Seth Hoenig 7f1191111d e2e: add tests for consul namespaces from nomad oss
This PR adds a set of tests to the Consul test suite for testing
Nomad OSS's behavior around setting Consul Namespace on groups,
which is to ignore the setting (as Consul Namespaces are currently
an Enterprise feature).

Tests are generally a reduced facsimile of existing tests, modified
to check behavior of when group.consul.namespace is set and not set.
Verification is oriented around what happens in Consul; the in-depth
functional correctness of these features is left to the original tests.

Nomad ENT will get its own version of these tests in `namespaces_ent.go`.
2021-04-16 15:32:37 -06:00

411 lines
13 KiB

package consultemplate
import (
capi ""
api ""
e2e ""
const ns = ""
type ConsulTemplateTest struct {
jobIDs []string
consulKeys []string
func init() {
Component: "ConsulTemplate",
CanRunLocal: true,
Consul: true,
Cases: []framework.TestCase{
func (tc *ConsulTemplateTest) BeforeAll(f *framework.F) {
e2e.WaitForLeader(f.T(), tc.Nomad())
e2e.WaitForNodesReady(f.T(), tc.Nomad(), 1)
func (tc *ConsulTemplateTest) AfterEach(f *framework.F) {
if os.Getenv("NOMAD_TEST_SKIPCLEANUP") == "1" {
for _, id := range tc.jobIDs {
_, err := e2e.Command("nomad", "job", "stop", "-purge", id)
f.Assert().NoError(err, "could not clean up job", id)
tc.jobIDs = []string{}
for _, key := range tc.consulKeys {
_, err := tc.Consul().KV().Delete(key, nil)
f.Assert().NoError(err, "could not clean up consul key", key)
tc.consulKeys = []string{}
_, err := e2e.Command("nomad", "system", "gc")
// TestTemplateUpdateTriggers exercises consul-template integration, verifying that:
// - missing keys block allocations from starting
// - key updates trigger re-render
// - service updates trigger re-render
// - 'noop' vs ''restart' configuration
func (tc *ConsulTemplateTest) TestTemplateUpdateTriggers(f *framework.F) {
wc := &e2e.WaitConfig{}
interval, retries := wc.OrDefault()
key := "consultemplate-" + uuid.Generate()[:8]
jobID := key
replacement := fmt.Sprintf(`---
key: {{ key "%s" }}
job: {{ env "NOMAD_JOB_NAME" }}
`, key)
// Ensure consul key does not exist
_, err := tc.Consul().KV().Delete(key, nil)
// Parse job so we can replace the template stanza with isolated keys
job, err := jobspec.ParseFile("consultemplate/input/templating.nomad")
job.ID = &jobID
job.TaskGroups[0].Tasks[0].Templates[1].EmbeddedTmpl = &replacement
job.TaskGroups[1].Tasks[0].Templates[1].EmbeddedTmpl = &replacement
tc.jobIDs = append(tc.jobIDs, jobID)
_, _, err = tc.Nomad().Jobs().Register(job, nil)
f.NoError(err, "could not register job")
expected := map[string]string{
"upstream": "running",
"exec_downstream": "pending",
"docker_downstream": "pending"}
f.NoError(waitForAllocStatusByGroup(jobID, ns, expected, nil))
// We won't reschedule any of these allocs, so we can cache these IDs for later
downstreams := map[string]string{} // alloc ID -> group name
allocs, err := e2e.AllocsForJob(jobID, ns)
for _, alloc := range allocs {
group := alloc["Task Group"]
if group == "docker_downstream" || group == "exec_downstream" {
downstreams[alloc["ID"]] = group
// note: checking pending above doesn't tell us whether we've tried to render
// the template yet, so we still need to poll for the template event
for allocID, group := range downstreams {
var checkErr error
testutil.WaitForResultRetries(retries, func() (bool, error) {
out, err := e2e.Command("nomad", "alloc", "status", allocID)
f.NoError(err, "could not get allocation status")
return strings.Contains(out, "Missing: kv.block"),
fmt.Errorf("expected %q to be blocked on Consul key", group)
}, func(e error) {
checkErr = e
// Write our key to Consul
_, err = tc.Consul().KV().Put(&capi.KVPair{Key: key, Value: []byte("foo")}, nil)
tc.consulKeys = append(tc.consulKeys, key)
// template will render, allowing downstream allocs to run
expected = map[string]string{
"upstream": "running",
"exec_downstream": "running",
"docker_downstream": "running"}
f.NoError(waitForAllocStatusByGroup(jobID, ns, expected, nil))
// verify we've rendered the templates
for allocID := range downstreams {
f.NoError(waitForTemplateRender(allocID, "task/local/kv.yml",
func(out string) bool {
