This is mostly deprecation fixes and blueprint changes. There are some dependency updates too; the changes to Ember Basic Dropdown necessitated changing it to angle bracket component invocation. The conversion of the rest of the templates will happen separately.
143 lines
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143 lines
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import { alias } from '@ember/object/computed';
import { assert } from '@ember/debug';
import { htmlSafe } from '@ember/template';
import Evented from '@ember/object/evented';
import EmberObject, { computed } from '@ember/object';
import { computed as overridable } from 'ember-overridable-computed';
import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills';
import queryString from 'query-string';
import { task } from 'ember-concurrency';
import StreamLogger from 'nomad-ui/utils/classes/stream-logger';
import PollLogger from 'nomad-ui/utils/classes/poll-logger';
import { decode } from 'nomad-ui/utils/stream-frames';
import Anser from 'anser';
const MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH = 50000;
// eslint-disable-next-line
export const fetchFailure = url => () => console.warn(`LOG FETCH: Couldn't connect to ${url}`);
const Log = EmberObject.extend(Evented, {
// Parameters
url: '',
params: overridable(() => ({})),
plainText: false,
logFetch() {
assert('Log objects need a logFetch method, which should have an interface like window.fetch');
// Read-only state
isStreaming: alias('logStreamer.poll.isRunning'),
logPointer: null,
logStreamer: null,
// The top of the log
head: '',
// The bottom of the log
tail: '',
// The top or bottom of the log, depending on whether
// the logPointer is pointed at head or tail
output: computed('logPointer', 'head', 'tail', function() {
let logs = this.logPointer === 'head' ? this.head : this.tail;
logs = logs.replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>');
let colouredLogs = Anser.ansiToHtml(logs);
return htmlSafe(colouredLogs);
init() {
const args = this.getProperties('url', 'params', 'logFetch');
args.write = chunk => {
let newTail = this.tail + chunk;
if (newTail.length > MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH) {
newTail = newTail.substr(newTail.length - MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH);
this.set('tail', newTail);
this.trigger('tick', chunk);
if (StreamLogger.isSupported) {
this.set('logStreamer', StreamLogger.create(args));
} else {
this.set('logStreamer', PollLogger.create(args));
destroy() {
gotoHead: task(function*() {
const logFetch = this.logFetch;
const queryParams = queryString.stringify(
origin: 'start',
offset: 0,
const url = `${this.url}?${queryParams}`;
const response = yield logFetch(url).then(res => res.text(), fetchFailure(url));
let text = this.plainText ? response : decode(response).message;
if (text && text.length > MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH) {
text = text.substr(0, MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH);
text += '\n\n---------- TRUNCATED: Click "tail" to view the bottom of the log ----------';
this.set('head', text);
this.set('logPointer', 'head');
gotoTail: task(function*() {
const logFetch = this.logFetch;
const queryParams = queryString.stringify(
origin: 'end',
const url = `${this.url}?${queryParams}`;
const response = yield logFetch(url).then(res => res.text(), fetchFailure(url));
let text = this.plainText ? response : decode(response).message;
this.set('tail', text);
this.set('logPointer', 'tail');
startStreaming() {
this.set('logPointer', 'tail');
return this.logStreamer.start();
stop() {
export default Log;
export function logger(urlProp, params, logFetch) {
return computed(urlProp, params, function() {
return Log.create({
logFetch: logFetch.call(this),
params: this.get(params),
url: this.get(urlProp),