374 lines
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374 lines
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// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package scheduler
import (
log "github.com/hashicorp/go-hclog"
memdb "github.com/hashicorp/go-memdb"
// propertySet is used to track the values used for a particular property.
type propertySet struct {
// ctx is used to lookup the plan and state
ctx Context
// logger is the logger for the property set
logger log.Logger
// jobID is the job we are operating on
jobID string
// namespace is the namespace of the job we are operating on
namespace string
// taskGroup is optionally set if the constraint is for a task group
taskGroup string
// targetAttribute is the attribute this property set is checking
targetAttribute string
// targetValues are the set of attribute values that are explicitly expected,
// so we can combine the count of values that belong to any implicit targets.
targetValues *set.Set[string]
// allowedCount is the allowed number of allocations that can have the
// distinct property
allowedCount uint64
// errorBuilding marks whether there was an error when building the property
// set
errorBuilding error
// existingValues is a mapping of the values of a property to the number of
// times the value has been used by pre-existing allocations.
existingValues map[string]uint64
// proposedValues is a mapping of the values of a property to the number of
// times the value has been used by proposed allocations.
proposedValues map[string]uint64
// clearedValues is a mapping of the values of a property to the number of
// times the value has been used by proposed stopped allocations.
clearedValues map[string]uint64
// NewPropertySet returns a new property set used to guarantee unique property
// values for new allocation placements.
func NewPropertySet(ctx Context, job *structs.Job) *propertySet {
p := &propertySet{
ctx: ctx,
jobID: job.ID,
namespace: job.Namespace,
existingValues: make(map[string]uint64),
targetValues: set.From([]string{}),
logger: ctx.Logger().Named("property_set"),
return p
// SetJobConstraint is used to parameterize the property set for a
// distinct_property constraint set at the job level.
func (p *propertySet) SetJobConstraint(constraint *structs.Constraint) {
p.setConstraint(constraint, "")
// SetTGConstraint is used to parameterize the property set for a
// distinct_property constraint set at the task group level. The inputs are the
// constraint and the task group name.
func (p *propertySet) SetTGConstraint(constraint *structs.Constraint, taskGroup string) {
p.setConstraint(constraint, taskGroup)
// setConstraint is a shared helper for setting a job or task group constraint.
func (p *propertySet) setConstraint(constraint *structs.Constraint, taskGroup string) {
var allowedCount uint64
// Determine the number of allowed allocations with the property.
if v := constraint.RTarget; v != "" {
c, err := strconv.ParseUint(v, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
p.errorBuilding = fmt.Errorf("failed to convert RTarget %q to uint64: %v", v, err)
p.logger.Error("failed to convert RTarget to uint64", "RTarget", v, "error", err)
allowedCount = c
} else {
allowedCount = 1
p.setTargetAttributeWithCount(constraint.LTarget, allowedCount, taskGroup)
// SetTargetAttribute is used to populate this property set without also storing allowed count
// This is used when evaluating spread blocks
func (p *propertySet) SetTargetAttribute(targetAttribute string, taskGroup string) {
p.setTargetAttributeWithCount(targetAttribute, 0, taskGroup)
// setTargetAttributeWithCount is a shared helper for setting a job or task group attribute and allowedCount
// allowedCount can be zero when this is used in evaluating spread blocks
func (p *propertySet) setTargetAttributeWithCount(targetAttribute string, allowedCount uint64, taskGroup string) {
// Store that this is for a task group
if taskGroup != "" {
p.taskGroup = taskGroup
// Store the constraint
p.targetAttribute = targetAttribute
p.allowedCount = allowedCount
// Determine the number of existing allocations that are using a property
// value
// Populate the proposed when setting the constraint. We do this because
// when detecting if we can inplace update an allocation we stage an
// eviction and then select. This means the plan has an eviction before a
// single select has finished.
func (p *propertySet) SetTargetValues(values []string) {
p.targetValues = set.From(values)
// populateExisting is a helper shared when setting the constraint to populate
// the existing values.
func (p *propertySet) populateExisting() {
// Retrieve all previously placed allocations
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
allocs, err := p.ctx.State().AllocsByJob(ws, p.namespace, p.jobID, false)
if err != nil {
p.errorBuilding = fmt.Errorf("failed to get job's allocations: %v", err)
p.logger.Error("failed to get job's allocations", "job", p.jobID, "namespace", p.namespace, "error", err)
// Filter to the correct set of allocs
allocs = p.filterAllocs(allocs, true)
// Get all the nodes that have been used by the allocs
nodes, err := p.buildNodeMap(allocs)
if err != nil {
p.errorBuilding = err
p.logger.Error("failed to build node map", "error", err)
// Build existing properties map
p.populateProperties(allocs, nodes, p.existingValues)
// PopulateProposed populates the proposed values and recomputes any cleared
// value. It should be called whenever the plan is updated to ensure correct
// results when checking an option.
func (p *propertySet) PopulateProposed() {
// Reset the proposed properties
p.proposedValues = make(map[string]uint64)
p.clearedValues = make(map[string]uint64)
// Gather the set of proposed stops.
var stopping []*structs.Allocation
for _, updates := range p.ctx.Plan().NodeUpdate {
stopping = append(stopping, updates...)
stopping = p.filterAllocs(stopping, false)
// Gather the proposed allocations
var proposed []*structs.Allocation
for _, pallocs := range p.ctx.Plan().NodeAllocation {
proposed = append(proposed, pallocs...)
