772 lines
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772 lines
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package driver
import (
appcschema "github.com/appc/spec/schema"
rktv1 "github.com/rkt/rkt/api/v1"
dstructs "github.com/hashicorp/nomad/client/driver/structs"
cstructs "github.com/hashicorp/nomad/client/structs"
var (
reRktVersion = regexp.MustCompile(`rkt [vV]ersion[:]? (\d[.\d]+)`)
reAppcVersion = regexp.MustCompile(`appc [vV]ersion[:]? (\d[.\d]+)`)
const (
// minRktVersion is the earliest supported version of rkt. rkt added support
// for CPU and memory isolators in 0.14.0. We cannot support an earlier
// version to maintain an uniform interface across all drivers
minRktVersion = "1.27.0"
// The key populated in the Node Attributes to indicate the presence of the
// Rkt driver
rktDriverAttr = "driver.rkt"
// rktVolumesConfigOption is the key for enabling the use of custom
// bind volumes.
rktVolumesConfigOption = "rkt.volumes.enabled"
rktVolumesConfigDefault = true
// rktCmd is the command rkt is installed as.
rktCmd = "rkt"
// rktNetworkDeadline is how long to wait for container network to start
rktNetworkDeadline = 5 * time.Second
// RktDriver is a driver for running images via Rkt
// We attempt to chose sane defaults for now, with more configuration available
// planned in the future
type RktDriver struct {
// A tri-state boolean to know if the fingerprinting has happened and
// whether it has been successful
fingerprintSuccess *bool
type RktDriverConfig struct {
ImageName string `mapstructure:"image"`
Command string `mapstructure:"command"`
Args []string `mapstructure:"args"`
TrustPrefix string `mapstructure:"trust_prefix"`
DNSServers []string `mapstructure:"dns_servers"` // DNS Server for containers
DNSSearchDomains []string `mapstructure:"dns_search_domains"` // DNS Search domains for containers
Net []string `mapstructure:"net"` // Networks for the containers
PortMapRaw []map[string]string `mapstructure:"port_map"` //
PortMap map[string]string `mapstructure:"-"` // A map of host port and the port name defined in the image manifest file
Volumes []string `mapstructure:"volumes"` // Host-Volumes to mount in, syntax: /path/to/host/directory:/destination/path/in/container[:readOnly]
InsecureOptions []string `mapstructure:"insecure_options"` // list of args for --insecure-options
NoOverlay bool `mapstructure:"no_overlay"` // disable overlayfs for rkt run
Debug bool `mapstructure:"debug"` // Enable debug option for rkt command
// rktHandle is returned from Start/Open as a handle to the PID
type rktHandle struct {
uuid string
env *env.TaskEnv
taskDir *allocdir.TaskDir
pluginClient *plugin.Client
executorPid int
executor executor.Executor
logger *log.Logger
killTimeout time.Duration
maxKillTimeout time.Duration
waitCh chan *dstructs.WaitResult
doneCh chan struct{}
// rktPID is a struct to map the pid running the process to the vm image on
// disk
type rktPID struct {
UUID string
PluginConfig *PluginReattachConfig
ExecutorPid int
KillTimeout time.Duration
MaxKillTimeout time.Duration
// Retrieve pod status for the pod with the given UUID.
func rktGetStatus(uuid string) (*rktv1.Pod, error) {
statusArgs := []string{
var outBuf bytes.Buffer
cmd := exec.Command(rktCmd, statusArgs...)
cmd.Stdout = &outBuf
cmd.Stderr = ioutil.Discard
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return nil, err
var status rktv1.Pod
if err := json.Unmarshal(outBuf.Bytes(), &status); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &status, nil
// Retrieves a pod manifest
func rktGetManifest(uuid string) (*appcschema.PodManifest, error) {
statusArgs := []string{
var outBuf bytes.Buffer
cmd := exec.Command(rktCmd, statusArgs...)
cmd.Stdout = &outBuf
cmd.Stderr = ioutil.Discard
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return nil, err
var manifest appcschema.PodManifest
if err := json.Unmarshal(outBuf.Bytes(), &manifest); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &manifest, nil
// Given a rkt/appc pod manifest and driver portmap configuration, create
// a driver portmap.
