Tim Gross daf1c8a0f6 hcl2: avoid panic on unset variable
Variables that are unset return the correct diagnostic but throw a panic when
we later parse the job body. Return early if there are any variable parsing
errors instead of continuing in a potentially invalid state.
2021-02-18 10:48:56 -05:00

329 lines
8.3 KiB

package jobspec2
import (
const (
variablesLabel = "variables"
variableLabel = "variable"
localsLabel = "locals"
vaultLabel = "vault"
taskLabel = "task"
inputVariablesAccessor = "var"
localsAccessor = "local"
type jobConfig struct {
JobID string `hcl:",label"`
Job *api.Job
ParseConfig *ParseConfig
Vault *api.Vault `hcl:"vault,block"`
Tasks []*api.Task `hcl:"task,block"`
InputVariables Variables
LocalVariables Variables
LocalBlocks []*LocalBlock
func newJobConfig(parseConfig *ParseConfig) *jobConfig {
return &jobConfig{
ParseConfig: parseConfig,
InputVariables: Variables{},
LocalVariables: Variables{},
var jobConfigSchema = &hcl.BodySchema{
Blocks: []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{
{Type: variablesLabel},
{Type: variableLabel, LabelNames: []string{"name"}},
{Type: localsLabel},
{Type: "job", LabelNames: []string{"name"}},
func (c *jobConfig) decodeBody(body hcl.Body) hcl.Diagnostics {
content, diags := body.Content(jobConfigSchema)
if len(diags) != 0 {
return diags
diags = append(diags, c.decodeInputVariables(content)...)
diags = append(diags, c.parseLocalVariables(content)...)
diags = append(diags, c.collectInputVariableValues(c.ParseConfig.Envs, c.ParseConfig.parsedVarFiles, toVars(c.ParseConfig.ArgVars))...)
_, moreDiags := c.InputVariables.Values()
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
_, moreDiags = c.LocalVariables.Values()
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
diags = append(diags, c.evaluateLocalVariables(c.LocalBlocks)...)
// Errors at this point are likely syntax errors which can result in
// invalid state when we try to decode the rest of the job. If we continue
// we may panic and that will obscure the error, so return early so the
// user can be told how to fix their jobspec.
if diags.HasErrors() {
return diags
nctx := c.EvalContext()
diags = append(diags, c.decodeJob(content, nctx)...)
return diags
// decodeInputVariables looks in the found blocks for 'variables' and
// 'variable' blocks. It should be called firsthand so that other blocks can
// use the variables.
func (c *jobConfig) decodeInputVariables(content *hcl.BodyContent) hcl.Diagnostics {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
for _, block := range content.Blocks {
switch block.Type {
case variableLabel:
moreDiags := c.InputVariables.decodeVariableBlock(block, nil)
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
case variablesLabel:
attrs, moreDiags := block.Body.JustAttributes()
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
for key, attr := range attrs {
moreDiags = c.InputVariables.decodeVariable(key, attr, nil)
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
return diags
// parseLocalVariables looks in the found blocks for 'locals' blocks. It
// should be called after parsing input variables so that they can be
// referenced.
func (c *jobConfig) parseLocalVariables(content *hcl.BodyContent) hcl.Diagnostics {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
for _, block := range content.Blocks {
switch block.Type {
case localsLabel:
attrs, moreDiags := block.Body.JustAttributes()
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
for name, attr := range attrs {
if _, found := c.LocalVariables[name]; found {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Duplicate value in " + localsLabel,
Detail: "Duplicate " + name + " definition found.",
Subject: attr.NameRange.Ptr(),
Context: block.DefRange.Ptr(),
return diags
c.LocalBlocks = append(c.LocalBlocks, &LocalBlock{
Name: name,
Expr: attr.Expr,
return diags
func (c *jobConfig) decodeTopLevelExtras(content *hcl.BodyContent, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) hcl.Diagnostics {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
var foundVault *hcl.Block
for _, b := range content.Blocks {
if b.Type == vaultLabel {
if foundVault != nil {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Duplicate %s block", b.Type),
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"Only one block of type %q is allowed. Previous definition was at %s.",
b.Type, foundVault.DefRange.String(),
Subject: &b.DefRange,
foundVault = b
v := &api.Vault{}
diags = append(diags, hclDecoder.DecodeBody(b.Body, ctx, v)...)
