This PR fixes a race condition in which the client was not locked while deriving Vault tokens. This allowed the token to be set which would cause subsequent Vault requests to fail with permission denied because the incorrect Vault token was being used. Further this PR makes the unsetting and unlocking of the client atomic to avoid an even harder to hit race condition (not sure it was ever hit but was still incorrect).
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package vaultclient
import (
vaultapi "github.com/hashicorp/vault/api"
// TokenDeriverFunc takes in an allocation and a set of tasks and derives a
// wrapped token for all the tasks, from the nomad server. All the derived
// wrapped tokens will be unwrapped using the vault API client.
type TokenDeriverFunc func(*structs.Allocation, []string, *vaultapi.Client) (map[string]string, error)
// The interface which nomad client uses to interact with vault and
// periodically renews the tokens and secrets.
type VaultClient interface {
// Start initiates the renewal loop of tokens and secrets
// Stop terminates the renewal loop for tokens and secrets
// DeriveToken contacts the nomad server and fetches wrapped tokens for
// a set of tasks. The wrapped tokens will be unwrapped using vault and
// returned.
DeriveToken(*structs.Allocation, []string) (map[string]string, error)
// GetConsulACL fetches the Consul ACL token required for the task
GetConsulACL(string, string) (*vaultapi.Secret, error)
// RenewToken renews a token with the given increment and adds it to
// the min-heap for periodic renewal.
RenewToken(string, int) (<-chan error, error)
// StopRenewToken removes the token from the min-heap, stopping its
// renewal.
StopRenewToken(string) error
// RenewLease renews a vault secret's lease and adds the lease
// identifier to the min-heap for periodic renewal.
RenewLease(string, int) (<-chan error, error)
// StopRenewLease removes a secret's lease ID from the min-heap,
// stopping its renewal.
StopRenewLease(string) error
// Implementation of VaultClient interface to interact with vault and perform
// token and lease renewals periodically.
type vaultClient struct {
// tokenDeriver is a function pointer passed in by the client to derive
// tokens by making RPC calls to the nomad server. The wrapped tokens
// returned by the nomad server will be unwrapped by this function
// using the vault API client.
tokenDeriver TokenDeriverFunc
// running indicates if the renewal loop is active or not
running bool
// tokenData is the data of the passed VaultClient token
token *tokenData
// client is the API client to interact with vault
client *vaultapi.Client
// updateCh is the channel to notify heap modifications to the renewal
// loop
updateCh chan struct{}
// stopCh is the channel to trigger termination of renewal loop
stopCh chan struct{}
// heap is the min-heap to keep track of both tokens and leases
heap *vaultClientHeap
// config is the configuration to connect to vault
config *config.VaultConfig
lock sync.RWMutex
logger *log.Logger
// tokenData holds the relevant information about the Vault token passed to the
// client.
type tokenData struct {
CreationTTL int `mapstructure:"creation_ttl"`
TTL int `mapstructure:"ttl"`
Renewable bool `mapstructure:"renewable"`
Policies []string `mapstructure:"policies"`
Role string `mapstructure:"role"`
Root bool
// vaultClientRenewalRequest is a request object for renewal of both tokens and
// secret's leases.
type vaultClientRenewalRequest struct {
// errCh is the channel into which any renewal error will be sent to
errCh chan error
// id is an identifier which represents either a token or a lease
id string
// increment is the duration for which the token or lease should be
// renewed for
increment int
// isToken indicates whether the 'id' field is a token or not
isToken bool
// Element representing an entry in the renewal heap
type vaultClientHeapEntry struct {
req *vaultClientRenewalRequest
next time.Time
index int
// Wrapper around the actual heap to provide additional symantics on top of
// functions provided by the heap interface. In order to achieve that, an
// additional map is placed beside the actual heap. This map can be used to
// check if an entry is already present in the heap.
type vaultClientHeap struct {
heapMap map[string]*vaultClientHeapEntry
heap vaultDataHeapImp
// Data type of the heap
type vaultDataHeapImp []*vaultClientHeapEntry
// NewVaultClient returns a new vault client from the given config.
func NewVaultClient(config *config.VaultConfig, logger *log.Logger, tokenDeriver TokenDeriverFunc) (*vaultClient, error) {
if config == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("nil vault config")
if logger == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("nil logger")
c := &vaultClient{
config: config,
stopCh: make(chan struct{}),
// Update channel should be a buffered channel
updateCh: make(chan struct{}, 1),
heap: newVaultClientHeap(),
logger: logger,
tokenDeriver: tokenDeriver,
if !config.IsEnabled() {
return c, nil
// Get the Vault API configuration
apiConf, err := config.ApiConfig()
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("[ERR] client.vault: failed to create vault API config: %v", err)
return nil, err
// Create the Vault API client
client, err := vaultapi.NewClient(apiConf)
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("[ERR] client.vault: failed to create Vault client. Not retrying: %v", err)
return nil, err
c.client = client
return c, nil
// newVaultClientHeap returns a new vault client heap with both the heap and a
// map which is a secondary index for heap elements, both initialized.