func rktManifestMakePortMap(manifest *appcschema.PodManifest, configPortMap map[string]string) (map[string]int, error) {
if len(manifest.Apps) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("manifest has no apps")
if len(manifest.Apps) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("manifest has multiple apps!")
app := manifest.Apps[0]
if app.App == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("specified app has no App object")
portMap := make(map[string]int)
for svc, name := range configPortMap {
for _, port := range app.App.Ports {
if port.Name.String() == name {
portMap[svc] = int(port.Port)
return portMap, nil
// NewRktDriver is used to create a new exec driver
func NewRktDriver(ctx *DriverContext) Driver {
return &RktDriver{DriverContext: *ctx}
func (d *RktDriver) FSIsolation() cstructs.FSIsolation {
return cstructs.FSIsolationImage
// Validate is used to validate the driver configuration
func (d *RktDriver) Validate(config map[string]interface{}) error {
fd := &fields.FieldData{
Raw: config,
Schema: map[string]*fields.FieldSchema{
"image": &fields.FieldSchema{
Type: fields.TypeString,
Required: true,
"command": &fields.FieldSchema{
Type: fields.TypeString,
"args": &fields.FieldSchema{
Type: fields.TypeArray,
"trust_prefix": &fields.FieldSchema{
Type: fields.TypeString,
"dns_servers": &fields.FieldSchema{
Type: fields.TypeArray,
"dns_search_domains": &fields.FieldSchema{
Type: fields.TypeArray,
"net": &fields.FieldSchema{
Type: fields.TypeArray,
"port_map": &fields.FieldSchema{
Type: fields.TypeArray,
"debug": &fields.FieldSchema{
Type: fields.TypeBool,
"volumes": &fields.FieldSchema{
Type: fields.TypeArray,
"no_overlay": &fields.FieldSchema{
Type: fields.TypeBool,
"insecure_options": &fields.FieldSchema{
Type: fields.TypeArray,
if err := fd.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (d *RktDriver) Abilities() DriverAbilities {
return DriverAbilities{
SendSignals: false,
Exec: true,
func (d *RktDriver) Fingerprint(cfg *config.Config, node *structs.Node) (bool, error) {
// Only enable if we are root when running on non-windows systems.
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" && syscall.Geteuid() != 0 {
if d.fingerprintSuccess == nil || *d.fingerprintSuccess {
d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.rkt: must run as root user, disabling")
delete(node.Attributes, rktDriverAttr)
d.fingerprintSuccess = helper.BoolToPtr(false)
return false, nil
outBytes, err := exec.Command(rktCmd, "version").Output()
if err != nil {
delete(node.Attributes, rktDriverAttr)
d.fingerprintSuccess = helper.BoolToPtr(false)
return false, nil
out := strings.TrimSpace(string(outBytes))
rktMatches := reRktVersion.FindStringSubmatch(out)
appcMatches := reAppcVersion.FindStringSubmatch(out)
if len(rktMatches) != 2 || len(appcMatches) != 2 {
delete(node.Attributes, rktDriverAttr)
d.fingerprintSuccess = helper.BoolToPtr(false)
return false, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse Rkt version string: %#v", rktMatches)
node.Attributes[rktDriverAttr] = "1"
node.Attributes["driver.rkt.version"] = rktMatches[1]
node.Attributes["driver.rkt.appc.version"] = appcMatches[1]
minVersion, _ := version.NewVersion(minRktVersion)
currentVersion, _ := version.NewVersion(node.Attributes["driver.rkt.version"])
if currentVersion.LessThan(minVersion) {
// Do not allow ancient rkt versions
d.logger.Printf("[WARN] driver.rkt: please upgrade rkt to a version >= %s", minVersion)
node.Attributes[rktDriverAttr] = "0"
// Advertise if this node supports rkt volumes
if d.config.ReadBoolDefault(rktVolumesConfigOption, rktVolumesConfigDefault) {
node.Attributes["driver."+rktVolumesConfigOption] = "1"
d.fingerprintSuccess = helper.BoolToPtr(true)
return true, nil
func (d *RktDriver) Periodic() (bool, time.Duration) {
return true, 15 * time.Second
func (d *RktDriver) Prestart(ctx *ExecContext, task *structs.Task) (*PrestartResponse, error) {
return nil, nil
// Run an existing Rkt image.
