454 lines
11 KiB
454 lines
11 KiB
package command
import (
gg "github.com/hashicorp/go-getter"
// formatKV takes a set of strings and formats them into properly
// aligned k = v pairs using the columnize library.
func formatKV(in []string) string {
columnConf := columnize.DefaultConfig()
columnConf.Empty = "<none>"
columnConf.Glue = " = "
return columnize.Format(in, columnConf)
// formatList takes a set of strings and formats them into properly
// aligned output, replacing any blank fields with a placeholder
// for awk-ability.
func formatList(in []string) string {
columnConf := columnize.DefaultConfig()
columnConf.Empty = "<none>"
return columnize.Format(in, columnConf)
// formatListWithSpaces takes a set of strings and formats them into properly
// aligned output. It should be used sparingly since it doesn't replace empty
// values and hence not awk/sed friendly
func formatListWithSpaces(in []string) string {
columnConf := columnize.DefaultConfig()
return columnize.Format(in, columnConf)
// Limits the length of the string.
func limit(s string, length int) string {
if len(s) < length {
return s
return s[:length]
// formatTime formats the time to string based on RFC822
func formatTime(t time.Time) string {
if t.Unix() < 1 {
// It's more confusing to display the UNIX epoch or a zero value than nothing
return ""
return t.Format("01/02/06 15:04:05 MST")
// formatUnixNanoTime is a helper for formatting time for output.
func formatUnixNanoTime(nano int64) string {
t := time.Unix(0, nano)
return formatTime(t)
// formatTimeDifference takes two times and determines their duration difference
// truncating to a passed unit.
// E.g. formatTimeDifference(first=1m22s33ms, second=1m28s55ms, time.Second) -> 6s
func formatTimeDifference(first, second time.Time, d time.Duration) string {
return second.Truncate(d).Sub(first.Truncate(d)).String()
// fmtInt formats v into the tail of buf.
// It returns the index where the output begins.
func fmtInt(buf []byte, v uint64) int {
w := len(buf)
for v > 0 {
buf[w] = byte(v%10) + '0'
v /= 10
return w
// prettyTimeDiff prints a human readable time difference.
// It uses abbreviated forms for each period - s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours,
// d for days, mo for months, and y for years. Time difference is rounded to the nearest second,
// and the top two least granular periods are returned. For example, if the time difference
// is 10 months, 12 days, 3 hours and 2 seconds, the string "10mo12d" is returned. Zero values return the empty string
func prettyTimeDiff(first, second time.Time) string {
// handle zero values
if first.Second() == 0 {
return ""
// round to the nearest second
first = first.Round(time.Second)
second = second.Round(time.Second)
// calculate time difference in seconds
d := second.Sub(first)
u := uint64(d.Seconds())
var buf [32]byte
w := len(buf)
secs := u % 60
// track indexes of various periods
var indexes []int
if secs > 0 {
buf[w] = 's'
// u is now seconds
w = fmtInt(buf[:w], secs)
indexes = append(indexes, w)
u /= 60
// u is now minutes
if u > 0 {
mins := u % 60
if mins > 0 {
buf[w] = 'm'
w = fmtInt(buf[:w], mins)
indexes = append(indexes, w)
u /= 60
// u is now hours
if u > 0 {
hrs := u % 24
if hrs > 0 {
buf[w] = 'h'
w = fmtInt(buf[:w], hrs)
indexes = append(indexes, w)
u /= 24
// u is now days
if u > 0 {
days := u % 30
if days > 0 {
buf[w] = 'd'
w = fmtInt(buf[:w], days)
indexes = append(indexes, w)
u /= 30
// u is now months
if u > 0 {
months := u % 12
if months > 0 {
buf[w] = 'o'
buf[w] = 'm'
w = fmtInt(buf[:w], months)
indexes = append(indexes, w)
u /= 12
// u is now years
if u > 0 {
buf[w] = 'y'
w = fmtInt(buf[:w], u)
indexes = append(indexes, w)
start := w
end := len(buf)
// truncate to the first two periods
num_periods := len(indexes)
if num_periods > 2 {
end = indexes[num_periods-3]
return string(buf[start:end]) + " ago"
// getLocalNodeID returns the node ID of the local Nomad Client and an error if
// it couldn't be determined or the Agent is not running in Client mode.
func getLocalNodeID(client *api.Client) (string, error) {
info, err := client.Agent().Self()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Error querying agent info: %s", err)
clientStats, ok := info.Stats["client"]
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Nomad not running in client mode")
nodeID, ok := clientStats["node_id"]
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to determine node ID")
return nodeID, nil
// evalFailureStatus returns whether the evaluation has failures and a string to
// display when presenting users with whether there are failures for the eval
func evalFailureStatus(eval *api.Evaluation) (string, bool) {
if eval == nil {
return "", false
hasFailures := len(eval.FailedTGAllocs) != 0
text := strconv.FormatBool(hasFailures)
if eval.Status == "blocked" {
text = "N/A - In Progress"
return text, hasFailures
// LineLimitReader wraps another reader and provides `tail -n` like behavior.
