This changeset is the OSS portion of the work to remove the raft storage and sync for Nomad Enterprise.
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package agent
import (
testing "github.com/mitchellh/go-testing-interface"
metrics "github.com/armon/go-metrics"
sconfig "github.com/hashicorp/nomad/nomad/structs/config"
func init() {
rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) // seed random number generator
// TempDir defines the base dir for temporary directories.
var TempDir = os.TempDir()
// TestAgent encapsulates an Agent with a default configuration and startup
// procedure suitable for testing. It manages a temporary data directory which
// is removed after shutdown.
type TestAgent struct {
// T is the testing object
T testing.T
// Name is an optional name of the agent.
Name string
// ConfigCallback is an optional callback that allows modification of the
// configuration before the agent is started.
ConfigCallback func(*Config)
// Config is the agent configuration. If Config is nil then
// TestConfig() is used. If Config.DataDir is set then it is
// the callers responsibility to clean up the data directory.
// Otherwise, a temporary data directory is created and removed
// when Shutdown() is called.
Config *Config
// LogOutput is the sink for the logs. If nil, logs are written
// to os.Stderr.
LogOutput io.Writer
// DataDir is the data directory which is used when Config.DataDir
// is not set. It is created automatically and removed when
// Shutdown() is called.
DataDir string
// Key is the optional encryption key for the keyring.
Key string
// Server is a reference to the started HTTP endpoint.
// It is valid after Start().
Server *HTTPServer
// Agent is the embedded Nomad agent.
// It is valid after Start().
// RootToken is auto-bootstrapped if ACLs are enabled
RootToken *structs.ACLToken
// ports that are reserved through freeport that must be returned at
// the end of a test, done when Shutdown() is called.
ports []int
// Enterprise specifies if the agent is enterprise or not
Enterprise bool
// shutdown is set to true if agent has been shutdown
shutdown bool
// NewTestAgent returns a started agent with the given name and
// configuration. The caller should call Shutdown() to stop the agent and
// remove temporary directories.
func NewTestAgent(t testing.T, name string, configCallback func(*Config)) *TestAgent {
a := &TestAgent{
T: t,
Name: name,
ConfigCallback: configCallback,
Enterprise: EnterpriseTestAgent,
return a
// Start starts a test agent.
func (a *TestAgent) Start() *TestAgent {
if a.Agent != nil {
a.T.Fatalf("TestAgent already started")
if a.Config == nil {
a.Config = a.config()
if a.Config.DataDir == "" {
name := "agent"
if a.Name != "" {
name = a.Name + "-agent"
name = strings.ReplaceAll(name, "/", "_")
d, err := ioutil.TempDir(TempDir, name)
if err != nil {
a.T.Fatalf("Error creating data dir %s: %s", filepath.Join(TempDir, name), err)
a.DataDir = d
a.Config.DataDir = d
a.Config.NomadConfig.DataDir = d
i := 10
advertiseAddrs := *a.Config.AdvertiseAddrs
// Clear out the advertise addresses such that through retries we
// re-normalize the addresses correctly instead of using the values from the
// last port selection that had a port conflict.
newAddrs := advertiseAddrs
a.Config.AdvertiseAddrs = &newAddrs
if a.Config.NodeName == "" {
a.Config.NodeName = fmt.Sprintf("Node %d", a.Config.Ports.RPC)
// Create a null logger before initializing the keyring. This is typically
// done using the agent's logger. However, it hasn't been created yet.
logger := hclog.NewNullLogger()
// write the keyring
if a.Key != "" {
writeKey := func(key, filename string) {
path := filepath.Join(a.Config.DataDir, filename)
if err := initKeyring(path, key, logger); err != nil {
a.T.Fatalf("Error creating keyring %s: %s", path, err)
writeKey(a.Key, serfKeyring)
// we need the err var in the next exit condition
agent, err := a.start()
if err == nil {
a.Agent = agent
} else if i == 0 {
a.T.Fatalf("%s: Error starting agent: %v", a.Name, err)
} else {
if agent != nil {
wait := time.Duration(rand.Int31n(2000)) * time.Millisecond
a.T.Logf("%s: retrying in %v", a.Name, wait)
// Clean out the data dir if we are responsible for it before we
// try again, since the old ports may have gotten written to
// the data dir, such as in the Raft configuration.
if a.DataDir != "" {
if err := os.RemoveAll(a.DataDir); err != nil {
a.T.Fatalf("%s: Error resetting data dir: %v", a.Name, err)
goto RETRY
failed := false
if a.Config.NomadConfig.BootstrapExpect == 1 && a.Config.Server.Enabled {
testutil.WaitForResult(func() (bool, error) {
args := &structs.GenericRequest{}
var leader string
err := a.RPC("Status.Leader", args, &leader)
return leader != "", err
}, func(err error) {
a.T.Logf("failed to find leader: %v", err)
failed = true
} else {
testutil.WaitForResult(func() (bool, error) {
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/agent/self", nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
_, err := a.Server.AgentSelfRequest(resp, req)
return err == nil && resp.Code == 200, err
}, func(err error) {
a.T.Logf("failed to find leader: %v", err)
failed = true
if failed {
if i == 0 {
a.T.Fatalf("ran out of retries trying to start test agent")
goto RETRY
// Check if ACLs enabled. Use special value of PolicyTTL 0s
// to do a bypass of this step. This is so we can test bootstrap
// without having to pass down a special flag.