func newVaultClientHeap() *vaultClientHeap {
return &vaultClientHeap{
heapMap: make(map[string]*vaultClientHeapEntry),
heap: make(vaultDataHeapImp, 0),
// isTracked returns if a given identifier is already present in the heap and
// hence is being renewed. Lock should be held before calling this method.
func (c *vaultClient) isTracked(id string) bool {
if id == "" {
return false
_, ok := c.heap.heapMap[id]
return ok
// Starts the renewal loop of vault client
func (c *vaultClient) Start() {
if !c.config.IsEnabled() || c.running {
c.running = true
go c.run()
// Stops the renewal loop of vault client
func (c *vaultClient) Stop() {
if !c.config.IsEnabled() || !c.running {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
c.running = false
// unlockAndUnset is used to unset the vault token on the client and release the
// lock. Helper method for deferring a call that does both.
func (c *vaultClient) unlockAndUnset() {
// DeriveToken takes in an allocation and a set of tasks and for each of the
// task, it derives a vault token from nomad server and unwraps it using vault.
// The return value is a map containing all the unwrapped tokens indexed by the
// task name.
func (c *vaultClient) DeriveToken(alloc *structs.Allocation, taskNames []string) (map[string]string, error) {
if !c.config.IsEnabled() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("vault client not enabled")
if !c.running {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("vault client is not running")
defer c.unlockAndUnset()
// Use the token supplied to interact with vault
return c.tokenDeriver(alloc, taskNames, c.client)
// GetConsulACL creates a vault API client and reads from vault a consul ACL
// token used by the task.
func (c *vaultClient) GetConsulACL(token, path string) (*vaultapi.Secret, error) {
if !c.config.IsEnabled() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("vault client not enabled")
if token == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing token")
if path == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing consul ACL token vault path")
defer c.unlockAndUnset()
// Use the token supplied to interact with vault
// Read the consul ACL token and return the secret directly
return c.client.Logical().Read(path)
// RenewToken renews the supplied token for a given duration (in seconds) and
// adds it to the min-heap so that it is renewed periodically by the renewal
// loop. Any error returned during renewal will be written to a buffered
// channel and the channel is returned instead of an actual error. This helps
// the caller be notified of a renewal failure asynchronously for appropriate
// actions to be taken. The caller of this function need not have to close the
// error channel.
func (c *vaultClient) RenewToken(token string, increment int) (<-chan error, error) {
if token == "" {
err := fmt.Errorf("missing token")
return nil, err
if increment < 1 {
err := fmt.Errorf("increment cannot be less than 1")
return nil, err
// Create a buffered error channel
errCh := make(chan error, 1)
// Create a renewal request and indicate that the identifier in the
// request is a token and not a lease
renewalReq := &vaultClientRenewalRequest{
errCh: errCh,
id: token,
isToken: true,
increment: increment,
// Perform the renewal of the token and send any error to the dedicated
// error channel.
if err := c.renew(renewalReq); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] client.vault: renewal of token failed: %v", err)
return nil, err
return errCh, nil
// RenewLease renews the supplied lease identifier for a supplied duration (in
// seconds) and adds it to the min-heap so that it gets renewed periodically by
// the renewal loop. Any error returned during renewal will be written to a
// buffered channel and the channel is returned instead of an actual error.
// This helps the caller be notified of a renewal failure asynchronously for
// appropriate actions to be taken. The caller of this function need not have
// to close the error channel.
func (c *vaultClient) RenewLease(leaseId string, increment int) (<-chan error, error) {
if leaseId == "" {
err := fmt.Errorf("missing lease ID")
return nil, err
if increment < 1 {
err := fmt.Errorf("increment cannot be less than 1")
return nil, err
// Create a buffered error channel
errCh := make(chan error, 1)
// Create a renewal request using the supplied lease and duration
renewalReq := &vaultClientRenewalRequest{
errCh: errCh,
id: leaseId,
increment: increment,
// Renew the secret and send any error to the dedicated error channel
if err := c.renew(renewalReq); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] client.vault: renewal of lease failed: %v", err)
return nil, err
return errCh, nil
// renew is a common method to handle renewal of both tokens and secret leases.
