789 lines
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789 lines
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package main
import (
// Exit codes are int values that represent an exit code for a particular error.
// Sub-systems may check this unique error to determine the cause of an error
// without parsing the output or help text.
// Errors start at 10
const (
ExitCodeOK int = 0
ExitCodeError = 10 + iota
// CLI is the main entry point.
type CLI struct {
// outSteam and errStream are the standard out and standard error streams to
// write messages from the CLI.
outStream, errStream io.Writer
// signalCh is the channel where the cli receives signals.
signalCh chan os.Signal
// stopCh is an internal channel used to trigger a shutdown of the CLI.
stopCh chan struct{}
stopped bool
// NewCLI creates a new CLI object with the given stdout and stderr streams.
func NewCLI(out, err io.Writer) *CLI {
return &CLI{
outStream: out,
errStream: err,
signalCh: make(chan os.Signal, 1),
stopCh: make(chan struct{}),
// Run accepts a slice of arguments and returns an int representing the exit
// status from the command.
func (cli *CLI) Run(args []string) int {
// Parse the flags
config, paths, once, dry, isVersion, err := cli.ParseFlags(args[1:])
if err != nil {
if err == flag.ErrHelp {
fmt.Fprintf(cli.errStream, usage, version.Name)
return 0
fmt.Fprintln(cli.errStream, err.Error())
return ExitCodeParseFlagsError
// Save original config (defaults + parsed flags) for handling reloads
cliConfig := config.Copy()
// Load configuration paths, with CLI taking precedence
config, err = loadConfigs(paths, cliConfig)
if err != nil {
return logError(err, ExitCodeConfigError)
// Setup the config and logging
config, err = cli.setup(config)
if err != nil {
return logError(err, ExitCodeConfigError)
// Print version information for debugging
log.Printf("[INFO] %s", version.HumanVersion)
// If the version was requested, return an "error" containing the version
// information. This might sound weird, but most *nix applications actually
// print their version on stderr anyway.
if isVersion {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] (cli) version flag was given, exiting now")
fmt.Fprintf(cli.errStream, "%s\n", version.HumanVersion)
return ExitCodeOK
// Initial runner
runner, err := manager.NewRunner(config, dry, once)
if err != nil {
return logError(err, ExitCodeRunnerError)
go runner.Start()
// Listen for signals
for {
select {
case err := <-runner.ErrCh:
// Check if the runner's error returned a specific exit status, and return
// that value. If no value was given, return a generic exit status.
code := ExitCodeRunnerError
if typed, ok := err.(manager.ErrExitable); ok {
code = typed.ExitStatus()
return logError(err, code)
case <-runner.DoneCh:
return ExitCodeOK
case s := <-cli.signalCh:
log.Printf("[DEBUG] (cli) receiving signal %q", s)
switch s {
case *config.ReloadSignal:
fmt.Fprintf(cli.errStream, "Reloading configuration...\n")
// Re-parse any configuration files or paths
config, err = loadConfigs(paths, cliConfig)
if err != nil {
return logError(err, ExitCodeConfigError)
// Load the new configuration from disk
config, err = cli.setup(config)
if err != nil {
return logError(err, ExitCodeConfigError)
runner, err = manager.NewRunner(config, dry, once)
if err != nil {
return logError(err, ExitCodeRunnerError)
go runner.Start()
case *config.KillSignal:
fmt.Fprintf(cli.errStream, "Cleaning up...\n")
return ExitCodeInterrupt
case signals.SignalLookup["SIGCHLD"]:
// The SIGCHLD signal is sent to the parent of a child process when it
// exits, is interrupted, or resumes after being interrupted. We ignore
// this signal because the child process is monitored on its own.
// Also, the reason we do a lookup instead of a direct syscall.SIGCHLD
// is because that isn't defined on Windows.
// Propagate the signal to the child process
case <-cli.stopCh:
return ExitCodeOK
// stop is used internally to shutdown a running CLI
func (cli *CLI) stop() {
defer cli.Unlock()
if cli.stopped {
cli.stopped = true
// ParseFlags is a helper function for parsing command line flags using Go's
// Flag library. This is extracted into a helper to keep the main function
// small, but it also makes writing tests for parsing command line arguments
// much easier and cleaner.