if a.Config.ACL.Enabled && a.Config.Server.Enabled && a.Config.ACL.PolicyTTL != 0 {
a.RootToken = mock.ACLManagementToken()
state := a.Agent.server.State()
if err := state.BootstrapACLTokens(structs.MsgTypeTestSetup, 1, 0, a.RootToken); err != nil {
a.T.Fatalf("token bootstrap failed: %v", err)
return a
func (a *TestAgent) start() (*Agent, error) {
if a.LogOutput == nil {
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v ", a.Config.BindAddr, a.Config.Ports.RPC)
a.LogOutput = testlog.NewPrefixWriter(a.T, prefix)
inm := metrics.NewInmemSink(10*time.Second, time.Minute)
metrics.NewGlobal(metrics.DefaultConfig("service-name"), inm)
if inm == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to set up in memory metrics needed for agent initialization")
logger := hclog.NewInterceptLogger(&hclog.LoggerOptions{
Name: "agent",
Level: hclog.LevelFromString(a.Config.LogLevel),
Output: a.LogOutput,
JSONFormat: a.Config.LogJson,
agent, err := NewAgent(a.Config, logger, a.LogOutput, inm)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Setup the HTTP server
http, err := NewHTTPServer(agent, a.Config)
if err != nil {
return agent, err
a.Server = http
return agent, nil
// Shutdown stops the agent and removes the data directory if it is
// managed by the test agent.
func (a *TestAgent) Shutdown() error {
if a.shutdown {
return nil
a.shutdown = true
defer freeport.Return(a.ports)
defer func() {
if a.DataDir != "" {
// shutdown agent before endpoints
ch := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
defer close(ch)
ch <- a.Agent.Shutdown()
select {
case err := <-ch:
return err
case <-time.After(1 * time.Minute):
return fmt.Errorf("timed out while shutting down test agent")
func (a *TestAgent) HTTPAddr() string {
if a.Server == nil {
return ""
proto := "http://"
if a.Config.TLSConfig != nil && a.Config.TLSConfig.EnableHTTP {
proto = "https://"
return proto + a.Server.Addr
func (a *TestAgent) Client() *api.Client {
conf := api.DefaultConfig()
conf.Address = a.HTTPAddr()
c, err := api.NewClient(conf)
if err != nil {
a.T.Fatalf("Error creating Nomad API client: %s", err)
return c
// pickRandomPorts selects random ports from fixed size random blocks of
// ports. This does not eliminate the chance for port conflict but
// reduces it significantly with little overhead. Furthermore, asking
// the kernel for a random port by binding to port 0 prolongs the test
// execution (in our case +20sec) while also not fully eliminating the
// chance of port conflicts for concurrently executed test binaries.
// Instead of relying on one set of ports to be sufficient we retry
// starting the agent with different ports on port conflict.
func (a *TestAgent) pickRandomPorts(c *Config) {
ports := freeport.MustTake(3)
a.ports = append(a.ports, ports...)
c.Ports.HTTP = ports[0]
c.Ports.RPC = ports[1]
c.Ports.Serf = ports[2]
if err := c.normalizeAddrs(); err != nil {
a.T.Fatalf("error normalizing config: %v", err)
// TestConfig returns a unique default configuration for testing an
// agent.
func (a *TestAgent) config() *Config {
conf := DevConfig(nil)
// Customize the server configuration
config := nomad.DefaultConfig()
conf.NomadConfig = config
// Set the name
conf.NodeName = a.Name
// Bind and set ports
conf.BindAddr = ""
conf.Consul = sconfig.DefaultConsulConfig()
conf.Vault.Enabled = new(bool)
// Tighten the Serf timing
config.SerfConfig.MemberlistConfig.SuspicionMult = 2
config.SerfConfig.MemberlistConfig.RetransmitMult = 2
config.SerfConfig.MemberlistConfig.ProbeTimeout = 50 * time.Millisecond
config.SerfConfig.MemberlistConfig.ProbeInterval = 100 * time.Millisecond
config.SerfConfig.MemberlistConfig.GossipInterval = 100 * time.Millisecond
// Tighten the Raft timing
config.RaftConfig.LeaderLeaseTimeout = 20 * time.Millisecond
config.RaftConfig.HeartbeatTimeout = 40 * time.Millisecond
config.RaftConfig.ElectionTimeout = 40 * time.Millisecond
config.RaftTimeout = 500 * time.Millisecond
// Tighten the autopilot timing
config.AutopilotConfig.ServerStabilizationTime = 100 * time.Millisecond
config.ServerHealthInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
config.AutopilotInterval = 100 * time.Millisecond
// Tighten the fingerprinter timeouts
if conf.Client.Options == nil {
conf.Client.Options = make(map[string]string)
conf.Client.Options[fingerprint.TightenNetworkTimeoutsConfig] = "true"
if a.ConfigCallback != nil {
return conf