return strings.TrimSpace(out) == "---\nkey: foo\njob: templating"
}, nil), "expected consul key to be rendered")
f.NoError(waitForTemplateRender(allocID, "task/local/services.conf",
func(out string) bool {
confLines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(out), "\n")
servers := 0
for _, line := range confLines {
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "server upstream-service ") {
return servers == 2
}, nil), "expected 2 upstream servers")
// Update our key in Consul
_, err = tc.Consul().KV().Put(&capi.KVPair{Key: key, Value: []byte("bar")}, nil)
// Wait for restart
for allocID, group := range downstreams {
var checkErr error
testutil.WaitForResultRetries(retries, func() (bool, error) {
out, err := e2e.Command("nomad", "alloc", "status", allocID)
f.NoError(err, "could not get allocation status")
section, err := e2e.GetSection(out, "Task Events:")
f.NoError(err, out)
restarts, err := e2e.GetField(section, "Total Restarts")
return restarts == "1",
fmt.Errorf("expected 1 restart for %q but found %s", group, restarts)
}, func(e error) {
checkErr = e
// verify we've re-rendered the template
f.NoError(waitForTemplateRender(allocID, "task/local/kv.yml",
func(out string) bool {
return strings.TrimSpace(out) == "---\nkey: bar\njob: templating"
}, nil), "expected updated consul key")
// increase the count for upstreams
count := 3
job.TaskGroups[2].Count = &count
_, _, err = tc.Nomad().Jobs().Register(job, nil)
f.NoError(err, "could not register job")
// wait for re-rendering
for allocID := range downstreams {
f.NoError(waitForTemplateRender(allocID, "task/local/services.conf",
func(out string) bool {
confLines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(out), "\n")
servers := 0
for _, line := range confLines {
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "server upstream-service ") {
return servers == 3
}, nil), "expected 3 upstream servers")
// verify noop was honored: no additional restarts
out, err := e2e.Command("nomad", "alloc", "status", allocID)
f.NoError(err, "could not get allocation status")
section, err := e2e.GetSection(out, "Task Events:")
f.NoError(err, out)
restarts, err := e2e.GetField(section, "Total Restarts")
f.Equal("1", restarts, "expected no new restarts for group")
// TestTemplatePathInterpolation_Ok asserts that NOMAD_*_DIR variables are
// properly interpolated into template source and destination paths without
// being treated as escaping.
func (tc *ConsulTemplateTest) TestTemplatePathInterpolation_Ok(f *framework.F) {
jobID := "template-paths-" + uuid.Generate()[:8]
tc.jobIDs = append(tc.jobIDs, jobID)
allocStubs := e2eutil.RegisterAndWaitForAllocs(
f.T(), tc.Nomad(), "consultemplate/input/template_paths.nomad", jobID, "")
f.Len(allocStubs, 1)
allocID := allocStubs[0].ID
e2eutil.WaitForAllocRunning(f.T(), tc.Nomad(), allocID)
f.NoError(waitForTemplateRender(allocID, "task/secrets/foo/dst",
func(out string) bool {
return len(out) > 0
}, nil), "expected file to have contents")
f.NoError(waitForTemplateRender(allocID, "alloc/shared.txt",
func(out string) bool {
return len(out) > 0
}, nil), "expected shared-alloc-dir file to have contents")
// TestTemplatePathInterpolation_Bad asserts that template.source paths are not
// allowed to escape the sandbox directory tree by default.
func (tc *ConsulTemplateTest) TestTemplatePathInterpolation_Bad(f *framework.F) {
wc := &e2e.WaitConfig{}
interval, retries := wc.OrDefault()
jobID := "bad-template-paths-" + uuid.Generate()[:8]
tc.jobIDs = append(tc.jobIDs, jobID)
allocStubs := e2eutil.RegisterAndWaitForAllocs(
f.T(), tc.Nomad(), "consultemplate/input/bad_template_paths.nomad", jobID, "")
f.Len(allocStubs, 1)
allocID := allocStubs[0].ID
// Wait for alloc to fail
var err error
var alloc *api.Allocation
testutil.WaitForResultRetries(retries, func() (bool, error) {
alloc, _, err = tc.Nomad().Allocations().Info(allocID, nil)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return alloc.ClientStatus == structs.AllocClientStatusFailed, fmt.Errorf("expected status failed, but was: %s", alloc.ClientStatus)
}, func(err error) {
f.NoError(err, "failed to wait on alloc")
// Assert the "source escapes" error occurred to prevent false
// positives.
