2017-09-26 15:26:33 -07:00

204 lines
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package client
import (
dstructs ""
const (
// jitter is the percent of jitter added to restart delays.
jitter = 0.25
ReasonNoRestartsAllowed = "Policy allows no restarts"
ReasonUnrecoverableErrror = "Error was unrecoverable"
ReasonWithinPolicy = "Restart within policy"
ReasonDelay = "Exceeded allowed attempts, applying a delay"
func newRestartTracker(policy *structs.RestartPolicy, jobType string) *RestartTracker {
onSuccess := true
if jobType == structs.JobTypeBatch {
onSuccess = false
return &RestartTracker{
startTime: time.Now(),
onSuccess: onSuccess,
policy: policy,
rand: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix())),
type RestartTracker struct {
waitRes *dstructs.WaitResult
startErr error
restartTriggered bool // Whether the task has been signalled to be restarted
failure bool // Whether a failure triggered the restart
count int // Current number of attempts.
onSuccess bool // Whether to restart on successful exit code.
startTime time.Time // When the interval began
reason string // The reason for the last state
policy *structs.RestartPolicy
rand *rand.Rand
lock sync.Mutex
// SetPolicy updates the policy used to determine restarts.
func (r *RestartTracker) SetPolicy(policy *structs.RestartPolicy) {
defer r.lock.Unlock()
r.policy = policy
// SetStartError is used to mark the most recent start error. If starting was
// successful the error should be nil.
func (r *RestartTracker) SetStartError(err error) *RestartTracker {
defer r.lock.Unlock()
r.startErr = err
r.failure = true
return r
// SetWaitResult is used to mark the most recent wait result.
func (r *RestartTracker) SetWaitResult(res *dstructs.WaitResult) *RestartTracker {
defer r.lock.Unlock()
r.waitRes = res
r.failure = true
return r
// SetRestartTriggered is used to mark that the task has been signalled to be
// restarted. Setting the failure to true restarts according to the restart
// policy. When failure is false the task is restarted without considering the
// restart policy.
func (r *RestartTracker) SetRestartTriggered(failure bool) *RestartTracker {
defer r.lock.Unlock()
if failure {
r.failure = true
} else {
r.restartTriggered = true
return r
// GetReason returns a human-readable description for the last state returned by
// GetState.
func (r *RestartTracker) GetReason() string {
defer r.lock.Unlock()
return r.reason
// GetState returns the tasks next state given the set exit code and start
// error. One of the following states are returned:
// * TaskRestarting - Task should be restarted
// * TaskNotRestarting - Task should not be restarted and has exceeded its
// restart policy.
// * TaskTerminated - Task has terminated successfully and does not need a
// restart.
// If TaskRestarting is returned, the duration is how long to wait until
// starting the task again.
func (r *RestartTracker) GetState() (string, time.Duration) {
defer r.lock.Unlock()
// Clear out the existing state
defer func() {
r.startErr = nil
r.waitRes = nil
r.restartTriggered = false
r.failure = false
// Hot path if a restart was triggered
if r.restartTriggered {
r.reason = ""
return structs.TaskRestarting, 0
// Hot path if no attempts are expected
if r.policy.Attempts == 0 {
r.reason = ReasonNoRestartsAllowed
if r.waitRes != nil && r.waitRes.Successful() {
return structs.TaskTerminated, 0
return structs.TaskNotRestarting, 0
// Check if we have entered a new interval.
end := r.startTime.Add(r.policy.Interval)
now := time.Now()
if now.After(end) {
r.count = 0
r.startTime = now
// Handle restarts due to failures
if !r.failure {
return "", 0
if r.startErr != nil {
// If the error is not recoverable, do not restart.
if !structs.IsRecoverable(r.startErr) {
r.reason = ReasonUnrecoverableErrror
return structs.TaskNotRestarting, 0
} else if r.waitRes != nil {
// If the task started successfully and restart on success isn't specified,
// don't restart but don't mark as failed.
if r.waitRes.Successful() && !r.onSuccess {
r.reason = "Restart unnecessary as task terminated successfully"
return structs.TaskTerminated, 0
// If this task has been restarted due to failures more times
// than the restart policy allows within an interval fail
// according to the restart policy's mode.
if r.count > r.policy.Attempts {
if r.policy.Mode == structs.RestartPolicyModeFail {
r.reason = fmt.Sprintf(
`Exceeded allowed attempts %d in interval %v and mode is "fail"`,
r.policy.Attempts, r.policy.Interval)
return structs.TaskNotRestarting, 0
} else {
r.reason = ReasonDelay
return structs.TaskRestarting, r.getDelay()
r.reason = ReasonWithinPolicy
return structs.TaskRestarting, r.jitter()
// getDelay returns the delay time to enter the next interval.
func (r *RestartTracker) getDelay() time.Duration {
end := r.startTime.Add(r.policy.Interval)
now := time.Now()
return end.Sub(now)
// jitter returns the delay time plus a jitter.
func (r *RestartTracker) jitter() time.Duration {
// Get the delay and ensure it is valid.
d := r.policy.Delay.Nanoseconds()
if d == 0 {
d = 1
j := float64(r.rand.Int63n(d)) * jitter
return time.Duration(d + int64(j))