c.Vault = v
} else if b.Type == taskLabel {
t := &api.Task{}
diags = append(diags, hclDecoder.DecodeBody(b.Body, ctx, t)...)
if len(b.Labels) == 1 {
t.Name = b.Labels[0]
c.Tasks = append(c.Tasks, t)
return diags
func (c *jobConfig) evaluateLocalVariables(locals []*LocalBlock) hcl.Diagnostics {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
if len(locals) > 0 && c.LocalVariables == nil {
c.LocalVariables = Variables{}
var retry, previousL int
for len(locals) > 0 {
local := locals[0]
moreDiags := c.evaluateLocalVariable(local)
if moreDiags.HasErrors() {
if len(locals) == 1 {
// If this is the only local left there's no need
// to try evaluating again
return append(diags, moreDiags...)
if previousL == len(locals) {
if retry == 100 {
// To get to this point, locals must have a circle dependency
return append(diags, moreDiags...)
previousL = len(locals)
// If local uses another local that has not been evaluated yet this could be the reason of errors
// Push local to the end of slice to be evaluated later
locals = append(locals, local)
} else {
retry = 0
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
// Remove local from slice
locals = append(locals[:0], locals[1:]...)
return diags
func (c *jobConfig) evaluateLocalVariable(local *LocalBlock) hcl.Diagnostics {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
value, moreDiags := local.Expr.Value(c.EvalContext())
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
if moreDiags.HasErrors() {
return diags
c.LocalVariables[local.Name] = &Variable{
Name: local.Name,
Values: []VariableAssignment{{
Value: value,
Expr: local.Expr,
From: "default",
Type: value.Type(),
return diags
func (c *jobConfig) decodeJob(content *hcl.BodyContent, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) hcl.Diagnostics {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
c.Job = &api.Job{}
var found *hcl.Block
for _, b := range content.Blocks {
if b.Type != "job" {
body := hclutil.BlocksAsAttrs(b.Body)
body = dynblock.Expand(body, ctx)
if found != nil {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Duplicate %s block", b.Type),
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"Only one block of type %q is allowed. Previous definition was at %s.",
b.Type, found.DefRange.String(),
Subject: &b.DefRange,
found = b
c.JobID = b.Labels[0]
metaAttr, body, mdiags := decodeAsAttribute(body, ctx, "meta")
diags = append(diags, mdiags...)
extra, remain, mdiags := body.PartialContent(&hcl.BodySchema{
Blocks: []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{
{Type: "vault"},
{Type: "task", LabelNames: []string{"name"}},
diags = append(diags, mdiags...)
diags = append(diags, c.decodeTopLevelExtras(extra, ctx)...)
diags = append(diags, hclDecoder.DecodeBody(remain, ctx, c.Job)...)
if metaAttr != nil {
c.Job.Meta = metaAttr
if found == nil {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Missing job block",
Detail: "A job block is required",
return diags
func (c *jobConfig) EvalContext() *hcl.EvalContext {
vars, _ := c.InputVariables.Values()
locals, _ := c.LocalVariables.Values()
return &hcl.EvalContext{
Functions: Functions(c.ParseConfig.BaseDir, c.ParseConfig.AllowFS),
Variables: map[string]cty.Value{
inputVariablesAccessor: cty.ObjectVal(vars),
localsAccessor: cty.ObjectVal(locals),
UnknownVariable: func(expr string) (cty.Value, error) {
v := "${" + expr + "}"
return cty.StringVal(v), nil
func toVars(vars []string) map[string]string {
attrs := make(map[string]string, len(vars))
for _, arg := range vars {
parts := strings.SplitN(arg, "=", 2)
if len(parts) == 2 {
attrs[parts[0]] = parts[1]
return attrs