The job factory will now accept an array of resourceSpecs that is a shorthand notation for memory, cpu, disk, and iops requirements. These specs get passed down to task groups. The task group factory will split the resource requirements near evenly (there is variance threshold) across all expected tasks. Allocations then construct task-resource objects based on the resources from the matching task.
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221 lines
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import Ember from 'ember';
import moment from 'moment';
import { Factory, trait } from 'ember-cli-mirage';
import faker from 'nomad-ui/mirage/faker';
import { provide, pickOne } from '../utils';
import { generateResources } from '../common';
const UUIDS = provide(100, faker.random.uuid.bind(faker.random));
const CLIENT_STATUSES = ['pending', 'running', 'complete', 'failed', 'lost'];
const DESIRED_STATUSES = ['run', 'stop', 'evict'];
const REF_TIME = new Date();
export default Factory.extend({
id: i => (i >= 100 ? `${UUIDS[i % 100]}-${i}` : UUIDS[i]),
jobVersion: 1,
modifyIndex: () => faker.random.number({ min: 10, max: 2000 }),
modifyTime: () => faker.date.past(2 / 365, REF_TIME) * 1000000,
createIndex: () => faker.random.number({ min: 10, max: 2000 }),
createTime() {
return faker.date.past(2 / 365, new Date(this.modifyTime / 1000000)) * 1000000;
namespace: null,
clientStatus() {
return this.forceRunningClientStatus ? 'running' : faker.helpers.randomize(CLIENT_STATUSES);
desiredStatus: () => faker.helpers.randomize(DESIRED_STATUSES),
// When true, doesn't create any resources, state, or events
shallow: false,
// When true, sets the client status to running
forceRunningClientStatus: false,
withTaskWithPorts: trait({
afterCreate(allocation, server) {
const taskGroup = server.db.taskGroups.findBy({ name: allocation.taskGroup });
const resources = taskGroup.taskIds.map(id => {
const task = server.db.tasks.find(id);
return server.create(
name: task.name,
resources: task.Resources,
allocation.update({ taskResourceIds: resources.mapBy('id') });
withoutTaskWithPorts: trait({
afterCreate(allocation, server) {
const taskGroup = server.db.taskGroups.findBy({ name: allocation.taskGroup });
const resources = taskGroup.taskIds.map(id => {
const task = server.db.tasks.find(id);
return server.create(
name: task.name,
resources: task.Resources,
allocation.update({ taskResourceIds: resources.mapBy('id') });
withAllocatedResources: trait({
allocatedResources: () => {
return {
Shared: generateResources({ networks: { minPorts: 2 } }),
rescheduleAttempts: 0,
rescheduleSuccess: false,
rescheduled: trait({
// Create another allocation carrying the events of this as well as the reschduleSuccess state.
// Pass along rescheduleAttempts after decrementing.
// After rescheduleAttempts hits zero, a final allocation is made with no nextAllocation and
// a clientStatus of failed or running, depending on rescheduleSuccess
afterCreate(allocation, server) {
const attempts = allocation.rescheduleAttempts - 1;
const previousEvents =
(allocation.rescheduleTracker && allocation.rescheduleTracker.Events) || [];
let rescheduleTime;
if (previousEvents.length) {
const lastEvent = previousEvents[previousEvents.length - 1];
rescheduleTime = moment(lastEvent.RescheduleTime / 1000000).add(5, 'minutes');
} else {
rescheduleTime = faker.date.past(2 / 365, REF_TIME);
rescheduleTime *= 1000000;
const rescheduleTracker = {
Events: previousEvents.concat([
PrevAllocID: allocation.id,
PrevNodeID: null, //allocation.node.id,
RescheduleTime: rescheduleTime,
let nextAllocation;
if (attempts > 0) {
nextAllocation = server.create('allocation', 'rescheduled', {
rescheduleAttempts: Math.max(attempts, 0),
rescheduleSuccess: allocation.rescheduleSuccess,
previousAllocation: allocation.id,
shallow: allocation.shallow,
clientStatus: 'failed',
followupEvalId: server.create('evaluation', {
waitUntil: rescheduleTime,
} else {
nextAllocation = server.create('allocation', {
previousAllocation: allocation.id,
clientStatus: allocation.rescheduleSuccess ? 'running' : 'failed',
shallow: allocation.shallow,
allocation.update({ nextAllocation: nextAllocation.id, clientStatus: 'failed' });
preempted: trait({
afterCreate(allocation, server) {
const preempter = server.create('allocation', { preemptedAllocations: [allocation.id] });
allocation.update({ preemptedByAllocation: preempter.id });
preempter: trait({
afterCreate(allocation, server) {
const preempted = server.create('allocation', { preemptedByAllocation: allocation.id });
allocation.update({ preemptedAllocations: [preempted.id] });
afterCreate(allocation, server) {
'[Mirage] No jobs! make sure jobs are created before allocations',
'[Mirage] No nodes! make sure nodes are created before allocations',
const job = allocation.jobId ? server.db.jobs.find(allocation.jobId) : pickOne(server.db.jobs);
const namespace = allocation.namespace || job.namespace;
const node = allocation.nodeId
? server.db.nodes.find(allocation.nodeId)
: pickOne(server.db.nodes);
const taskGroup = allocation.taskGroup
? server.db.taskGroups.findBy({ name: allocation.taskGroup })
: pickOne(server.db.taskGroups.where({ jobId: job.id }));
jobId: job.id,
nodeId: node.id,
taskStateIds: [],
taskResourceIds: [],
taskGroup: taskGroup.name,
name: allocation.name || `${taskGroup.name}.[${faker.random.number(10)}]`,
if (!allocation.shallow) {
const states = taskGroup.taskIds.map(id =>
server.create('task-state', {
name: server.db.tasks.find(id).name,
const resources = taskGroup.taskIds.map(id => {
const task = server.db.tasks.find(id);
return server.create('task-resource', {
name: task.name,
resources: task.Resources,
taskStateIds: allocation.clientStatus === 'pending' ? [] : states.mapBy('id'),
taskResourceIds: allocation.clientStatus === 'pending' ? [] : resources.mapBy('id'),
// Each allocation has a corresponding allocation stats running on some client.
// Create that record, even though it's not a relationship.
server.create('client-allocation-stat', {
id: allocation.id,
_taskNames: states.mapBy('name'),