
139 lines
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import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import moment from 'moment';
import d3Format from 'd3-format';
import d3TimeFormat from 'd3-time-format';
import setupGlimmerComponentFactory from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/glimmer-factory';
module('Unit | Component | stats-time-series', function(hooks) {
setupGlimmerComponentFactory(hooks, 'stats-time-series');
const ts = (offset, resolution = 'm') =>
.subtract(offset, resolution)
const wideData = [
{ timestamp: ts(20), percent: 0.5 },
{ timestamp: ts(18), percent: 0.5 },
{ timestamp: ts(16), percent: 0.4 },
{ timestamp: ts(14), percent: 0.3 },
{ timestamp: ts(12), percent: 0.9 },
{ timestamp: ts(10), percent: 0.3 },
{ timestamp: ts(8), percent: 0.3 },
{ timestamp: ts(6), percent: 0.4 },
{ timestamp: ts(4), percent: 0.5 },
{ timestamp: ts(2), percent: 0.6 },
{ timestamp: ts(0), percent: 0.6 },
const narrowData = [
{ timestamp: ts(20, 's'), percent: 0.5 },
{ timestamp: ts(18, 's'), percent: 0.5 },
{ timestamp: ts(16, 's'), percent: 0.4 },
{ timestamp: ts(14, 's'), percent: 0.3 },
{ timestamp: ts(12, 's'), percent: 0.9 },
{ timestamp: ts(10, 's'), percent: 0.3 },
const unboundedData = [
{ timestamp: ts(20, 's'), percent: -0.5 },
{ timestamp: ts(18, 's'), percent: 1.5 },
const nullData = [
{ timestamp: ts(20, 's'), percent: null },
{ timestamp: ts(18, 's'), percent: null },
test('xFormat is time-formatted for hours, minutes, and seconds', function(assert) {
const chart = this.createComponent({ data: wideData });
wideData.forEach(datum => {
test('yFormat is percent-formatted', function(assert) {
const chart = this.createComponent({ data: wideData });
wideData.forEach(datum => {
assert.equal(chart.yFormat(datum.percent), d3Format.format('.1~%')(datum.percent));
test('x scale domain is at least five minutes', function(assert) {
const chart = this.createComponent({ data: narrowData });
+chart.xScale(narrowData, 0).domain()[0],
.subtract(5, 'm')
'The lower bound of the xScale is 5 minutes ago'
test('x scale domain is greater than five minutes when the domain of the data is larger than five minutes', function(assert) {
const chart = this.createComponent({ data: wideData });
+chart.xScale(wideData, 0).domain()[0],
'The lower bound of the xScale is the oldest timestamp in the dataset'
test('y scale domain is typically 0 to 1 (0 to 100%)', function(assert) {
const chart = this.createComponent({ data: wideData });
[Math.min(...wideData.mapBy('percent')), Math.max(...wideData.mapBy('percent'))],
[0.3, 0.9],
'The bounds of the value prop of the dataset is narrower than 0 - 1'
chart.yScale(wideData, 0).domain(),
[0, 1],
'The bounds of the yScale are still 0 and 1'
test('the extent of the y domain overrides the default 0 to 1 domain when there are values beyond these bounds', function(assert) {
const chart = this.createComponent({ data: unboundedData });
chart.yScale(unboundedData, 0).domain(),
[-0.5, 1.5],
'The bounds of the yScale match the bounds of the unbounded data'
); = [unboundedData[0]];
chart.yScale(, 0).domain(),
[-0.5, 1],
'The upper bound is still the default 1, but the lower bound is overridden due to the unbounded low value'
); = [unboundedData[1]];
chart.yScale(, 0).domain(),
[0, 1.5],
'The lower bound is still the default 0, but the upper bound is overridden due to the unbounded high value'
test('when there are only empty frames in the data array, the default y domain is used', function(assert) {
const chart = this.createComponent({ data: nullData });
assert.deepEqual(chart.yScale(nullData, 0).domain(), [0, 1], 'The bounds are 0 and 1');