
330 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package auth
import (
var validPolicySpec = `
namespace "%s" {
policy = "read"
variables {
path "test/*" {
capabilities = [ "write", "destroy" ]
node {
policy = "write"
// TestAuth verifies that we're correctly enforcing ACLs with different
// combinations of tokens, policies, API types, and topologies.
func TestAuth(t *testing.T) {
// Wait until we have a usable cluster before running the tests.
nomadClient := e2eutil.NomadClient(t)
e2eutil.WaitForLeader(t, nomadClient)
e2eutil.WaitForNodesReady(t, nomadClient, 1)
nodes, _, err := nomadClient.Nodes().List(nil)
must.NoError(t, err, must.Sprint("expected no error from root client"))
must.Greater(t, 0, len(nodes))
node, _, err := nomadClient.Nodes().Info(nodes[0].ID, nil)
ns := uuid.Generate()
validPolicyName := uuid.Generate()
invalidPolicyName := uuid.Generate()
setupAuthTest(t, nomadClient, ns, validPolicyName, invalidPolicyName)
// Test cases that exercise requests directly to the server
t.Run("AnonServerRequests", testAnonServerRequests(node, ns))
t.Run("BogusServerRequests", testBogusServerRequests(nomadClient, node, ns))
testInvalidPermissionsServerRequests(nomadClient, node, ns, invalidPolicyName))
testValidPermissionsServerRequests(nomadClient, node, ns, validPolicyName))
// Test cases that exercise requests forwarded from the client
t.Run("AnonClientRequests", testAnonClientRequests(node, ns))
t.Run("BogusClientRequests", testBogusClientRequests(nomadClient, node, ns))
testInvalidPermissionsClientRequests(nomadClient, node, ns, invalidPolicyName))
testValidPermissionsClientRequests(nomadClient, node, ns, validPolicyName))
func testAnonServerRequests(node *api.Node, ns string) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
nomadClient := e2eutil.NomadClient(t)
testReadNamespaceAPI(t, nomadClient, ns, "", true)
testNodeAPI(t, nomadClient, node.ID, "", true)
testVariablesAPI(t, nomadClient, ns, "", true, true)
func testBogusServerRequests(nomadClient *api.Client,
node *api.Node, ns string) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
authToken := uuid.Generate()
testReadNamespaceAPI(t, nomadClient, ns, authToken, true)
testNodeAPI(t, nomadClient, node.ID, authToken, true)
testVariablesAPI(t, nomadClient, ns, authToken, true, true)
func testInvalidPermissionsServerRequests(nomadClient *api.Client,
node *api.Node, ns, policyName string) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
token, _, err := nomadClient.ACLTokens().Create(&api.ACLToken{
Name: policyName,
Type: "client",
Policies: []string{policyName},
ExpirationTTL: time.Minute,
}, nil)
must.NoError(t, err)
authToken := token.SecretID
testReadNamespaceAPI(t, nomadClient, ns, authToken, true)
testNodeAPI(t, nomadClient, node.ID, authToken, true)
testVariablesAPI(t, nomadClient, ns, authToken, true, true)
func testValidPermissionsServerRequests(nomadClient *api.Client,
node *api.Node, ns, policyName string) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
token, _, err := nomadClient.ACLTokens().Create(&api.ACLToken{
Name: policyName,
Type: "client",
Policies: []string{policyName},
ExpirationTTL: time.Minute,
}, nil)
must.NoError(t, err)
authToken := token.SecretID
testReadNamespaceAPI(t, nomadClient, ns, authToken, false)
testNodeAPI(t, nomadClient, node.ID, authToken, false)
testVariablesAPI(t, nomadClient, ns, authToken, false, true)
func testAnonClientRequests(node *api.Node, ns string) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
config := api.DefaultConfig()
config.Address = addressForNode(node)
nomadClient, err := api.NewClient(config)
must.NoError(t, err)
testReadNamespaceAPI(t, nomadClient, ns, "", true)
testNodeAPI(t, nomadClient, node.ID, "", true)
testVariablesAPI(t, nomadClient, ns, "", true, true)
func testBogusClientRequests(rootClient *api.Client,
node *api.Node, ns string) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
config := api.DefaultConfig()
config.Address = addressForNode(node)
nomadClient, err := api.NewClient(config)
must.NoError(t, err)
authToken := uuid.Generate()
testReadNamespaceAPI(t, nomadClient, ns, authToken, true)
testNodeAPI(t, nomadClient, node.ID, authToken, true)
testVariablesAPI(t, nomadClient, ns, authToken, true, true)
func testInvalidPermissionsClientRequests(rootClient *api.Client,
node *api.Node, ns, policyName string) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
token, _, err := rootClient.ACLTokens().Create(&api.ACLToken{
Name: policyName,
Type: "client",
Policies: []string{policyName},
ExpirationTTL: time.Minute,
}, nil)
must.NoError(t, err)
config := api.DefaultConfig()
config.Address = addressForNode(node)
nomadClient, err := api.NewClient(config)
must.NoError(t, err)
authToken := token.SecretID
testReadNamespaceAPI(t, nomadClient, ns, authToken, true)
testNodeAPI(t, nomadClient, node.ID, authToken, true)
testVariablesAPI(t, nomadClient, ns, authToken, true, true)
func testValidPermissionsClientRequests(rootClient *api.Client,
