/* eslint-disable qunit/require-expect */ import { currentURL } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support'; import a11yAudit from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/a11y-audit'; import pageSizeSelect from './behaviors/page-size-select'; import JobsList from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/jobs/list'; import Layout from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/layout'; import percySnapshot from '@percy/ember'; let managementToken, clientToken; module('Acceptance | jobs list', function (hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function () { // Required for placing allocations (a result of creating jobs) server.create('node'); managementToken = server.create('token'); clientToken = server.create('token'); window.localStorage.clear(); window.localStorage.nomadTokenSecret = managementToken.secretId; }); test('it passes an accessibility audit', async function (assert) { await JobsList.visit(); await a11yAudit(assert); }); test('visiting /jobs', async function (assert) { await JobsList.visit(); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/jobs'); assert.equal(document.title, 'Jobs - Nomad'); }); test('/jobs should list the first page of jobs sorted by modify index', async function (assert) { const jobsCount = JobsList.pageSize + 1; server.createList('job', jobsCount, { createAllocations: false }); await JobsList.visit(); await percySnapshot(assert); const sortedJobs = server.db.jobs.sortBy('modifyIndex').reverse(); assert.equal(JobsList.jobs.length, JobsList.pageSize); JobsList.jobs.forEach((job, index) => { assert.equal(job.name, sortedJobs[index].name, 'Jobs are ordered'); }); }); test('each job row should contain information about the job', async function (assert) { server.createList('job', 2); const job = server.db.jobs.sortBy('modifyIndex').reverse()[0]; const taskGroups = server.db.taskGroups.where({ jobId: job.id }); await JobsList.visit(); const jobRow = JobsList.jobs.objectAt(0); assert.equal(jobRow.name, job.name, 'Name'); assert.notOk(jobRow.hasNamespace); assert.equal(jobRow.link, `/ui/jobs/${job.id}`, 'Detail Link'); assert.equal(jobRow.status, job.status, 'Status'); assert.equal(jobRow.type, typeForJob(job), 'Type'); assert.equal(jobRow.priority, job.priority, 'Priority'); assert.equal(jobRow.taskGroups, taskGroups.length, '# Groups'); }); test('each job row should link to the corresponding job', async function (assert) { server.create('job'); const job = server.db.jobs[0]; await JobsList.visit(); await JobsList.jobs.objectAt(0).clickName(); assert.equal(currentURL(), `/jobs/${job.id}`); }); test('the new job button transitions to the new job page', async function (assert) { await JobsList.visit(); await JobsList.runJobButton.click(); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/jobs/run'); }); test('the job run button is disabled when the token lacks permission', async function (assert) { window.localStorage.nomadTokenSecret = clientToken.secretId; await JobsList.visit(); assert.ok(JobsList.runJobButton.isDisabled); }); test('the anonymous policy is fetched to check whether to show the job run button', async function (assert) { window.localStorage.removeItem('nomadTokenSecret'); server.create('policy', { id: 'anonymous', name: 'anonymous', rulesJSON: { Namespaces: [ { Name: 'default', Capabilities: ['list-jobs', 'submit-job'], }, ], }, }); await JobsList.visit(); assert.notOk(JobsList.runJobButton.isDisabled); }); test('when there are no jobs, there is an empty message', async function (assert) { await JobsList.visit(); await percySnapshot(assert); assert.ok(JobsList.isEmpty, 'There is an empty message'); assert.equal( JobsList.emptyState.headline, 'No Jobs', 'The message is appropriate' ); }); test('when there are jobs, but no matches for a search result, there is an empty message', async function (assert) { server.create('job', { name: 'cat 1' }); server.create('job', { name: 'cat 2' }); await JobsList.visit(); await JobsList.search.fillIn('dog'); assert.ok(JobsList.isEmpty, 'The empty message is shown'); assert.equal( JobsList.emptyState.headline, 'No Matches', 'The message is appropriate' ); }); test('searching resets the current page', async function (assert) { server.createList('job', JobsList.pageSize + 1, { createAllocations: false, }); await