
272 lines
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package api
import (
// MemoryStats holds memory usage related stats
type MemoryStats struct {
RSS uint64
Cache uint64
Swap uint64
MaxUsage uint64
KernelUsage uint64
KernelMaxUsage uint64
Measured []string
// CpuStats holds cpu usage related stats
type CpuStats struct {
SystemMode float64
UserMode float64
TotalTicks float64
ThrottledPeriods uint64
ThrottledTime uint64
Percent float64
Measured []string
// ResourceUsage holds information related to cpu and memory stats
type ResourceUsage struct {
MemoryStats *MemoryStats
CpuStats *CpuStats
// TaskResourceUsage holds aggregated resource usage of all processes in a Task
// and the resource usage of the individual pids
type TaskResourceUsage struct {
ResourceUsage *ResourceUsage
Timestamp int64
Pids map[string]*ResourceUsage
// AllocResourceUsage holds the aggregated task resource usage of the
// allocation.
type AllocResourceUsage struct {
ResourceUsage *ResourceUsage
Tasks map[string]*TaskResourceUsage
Timestamp int64
// RestartPolicy defines how the Nomad client restarts
// tasks in a taskgroup when they fail
type RestartPolicy struct {
Interval time.Duration
Attempts int
Delay time.Duration
Mode string
// The ServiceCheck data model represents the consul health check that
// Nomad registers for a Task
type ServiceCheck struct {
Id string
Name string
Type string
Command string
Args []string
Path string
Protocol string `mapstructure:"port"`
PortLabel string `mapstructure:"port"`
Interval time.Duration
Timeout time.Duration
InitialStatus string `mapstructure:"initial_status"`
// The Service model represents a Consul service definition
type Service struct {
Id string
Name string
Tags []string
PortLabel string `mapstructure:"port"`
Checks []ServiceCheck
// EphemeralDisk is an ephemeral disk object
type EphemeralDisk struct {
Sticky bool
SizeMB int `mapstructure:"size"`
// TaskGroup is the unit of scheduling.
type TaskGroup struct {
Name string
Count int
Constraints []*Constraint
Tasks []*Task
RestartPolicy *RestartPolicy
EphemeralDisk *EphemeralDisk
Meta map[string]string
// NewTaskGroup creates a new TaskGroup.
func NewTaskGroup(name string, count int) *TaskGroup {
return &TaskGroup{
Name: name,
Count: count,
// Constrain is used to add a constraint to a task group.
func (g *TaskGroup) Constrain(c *Constraint) *TaskGroup {
g.Constraints = append(g.Constraints, c)
return g
// AddMeta is used to add a meta k/v pair to a task group
func (g *TaskGroup) SetMeta(key, val string) *TaskGroup {
if g.Meta == nil {
g.Meta = make(map[string]string)
g.Meta[key] = val
return g
// AddTask is used to add a new task to a task group.
func (g *TaskGroup) AddTask(t *Task) *TaskGroup {
g.Tasks = append(g.Tasks, t)
return g
// RequireDisk adds a ephemeral disk to the task group
func (g *TaskGroup) RequireDisk(disk *EphemeralDisk) *TaskGroup {
g.EphemeralDisk = disk
return g
// LogConfig provides configuration for log rotation
type LogConfig struct {
MaxFiles int
MaxFileSizeMB int
// Task is a single process in a task group.
type Task struct {
Name string
Driver string
User string
Config map[string]interface{}
Constraints []*Constraint
Env map[string]string
Services []Service
Resources *Resources
Meta map[string]string
KillTimeout time.Duration
LogConfig *LogConfig
Artifacts []*TaskArtifact
Vault *Vault
Templates []*Template
// TaskArtifact is used to download artifacts before running a task.
type TaskArtifact struct {
GetterSource string
GetterOptions map[string]string
RelativeDest string
type Template struct {
SourcePath string
DestPath string
EmbededTmpl string
ChangeMode string
RestartSignal string
Splay time.Duration
Once bool
type Vault struct {
Policies []string
Env bool
// NewTask creates and initializes a new Task.
func NewTask(name, driver string) *Task {
return &Task{
Name: name,
Driver: driver,
// Configure is used to configure a single k/v pair on
// the task.
func (t *Task) SetConfig(key string, val interface{}) *Task {
if t.Config == nil {
t.Config = make(map[string]interface{})
t.Config[key] = val
return t
// SetMeta is used to add metadata k/v pairs to the task.
func (t *Task) SetMeta(key, val string) *Task {
if t.Meta == nil {
t.Meta = make(map[string]string)
t.Meta[key] = val
return t
// Require is used to add resource requirements to a task.
func (t *Task) Require(r *Resources) *Task {
t.Resources = r
return t
// Constraint adds a new constraints to a single task.
func (t *Task) Constrain(c *Constraint) *Task {
t.Constraints = append(t.Constraints, c)
return t
// SetLogConfig sets a log config to a task
func (t *Task) SetLogConfig(l *LogConfig) *Task {
t.LogConfig = l
return t
// TaskState tracks the current state of a task and events that caused state
// transitions.
type TaskState struct {
State string
Events []*TaskEvent
const (
TaskDriverFailure = "Driver Failure"
TaskReceived = "Received"
TaskFailedValidation = "Failed Validation"
TaskStarted = "Started"
TaskTerminated = "Terminated"
TaskKilling = "Killing"
TaskKilled = "Killed"
TaskRestarting = "Restarting"
TaskNotRestarting = "Not Restarting"
TaskDownloadingArtifacts = "Downloading Artifacts"
TaskArtifactDownloadFailed = "Failed Artifact Download"
TaskDiskExceeded = "Disk Exceeded"
TaskVaultRenewalFailed = "Vault token renewal failed"
TaskSiblingFailed = "Sibling task failed"
// TaskEvent is an event that effects the state of a task and contains meta-data
// appropriate to the events type.
type TaskEvent struct {
Type string
Time int64
RestartReason string
DriverError string
ExitCode int
Signal int
Message string
KillTimeout time.Duration
KillError string
StartDelay int64
DownloadError string
ValidationError string
DiskLimit int64
DiskSize int64
FailedSibling string
VaultError string