When uploading a local binary for provisioning, the location that we pass into the provisioning script needs to be where we uploaded it to, not the source on our laptop. Also, the null_resource for uploading needs to read in the private key, not its path.
128 lines
4.4 KiB
128 lines
4.4 KiB
locals {
provision_script = var.platform == "windows_amd64" ? "C:/opt/provision.ps1" : "/opt/provision.sh"
custom_path = abspath("${var.config_path}/custom/")
custom_config_files = compact(setunion(
fileset(local.custom_path, "nomad/*.hcl"),
fileset(local.custom_path, "nomad/${var.role}/*.hcl"),
fileset(local.custom_path, "nomad/${var.role}/indexed/*${var.index}.hcl"),
fileset(local.custom_path, "consul/*.json"),
fileset(local.custom_path, "consul/${var.role}/*.json"),
fileset(local.custom_path, "consul${var.role}indexed/*${var.index}*.json"),
fileset(local.custom_path, "vault/*.hcl"),
fileset(local.custom_path, "vault${var.role}*.hcl"),
fileset(local.custom_path, "vault${var.role}indexed/*${var.index}.hcl"),
# abstract-away platform-specific parameter expectations
_arg = var.platform == "windows_amd64" ? "-" : "--"
resource "null_resource" "provision_nomad" {
depends_on = [
# no need to re-run if nothing changes
triggers = {
script = data.template_file.provision_script.rendered
# Run the provisioner as a local-exec'd ssh command as a workaround for
# Windows remote-exec zero-byte scripts bug:
# https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/25634
# The retry behavior and explicit PasswordAuthenticaiton flag here are to
# workaround a race with the Windows userdata script that installs the
# authorized_key. Unfortunately this still results in a bunch of "permission
# denied" errors while waiting for those keys to be configured.
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "until ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o LogLevel=ERROR -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ${var.connection.private_key} -p ${var.connection.port} ${var.connection.user}@${var.connection.host} ${data.template_file.provision_script.rendered}; do sleep 5; done"
data "template_file" "provision_script" {
template = "${local.provision_script}${data.template_file.arg_nomad_sha.rendered}${data.template_file.arg_nomad_version.rendered}${data.template_file.arg_nomad_binary.rendered}${data.template_file.arg_nomad_enterprise.rendered}${data.template_file.arg_nomad_acls.rendered}${data.template_file.arg_profile.rendered}${data.template_file.arg_role.rendered}${data.template_file.arg_index.rendered}"
data "template_file" "arg_nomad_sha" {
template = var.nomad_sha != "" ? " ${local._arg}nomad_sha ${var.nomad_sha}" : ""
data "template_file" "arg_nomad_version" {
template = var.nomad_version != "" ? " ${local._arg}nomad_version ${var.nomad_version}" : ""
data "template_file" "arg_nomad_binary" {
template = var.nomad_local_binary != "" ? " ${local._arg}nomad_binary /tmp/nomad" : ""
data "template_file" "arg_nomad_enterprise" {
template = var.nomad_enterprise ? " ${local._arg}enterprise" : ""
data "template_file" "arg_nomad_acls" {
template = var.nomad_acls ? " ${local._arg}nomad_acls" : ""
data "template_file" "arg_profile" {
template = var.profile != "" ? " ${local._arg}config_profile ${var.profile}" : ""
data "template_file" "arg_role" {
template = var.role != "" ? " ${local._arg}role ${var.role}" : ""
data "template_file" "arg_index" {
template = var.index != "" ? " ${local._arg}index ${var.index}" : ""
resource "null_resource" "upload_nomad_binary" {
count = var.nomad_local_binary != "" ? 1 : 0
depends_on = [null_resource.upload_custom_configs]
triggers = {
nomad_binary_sha = filemd5(var.nomad_local_binary)
connection {
type = "ssh"
user = var.connection.user
host = var.connection.host
port = var.connection.port
private_key = file(var.connection.private_key)
timeout = "15m"
provisioner "file" {
source = var.nomad_local_binary
destination = "/tmp/nomad"
resource "null_resource" "upload_custom_configs" {
count = var.profile == "custom" ? 1 : 0
triggers = {
hashes = "${join(",", [for file in local.custom_config_files : filemd5(file)])}"
connection {
type = "ssh"
user = var.connection.user
host = var.connection.host
port = var.connection.port
private_key = file(var.connection.private_key)
timeout = "15m"
provisioner "file" {
source = local.custom_path
destination = "/tmp/"