Re-export the ResourceUsage structs in drivers package to avoid drivers directly depending on the internal client/structs package directly. I attempted moving the structs to drivers, but that caused some import cycles that was a bit hard to disentagle. Alternatively, I added an alias here that's sufficient for our purposes of avoiding external drivers depend on internal packages, while allowing us to restructure packages in future without breaking source compatibility.
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package drivers
import (
var taskStateToProtoMap = map[TaskState]proto.TaskState{
TaskStateUnknown: proto.TaskState_UNKNOWN,
TaskStateRunning: proto.TaskState_RUNNING,
TaskStateExited: proto.TaskState_EXITED,
var taskStateFromProtoMap = map[proto.TaskState]TaskState{
proto.TaskState_UNKNOWN: TaskStateUnknown,
proto.TaskState_RUNNING: TaskStateRunning,
proto.TaskState_EXITED: TaskStateExited,
func healthStateToProto(health HealthState) proto.FingerprintResponse_HealthState {
switch health {
case HealthStateUndetected:
return proto.FingerprintResponse_UNDETECTED
case HealthStateUnhealthy:
return proto.FingerprintResponse_UNHEALTHY
case HealthStateHealthy:
return proto.FingerprintResponse_HEALTHY
return proto.FingerprintResponse_UNDETECTED
func healthStateFromProto(pb proto.FingerprintResponse_HealthState) HealthState {
switch pb {
case proto.FingerprintResponse_UNDETECTED:
return HealthStateUndetected
case proto.FingerprintResponse_UNHEALTHY:
return HealthStateUnhealthy
case proto.FingerprintResponse_HEALTHY:
return HealthStateHealthy
return HealthStateUndetected
func taskConfigFromProto(pb *proto.TaskConfig) *TaskConfig {
if pb == nil {
return &TaskConfig{}
return &TaskConfig{
ID: pb.Id,
JobName: pb.JobName,
TaskGroupName: pb.TaskGroupName,
Name: pb.Name,
Env: pb.Env,
DeviceEnv: pb.DeviceEnv,
rawDriverConfig: pb.MsgpackDriverConfig,
Resources: ResourcesFromProto(pb.Resources),
Devices: DevicesFromProto(pb.Devices),
Mounts: MountsFromProto(pb.Mounts),
User: pb.User,
AllocDir: pb.AllocDir,
StdoutPath: pb.StdoutPath,
StderrPath: pb.StderrPath,
AllocID: pb.AllocId,
func taskConfigToProto(cfg *TaskConfig) *proto.TaskConfig {
if cfg == nil {
return &proto.TaskConfig{}
pb := &proto.TaskConfig{
Id: cfg.ID,
JobName: cfg.JobName,
TaskGroupName: cfg.TaskGroupName,
Name: cfg.Name,
Env: cfg.Env,
DeviceEnv: cfg.DeviceEnv,
Resources: ResourcesToProto(cfg.Resources),
Devices: DevicesToProto(cfg.Devices),
Mounts: MountsToProto(cfg.Mounts),
User: cfg.User,
AllocDir: cfg.AllocDir,
MsgpackDriverConfig: cfg.rawDriverConfig,
StdoutPath: cfg.StdoutPath,
StderrPath: cfg.StderrPath,
AllocId: cfg.AllocID,
return pb
func ResourcesFromProto(pb *proto.Resources) *Resources {
var r Resources
if pb == nil {
return &r
if pb.AllocatedResources != nil {
r.NomadResources = &structs.AllocatedTaskResources{}
if pb.AllocatedResources.Cpu != nil {
r.NomadResources.Cpu.CpuShares = pb.AllocatedResources.Cpu.CpuShares
if pb.AllocatedResources.Memory != nil {
r.NomadResources.Memory.MemoryMB = pb.AllocatedResources.Memory.MemoryMb
for _, network := range pb.AllocatedResources.Networks {
var n structs.NetworkResource
n.Device = network.Device
n.IP = network.Ip
n.CIDR = network.Cidr
n.MBits = int(network.Mbits)
for _, port := range network.ReservedPorts {