// LineLimitReader buffers up to the searchLimit and returns `-n` number of
// lines. After those lines have been returned, LineLimitReader streams the
// underlying ReadCloser
type LineLimitReader struct {
lines int
searchLimit int
timeLimit time.Duration
lastRead time.Time
buffer *bytes.Buffer
bufFiled bool
foundLines bool
// NewLineLimitReader takes the ReadCloser to wrap, the number of lines to find
// searching backwards in the first searchLimit bytes. timeLimit can optionally
// be specified by passing a non-zero duration. When set, the search for the
// last n lines is aborted if no data has been read in the duration. This
// can be used to flush what is had if no extra data is being received. When
// used, the underlying reader must not block forever and must periodically
// unblock even when no data has been read.
func NewLineLimitReader(r io.ReadCloser, lines, searchLimit int, timeLimit time.Duration) *LineLimitReader {
return &LineLimitReader{
ReadCloser: r,
searchLimit: searchLimit,
timeLimit: timeLimit,
lines: lines,
buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, searchLimit)),
func (l *LineLimitReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
// Fill up the buffer so we can find the correct number of lines.
if !l.bufFiled {
b := make([]byte, len(p))
n, err := l.ReadCloser.Read(b)
if n > 0 {
if _, err := l.buffer.Write(b[:n]); err != nil {
return 0, err
if err != nil {
if err != io.EOF {
return 0, err
l.bufFiled = true
goto READ
if l.buffer.Len() >= l.searchLimit {
l.bufFiled = true
goto READ
if l.timeLimit.Nanoseconds() > 0 {
if l.lastRead.IsZero() {
l.lastRead = time.Now()
return 0, nil
now := time.Now()
if n == 0 {
// We hit the limit
if l.lastRead.Add(l.timeLimit).Before(now) {
l.bufFiled = true
goto READ
} else {
return 0, nil
} else {
l.lastRead = now
return 0, nil
if l.bufFiled && l.buffer.Len() != 0 {
b := l.buffer.Bytes()
// Find the lines
if !l.foundLines {
found := 0
i := len(b) - 1
sep := byte('\n')
lastIndex := len(b) - 1
for ; found < l.lines && i >= 0; i-- {
if b[i] == sep {
lastIndex = i
// Skip the first one
if i != len(b)-1 {
// We found them all
if found == l.lines {
// Clear the buffer until the last index
l.buffer.Next(lastIndex + 1)
l.foundLines = true
// Read from the buffer
n := copy(p, l.buffer.Next(len(p)))
return n, nil
// Just stream from the underlying reader now
return l.ReadCloser.Read(p)
type JobGetter struct {
// The fields below can be overwritten for tests
testStdin io.Reader
// StructJob returns the Job struct from jobfile.
func (j *JobGetter) ApiJob(jpath string) (*api.Job, error) {
var jobfile io.Reader
switch jpath {
case "-":
if j.testStdin != nil {
jobfile = j.testStdin
} else {
jobfile = os.Stdin
if len(jpath) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error jobfile path has to be specified.")
job, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "jobfile")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer os.Remove(job.Name())
if err := job.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get the pwd
pwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
client := &gg.Client{
Src: jpath,
Pwd: pwd,
Dst: job.Name(),
if err := client.Get(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error getting jobfile from %q: %v", jpath, err)
} else {
file, err := os.Open(job.Name())
defer file.Close()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error opening file %q: %v", jpath, err)
jobfile = file
// Parse the JobFile
jobStruct, err := jobspec.Parse(jobfile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing job file from %s: %v", jpath, err)
return jobStruct, nil
// COMPAT: Remove in 0.7.0
// Nomad 0.6.0 introduces the submit time field so CLI's interacting with
// older versions of Nomad would SEGFAULT as reported here:
// https://github.com/hashicorp/nomad/issues/2918
// getSubmitTime returns a submit time of the job converting to time.Time
func getSubmitTime(job *api.Job) time.Time {
if job.SubmitTime != nil {
return time.Unix(0, *job.SubmitTime)
return time.Time{}
// COMPAT: Remove in 0.7.0
// Nomad 0.6.0 introduces job Versions so CLI's interacting with
// older versions of Nomad would SEGFAULT as reported here:
// https://github.com/hashicorp/nomad/issues/2918
// getVersion returns a version of the job in safely.
func getVersion(job *api.Job) uint64 {
if job.Version != nil {
return *job.Version
return 0
// mergeAutocompleteFlags is used to join multiple flag completion sets.
func mergeAutocompleteFlags(flags ...complete.Flags) complete.Flags {
merged := make(map[string]complete.Predictor, len(flags))
for _, f := range flags {
for k, v := range f {
merged[k] = v
return merged
// sanatizeUUIDPrefix is used to sanatize a UUID prefix. The returned result
// will be a truncated version of the prefix if the prefix would not be
// queriable.
func sanatizeUUIDPrefix(prefix string) string {
hyphens := strings.Count(prefix, "-")
length := len(prefix) - hyphens
remainder := length % 2
return prefix[:len(prefix)-remainder]