found := false
for _, event := range alloc.TaskStates["task"].Events {
if strings.Contains(event.DisplayMessage, "template source path escapes alloc directory") {
found = true
f.True(found, "alloc failed but NOT due to expected source path escape error")
// TestTemplatePathInterpolation_SharedAlloc asserts that NOMAD_ALLOC_DIR
// is supported as a destination for artifact and template blocks, and
// that it is properly interpolated for task drivers with varying
// filesystem isolation
func (tc *ConsulTemplateTest) TestTemplatePathInterpolation_SharedAllocDir(f *framework.F) {
jobID := "template-shared-alloc-" + uuid.Generate()[:8]
tc.jobIDs = append(tc.jobIDs, jobID)
allocStubs := e2eutil.RegisterAndWaitForAllocs(
f.T(), tc.Nomad(), "consultemplate/input/template_shared_alloc.nomad", jobID, "")
f.Len(allocStubs, 1)
allocID := allocStubs[0].ID
e2eutil.WaitForAllocRunning(f.T(), tc.Nomad(), allocID)
for _, task := range []string{"docker", "exec", "raw_exec"} {
// tests that we can render templates into the shared alloc directory
f.NoError(waitForTaskFile(allocID, task, "${NOMAD_ALLOC_DIR}/raw_exec.env",
func(out string) bool {
return len(out) > 0 && strings.TrimSpace(out) != "/alloc"
}, nil), "expected raw_exec.env to not be '/alloc'")
f.NoError(waitForTaskFile(allocID, task, "${NOMAD_ALLOC_DIR}/exec.env",
func(out string) bool {
return strings.TrimSpace(out) == "/alloc"
}, nil), "expected shared exec.env to contain '/alloc'")
f.NoError(waitForTaskFile(allocID, task, "${NOMAD_ALLOC_DIR}/docker.env",
func(out string) bool {
return strings.TrimSpace(out) == "/alloc"
}, nil), "expected shared docker.env to contain '/alloc'")
// test that we can fetch artifacts into the shared alloc directory
for _, a := range []string{"google1.html", "google2.html", "google3.html"} {
f.NoError(waitForTaskFile(allocID, task, "${NOMAD_ALLOC_DIR}/"+a,
func(out string) bool {
return len(out) > 0
}, nil), "expected artifact in alloc dir")
// test that we can load environment variables rendered with templates using interpolated paths
out, err := e2e.Command("nomad", "alloc", "exec", "-task", task, allocID, "sh", "-c", "env")
f.Contains(out, "HELLO_FROM=raw_exec")
func waitForTaskFile(allocID, task, path string, test func(out string) bool, wc *e2e.WaitConfig) error {
var err error
var out string
interval, retries := wc.OrDefault()
testutil.WaitForResultRetries(retries, func() (bool, error) {
out, err = e2e.Command("nomad", "alloc", "exec", "-task", task, allocID, "sh", "-c", "cat "+path)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("could not cat file %q from task %q in allocation %q: %v",
path, task, allocID, err)
return test(out), nil
}, func(e error) {
err = fmt.Errorf("test for file content failed: got %#v\nerror: %v", out, e)
return err
// waitForTemplateRender is a helper that grabs a file via alloc fs
// and tests it for
func waitForTemplateRender(allocID, path string, test func(string) bool, wc *e2e.WaitConfig) error {
var err error
var out string
interval, retries := wc.OrDefault()
testutil.WaitForResultRetries(retries, func() (bool, error) {
out, err = e2e.Command("nomad", "alloc", "fs", allocID, path)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("could not get file %q from allocation %q: %v",
path, allocID, err)
return test(out), nil
}, func(e error) {
err = fmt.Errorf("test for file content failed: got %#v\nerror: %v", out, e)
return err
// waitForAllocStatusByGroup is similar to WaitForAllocStatus but maps
// specific task group names to statuses without having to deal with specific counts
func waitForAllocStatusByGroup(jobID, ns string, expected map[string]string, wc *e2e.WaitConfig) error {
var got []map[string]string
var err error
interval, retries := wc.OrDefault()
testutil.WaitForResultRetries(retries, func() (bool, error) {
got, err = e2e.AllocsForJob(jobID, ns)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, row := range got {
group := row["Task Group"]
expectedStatus := expected[group]
gotStatus := row["Status"]
if expectedStatus != gotStatus {
return false, fmt.Errorf("expected %q to be %q, got %q",
group, expectedStatus, gotStatus)
err = nil
return true, nil
}, func(e error) {
err = fmt.Errorf("alloc status check failed: got %#v\nerror: %v", got, e)
return err