n.ReservedPorts = append(n.ReservedPorts, structs.Port{
Label: port.Label,
Value: int(port.Value),
for _, port := range network.DynamicPorts {
n.DynamicPorts = append(n.DynamicPorts, structs.Port{
Label: port.Label,
Value: int(port.Value),
r.NomadResources.Networks = append(r.NomadResources.Networks, &n)
if pb.LinuxResources != nil {
r.LinuxResources = &LinuxResources{
CPUPeriod: pb.LinuxResources.CpuPeriod,
CPUQuota: pb.LinuxResources.CpuQuota,
CPUShares: pb.LinuxResources.CpuShares,
MemoryLimitBytes: pb.LinuxResources.MemoryLimitBytes,
OOMScoreAdj: pb.LinuxResources.OomScoreAdj,
CpusetCPUs: pb.LinuxResources.CpusetCpus,
CpusetMems: pb.LinuxResources.CpusetMems,
PercentTicks: pb.LinuxResources.PercentTicks,
return &r
func ResourcesToProto(r *Resources) *proto.Resources {
if r == nil {
return nil
var pb proto.Resources
if r.NomadResources != nil {
pb.AllocatedResources = &proto.AllocatedTaskResources{
Cpu: &proto.AllocatedCpuResources{
CpuShares: r.NomadResources.Cpu.CpuShares,
Memory: &proto.AllocatedMemoryResources{
MemoryMb: r.NomadResources.Memory.MemoryMB,
Networks: make([]*proto.NetworkResource, len(r.NomadResources.Networks)),
for i, network := range r.NomadResources.Networks {
var n proto.NetworkResource
n.Device = network.Device
n.Ip = network.IP
n.Cidr = network.CIDR
n.Mbits = int32(network.MBits)
n.ReservedPorts = []*proto.NetworkPort{}
for _, port := range network.ReservedPorts {
n.ReservedPorts = append(n.ReservedPorts, &proto.NetworkPort{
Label: port.Label,
Value: int32(port.Value),
for _, port := range network.DynamicPorts {
n.DynamicPorts = append(n.DynamicPorts, &proto.NetworkPort{
Label: port.Label,
Value: int32(port.Value),
pb.AllocatedResources.Networks[i] = &n
if r.LinuxResources != nil {
pb.LinuxResources = &proto.LinuxResources{
CpuPeriod: r.LinuxResources.CPUPeriod,
CpuQuota: r.LinuxResources.CPUQuota,
CpuShares: r.LinuxResources.CPUShares,
MemoryLimitBytes: r.LinuxResources.MemoryLimitBytes,
OomScoreAdj: r.LinuxResources.OOMScoreAdj,
CpusetCpus: r.LinuxResources.CpusetCPUs,
CpusetMems: r.LinuxResources.CpusetMems,
PercentTicks: r.LinuxResources.PercentTicks,
return &pb
func DevicesFromProto(devices []*proto.Device) []*DeviceConfig {
if devices == nil {
return nil
out := make([]*DeviceConfig, len(devices))
for i, d := range devices {
out[i] = DeviceFromProto(d)
return out
func DeviceFromProto(device *proto.Device) *DeviceConfig {
if device == nil {
return nil
return &DeviceConfig{
TaskPath: device.TaskPath,
HostPath: device.HostPath,
Permissions: device.CgroupPermissions,
func MountsFromProto(mounts []*proto.Mount) []*MountConfig {
if mounts == nil {
return nil
out := make([]*MountConfig, len(mounts))
for i, m := range mounts {
out[i] = MountFromProto(m)
return out
func MountFromProto(mount *proto.Mount) *MountConfig {
if mount == nil {
return nil
return &MountConfig{
TaskPath: mount.TaskPath,
HostPath: mount.HostPath,
Readonly: mount.Readonly,
func DevicesToProto(devices []*DeviceConfig) []*proto.Device {
if devices == nil {
return nil
out := make([]*proto.Device, len(devices))
for i, d := range devices {
out[i] = DeviceToProto(d)
return out
func DeviceToProto(device *DeviceConfig) *proto.Device {
if device == nil {
return nil
return &proto.Device{
TaskPath: device.TaskPath,
HostPath: device.HostPath,
CgroupPermissions: device.Permissions,