// It invokes a token renewal or a secret's lease renewal. If renewal is
// successful, min-heap is updated based on the duration after which it needs
// renewal again. The next renewal time is randomly selected to avoid spikes in
// the number of APIs periodically.
func (c *vaultClient) renew(req *vaultClientRenewalRequest) error {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
if req == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("nil renewal request")
if req.errCh == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("renewal request error channel nil")
if !c.config.IsEnabled() {
return fmt.Errorf("vault client not enabled")
if !c.running {
return fmt.Errorf("vault client is not running")
if req.id == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("missing id in renewal request")
if req.increment < 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("increment cannot be less than 1")
var renewalErr error
leaseDuration := req.increment
if req.isToken {
// Set the token in the API client to the one that needs
// renewal
// Renew the token
renewResp, err := c.client.Auth().Token().RenewSelf(req.increment)
if err != nil {
renewalErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to renew the vault token: %v", err)
} else if renewResp == nil || renewResp.Auth == nil {
renewalErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to renew the vault token")
} else {
// Don't set this if renewal fails
leaseDuration = renewResp.Auth.LeaseDuration
// Reset the token in the API client before returning
} else {
// Renew the secret
renewResp, err := c.client.Sys().Renew(req.id, req.increment)
if err != nil {
renewalErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to renew vault secret: %v", err)
} else if renewResp == nil {
renewalErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to renew vault secret")
} else {
// Don't set this if renewal fails
leaseDuration = renewResp.LeaseDuration
duration := leaseDuration / 2
switch {
case leaseDuration < 30:
// Don't bother about introducing randomness if the
// leaseDuration is too small.
// Give a breathing space of 20 seconds
min := 10
max := leaseDuration - min
duration = min + rand.Intn(max-min)
// Determine the next renewal time
next := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(duration) * time.Second)
fatal := false
if renewalErr != nil &&
(strings.Contains(renewalErr.Error(), "lease not found or lease is not renewable") ||
strings.Contains(renewalErr.Error(), "token not found") ||
strings.Contains(renewalErr.Error(), "permission denied")) {
fatal = true
} else if renewalErr != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client.vault: req.increment: %d, leaseDuration: %d, duration: %d", req.increment, leaseDuration, duration)
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] client.vault: renewal of lease or token failed due to a non-fatal error. Retrying at %v: %v", next.String(), renewalErr)
if c.isTracked(req.id) {
if fatal {
// If encountered with an error where in a lease or a
// token is not valid at all with vault, and if that
// item is tracked by the renewal loop, stop renewing
// it by removing the corresponding heap entry.
if err := c.heap.Remove(req.id); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to remove heap entry. err: %v", err)
delete(c.heap.heapMap, req.id)
// Report the fatal error to the client
req.errCh <- renewalErr
return renewalErr
// If the identifier is already tracked, this indicates a
// subsequest renewal. In this case, update the existing
// element in the heap with the new renewal time.
if err := c.heap.Update(req, next); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to update heap entry. err: %v", err)
// There is no need to signal an update to the renewal loop
// here because this case is hit from the renewal loop itself.
} else {
if fatal {
// If encountered with an error where in a lease or a
// token is not valid at all with vault, and if that
// item is not tracked by renewal loop, don't add it.
// Report the fatal error to the client
req.errCh <- renewalErr
return renewalErr
// If the identifier is not already tracked, this is a first
// renewal request. In this case, add an entry into the heap
// with the next renewal time.
if err := c.heap.Push(req, next); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to push an entry to heap. err: %v", err)
// Signal an update for the renewal loop to trigger a fresh
// computation for the next best candidate for renewal.
if c.running {
select {
case c.updateCh <- struct{}{}:
return nil
// run is the renewal loop which performs the periodic renewals of both the
// tokens and the secret leases.
func (c *vaultClient) run() {
if !c.config.IsEnabled() {
var renewalCh <-chan time.Time
for c.config.IsEnabled() && c.running {
// Fetches the candidate for next renewal
renewalReq, renewalTime := c.nextRenewal()
if renewalTime.IsZero() {
// If the heap is empty, don't do anything
renewalCh = nil
} else {
now := time.Now()
if renewalTime.After(now) {
// Compute the duration after which the item
// needs renewal and set the renewalCh to fire
// at that time.
renewalDuration := renewalTime.Sub(time.Now())
renewalCh = time.After(renewalDuration)
} else {
// If the renewals of multiple items are too
// close to each other and by the time the
// entry is fetched from heap it might be past
// the current time (by a small margin). In
// which case, fire immediately.
