It worked, but the old code used a different alloc id for the path than the actual alloc! Use the same alloc id everywhere to prevent confusing test output.
431 lines
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431 lines
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package driver
import (
var basicResources = &structs.Resources{
CPU: 250,
MemoryMB: 256,
DiskMB: 20,
func init() {
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
if !testtask.Run() {
// copyFile moves an existing file to the destination
func copyFile(src, dst string, t *testing.T) {
in, err := os.Open(src)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("copying %v -> %v failed: %v", src, dst, err)
defer in.Close()
out, err := os.Create(dst)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("copying %v -> %v failed: %v", src, dst, err)
defer func() {
if err := out.Close(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("copying %v -> %v failed: %v", src, dst, err)
if _, err = io.Copy(out, in); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("copying %v -> %v failed: %v", src, dst, err)
if err := out.Sync(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("copying %v -> %v failed: %v", src, dst, err)
func testConfig(t *testing.T) *config.Config {
conf := config.DefaultConfig()
// Evaluate the symlinks so that the temp directory resolves correctly on
// Mac OS.
d1, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "TestStateDir")
if err != nil {
d2, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "TestAllocDir")
if err != nil {
p1, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(d1)
if err != nil {
p2, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(d2)
if err != nil {
// Give the directories access to everyone
if err := os.Chmod(p1, 0777); err != nil {
if err := os.Chmod(p2, 0777); err != nil {
conf.StateDir = p1
conf.AllocDir = p2
conf.MaxKillTimeout = 10 * time.Second
conf.Region = "global"
conf.Node = mock.Node()
return conf
type testContext struct {
AllocDir *allocdir.AllocDir
DriverCtx *DriverContext
ExecCtx *ExecContext
EnvBuilder *env.Builder
// testDriverContext sets up an alloc dir, task dir, DriverContext, and ExecContext.
// It is up to the caller to call AllocDir.Destroy to cleanup.
func testDriverContexts(t *testing.T, task *structs.Task) *testContext {
cfg := testConfig(t)
cfg.Node = mock.Node()
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.NodeID = cfg.Node.ID
allocDir := allocdir.NewAllocDir(testlog.Logger(t), filepath.Join(cfg.AllocDir, alloc.ID))
if err := allocDir.Build(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("AllocDir.Build() failed: %v", err)
// Build a temp driver so we can call FSIsolation and build the task dir
tmpdrv, err := NewDriver(task.Driver, NewEmptyDriverContext())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewDriver(%q, nil) failed: %v", task.Driver, err)
return nil
// Build the task dir
td := allocDir.NewTaskDir(task.Name)
if err := td.Build(false, config.DefaultChrootEnv, tmpdrv.FSIsolation()); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("TaskDir.Build(%#v, %q) failed: %v", config.DefaultChrootEnv, tmpdrv.FSIsolation(), err)
return nil
eb := env.NewBuilder(cfg.Node, alloc, task, cfg.Region)
SetEnvvars(eb, tmpdrv.FSIsolation(), td, cfg)
execCtx := NewExecContext(td, eb.Build())
logger := testlog.Logger(t)
emitter := func(m string, args ...interface{}) {
logger.Printf("[EVENT] "+m, args...)
driverCtx := NewDriverContext(alloc.Job.Name, alloc.TaskGroup, task.Name, alloc.ID, cfg, cfg.Node, logger, emitter)
return &testContext{allocDir, driverCtx, execCtx, eb}
// setupTaskEnv creates a test env for GetTaskEnv testing. Returns task dir,
// expected env, and actual env.
