import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator'; import ApplicationSerializer from './application'; @classic export default class VariableSerializer extends ApplicationSerializer { separateNanos = ['CreateTime', 'ModifyTime']; normalize(typeHash, hash) { // ID is a composite of both the job ID and the namespace the job is in hash.ID = `${hash.Path}@${hash.Namespace || 'default'}`; return super.normalize(typeHash, hash); } // Transform API's Items object into an array of a KeyValue objects normalizeFindRecordResponse(store, typeClass, hash, id, ...args) { if (!hash.Items) { hash.Items = { '': '' }; } hash.KeyValues = Object.entries(hash.Items).map(([key, value]) => { return { key, value, }; }); delete hash.Items; return super.normalizeFindRecordResponse( store, typeClass, hash, id, ...args ); } // Transform our KeyValues array into an Items object serialize(snapshot, options) { const json = super.serialize(snapshot, options); json.ID = json.Path; json.Items = json.KeyValues.reduce((acc, { key, value }) => { acc[key] = value; return acc; }, {}); delete json.KeyValues; delete json.ModifyTime; delete json.CreateTime; return json; } }