variable "location" { description = "The Azure location to deploy to." default = "East US" } variable "image_id" {} variable "vm_size" { description = "The Azure VM size to use for both clients and servers." default = "Standard_DS1_v2" } variable "server_count" { description = "The number of servers to provision." default = "3" } variable "client_count" { description = "The number of clients to provision." default = "4" } variable "retry_join" { description = "Used by Consul to automatically form a cluster." } terraform { required_version = ">= 0.10.1" } provider "azurerm" {} module "hashistack" { source = "../../modules/hashistack" location = "${var.location}" image_id = "${var.image_id}" vm_size = "${var.vm_size}" server_count = "${var.server_count}" client_count = "${var.client_count}" retry_join = "${var.retry_join}" } output "IP_Addresses" { value = <