func (d *RktDriver) Start(ctx *ExecContext, task *structs.Task) (*StartResponse, error) {
var driverConfig RktDriverConfig
if err := mapstructure.WeakDecode(task.Config, &driverConfig); err != nil {
return nil, err
driverConfig.PortMap = mapMergeStrStr(driverConfig.PortMapRaw...)
// ACI image
img := driverConfig.ImageName
// Global arguments given to both prepare and run-prepared
globalArgs := make([]string, 0, 50)
// Add debug option to rkt command.
debug := driverConfig.Debug
// Add the given trust prefix
trustPrefix := driverConfig.TrustPrefix
insecure := false
if trustPrefix != "" {
var outBuf, errBuf bytes.Buffer
cmd := exec.Command(rktCmd, "trust", "--skip-fingerprint-review=true", fmt.Sprintf("--prefix=%s", trustPrefix), fmt.Sprintf("--debug=%t", debug))
cmd.Stdout = &outBuf
cmd.Stderr = &errBuf
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error running rkt trust: %s\n\nOutput: %s\n\nError: %s",
err, outBuf.String(), errBuf.String())
d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.rkt: added trust prefix: %q", trustPrefix)
} else {
// Disble signature verification if the trust command was not run.
insecure = true
// if we have a selective insecure_options, prefer them
// insecure options are rkt's global argument, so we do this before the actual "run"
if len(driverConfig.InsecureOptions) > 0 {
globalArgs = append(globalArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--insecure-options=%s", strings.Join(driverConfig.InsecureOptions, ",")))
} else if insecure {
globalArgs = append(globalArgs, "--insecure-options=all")
// debug is rkt's global argument, so add it before the actual "run"
globalArgs = append(globalArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--debug=%t", debug))
prepareArgs := make([]string, 0, 50)
runArgs := make([]string, 0, 50)
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, globalArgs...)
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, "prepare")
runArgs = append(runArgs, globalArgs...)
runArgs = append(runArgs, "run-prepared")
// disable overlayfs
if driverConfig.NoOverlay {
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, "--no-overlay=true")
// Convert underscores to dashes in task names for use in volume names #2358
sanitizedName := strings.Replace(task.Name, "_", "-", -1)
// Mount /alloc
allocVolName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-alloc", d.DriverContext.allocID, sanitizedName)
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--volume=%s,kind=host,source=%s", allocVolName, ctx.TaskDir.SharedAllocDir))
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--mount=volume=%s,target=%s", allocVolName, allocdir.SharedAllocContainerPath))
// Mount /local
localVolName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-local", d.DriverContext.allocID, sanitizedName)
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--volume=%s,kind=host,source=%s", localVolName, ctx.TaskDir.LocalDir))
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--mount=volume=%s,target=%s", localVolName, allocdir.TaskLocalContainerPath))
// Mount /secrets
secretsVolName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-secrets", d.DriverContext.allocID, sanitizedName)
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--volume=%s,kind=host,source=%s", secretsVolName, ctx.TaskDir.SecretsDir))
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--mount=volume=%s,target=%s", secretsVolName, allocdir.TaskSecretsContainerPath))
// Mount arbitrary volumes if enabled
if len(driverConfig.Volumes) > 0 {
if enabled := d.config.ReadBoolDefault(rktVolumesConfigOption, rktVolumesConfigDefault); !enabled {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is false; cannot use rkt volumes: %+q", rktVolumesConfigOption, driverConfig.Volumes)
for i, rawvol := range driverConfig.Volumes {
parts := strings.Split(rawvol, ":")
readOnly := "false"
// job spec:
// volumes = ["/host/path:/container/path[:readOnly]"]
// the third parameter is optional, mount is read-write by default
if len(parts) == 3 {
if parts[2] == "readOnly" {
d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] Mounting %s:%s as readOnly", parts[0], parts[1])
readOnly = "true"
} else {
d.logger.Printf("[WARN] Unknown volume parameter '%s' ignored for mount %s", parts[2], parts[0])
} else if len(parts) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid rkt volume: %q", rawvol)
volName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%d", d.DriverContext.allocID, sanitizedName, i)
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--volume=%s,kind=host,source=%s,readOnly=%s", volName, parts[0], readOnly))
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--mount=volume=%s,target=%s", volName, parts[1]))
// Inject environment variables
for k, v := range ctx.TaskEnv.Map() {
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--set-env=%s=%s", k, v))
// Image is set here, because the commands that follow apply to it
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, img)
// Check if the user has overridden the exec command.
