
1.2 KiB

This guide provides step by step guidance for cutting a new release of Nomad.

  1. Bump the version in version/version.go
  2. Run make prerelease
  3. Commit any changed, generated files.
  4. On the Linux Vagrant run make release
  5. mv pkg/ pkg2/. We move the compiled packages such that when we run step 6, the binaries are deleted.
  6. On a Mac, run make release
  7. mv pkg2/* pkg/. This moves all the binaries into the same folder and thus we are ready for releasing.
  8. Ensure you have the hc-release environment variables set for being able to read/write to S3. This can be retrieved from 1password.
  9. ./scripts/ <version>. Formating of is 0.x.x(-|rcx|betaX)
  10. Bump the version to the new dev version.
  11. Remove the generated files and commit

Only on final releases

  1. Add the new version to checkpoint.

Modifying the website

Assuming master is the branch you want the website to reflect

  1. On master, bump the version in website/config.rb
  2. Delete the remote stable-website branch (git push -d origin stable-website)
  3. Create the new stable webiste, git checkout -b stable-website
  4. git push origin stable-website
  5. In Slack run, hashibot deploy nomad