func setupTaskEnv(t *testing.T, driver string) (*allocdir.TaskDir, map[string]string, map[string]string) {
task := &structs.Task{
Name: "Foo",
Driver: driver,
Env: map[string]string{
"HELLO": "world",
"lorem": "ipsum",
Resources: &structs.Resources{
CPU: 1000,
MemoryMB: 500,
Networks: []*structs.NetworkResource{
IP: "",
ReservedPorts: []structs.Port{{Label: "one", Value: 80}, {Label: "two", Value: 443}},
DynamicPorts: []structs.Port{{Label: "admin", Value: 8081}, {Label: "web", Value: 8086}},
Meta: map[string]string{
"chocolate": "cake",
"strawberry": "icecream",
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job.TaskGroups[0].Tasks[0] = task
alloc.Name = "Bar"
alloc.TaskResources["web"].Networks[0].DynamicPorts[0].Value = 2000
conf := testConfig(t)
allocDir := allocdir.NewAllocDir(testlog.Logger(t), filepath.Join(conf.AllocDir, alloc.ID))
taskDir := allocDir.NewTaskDir(task.Name)
eb := env.NewBuilder(conf.Node, alloc, task, conf.Region)
tmpDriver, err := NewDriver(driver, NewEmptyDriverContext())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create driver %q: %v", driver, err)
SetEnvvars(eb, tmpDriver.FSIsolation(), taskDir, conf)
exp := map[string]string{
"NOMAD_CPU_LIMIT": "1000",
"NOMAD_ADDR_one": "",
"NOMAD_IP_one": "",
"NOMAD_PORT_one": "80",
"NOMAD_HOST_PORT_one": "80",
"NOMAD_ADDR_two": "",
"NOMAD_IP_two": "",
"NOMAD_PORT_two": "443",
"NOMAD_HOST_PORT_two": "443",
"NOMAD_ADDR_admin": "",
"NOMAD_ADDR_web_admin": "",
"NOMAD_ADDR_web_http": "",
"NOMAD_IP_web_admin": "",
"NOMAD_IP_web_http": "",
"NOMAD_PORT_web_http": "2000",
"NOMAD_PORT_web_admin": "5000",
"NOMAD_IP_admin": "",
"NOMAD_PORT_admin": "8081",
"NOMAD_HOST_PORT_admin": "8081",
"NOMAD_ADDR_web": "",
"NOMAD_IP_web": "",
"NOMAD_PORT_web": "8086",
"NOMAD_HOST_PORT_web": "8086",
"NOMAD_META_OWNER": "armon",
"NOMAD_META_chocolate": "cake",
"NOMAD_META_strawberry": "icecream",
"NOMAD_META_elb_check_interval": "30s",
"NOMAD_META_elb_check_type": "http",
"NOMAD_META_elb_check_min": "3",
"NOMAD_META_owner": "armon",
"HELLO": "world",
"lorem": "ipsum",
"NOMAD_ALLOC_NAME": alloc.Name,
"NOMAD_TASK_NAME": task.Name,
"NOMAD_GROUP_NAME": alloc.TaskGroup,
"NOMAD_JOB_NAME": alloc.Job.Name,
"NOMAD_DC": "dc1",
"NOMAD_REGION": "global",
act := eb.Build().Map()
return taskDir, exp, act
func TestDriver_GetTaskEnv_None(t *testing.T) {
taskDir, exp, act := setupTaskEnv(t, "raw_exec")
// raw_exec should use host alloc dir path
exp[env.AllocDir] = taskDir.SharedAllocDir
exp[env.TaskLocalDir] = taskDir.LocalDir
exp[env.SecretsDir] = taskDir.SecretsDir
// Since host env vars are included only ensure expected env vars are present
for expk, expv := range exp {
v, ok := act[expk]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%q not found in task env", expk)
if v != expv {
t.Errorf("Expected %s=%q but found %q", expk, expv, v)
// Make sure common host env vars are included.
for _, envvar := range [...]string{"PATH", "HOME", "USER"} {
if exp := os.Getenv(envvar); act[envvar] != exp {
t.Errorf("Expected envvar %s=%q != %q", envvar, exp, act[envvar])
func TestDriver_GetTaskEnv_Chroot(t *testing.T) {
_, exp, act := setupTaskEnv(t, "exec")
exp[env.AllocDir] = allocdir.SharedAllocContainerPath
exp[env.TaskLocalDir] = allocdir.TaskLocalContainerPath
exp[env.SecretsDir] = allocdir.TaskSecretsContainerPath
// Since host env vars are included only ensure expected env vars are present
for expk, expv := range exp {
v, ok := act[expk]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%q not found in task env", expk)
if v != expv {
t.Errorf("Expected %s=%q but found %q", expk, expv, v)
// Make sure common host env vars are included.