func (cli *CLI) ParseFlags(args []string) (*config.Config, []string, bool, bool, bool, error) {
var dry, once, isVersion bool
c := config.DefaultConfig()
// configPaths stores the list of configuration paths on disk
configPaths := make([]string, 0, 6)
// Parse the flags and options
flags := flag.NewFlagSet(version.Name, flag.ContinueOnError)
flags.Usage = func() {}
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
configPaths = append(configPaths, s)
return nil
}), "config", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
c.Consul.Address = config.String(s)
return nil
}), "consul-addr", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
a, err := config.ParseAuthConfig(s)
if err != nil {
return err
c.Consul.Auth = a
return nil
}), "consul-auth", "")
flags.Var((funcBoolVar)(func(b bool) error {
c.Consul.Retry.Enabled = config.Bool(b)
return nil
}), "consul-retry", "")
flags.Var((funcIntVar)(func(i int) error {
c.Consul.Retry.Attempts = config.Int(i)
return nil
}), "consul-retry-attempts", "")
flags.Var((funcDurationVar)(func(d time.Duration) error {
c.Consul.Retry.Backoff = config.TimeDuration(d)
return nil
}), "consul-retry-backoff", "")
flags.Var((funcDurationVar)(func(d time.Duration) error {
c.Consul.Retry.MaxBackoff = config.TimeDuration(d)
return nil
}), "consul-retry-max-backoff", "")
flags.Var((funcBoolVar)(func(b bool) error {
c.Consul.SSL.Enabled = config.Bool(b)
return nil
}), "consul-ssl", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
c.Consul.SSL.CaCert = config.String(s)
return nil
}), "consul-ssl-ca-cert", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
c.Consul.SSL.CaPath = config.String(s)
return nil
}), "consul-ssl-ca-path", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
c.Consul.SSL.Cert = config.String(s)
return nil
}), "consul-ssl-cert", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
c.Consul.SSL.Key = config.String(s)
return nil
}), "consul-ssl-key", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
c.Consul.SSL.ServerName = config.String(s)
return nil
}), "consul-ssl-server-name", "")
flags.Var((funcBoolVar)(func(b bool) error {
c.Consul.SSL.Verify = config.Bool(b)
return nil
}), "consul-ssl-verify", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
c.Consul.Token = config.String(s)
return nil
}), "consul-token", "")
flags.Var((funcDurationVar)(func(d time.Duration) error {
c.Consul.Transport.DialKeepAlive = config.TimeDuration(d)
return nil
}), "consul-transport-dial-keep-alive", "")
flags.Var((funcDurationVar)(func(d time.Duration) error {
c.Consul.Transport.DialTimeout = config.TimeDuration(d)
return nil
}), "consul-transport-dial-timeout", "")
flags.Var((funcBoolVar)(func(b bool) error {
c.Consul.Transport.DisableKeepAlives = config.Bool(b)
return nil
}), "consul-transport-disable-keep-alives", "")
flags.Var((funcIntVar)(func(i int) error {
c.Consul.Transport.MaxIdleConnsPerHost = config.Int(i)
return nil
}), "consul-transport-max-idle-conns-per-host", "")
flags.Var((funcDurationVar)(func(d time.Duration) error {
c.Consul.Transport.TLSHandshakeTimeout = config.TimeDuration(d)
return nil
}), "consul-transport-tls-handshake-timeout", "")
flags.Var((funcBoolVar)(func(b bool) error {
c.Dedup.Enabled = config.Bool(b)
return nil
}), "dedup", "")
flags.BoolVar(&dry, "dry", false, "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
c.Exec.Enabled = config.Bool(true)
c.Exec.Command = config.String(s)
return nil
}), "exec", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
sig, err := signals.Parse(s)
if err != nil {
return err
c.Exec.KillSignal = config.Signal(sig)
return nil
}), "exec-kill-signal", "")
flags.Var((funcDurationVar)(func(d time.Duration) error {
c.Exec.KillTimeout = config.TimeDuration(d)
return nil
}), "exec-kill-timeout", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
sig, err := signals.Parse(s)
if err != nil {
return err
c.Exec.ReloadSignal = config.Signal(sig)
return nil
}), "exec-reload-signal", "")
flags.Var((funcDurationVar)(func(d time.Duration) error {
c.Exec.Splay = config.TimeDuration(d)
return nil
}), "exec-splay", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
sig, err := signals.Parse(s)
if err != nil {
return err
c.KillSignal = config.Signal(sig)
return nil
}), "kill-signal", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
c.LogLevel = config.String(s)
return nil
}), "log-level", "")
flags.Var((funcDurationVar)(func(d time.Duration) error {
c.MaxStale = config.TimeDuration(d)
return nil
}), "max-stale", "")