proposed = p.filterAllocs(proposed, true)
// Get the used nodes
both := make([]*structs.Allocation, 0, len(stopping)+len(proposed))
both = append(both, stopping...)
both = append(both, proposed...)
nodes, err := p.buildNodeMap(both)
if err != nil {
p.errorBuilding = err
p.logger.Error("failed to build node map", "error", err)
// Populate the cleared values
p.populateProperties(stopping, nodes, p.clearedValues)
// Populate the proposed values
p.populateProperties(proposed, nodes, p.proposedValues)
// Remove any cleared value that is now being used by the proposed allocs
for value := range p.proposedValues {
current, ok := p.clearedValues[value]
if !ok {
} else if current == 0 {
delete(p.clearedValues, value)
} else if current > 1 {
// SatisfiesDistinctProperties checks if the option satisfies the
// distinct_property constraints given the existing placements and proposed
// placements. If the option does not satisfy the constraints an explanation is
// given.
func (p *propertySet) SatisfiesDistinctProperties(option *structs.Node, tg string) (bool, string) {
nValue, errorMsg, usedCount := p.UsedCount(option, tg)
if errorMsg != "" {
return false, errorMsg
// The property value has been used but within the number of allowed
// allocations.
if usedCount < p.allowedCount {
return true, ""
return false, fmt.Sprintf("distinct_property: %s=%s used by %d allocs", p.targetAttribute, nValue, usedCount)
// UsedCount returns the number of times the value of the attribute being tracked by this
// property set is used across current and proposed allocations. It also returns the resolved
// attribute value for the node, and an error message if it couldn't be resolved correctly
func (p *propertySet) UsedCount(option *structs.Node, _ string) (string, string, uint64) {
// Check if there was an error building
if p.errorBuilding != nil {
return "", p.errorBuilding.Error(), 0
// Get the nodes property value
nValue, ok := getProperty(option, p.targetAttribute)
targetPropertyValue := p.targetedPropertyValue(nValue)
if !ok {
return nValue, fmt.Sprintf("missing property %q", p.targetAttribute), 0
combinedUse := p.GetCombinedUseMap()
usedCount := combinedUse[targetPropertyValue]
return targetPropertyValue, "", usedCount
// GetCombinedUseMap counts how many times the property has been used by
// existing and proposed allocations. It also takes into account any stopped
// allocations
func (p *propertySet) GetCombinedUseMap() map[string]uint64 {
combinedUse := make(map[string]uint64, max(len(p.existingValues), len(p.proposedValues)))
for _, usedValues := range []map[string]uint64{p.existingValues, p.proposedValues} {
for propertyValue, usedCount := range usedValues {
targetPropertyValue := p.targetedPropertyValue(propertyValue)
combinedUse[targetPropertyValue] += usedCount
// Go through and discount the combined count when the value has been
// cleared by a proposed stop.
for propertyValue, clearedCount := range p.clearedValues {
targetPropertyValue := p.targetedPropertyValue(propertyValue)
combined, ok := combinedUse[targetPropertyValue]
if !ok {
// Don't clear below 0.
if combined >= clearedCount {
combinedUse[targetPropertyValue] = combined - clearedCount
} else {
combinedUse[targetPropertyValue] = 0
return combinedUse
// filterAllocs filters a set of allocations to just be those that are running
// and if the property set is operation at a task group level, for allocations
// for that task group
func (p *propertySet) filterAllocs(allocs []*structs.Allocation, filterTerminal bool) []*structs.Allocation {
n := len(allocs)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
remove := false
if filterTerminal {
remove = allocs[i].TerminalStatus()
// If the constraint is on the task group filter the allocations to just
// those on the task group
if p.taskGroup != "" {
remove = remove || allocs[i].TaskGroup != p.taskGroup
if remove {
allocs[i], allocs[n-1] = allocs[n-1], nil
return allocs[:n]
// buildNodeMap takes a list of allocations and returns a map of the nodes used
// by those allocations
func (p *propertySet) buildNodeMap(allocs []*structs.Allocation) (map[string]*structs.Node, error) {
// Get all the nodes that have been used by the allocs
nodes := make(map[string]*structs.Node)
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
for _, alloc := range allocs {
if _, ok := nodes[alloc.NodeID]; ok {
node, err := p.ctx.State().NodeByID(ws, alloc.NodeID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to lookup node ID %q: %v", alloc.NodeID, err)
nodes[alloc.NodeID] = node
return nodes, nil
// populateProperties goes through all allocations and builds up the used
// properties from the nodes storing the results in the passed properties map.
func (p *propertySet) populateProperties(allocs []*structs.Allocation, nodes map[string]*structs.Node,
properties map[string]uint64) {
for _, alloc := range allocs {
nProperty, ok := getProperty(nodes[alloc.NodeID], p.targetAttribute)
if !ok {
targetPropertyValue := p.targetedPropertyValue(nProperty)
// getProperty is used to lookup the property value on the node
func getProperty(n *structs.Node, property string) (string, bool) {
if n == nil || property == "" {
return "", false
return resolveTarget(property, n)
// targetedPropertyValue transforms the property value to combine all implicit
// target values into a single wildcard placeholder so that we get accurate
// counts when we compare an explicitly-defined target against multiple implicit
// targets.
func (p *propertySet) targetedPropertyValue(propertyValue string) string {
if p.targetValues.Empty() || p.targetValues.Contains(propertyValue) {
return propertyValue
return "*"