if driverConfig.Command != "" {
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--exec=%v", driverConfig.Command))
// Add memory isolator
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--memory=%vM", int64(task.Resources.MemoryMB)))
// Add CPU isolator
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--cpu=%vm", int64(task.Resources.CPU)))
// Add DNS servers
if len(driverConfig.DNSServers) == 1 && (driverConfig.DNSServers[0] == "host" || driverConfig.DNSServers[0] == "none") {
// Special case single item lists with the special values "host" or "none"
runArgs = append(runArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--dns=%s", driverConfig.DNSServers[0]))
} else {
for _, ip := range driverConfig.DNSServers {
if err := net.ParseIP(ip); err == nil {
msg := fmt.Errorf("invalid ip address for container dns server %q", ip)
d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.rkt: %v", msg)
return nil, msg
} else {
runArgs = append(runArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--dns=%s", ip))
// set DNS search domains
for _, domain := range driverConfig.DNSSearchDomains {
runArgs = append(runArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--dns-search=%s", domain))
// set network
network := strings.Join(driverConfig.Net, ",")
if network != "" {
runArgs = append(runArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--net=%s", network))
// Setup port mapping and exposed ports
if len(task.Resources.Networks) == 0 {
d.logger.Println("[DEBUG] driver.rkt: No network interfaces are available")
if len(driverConfig.PortMap) > 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Trying to map ports but no network interface is available")
} else {
// TODO add support for more than one network
network := task.Resources.Networks[0]
for _, port := range network.ReservedPorts {
var containerPort string
mapped, ok := driverConfig.PortMap[port.Label]
if !ok {
// If the user doesn't have a mapped port using port_map, driver stops running container.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("port_map is not set. When you defined port in the resources, you need to configure port_map.")
containerPort = mapped
hostPortStr := strconv.Itoa(port.Value)
d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.rkt: exposed port %s", containerPort)
// Add port option to rkt run arguments. rkt allows multiple port args
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--port=%s:%s", containerPort, hostPortStr))
for _, port := range network.DynamicPorts {
// By default we will map the allocated port 1:1 to the container
var containerPort string
if mapped, ok := driverConfig.PortMap[port.Label]; ok {
containerPort = mapped
} else {
// If the user doesn't have mapped a port using port_map, driver stops running container.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("port_map is not set. When you defined port in the resources, you need to configure port_map.")
hostPortStr := strconv.Itoa(port.Value)
d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.rkt: exposed port %s", containerPort)
// Add port option to rkt run arguments. rkt allows multiple port args
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--port=%s:%s", containerPort, hostPortStr))
// Add user passed arguments.
if len(driverConfig.Args) != 0 {
parsed := ctx.TaskEnv.ParseAndReplace(driverConfig.Args)
// Need to start arguments with "--"
if len(parsed) > 0 {
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, "--")
for _, arg := range parsed {
prepareArgs = append(prepareArgs, fmt.Sprintf("%v", arg))
pluginLogFile := filepath.Join(ctx.TaskDir.Dir, fmt.Sprintf("%s-executor.out", task.Name))
executorConfig := &dstructs.ExecutorConfig{
LogFile: pluginLogFile,
LogLevel: d.config.LogLevel,
execIntf, pluginClient, err := createExecutor(d.config.LogOutput, d.config, executorConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
absPath, err := GetAbsolutePath(rktCmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var outBuf, errBuf bytes.Buffer
cmd := exec.Command(rktCmd, prepareArgs...)