func MountsToProto(mounts []*MountConfig) []*proto.Mount {
if mounts == nil {
return nil
out := make([]*proto.Mount, len(mounts))
for i, m := range mounts {
out[i] = MountToProto(m)
return out
func MountToProto(mount *MountConfig) *proto.Mount {
if mount == nil {
return nil
return &proto.Mount{
TaskPath: mount.TaskPath,
HostPath: mount.HostPath,
Readonly: mount.Readonly,
func taskHandleFromProto(pb *proto.TaskHandle) *TaskHandle {
if pb == nil {
return &TaskHandle{}
return &TaskHandle{
Config: taskConfigFromProto(pb.Config),
State: taskStateFromProtoMap[pb.State],
DriverState: pb.DriverState,
func taskHandleToProto(handle *TaskHandle) *proto.TaskHandle {
return &proto.TaskHandle{
Config: taskConfigToProto(handle.Config),
State: taskStateToProtoMap[handle.State],
DriverState: handle.DriverState,
func exitResultToProto(result *ExitResult) *proto.ExitResult {
if result == nil {
return &proto.ExitResult{}
return &proto.ExitResult{
ExitCode: int32(result.ExitCode),
Signal: int32(result.Signal),
OomKilled: result.OOMKilled,
func exitResultFromProto(pb *proto.ExitResult) *ExitResult {
return &ExitResult{
ExitCode: int(pb.ExitCode),
Signal: int(pb.Signal),
OOMKilled: pb.OomKilled,
func taskStatusToProto(status *TaskStatus) (*proto.TaskStatus, error) {
started, err := ptypes.TimestampProto(status.StartedAt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
completed, err := ptypes.TimestampProto(status.CompletedAt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &proto.TaskStatus{
Id: status.ID,
Name: status.Name,
State: taskStateToProtoMap[status.State],
StartedAt: started,
CompletedAt: completed,
Result: exitResultToProto(status.ExitResult),
}, nil
func taskStatusFromProto(pb *proto.TaskStatus) (*TaskStatus, error) {
started, err := ptypes.Timestamp(pb.StartedAt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
completed, err := ptypes.Timestamp(pb.CompletedAt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &TaskStatus{
ID: pb.Id,
Name: pb.Name,
State: taskStateFromProtoMap[pb.State],
StartedAt: started,
CompletedAt: completed,
ExitResult: exitResultFromProto(pb.Result),
}, nil
func TaskStatsToProto(stats *TaskResourceUsage) (*proto.TaskStats, error) {
timestamp, err := ptypes.TimestampProto(time.Unix(0, stats.Timestamp))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pids := map[string]*proto.TaskResourceUsage{}
for pid, ru := range stats.Pids {
pids[pid] = resourceUsageToProto(ru)
return &proto.TaskStats{
Timestamp: timestamp,
AggResourceUsage: resourceUsageToProto(stats.ResourceUsage),
ResourceUsageByPid: pids,
}, nil
func TaskStatsFromProto(pb *proto.TaskStats) (*TaskResourceUsage, error) {
timestamp, err := ptypes.Timestamp(pb.Timestamp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pids := map[string]*ResourceUsage{}
for pid, ru := range pb.ResourceUsageByPid {
pids[pid] = resourceUsageFromProto(ru)
stats := &TaskResourceUsage{
Timestamp: timestamp.Unix(),
ResourceUsage: resourceUsageFromProto(pb.AggResourceUsage),
Pids: pids,
return stats, nil
func resourceUsageToProto(ru *ResourceUsage) *proto.TaskResourceUsage {
cpu := &proto.CPUUsage{}
for _, field := range ru.CpuStats.Measured {
switch field {
case "System Mode":
cpu.SystemMode = ru.CpuStats.SystemMode
cpu.MeasuredFields = append(cpu.MeasuredFields, proto.CPUUsage_SYSTEM_MODE)
