2019-04-10 14:54:36 -07:00

40 lines
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import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { alias } from '@ember/object/computed';
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import { lazyClick } from '../helpers/lazy-click';
export default Component.extend({
// TODO Switch back to the router service once the service behaves more like Route
// router: inject.service('router'),
_router: service('-routing'),
router: alias('_router.router'),
tagName: 'tr',
classNames: ['server-agent-row', 'is-interactive'],
classNameBindings: ['isActive:is-active'],
agent: null,
isActive: computed('agent', 'router.currentURL', function() {
// TODO Switch back to the router service once the service behaves more like Route
// const targetURL = this.get('router').urlFor('servers.server', this.get('agent'));
// const currentURL = `${this.get('router.rootURL').slice(0, -1)}${this.get('router.currentURL')}`;
const router = this.router;
const targetURL = router.generate('servers.server', this.agent);
const currentURL = `${router.get('rootURL').slice(0, -1)}${
// Account for potential URI encoding
return currentURL.replace(/%40/g, '@') === targetURL.replace(/%40/g, '@');
click() {
const transition = () => this.router.transitionTo('servers.server', this.agent);
lazyClick([transition, event]);