
403 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package command
import (
var (
// enforceIndexRegex is a regular expression which extracts the enforcement error
enforceIndexRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`\((Enforcing job modify index.*)\)`)
type JobRunCommand struct {
func (c *JobRunCommand) Help() string {
helpText := `
Usage: nomad job run [options] <path>
Alias: nomad run
Starts running a new job or updates an existing job using
the specification located at <path>. This is the main command
used to interact with Nomad.
If the supplied path is "-", the jobfile is read from stdin. Otherwise
it is read from the file at the supplied path or downloaded and
read from URL specified.
Upon successful job submission, this command will immediately
enter an interactive monitor. This is useful to watch Nomad's
internals make scheduling decisions and place the submitted work
onto nodes. The monitor will end once job placement is done. It
is safe to exit the monitor early using ctrl+c.
On successful job submission and scheduling, exit code 0 will be
returned. If there are job placement issues encountered
(unsatisfiable constraints, resource exhaustion, etc), then the
exit code will be 2. Any other errors, including client connection
issues or internal errors, are indicated by exit code 1.
If the job has specified the region, the -region flag and NOMAD_REGION
environment variable are overridden and the job's region is used.
The run command will set the consul_token of the job based on the following
precedence, going from highest to lowest: the -consul-token flag, the
$CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN environment variable and finally the value in the job file.
The run command will set the vault_token of the job based on the following
precedence, going from highest to lowest: the -vault-token flag, the
$VAULT_TOKEN environment variable and finally the value in the job file.
When ACLs are enabled, this command requires a token with the 'submit-job'
capability for the job's namespace. Jobs that mount CSI volumes require a
token with the 'csi-mount-volume' capability for the volume's
namespace. Jobs that mount host volumes require a token with the
'host_volume' capability for that volume.
General Options:
` + generalOptionsUsage(usageOptsDefault) + `
Run Options:
If set, the job is only registered or updated if the passed
job modify index matches the server side version. If a check-index value of
zero is passed, the job is only registered if it does not yet exist. If a
non-zero value is passed, it ensures that the job is being updated from a
known state. The use of this flag is most common in conjunction with plan
Return immediately instead of entering monitor mode. After job submission,
the evaluation ID will be printed to the screen, which can be used to
examine the evaluation using the eval-status command.
Override the priority of the evaluations produced as a result of this job
submission. By default, this is set to the priority of the job.
Parses the job file as JSON. If the outer object has a Job field, such as
from "nomad job inspect" or "nomad run -output", the value of the field is
used as the job.
Parses the job file as HCLv1. Takes precedence over "-hcl2-strict".
Whether an error should be produced from the HCL2 parser where a variable
has been supplied which is not defined within the root variables. Defaults
to true, but ignored if "-hcl1" is also defined.
Output the JSON that would be submitted to the HTTP API without submitting
the job.
Sets the flag to force override any soft mandatory Sentinel policies.
If set, the existing task group counts will be preserved when updating a job.
If set, the passed Consul token is stored in the job before sending to the
Nomad servers. This allows passing the Consul token without storing it in
the job file. This overrides the token found in $CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN environment
variable and that found in the job.
(Enterprise only) If set, any services in the job will be registered into
the specified Consul namespace. Any template block reading from Consul KV
will be scoped to the specified Consul namespace. If Consul ACLs are
enabled and the "consul" block "allow_unauthenticated" is disabled in the
Nomad server configuration, then a Consul token must be supplied with
appropriate service and KV Consul ACL policy permissions.
Used to validate if the user submitting the job has permission to run the job
according to its Vault policies. A Vault token must be supplied if the vault
block allow_unauthenticated is disabled in the Nomad server configuration.
If the -vault-token flag is set, the passed Vault token is added to the jobspec
before sending to the Nomad servers. This allows passing the Vault token
without storing it in the job file. This overrides the token found in the
$VAULT_TOKEN environment variable and the vault_token field in the job file.
This token is cleared from the job after validating and cannot be used within
the job executing environment. Use the vault block when templating in a job
with a Vault token.
If set, the passed Vault namespace is stored in the job before sending to the
Nomad servers.
-var 'key=value'
Variable for template, can be used multiple times.
Path to HCL2 file containing user variables.
Display full information.