case "User Mode":
cpu.UserMode = ru.CpuStats.UserMode
cpu.MeasuredFields = append(cpu.MeasuredFields, proto.CPUUsage_USER_MODE)
case "Total Ticks":
cpu.TotalTicks = ru.CpuStats.TotalTicks
cpu.MeasuredFields = append(cpu.MeasuredFields, proto.CPUUsage_TOTAL_TICKS)
case "Throttled Periods":
cpu.ThrottledPeriods = ru.CpuStats.ThrottledPeriods
cpu.MeasuredFields = append(cpu.MeasuredFields, proto.CPUUsage_THROTTLED_PERIODS)
case "Throttled Time":
cpu.ThrottledTime = ru.CpuStats.ThrottledTime
cpu.MeasuredFields = append(cpu.MeasuredFields, proto.CPUUsage_THROTTLED_TIME)
case "Percent":
cpu.Percent = ru.CpuStats.Percent
cpu.MeasuredFields = append(cpu.MeasuredFields, proto.CPUUsage_PERCENT)
memory := &proto.MemoryUsage{}
for _, field := range ru.MemoryStats.Measured {
switch field {
case "RSS":
memory.Rss = ru.MemoryStats.RSS
memory.MeasuredFields = append(memory.MeasuredFields, proto.MemoryUsage_RSS)
case "Cache":
memory.Cache = ru.MemoryStats.Cache
memory.MeasuredFields = append(memory.MeasuredFields, proto.MemoryUsage_CACHE)
case "Max Usage":
memory.MaxUsage = ru.MemoryStats.MaxUsage
memory.MeasuredFields = append(memory.MeasuredFields, proto.MemoryUsage_MAX_USAGE)
case "Kernel Usage":
memory.KernelUsage = ru.MemoryStats.KernelUsage
memory.MeasuredFields = append(memory.MeasuredFields, proto.MemoryUsage_KERNEL_USAGE)
case "Kernel Max Usage":
memory.KernelMaxUsage = ru.MemoryStats.KernelMaxUsage
memory.MeasuredFields = append(memory.MeasuredFields, proto.MemoryUsage_KERNEL_MAX_USAGE)
return &proto.TaskResourceUsage{
Cpu: cpu,
Memory: memory,
func resourceUsageFromProto(pb *proto.TaskResourceUsage) *ResourceUsage {
cpu := CpuStats{}
if pb.Cpu != nil {
for _, field := range pb.Cpu.MeasuredFields {
switch field {
case proto.CPUUsage_SYSTEM_MODE:
cpu.SystemMode = pb.Cpu.SystemMode
cpu.Measured = append(cpu.Measured, "System Mode")
case proto.CPUUsage_USER_MODE:
cpu.UserMode = pb.Cpu.UserMode
cpu.Measured = append(cpu.Measured, "User Mode")
case proto.CPUUsage_TOTAL_TICKS:
cpu.TotalTicks = pb.Cpu.TotalTicks
cpu.Measured = append(cpu.Measured, "Total Ticks")
cpu.ThrottledPeriods = pb.Cpu.ThrottledPeriods
cpu.Measured = append(cpu.Measured, "Throttled Periods")
case proto.CPUUsage_THROTTLED_TIME:
cpu.ThrottledTime = pb.Cpu.ThrottledTime
cpu.Measured = append(cpu.Measured, "Throttled Time")
case proto.CPUUsage_PERCENT:
cpu.Percent = pb.Cpu.Percent
cpu.Measured = append(cpu.Measured, "Percent")
memory := MemoryStats{}
if pb.Memory != nil {
for _, field := range pb.Memory.MeasuredFields {
switch field {
case proto.MemoryUsage_RSS:
memory.RSS = pb.Memory.Rss
memory.Measured = append(memory.Measured, "RSS")
case proto.MemoryUsage_CACHE:
memory.Cache = pb.Memory.Cache
memory.Measured = append(memory.Measured, "Cache")
case proto.MemoryUsage_MAX_USAGE:
memory.MaxUsage = pb.Memory.MaxUsage
memory.Measured = append(memory.Measured, "Max Usage")
case proto.MemoryUsage_KERNEL_USAGE:
memory.KernelUsage = pb.Memory.KernelUsage
memory.Measured = append(memory.Measured, "Kernel Usage")
case proto.MemoryUsage_KERNEL_MAX_USAGE:
memory.KernelMaxUsage = pb.Memory.KernelMaxUsage
memory.Measured = append(memory.Measured, "Kernel Max Usage")
return &ResourceUsage{
CpuStats: &cpu,
MemoryStats: &memory,
func BytesToMB(bytes int64) int64 {
return bytes / (1024 * 1024)