node *api.Node, ns, policyName string) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
token, _, err := rootClient.ACLTokens().Create(&api.ACLToken{
Name: policyName,
Type: "client",
Policies: []string{policyName},
ExpirationTTL: time.Minute,
}, nil)
must.NoError(t, err)
config := api.DefaultConfig()
config.Address = addressForNode(node)
nomadClient, err := api.NewClient(config)
must.NoError(t, err)
authToken := token.SecretID
testReadNamespaceAPI(t, nomadClient, ns, authToken, false)
testNodeAPI(t, nomadClient, node.ID, authToken, false)
testVariablesAPI(t, nomadClient, ns, authToken, false, true)
// testReadNamespaceAPI exercises an API that requires any namespace capability
func testReadNamespaceAPI(t *testing.T, nomadClient *api.Client, ns, authToken string, expectErr bool) {
opts := &api.QueryOptions{AuthToken: authToken}
_, _, err := nomadClient.Namespaces().Info(ns, opts)
if expectErr {
must.Error(t, err, must.Sprint("expected error when reading namespace"))
} else {
must.NoError(t, err, must.Sprint("expected no error reading namespace"))
// testNodeAPI exercises an API that requires the node:write permission
func testNodeAPI(t *testing.T, nomadClient *api.Client, nodeID, authToken string, expectErr bool) {
opts := &api.WriteOptions{AuthToken: authToken}
_, _, err := nomadClient.Nodes().ForceEvaluate(nodeID, opts)
if expectErr {
must.Error(t, err, must.Sprint("expected error when force-evaluating node"))
} else {
must.NoError(t, err, must.Sprint("expected no error force-evaluating node"))
// testVariablesAPI exercises an API that requires namespace capabilities for
// variables
func testVariablesAPI(t *testing.T, nomadClient *api.Client, ns, authToken string, expectErrTestPath, expectErrOutsidePath bool) {
opts := &api.WriteOptions{Namespace: ns, AuthToken: authToken}
_, _, err := nomadClient.Variables().Create(&api.Variable{
Namespace: ns,
Path: "test/" + t.Name(),
Items: map[string]string{"foo": t.Name()},
}, opts)
if expectErrTestPath {
must.Error(t, err, must.Sprint("expected error when writing variable"))
} else {
must.NoError(t, err, must.Sprint("expected no error writing variable"))
t.Cleanup(func() {
_, err := nomadClient.Variables().Delete("test/"+t.Name(), opts)
if !expectErrTestPath {
must.NoError(t, err, must.Sprint("expected no error cleaning up variable"))
_, _, err = nomadClient.Variables().Create(&api.Variable{
Namespace: ns,
Path: "other/" + t.Name(),
Items: map[string]string{"foo": t.Name()},
}, opts)
if expectErrOutsidePath {
must.Error(t, err, must.Sprint("expected error when writing variable"))
} else {
must.NoError(t, err, must.Sprint("expected no error writing variable"))
t.Cleanup(func() {
// no test should ever write this variable, so we don't expect delete to
// work either but need it for cleanup just in case we did write it
nomadClient.Variables().Delete("other/"+t.Name(), opts)
func setupAuthTest(t *testing.T, nomadClient *api.Client,
ns, validPolicyName, invalidPolicyName string) {
_, err := nomadClient.Namespaces().Register(&api.Namespace{Name: ns}, nil)
must.NoError(t, err, must.Sprint("expected no error when registering namespace"))
t.Cleanup(func() {
_, err := nomadClient.Namespaces().Delete(ns, nil)
must.NoError(t, err, must.Sprint("expected no error cleaning up namespace"))
// Create a valid and useful policy
_, err = nomadClient.ACLPolicies().Upsert(&api.ACLPolicy{
Name: validPolicyName,
Rules: fmt.Sprintf(validPolicySpec, ns),
}, nil)
must.NoError(t, err, must.Sprint("expected no error when registering policy"))
t.Cleanup(func() {
_, err := nomadClient.ACLPolicies().Delete(validPolicyName, nil)
must.NoError(t, err, must.Sprint("expected no error cleaning up ACL policy"))
// Create a useless policy
_, err = nomadClient.ACLPolicies().Upsert(&api.ACLPolicy{
Name: invalidPolicyName,
Rules: `plugin { policy = "read" }`,
}, nil)
must.NoError(t, err, must.Sprint("expected no error when registering policy"))
t.Cleanup(func() {
_, err := nomadClient.ACLPolicies().Delete(invalidPolicyName, nil)
must.NoError(t, err, must.Sprint("expected no error cleaning up ACL policy"))
// addressForNode is a hacky way of getting the address with or without
// mTLS. The test code can't read the api.Client's internals to see if we're in
// mTLS mode, so we assume if the environment is set up for mTLS that we're
// using it. We also need to make sure we're using the AWS public IP address for
// machines running in the nightly E2E environment, and that address isn't the
// advertised address
func addressForNode(node *api.Node) string {
if publicIP, ok := node.Attributes[""]; ok {
if v := os.Getenv("NOMAD_CACERT"); v != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("https://%s:4646", publicIP)
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:4646", publicIP)
if v := os.Getenv("NOMAD_CACERT"); v != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", node.HTTPAddr)
return fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", node.HTTPAddr)