flags.BoolVar(&once, "once", false, "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
c.PidFile = config.String(s)
return nil
}), "pid-file", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
sig, err := signals.Parse(s)
if err != nil {
return err
c.ReloadSignal = config.Signal(sig)
return nil
}), "reload-signal", "")
flags.Var((funcDurationVar)(func(d time.Duration) error {
c.Consul.Retry.Backoff = config.TimeDuration(d)
return nil
}), "retry", "")
flags.Var((funcBoolVar)(func(b bool) error {
c.Syslog.Enabled = config.Bool(b)
return nil
}), "syslog", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
c.Syslog.Facility = config.String(s)
return nil
}), "syslog-facility", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
t, err := config.ParseTemplateConfig(s)
if err != nil {
return err
*c.Templates = append(*c.Templates, t)
return nil
}), "template", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
c.Vault.Address = config.String(s)
return nil
}), "vault-addr", "")
flags.Var((funcDurationVar)(func(t time.Duration) error {
c.Vault.Grace = config.TimeDuration(t)
return nil
}), "vault-grace", "")
flags.Var((funcBoolVar)(func(b bool) error {
c.Vault.RenewToken = config.Bool(b)
return nil
}), "vault-renew-token", "")
flags.Var((funcBoolVar)(func(b bool) error {
c.Vault.Retry.Enabled = config.Bool(b)
return nil
}), "vault-retry", "")
flags.Var((funcIntVar)(func(i int) error {
c.Vault.Retry.Attempts = config.Int(i)
return nil
}), "vault-retry-attempts", "")
flags.Var((funcDurationVar)(func(d time.Duration) error {
c.Vault.Retry.Backoff = config.TimeDuration(d)
return nil
}), "vault-retry-backoff", "")
flags.Var((funcDurationVar)(func(d time.Duration) error {
c.Vault.Retry.MaxBackoff = config.TimeDuration(d)
return nil
}), "vault-retry-max-backoff", "")
flags.Var((funcBoolVar)(func(b bool) error {
c.Vault.SSL.Enabled = config.Bool(b)
return nil
}), "vault-ssl", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
c.Vault.SSL.CaCert = config.String(s)
return nil
}), "vault-ssl-ca-cert", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
c.Vault.SSL.CaPath = config.String(s)
return nil
}), "vault-ssl-ca-path", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
c.Vault.SSL.Cert = config.String(s)
return nil
}), "vault-ssl-cert", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
c.Vault.SSL.Key = config.String(s)
return nil
}), "vault-ssl-key", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
c.Vault.SSL.ServerName = config.String(s)
return nil
}), "vault-ssl-server-name", "")
flags.Var((funcBoolVar)(func(b bool) error {
c.Vault.SSL.Verify = config.Bool(b)
return nil
}), "vault-ssl-verify", "")
flags.Var((funcDurationVar)(func(d time.Duration) error {
c.Vault.Transport.DialKeepAlive = config.TimeDuration(d)
return nil
}), "vault-transport-dial-keep-alive", "")
flags.Var((funcDurationVar)(func(d time.Duration) error {
c.Vault.Transport.DialTimeout = config.TimeDuration(d)
return nil
}), "vault-transport-dial-timeout", "")
flags.Var((funcBoolVar)(func(b bool) error {
c.Vault.Transport.DisableKeepAlives = config.Bool(b)
return nil
}), "vault-transport-disable-keep-alives", "")
flags.Var((funcIntVar)(func(i int) error {
c.Vault.Transport.MaxIdleConnsPerHost = config.Int(i)
return nil
}), "vault-transport-max-idle-conns-per-host", "")
flags.Var((funcDurationVar)(func(d time.Duration) error {
c.Vault.Transport.TLSHandshakeTimeout = config.TimeDuration(d)
return nil
}), "vault-transport-tls-handshake-timeout", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
c.Vault.Token = config.String(s)
return nil
}), "vault-token", "")
flags.Var((funcBoolVar)(func(b bool) error {
c.Vault.UnwrapToken = config.Bool(b)
return nil
}), "vault-unwrap-token", "")
flags.Var((funcVar)(func(s string) error {
w, err := config.ParseWaitConfig(s)
if err != nil {
return err
c.Wait = w
return nil
}), "wait", "")
flags.BoolVar(&isVersion, "v", false, "")
flags.BoolVar(&isVersion, "version", false, "")
// If there was a parser error, stop
if err := flags.Parse(args); err != nil {
return nil, nil, false, false, false, err
// Error if extra arguments are present
args = flags.Args()
if len(args) > 0 {
return nil, nil, false, false, false, fmt.Errorf("cli: extra args: %q", args)
return c, configPaths, once, dry, isVersion, nil
// loadConfigs loads the configuration from the list of paths. The optional
// configuration is the list of overrides to apply at the very end, taking
// precedence over any configurations that were loaded from the paths. If any
// errors occur when reading or parsing those sub-configs, it is returned.
