUnit(size float64, base float64, _map []string) (float64, string) {
i := 0
unitsLimit := len(_map) - 1
for size >= base && i < unitsLimit {
size = size / base
return size, _map[i]
// CustomSize returns a human-readable approximation of a size
// using custom format.
func CustomSize(format string, size float64, base float64, _map []string) string {
size, unit := getSizeAndUnit(size, base, _map)
return fmt.Sprintf(format, size, unit)
// HumanSizeWithPrecision allows the size to be in any precision,
// instead of 4 digit precision used in units.HumanSize.
func HumanSizeWithPrecision(size float64, precision int) string {
size, unit := getSizeAndUnit(size, 1000.0, decimapAbbrs)
return fmt.Sprintf("%.*g%s", precision, size, unit)
// HumanSize returns a human-readable approximation of a size
// capped at 4 valid numbers (eg. "2.746 MB", "796 KB").
func HumanSize(size float64) string {
return HumanSizeWithPrecision(size, 4)
// BytesSize returns a human-readable size in bytes, kibibytes,
// mebibytes, gibibytes, or tebibytes (eg. "44kiB", "17MiB").
func BytesSize(size float64) string {
return CustomSize("%.4g%s", size, 1024.0, binaryAbbrs)
// FromHumanSize returns an integer from a human-readable specification of a
// size using SI standard (eg. "44kB", "17MB").
func FromHumanSize(size string) (int64, error) {
return parseSize(size, decimalMap)
// RAMInBytes parses a human-readable string representing an amount of RAM
// in bytes, kibibytes, mebibytes, gibibytes, or tebibytes and
// returns the number of bytes, or -1 if the string is unparseable.
// Units are case-insensitive, and the 'b' suffix is optional.
func RAMInBytes(size string) (int64, error) {
return parseSize(size, binaryMap)
// Parses the human-readable size string into the amount it represents.
func parseSize(sizeStr string, uMap unitMap) (int64, error) {
matches := sizeRegex.FindStringSubmatch(sizeStr)
if len(matches) != 4 {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("invalid size: '%s'", sizeStr)
size, err := strconv.ParseFloat(matches[1], 64)
if err != nil {
return -1, err
unitPrefix := strings.ToLower(matches[3])
if mul, ok := uMap[unitPrefix]; ok {
size *= float64(mul)
return int64(size), nil