cmd.Stdout = &outBuf
cmd.Stderr = &errBuf
d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.rkt: preparing pod %q for task %q with: %v", img, d.taskName, prepareArgs)
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error preparing rkt pod: %s\n\nOutput: %s\n\nError: %s",
err, outBuf.String(), errBuf.String())
uuid := strings.TrimSpace(outBuf.String())
d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.rkt: pod %q for task %q prepared, UUID is: %s", img, d.taskName, uuid)
runArgs = append(runArgs, uuid)
// The task's environment is set via --set-env flags above, but the rkt
// command itself needs an evironment with PATH set to find iptables.
eb := env.NewEmptyBuilder()
filter := strings.Split(d.config.ReadDefault("env.blacklist", config.DefaultEnvBlacklist), ",")
rktEnv := eb.SetHostEnvvars(filter).Build()
executorCtx := &executor.ExecutorContext{
TaskEnv: rktEnv,
Driver: "rkt",
AllocID: d.DriverContext.allocID,
Task: task,
TaskDir: ctx.TaskDir.Dir,
LogDir: ctx.TaskDir.LogDir,
if err := execIntf.SetContext(executorCtx); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to set executor context: %v", err)
execCmd := &executor.ExecCommand{
Cmd: absPath,
Args: runArgs,
User: task.User,
ps, err := execIntf.LaunchCmd(execCmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.rkt: started ACI %q (UUID: %s) for task %q with: %v", img, uuid, d.taskName, runArgs)
maxKill := d.DriverContext.config.MaxKillTimeout
h := &rktHandle{
uuid: uuid,
env: rktEnv,
taskDir: ctx.TaskDir,
pluginClient: pluginClient,
executor: execIntf,
executorPid: ps.Pid,
logger: d.logger,
killTimeout: GetKillTimeout(task.KillTimeout, maxKill),
maxKillTimeout: maxKill,
doneCh: make(chan struct{}),
waitCh: make(chan *dstructs.WaitResult, 1),
go h.run()
d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.rkt: retrieving status for pod %q (UUID %s) for task %q with", img, uuid, d.taskName)
deadline := time.Now().Add(rktNetworkDeadline)
var driverNetwork *cstructs.DriverNetwork
for driverNetwork == nil && time.Now().Before(deadline) {
status, err := rktGetStatus(uuid)
if err != nil {
for _, net := range status.Networks {
if !net.IP.IsGlobalUnicast() {
// Get the pod manifest so we can figure out which ports are exposed
var portmap map[string]int
d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.rkt: grabbing manifest for pod %q (UUID %s) for task %q", img, uuid, d.taskName)
manifest, err := rktGetManifest(uuid)
if err == nil {
portmap, err = rktManifestMakePortMap(manifest, driverConfig.PortMap)
if err != nil {
d.logger.Printf("[WARN] driver.rkt: could not create manifest-based portmap for %q (UUID %s) for task %q: %v", img, uuid, d.taskName, err)
break networkLoop
} else {
d.logger.Printf("[WARN] driver.rkt: could get not pod manifest for %q (UUID %s) for task %q: %v", img, uuid, d.taskName, err)
break networkLoop
driverNetwork = &cstructs.DriverNetwork{
PortMap: portmap,
IP: status.Networks[0].IP.String(),
break networkLoop
time.Sleep(400 * time.Millisecond)
if driverNetwork == nil {
// If a portmap was given, this turns into a fatal error
if len(driverConfig.PortMap) != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Trying to map ports but driver could not determine network information")
d.logger.Printf("[WARN] driver.rkt: network status retrieval for pod %q (UUID %s) for task %q failed", img, uuid, d.taskName)
return &StartResponse{Handle: h, Network: driverNetwork}, nil
func (d *RktDriver) Cleanup(*ExecContext, *CreatedResources) error { return nil }
func (d *RktDriver) Open(ctx *ExecContext, handleID string) (DriverHandle, error) {
// Parse the handle
pidBytes := []byte(strings.TrimPrefix(handleID, "Rkt:"))
id := &rktPID{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(pidBytes, id); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse Rkt handle '%s': %v", handleID, err)
pluginConfig := &plugin.ClientConfig{
Reattach: id.PluginConfig.PluginConfig(),
exec, pluginClient, err := createExecutorWithConfig(pluginConfig, d.config.LogOutput)
if err != nil {
d.logger.Println("[ERROR] driver.rkt: error connecting to plugin so destroying plugin pid and user pid")
if e := destroyPlugin(id.PluginConfig.Pid, id.ExecutorPid); e != nil {
d.logger.Printf("[ERROR] driver.rkt: error destroying plugin and executor pid: %v", e)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error connecting to plugin: %v", err)
// The task's environment is set via --set-env flags in Start, but the rkt
// command itself needs an evironment with PATH set to find iptables.