func loadConfigs(paths []string, o *config.Config) (*config.Config, error) {
finalC := config.DefaultConfig()
for _, path := range paths {
c, err := config.FromPath(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
finalC = finalC.Merge(c)
finalC = finalC.Merge(o)
return finalC, nil
// logError logs an error message and then returns the given status.
func logError(err error, status int) int {
log.Printf("[ERR] (cli) %s", err)
return status
func (cli *CLI) setup(conf *config.Config) (*config.Config, error) {
if err := logging.Setup(&logging.Config{
Name: version.Name,
Level: config.StringVal(conf.LogLevel),
Syslog: config.BoolVal(conf.Syslog.Enabled),
SyslogFacility: config.StringVal(conf.Syslog.Facility),
Writer: cli.errStream,
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return conf, nil
const usage = `Usage: %s [options]
Watches a series of templates on the file system, writing new changes when
Consul is updated. It runs until an interrupt is received unless the -once
flag is specified.
Sets the path to a configuration file or folder on disk. This can be
specified multiple times to load multiple files or folders. If multiple
values are given, they are merged left-to-right, and CLI arguments take
the top-most precedence.
Sets the address of the Consul instance
Set the basic authentication username and password for communicating
with Consul.
Use retry logic when communication with Consul fails
The number of attempts to use when retrying failed communications
The base amount to use for the backoff duration. This number will be
increased exponentially for each retry attempt.
The maximum limit of the retry backoff duration. Default is one minute.
0 means infinite. The backoff will increase exponentially until given value.
Use SSL when connecting to Consul
Validate server certificate against this CA certificate file list
Sets the path to the CA to use for TLS verification
SSL client certificate to send to server
SSL/TLS private key for use in client authentication key exchange
Sets the name of the server to use when validating TLS.
Verify certificates when connecting via SSL
Sets the Consul API token
Sets the amount of time to use for keep-alives
Sets the amount of time to wait to establish a connection
Disables keep-alives (this will impact performance)
Sets the maximum number of idle connections to permit per host
Sets the handshake timeout
Enable de-duplication mode - reduces load on Consul when many instances of
Consul Template are rendering a common template
Print generated templates to stdout instead of rendering
Enable exec mode to run as a supervisor-like process - the given command
will receive all signals provided to the parent process and will receive a
signal when templates change
Signal to send when gracefully killing the process
Amount of time to wait before force-killing the child
Signal to send when a reload takes place
Amount of time to wait before sending signals
Signal to listen to gracefully terminate the process
Set the logging level - values are "debug", "info", "warn", and "err"
Set the maximum staleness and allow stale queries to Consul which will
distribute work among all servers instead of just the leader
Do not run the process as a daemon
Path on disk to write the PID of the process
Signal to listen to reload configuration
The amount of time to wait if Consul returns an error when communicating
with the API
Send the output to syslog instead of standard error and standard out. The
syslog facility defaults to LOCAL0 and can be changed using a
configuration file
Set the facility where syslog should log - if this attribute is supplied,
the -syslog flag must also be supplied
Adds a new template to watch on disk in the format 'in:out(:command)'
Sets the address of the Vault server
Sets the grace period between lease renewal and secret re-acquisition - if
the remaining lease duration is less than this value, Consul Template will
acquire a new secret from Vault
Periodically renew the provided Vault API token - this defaults to "true"
and will renew the token at half of the lease duration
Use retry logic when communication with Vault fails
The number of attempts to use when retrying failed communications
The base amount to use for the backoff duration. This number will be
increased exponentially for each retry attempt.
The maximum limit of the retry backoff duration. Default is one minute.
0 means infinite. The backoff will increase exponentially until given value.
Specifies whether communications with Vault should be done via SSL
Sets the path to the CA certificate to use for TLS verification
Sets the path to the CA to use for TLS verification
Sets the path to the certificate to use for TLS verification
Sets the path to the key to use for TLS verification
Sets the name of the server to use when validating TLS.
Enable SSL verification for communications with Vault.
Sets the Vault API token
Sets the amount of time to use for keep-alives
Sets the amount of time to wait to establish a connection
Disables keep-alives (this will impact performance)
Sets the maximum number of idle connections to permit per host
Sets the handshake timeout
Unwrap the provided Vault API token (see Vault documentation for more
information on this feature)
Sets the 'min(:max)' amount of time to wait before writing a template (and
triggering a command)
-v, -version
Print the version of this daemon