Closes #7197 #7199 Note: Test coverage is limited to adapter and serializer unit tests. All acceptance tests have been stubbed and all features have been manually tested end-to-end. This represents Phase 1 of #6993 which is the core workflow of CSI in the UI. It includes a couple new pages for viewing all external volumes as well as the allocations associated with each. It also updates existing volume related views on job and allocation pages to handle both Host Volumes and CSI Volumes.
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import { run } from '@ember/runloop';
import { settled } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { startMirage } from 'nomad-ui/initializers/ember-cli-mirage';
import XHRToken from 'nomad-ui/utils/classes/xhr-token';
module('Unit | Adapter | Volume', function(hooks) {
hooks.beforeEach(async function() {
this.store = this.owner.lookup('service:store');
this.subject = () => this.store.adapterFor('volume');
this.server = startMirage();
this.initializeUI = async () => {
this.server.create('namespace', { id: 'some-namespace' });
this.server.create('job', { id: 'job-1', namespaceId: 'default' });
this.server.create('csi-plugin', 2);
this.server.create('csi-volume', { id: 'volume-1', namespaceId: 'some-namespace' });
this.server.create('region', { id: 'region-1' });
this.server.create('region', { id: 'region-2' });
this.system = this.owner.lookup('service:system');
// Namespace, default region, and all regions are requests that all
// job requests depend on. Fetching them ahead of time means testing
// job adapter behavior in isolation.
await this.system.get('namespaces');
await this.system.get('defaultRegion');
// Reset the handledRequests array to avoid accounting for this
// namespaces request everywhere.
this.server.pretender.handledRequests.length = 0;
hooks.afterEach(function() {
test('The volume endpoint can be queried by type', async function(assert) {
const { pretender } = this.server;
await this.initializeUI();
this.subject().query(this.store, { modelName: 'volume' }, { type: 'csi' }, null, {});
await settled();
assert.deepEqual(pretender.handledRequests.mapBy('url'), ['/v1/volumes?type=csi']);
test('When a namespace is set in localStorage and the volume endpoint is queried, the namespace is in the query string', async function(assert) {
const { pretender } = this.server;
window.localStorage.nomadActiveNamespace = 'some-namespace';
await this.initializeUI();
this.subject().query(this.store, { modelName: 'volume' }, { type: 'csi' }, null, {});
await settled();
assert.deepEqual(pretender.handledRequests.mapBy('url'), [
test('When the volume has a namespace other than default, it is in the URL', async function(assert) {
const { pretender } = this.server;
const volumeName = 'csi/volume-1';
const volumeNamespace = 'some-namespace';
const volumeId = JSON.stringify([volumeName, volumeNamespace]);
await this.initializeUI();
this.subject().findRecord(this.store, { modelName: 'volume' }, volumeId);
await settled();
assert.deepEqual(pretender.handledRequests.mapBy('url'), [
test('query can be watched', async function(assert) {
await this.initializeUI();
const { pretender } = this.server;
const request = () =>
this.subject().query(this.store, { modelName: 'volume' }, { type: 'csi' }, null, {
reload: true,
adapterOptions: { watch: true },
assert.equal(pretender.handledRequests[0].url, '/v1/volumes?type=csi&index=1');
await settled();
assert.equal(pretender.handledRequests[1].url, '/v1/volumes?type=csi&index=2');
await settled();
test('query can be canceled', async function(assert) {
await this.initializeUI();
const { pretender } = this.server;
const token = new XHRToken();
pretender.get('/v1/volumes', () => [200, {}, '[]'], true);
.query(this.store, { modelName: 'volume' }, { type: 'csi' }, null, {
reload: true,
adapterOptions: { watch: true, abortToken: token },
.catch(() => {});
const { request: xhr } = pretender.requestReferences[0];
assert.equal(xhr.status, 0, 'Request is still pending');
// Schedule the cancelation before waiting
run.next(() => {
await settled();
assert.ok(xhr.aborted, 'Request was aborted');
test('query and findAll have distinct watchList entries', async function(assert) {
await this.initializeUI();
const { pretender } = this.server;
const request = () =>
this.subject().query(this.store, { modelName: 'volume' }, { type: 'csi' }, null, {
reload: true,
adapterOptions: { watch: true },
const findAllRequest = () =>
this.subject().findAll(null, { modelName: 'volume' }, null, {
reload: true,
adapterOptions: { watch: true },
assert.equal(pretender.handledRequests[0].url, '/v1/volumes?type=csi&index=1');
await settled();
assert.equal(pretender.handledRequests[1].url, '/v1/volumes?type=csi&index=2');
await settled();
assert.equal(pretender.handledRequests[2].url, '/v1/volumes?index=1');