for _, envvar := range [...]string{"PATH", "HOME", "USER"} {
if exp := os.Getenv(envvar); act[envvar] != exp {
t.Errorf("Expected envvar %s=%q != %q", envvar, exp, act[envvar])
// TestDriver_TaskEnv_Image ensures host environment variables are not set
// for image based drivers. See #2211
func TestDriver_TaskEnv_Image(t *testing.T) {
_, exp, act := setupTaskEnv(t, "docker")
exp[env.AllocDir] = allocdir.SharedAllocContainerPath
exp[env.TaskLocalDir] = allocdir.TaskLocalContainerPath
exp[env.SecretsDir] = allocdir.TaskSecretsContainerPath
// Since host env vars are excluded expected and actual maps should be equal
for expk, expv := range exp {
v, ok := act[expk]
delete(act, expk)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("Env var %s missing. Expected %s=%q", expk, expk, expv)
if v != expv {
t.Errorf("Env var %s=%q -- Expected %q", expk, v, expk)
// Any remaining env vars are unexpected
for actk, actv := range act {
t.Errorf("Env var %s=%q is unexpected", actk, actv)
func TestMapMergeStrStr(t *testing.T) {
a := map[string]string{
"cake": "chocolate",
"cookie": "caramel",
b := map[string]string{
"cake": "strawberry",
"pie": "apple",
c := mapMergeStrStr(a, b)
d := map[string]string{
"cake": "strawberry",
"cookie": "caramel",
"pie": "apple",
if !reflect.DeepEqual(c, d) {
t.Errorf("\nExpected\n%+v\nGot\n%+v\n", d, c)
func TestCreatedResources_AddMerge(t *testing.T) {
res1 := NewCreatedResources()
res1.Add("k1", "v1")
res1.Add("k1", "v2")
res1.Add("k1", "v1")
res1.Add("k2", "v1")
expected := map[string][]string{
"k1": {"v1", "v2"},
"k2": {"v1"},
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, res1.Resources) {
t.Fatalf("1. %#v != expected %#v", res1.Resources, expected)
// Make sure merging nil works
var res2 *CreatedResources
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, res1.Resources) {
t.Fatalf("2. %#v != expected %#v", res1.Resources, expected)
// Make sure a normal merge works
res2 = NewCreatedResources()
res2.Add("k1", "v3")
res2.Add("k2", "v1")
res2.Add("k3", "v3")
expected = map[string][]string{
"k1": {"v1", "v2", "v3"},
"k2": {"v1"},
"k3": {"v3"},
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, res1.Resources) {
t.Fatalf("3. %#v != expected %#v", res1.Resources, expected)
func TestCreatedResources_CopyRemove(t *testing.T) {
res1 := NewCreatedResources()
res1.Add("k1", "v1")
res1.Add("k1", "v2")
res1.Add("k1", "v3")
res1.Add("k2", "v1")
// Assert Copy creates a deep copy
res2 := res1.Copy()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(res1, res2) {
t.Fatalf("%#v != %#v", res1, res2)
// Assert removing v1 from k1 returns true and updates Resources slice
if removed := res2.Remove("k1", "v1"); !removed {
t.Fatalf("expected v1 to be removed: %#v", res2)
if expected := []string{"v2", "v3"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, res2.Resources["k1"]) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected list for k1: %#v", res2.Resources["k1"])
// Assert removing the only value from a key removes the key
if removed := res2.Remove("k2", "v1"); !removed {
t.Fatalf("expected v1 to be removed from k2: %#v", res2.Resources)
if _, found := res2.Resources["k2"]; found {
t.Fatalf("k2 should have been removed from Resources: %#v", res2.Resources)
// Make sure res1 wasn't updated
if reflect.DeepEqual(res1, res2) {
t.Fatalf("res1 should not equal res2: #%v", res1)