This is mostly deprecation fixes and blueprint changes. There are some dependency updates too; the changes to Ember Basic Dropdown necessitated changing it to angle bracket component invocation. The conversion of the rest of the templates will happen separately.
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import { findAll, find, render } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import { module, skip, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import faker from 'nomad-ui/mirage/faker';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
module('Integration | Component | list table', function(hooks) {
const commonTable = Array(10)
.map(() => ({
firstName: faker.name.firstName(),
lastName: faker.name.lastName(),
age: faker.random.number({ min: 18, max: 60 }),
// thead
test('component exposes a thead contextual component', async function(assert) {
this.set('source', commonTable);
await render(hbs`
{{#list-table source=source sortProperty=sortProperty sortDescending=sortDescending as |t|}}
{{#t.head class="head"}}
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
assert.ok(findAll('.head').length, 'Table head is rendered');
assert.equal(find('.head').tagName.toLowerCase(), 'thead', 'Table head is a thead element');
// tbody
test('component exposes a tbody contextual component', async function(assert) {
source: commonTable,
sortProperty: 'firstName',
sortDescending: false,
await render(hbs`
{{#list-table source=source sortProperty=sortProperty sortDescending=sortDescending as |t|}}
{{#t.body class="body" as |row|}}
<tr class="item">
assert.ok(findAll('.body').length, 'Table body is rendered');
assert.equal(find('.body').tagName.toLowerCase(), 'tbody', 'Table body is a tbody element');
assert.equal(findAll('.item').length, this.get('source.length'), 'Each item gets its own row');
// list-table is not responsible for sorting, only dispatching sort events. The table is still
// rendered in index-order.
this.get('source').forEach((item, index) => {
const $item = this.element.querySelectorAll('.item')[index];
assert.equal($item.querySelectorAll('td')[0].innerHTML.trim(), item.firstName, 'First name');
assert.equal($item.querySelectorAll('td')[1].innerHTML.trim(), item.lastName, 'Last name');
assert.equal($item.querySelectorAll('td')[2].innerHTML.trim(), item.age, 'Age');
// Ember doesn't support query params (or controllers or routes) in integration tests,
// so sorting links can only be tested in acceptance tests.
// Leaving this test here for posterity.
skip('sort-by creates links using the appropriate links given sort property and sort descending', function() {});