renewalCh = time.After(0)
select {
case <-renewalCh:
if err := c.renew(renewalReq); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] client.vault: renewal of token failed: %v", err)
case <-c.updateCh:
case <-c.stopCh:
c.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client.vault: stopped")
// StopRenewToken removes the item from the heap which represents the given
// token.
func (c *vaultClient) StopRenewToken(token string) error {
return c.stopRenew(token)
// StopRenewLease removes the item from the heap which represents the given
// lease identifier.
func (c *vaultClient) StopRenewLease(leaseId string) error {
return c.stopRenew(leaseId)
// stopRenew removes the given identifier from the heap and signals the renewal
// loop to compute the next best candidate for renewal.
func (c *vaultClient) stopRenew(id string) error {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
if !c.isTracked(id) {
return nil
// Remove the identifier from the heap
if err := c.heap.Remove(id); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to remove heap entry: %v", err)
// Delete the identifier from the map only after the it is removed from
// the heap. Heap's remove method relies on the heap map.
delete(c.heap.heapMap, id)
// Signal an update to the renewal loop.
if c.running {
select {
case c.updateCh <- struct{}{}:
return nil
// nextRenewal returns the root element of the min-heap, which represents the
// next element to be renewed and the time at which the renewal needs to be
// triggered.
func (c *vaultClient) nextRenewal() (*vaultClientRenewalRequest, time.Time) {
defer c.lock.RUnlock()
if c.heap.Length() == 0 {
return nil, time.Time{}
// Fetches the root element in the min-heap
nextEntry := c.heap.Peek()
if nextEntry == nil {
return nil, time.Time{}
return nextEntry.req, nextEntry.next
// Additional helper functions on top of interface methods
// Length returns the number of elements in the heap
func (h *vaultClientHeap) Length() int {
return len(h.heap)
// Returns the root node of the min-heap
func (h *vaultClientHeap) Peek() *vaultClientHeapEntry {
if len(h.heap) == 0 {
return nil
return h.heap[0]
// Push adds the secondary index and inserts an item into the heap
func (h *vaultClientHeap) Push(req *vaultClientRenewalRequest, next time.Time) error {
if req == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("nil request")
if _, ok := h.heapMap[req.id]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("entry %v already exists", req.id)
heapEntry := &vaultClientHeapEntry{
req: req,
next: next,
h.heapMap[req.id] = heapEntry
heap.Push(&h.heap, heapEntry)
return nil
// Update will modify the existing item in the heap with the new data and the
// time, and fixes the heap.
func (h *vaultClientHeap) Update(req *vaultClientRenewalRequest, next time.Time) error {
if entry, ok := h.heapMap[req.id]; ok {
entry.req = req
entry.next = next
heap.Fix(&h.heap, entry.index)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("heap doesn't contain %v", req.id)
// Remove will remove an identifier from the secondary index and deletes the
// corresponding node from the heap.
func (h *vaultClientHeap) Remove(id string) error {
if entry, ok := h.heapMap[id]; ok {
heap.Remove(&h.heap, entry.index)
delete(h.heapMap, id)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("heap doesn't contain entry for %v", id)
// The heap interface requires the following methods to be implemented.
// * Push(x interface{}) // add x as element Len()
// * Pop() interface{} // remove and return element Len() - 1.
// * sort.Interface
// sort.Interface comprises of the following methods:
// * Len() int
// * Less(i, j int) bool
// * Swap(i, j int)
// Part of sort.Interface
func (h vaultDataHeapImp) Len() int { return len(h) }
// Part of sort.Interface
func (h vaultDataHeapImp) Less(i, j int) bool {
// Two zero times should return false.
// Otherwise, zero is "greater" than any other time.
// (To sort it at the end of the list.)
// Sort such that zero times are at the end of the list.
iZero, jZero := h[i].next.IsZero(), h[j].next.IsZero()
if iZero && jZero {
return false
} else if iZero {
return false
} else if jZero {
return true
return h[i].next.Before(h[j].next)
// Part of sort.Interface
func (h vaultDataHeapImp) Swap(i, j int) {
h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i]
h[i].index = i
h[j].index = j
// Part of heap.Interface
func (h *vaultDataHeapImp) Push(x interface{}) {
n := len(*h)
entry := x.(*vaultClientHeapEntry)
entry.index = n
*h = append(*h, entry)
// Part of heap.Interface
func (h *vaultDataHeapImp) Pop() interface{} {
old := *h
n := len(old)
entry := old[n-1]
entry.index = -1 // for safety
*h = old[0 : n-1]
return entry