eb := env.NewEmptyBuilder()
filter := strings.Split(d.config.ReadDefault("env.blacklist", config.DefaultEnvBlacklist), ",")
rktEnv := eb.SetHostEnvvars(filter).Build()
ver, _ := exec.Version()
d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.rkt: version of executor: %v", ver.Version)
// Return a driver handle
h := &rktHandle{
uuid: id.UUID,
env: rktEnv,
taskDir: ctx.TaskDir,
pluginClient: pluginClient,
executorPid: id.ExecutorPid,
executor: exec,
logger: d.logger,
killTimeout: id.KillTimeout,
maxKillTimeout: id.MaxKillTimeout,
doneCh: make(chan struct{}),
waitCh: make(chan *dstructs.WaitResult, 1),
go h.run()
return h, nil
func (h *rktHandle) ID() string {
// Return a handle to the PID
pid := &rktPID{
UUID: h.uuid,
PluginConfig: NewPluginReattachConfig(h.pluginClient.ReattachConfig()),
KillTimeout: h.killTimeout,
MaxKillTimeout: h.maxKillTimeout,
ExecutorPid: h.executorPid,
data, err := json.Marshal(pid)
if err != nil {
h.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.rkt: failed to marshal rkt PID to JSON: %s", err)
return fmt.Sprintf("Rkt:%s", string(data))
func (h *rktHandle) WaitCh() chan *dstructs.WaitResult {
return h.waitCh
func (h *rktHandle) Update(task *structs.Task) error {
// Store the updated kill timeout.
h.killTimeout = GetKillTimeout(task.KillTimeout, h.maxKillTimeout)
// Update is not possible
return nil
func (h *rktHandle) Exec(ctx context.Context, cmd string, args []string) ([]byte, int, error) {
if h.uuid == "" {
return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("unable to find rkt pod UUID")
// enter + UUID + cmd + args...
enterArgs := make([]string, 3+len(args))
enterArgs[0] = "enter"
enterArgs[1] = h.uuid
enterArgs[2] = cmd
copy(enterArgs[3:], args)
return executor.ExecScript(ctx, h.taskDir.Dir, h.env, nil, rktCmd, enterArgs)
func (h *rktHandle) Signal(s os.Signal) error {
return fmt.Errorf("Rkt does not support signals")
// Kill is used to terminate the task. We send an Interrupt
// and then provide a 5 second grace period before doing a Kill.
func (h *rktHandle) Kill() error {
select {
case <-h.doneCh:
return nil
case <-time.After(h.killTimeout):
return h.executor.Exit()
func (h *rktHandle) Stats() (*cstructs.TaskResourceUsage, error) {
return nil, DriverStatsNotImplemented
func (h *rktHandle) run() {
ps, werr := h.executor.Wait()
if ps.ExitCode == 0 && werr != nil {
if e := killProcess(h.executorPid); e != nil {
h.logger.Printf("[ERROR] driver.rkt: error killing user process: %v", e)
// Exit the executor
if err := h.executor.Exit(); err != nil {
h.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.rkt: error killing executor: %v", err)
// Send the results
h.waitCh <- dstructs.NewWaitResult(ps.ExitCode, 0, werr)