return strings.TrimSpace(helpText)
func (c *JobRunCommand) Synopsis() string {
return "Run a new job or update an existing job"
func (c *JobRunCommand) AutocompleteFlags() complete.Flags {
return mergeAutocompleteFlags(c.Meta.AutocompleteFlags(FlagSetClient),
"-check-index": complete.PredictNothing,
"-detach": complete.PredictNothing,
"-verbose": complete.PredictNothing,
"-consul-token": complete.PredictNothing,
"-consul-namespace": complete.PredictAnything,
"-vault-token": complete.PredictAnything,
"-vault-namespace": complete.PredictAnything,
"-output": complete.PredictNothing,
"-policy-override": complete.PredictNothing,
"-preserve-counts": complete.PredictNothing,
"-json": complete.PredictNothing,
"-hcl1": complete.PredictNothing,
"-hcl2-strict": complete.PredictNothing,
"-var": complete.PredictAnything,
"-var-file": complete.PredictFiles("*.var"),
"-eval-priority": complete.PredictNothing,
func (c *JobRunCommand) AutocompleteArgs() complete.Predictor {
return complete.PredictOr(
func (c *JobRunCommand) Name() string { return "job run" }
func (c *JobRunCommand) Run(args []string) int {
var detach, verbose, output, override, preserveCounts bool
var checkIndexStr, consulToken, consulNamespace, vaultToken, vaultNamespace string
var evalPriority int
flagSet := c.Meta.FlagSet(c.Name(), FlagSetClient)
flagSet.Usage = func() { c.Ui.Output(c.Help()) }
flagSet.BoolVar(&detach, "detach", false, "")
flagSet.BoolVar(&verbose, "verbose", false, "")
flagSet.BoolVar(&output, "output", false, "")
flagSet.BoolVar(&override, "policy-override", false, "")
flagSet.BoolVar(&preserveCounts, "preserve-counts", false, "")
flagSet.BoolVar(&c.JobGetter.JSON, "json", false, "")
flagSet.BoolVar(&c.JobGetter.HCL1, "hcl1", false, "")
flagSet.BoolVar(&c.JobGetter.Strict, "hcl2-strict", true, "")
flagSet.StringVar(&checkIndexStr, "check-index", "", "")
flagSet.StringVar(&consulToken, "consul-token", "", "")
flagSet.StringVar(&consulNamespace, "consul-namespace", "", "")
flagSet.StringVar(&vaultToken, "vault-token", "", "")
flagSet.StringVar(&vaultNamespace, "vault-namespace", "", "")
flagSet.Var(&c.JobGetter.Vars, "var", "")
flagSet.Var(&c.JobGetter.VarFiles, "var-file", "")
flagSet.IntVar(&evalPriority, "eval-priority", 0, "")
if err := flagSet.Parse(args); err != nil {
return 1
// Truncate the id unless full length is requested
length := shortId
if verbose {
length = fullId
// Check that we got exactly one argument
args = flagSet.Args()
if len(args) != 1 {
c.Ui.Error("This command takes one argument: <path>")
return 1
if c.JobGetter.HCL1 {
c.JobGetter.Strict = false
if err := c.JobGetter.Validate(); err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid job options: %s", err))
return 1
// Get Job struct from Jobfile
sub, job, err := c.JobGetter.Get(args[0])
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting job struct: %s", err))
return 1
// Get the HTTP client
client, err := c.Meta.Client()
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error initializing client: %s", err))
return 1
// Force the region to be that of the job.
if r := job.Region; r != nil {
// Force the namespace to be that of the job.
if n := job.Namespace; n != nil {
// Check if the job is periodic or is a parameterized job
periodic := job.IsPeriodic()
paramjob := job.IsParameterized()
multiregion := job.IsMultiregion()
// Parse the Consul token
if consulToken == "" {
// Check the environment variable
consulToken = os.Getenv("CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN")
if consulToken != "" {
job.ConsulToken = pointer.Of(consulToken)
if consulNamespace != "" {
job.ConsulNamespace = pointer.Of(consulNamespace)
// Parse the Vault token
if vaultToken == "" {
// Check the environment variable
vaultToken = os.Getenv("VAULT_TOKEN")
if vaultToken != "" {
job.VaultToken = pointer.Of(vaultToken)
if vaultNamespace != "" {
job.VaultNamespace = pointer.Of(vaultNamespace)
if output {
req := struct {
Job *api.Job
Job: job,
buf, err := json.MarshalIndent(req, "", " ")
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error converting job: %s", err))
return 1
return 0
// Parse the check-index
checkIndex, enforce, err := parseCheckIndex(checkIndexStr)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing check-index value %q: %v", checkIndexStr, err))
return 1
// Set the register options
opts := &api.RegisterOptions{
PolicyOverride: override,
PreserveCounts: preserveCounts,
EvalPriority: evalPriority,
Submission: sub,
if enforce {
opts.EnforceIndex = true
opts.ModifyIndex = checkIndex
// Submit the job
resp, _, err := client.Jobs().RegisterOpts(job, opts, nil)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), api.RegisterEnforceIndexErrPrefix) {
// Format the error specially if the error is due to index
// enforcement
matches := enforceIndexRegex.FindStringSubmatch(err.Error())
if len(matches) == 2 {
c.Ui.Error(matches[1]) // The matched group
c.Ui.Error("Job not updated")
return 1
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error submitting job: %s", err))
return 1
// Print any warnings if there are any
if resp.Warnings != "" {
c.Colorize().Color(fmt.Sprintf("[bold][yellow]Job Warnings:\n%s[reset]\n", resp.Warnings)))
evalID := resp.EvalID
// Check if we should enter monitor mode
if detach || periodic || paramjob || multiregion {
c.Ui.Output("Job registration successful")
if periodic && !paramjob {
loc, err := job.Periodic.GetLocation()
if err == nil {
now := time.Now().In(loc)
next, err := job.Periodic.Next(now)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error determining next launch time: %v", err))
} else {
c.Ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf("Approximate next launch time: %s (%s from now)",
formatTime(next), formatTimeDifference(now, next, time.Second)))
} else if !paramjob {
c.Ui.Output("Evaluation ID: " + evalID)
return 0
// Detach was not specified, so start monitoring
mon := newMonitor(c.Ui, client, length)
return mon.monitor(evalID)
// parseCheckIndex parses the check-index flag and returns the index, whether it
// was set and potentially an error during parsing.
func parseCheckIndex(input string) (uint64, bool, error) {
if input == "" {
return 0, false, nil
u, err := strconv.ParseUint(input, 10, 64)
return u, true, err