2023-04-10 15:36:59 +00:00

168 lines
5.2 KiB

# Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
variable "cn_network" {
default = "dc1"
description = "Data Ceneter that the job needs to be run in"
variable "volname" {
default = "sample-pool"
description = "Volume name for Kadalu CSI which is used for all PVC creations purposes"
variable "gluster_hosts" {
default = ""
description = <<-EOS
- External gluster host where the gluster volume is created, started and quota is set
- Multiple hosts can be supplied like "host1,host2,host3" (no spaces and trimmed endings)
- Prefer to supply only one or else need to supply the same wherever interpolation is not supported (ex: in volume.hcl files)
variable "gluster_volname" {
default = "dist"
description = "Gluster volume name in external cluster"
variable "kadalu_version" {
default = "0.8.15"
description = "Kadalu CSI version which is tested against Nomad version mentioned in"
variable "gluster_user" {
default = "root"
description = "Remote user in external gluster cluster who has privileges to run gluster cli"
variable "ssh_priv_path" {
default = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
description = <<-EOS
- Path to SSH private key which is used to connect to external gluster
- Needed only if gluster native quota capabilities is needed
- If not needed all corresponding SSH related info should be removed from this Job
- However it is highly recommended to supply SSH Private key for utilizing on the fly PVC expansion capabilities even with external gluster cluster
- SSH Key will only be used to perform two ops: set quota and change quota
- Please refer for more info
locals {
ssh_priv_key = "${file("${pathexpand("${var.ssh_priv_path}")}")}"
job "kadalu-csi-controller" {
datacenters = ["${var.cn_network}"]
type = "service"
group "controller" {
task "kadalu-controller" {
driver = "docker"
template {
# This is basically a JSON file which is used to connect to external gluster
# Make sure it follows JSON convention (No comma ',' for last key pair)
data = <<-EOS
"volname": "${var.volname}",
"volume_id": "${uuidv5("dns", "${var.volname}")}",
"type": "External",
"pvReclaimPolicy": "delete",
"kadalu_format": "native",
"gluster_hosts": "${var.gluster_hosts}",
"gluster_volname": "${var.gluster_volname}",
"gluster_options": "log-level=DEBUG"
destination = "${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/${var.volname}.info"
change_mode = "noop"
template {
data = "${uuidv5("dns", "")}"
destination = "${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/uid"
change_mode = "noop"
template {
data = "${local.ssh_priv_key}"
destination = "${NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR}/ssh-privatekey"
change_mode = "noop"
perms = "600"
template {
# No need to supply 'SECRET_XXX' key if not using gluster native quota
data = <<-EOS
NODE_ID = "${}"
CSI_ENDPOINT = "unix://csi/csi.sock"
KADALU_VERSION = "${var.kadalu_version}"
CSI_ROLE = "controller"
VERBOSE = "yes"
destination = "${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/file.env"
env = true
config {
image = "${var.kadalu_version}"
# Nomad client config for docker plugin should have privileged set to 'true'
# refer
# Need to access '/dev/fuse' for mounting external gluster volume
privileged = true
mount {
# Analogous to kadalu-info configmap
type = "bind"
# Make sure the source paths starts with current dir (basically: "./")
source = "./${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/${var.volname}.info"
target = "/var/lib/gluster/${var.volname}.info"
readonly = true
mount {
# Extra baggage for now, will be taken care in Kadalu in next release
type = "bind"
source = "./${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/uid"
target = "/var/lib/gluster/uid"
readonly = true
mount {
# If you are not using gluster native quota comment out this block
type = "bind"
source = "./${NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR}/ssh-privatekey"
target = "/etc/secret-volume/ssh-privatekey"
readonly = true
mount {
# Logging
type = "tmpfs"
target = "/var/log/gluster"
readonly = false
tmpfs_options {
# 1 MB
size = 1000000 # size in bytes
csi_plugin {
id = "kadalu-csi"
type = "controller"
mount_dir = "/csi"