JobsList.visit(); await JobsList.nextPage(); assert.equal( currentURL(), '/jobs?page=2', 'Page query param captures page=2' ); await JobsList.search.fillIn('foobar'); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/jobs?search=foobar', 'No page query param'); }); test('when a cluster has namespaces, each job row includes the job namespace', async function (assert) { server.createList('namespace', 2); server.createList('job', 2); const job = server.db.jobs.sortBy('modifyIndex').reverse()[0]; await JobsList.visit({ namespace: '*' }); const jobRow = JobsList.jobs.objectAt(0); assert.equal(jobRow.namespace, job.namespaceId); }); test('when the namespace query param is set, only matching jobs are shown', async function (assert) { server.createList('namespace', 2); const job1 = server.create('job', { namespaceId: server.db.namespaces[0].id, }); const job2 = server.create('job', { namespaceId: server.db.namespaces[1].id, }); await JobsList.visit(); assert.equal(JobsList.jobs.length, 2, 'All jobs by default'); const firstNamespace = server.db.namespaces[0]; await JobsList.visit({ namespace: firstNamespace.id }); assert.equal(JobsList.jobs.length, 1, 'One job in the default namespace'); assert.equal( JobsList.jobs.objectAt(0).name, job1.name, 'The correct job is shown' ); const secondNamespace = server.db.namespaces[1]; await JobsList.visit({ namespace: secondNamespace.id }); assert.equal( JobsList.jobs.length, 1, `One job in the ${secondNamespace.name} namespace` ); assert.equal( JobsList.jobs.objectAt(0).name, job2.name, 'The correct job is shown' ); }); test('when accessing jobs is forbidden, show a message with a link to the tokens page', async function (assert) { server.pretender.get('/v1/jobs', () => [403, {}, null]); await JobsList.visit(); assert.equal(JobsList.error.title, 'Not Authorized'); await JobsList.error.seekHelp(); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/settings/tokens'); }); function typeForJob(job) { return job.periodic ? 'periodic' : job.parameterized ? 'parameterized' : job.type; } test('the jobs list page has appropriate faceted search options', async function (assert) { await JobsList.visit(); assert.ok( JobsList.facets.namespace.isHidden, 'Namespace facet not found (no namespaces)' ); assert.ok(JobsList.facets.type.isPresent, 'Type facet found'); assert.ok(JobsList.facets.status.isPresent, 'Status facet found'); assert.ok(JobsList.facets.datacenter.isPresent, 'Datacenter facet found'); assert.ok(JobsList.facets.prefix.isPresent, 'Prefix facet found'); }); testSingleSelectFacet('Namespace', { facet: JobsList.facets.namespace, paramName: 'namespace', expectedOptions: ['All (*)', 'default', 'namespace-2'], optionToSelect: 'namespace-2', async beforeEach() { server.create('namespace', { id: 'default' }); server.create('namespace', { id: 'namespace-2' }); server.createList('job', 2, { namespaceId: 'default' }); server.createList('job', 2, { namespaceId: 'namespace-2' }); await JobsList.visit(); }, filter(job, selection) { return job.namespaceId === selection; }, }); testFacet('Type', { facet: JobsList.facets.type, paramName: 'type', expectedOptions: [ 'Batch', 'Parameterized', 'Periodic', 'Service', 'System', 'System Batch', ], async beforeEach() { server.createList('job', 2, { createAllocations: false, type: 'batch' }); server.createList('job', 2, { createAllocations: false, type: 'batch', periodic: true, childrenCount: 0, }); server.createList('job', 2, { createAllocations: false, type: 'batch', parameterized: true, childrenCount: 0, }); server.createList('job', 2, { createAllocations: false, type: 'service', }); await JobsList.visit(); }, filter(job, selection) { let displayType = job.type; if (job.parameterized) displayType = 'parameterized'; if (job.periodic) displayType = 'periodic'; return selection.includes(displayType); }, }); testFacet('Status', { facet: JobsList.facets.status, paramName: 'status', expectedOptions: ['Pending', 'Running', 'Dead'], async beforeEach() { server.createList('job', 2, { status: 'pending', createAllocations: false, childrenCount: 0, }); server.createList('job', 2, { status: 'running', createAllocations: false, childrenCount: 0, }); server.createList('job', 2, { status: 'dead', createAllocations: false, childrenCount: 0, }); await JobsList.visit(); }, filter: (job, selection) => selection.includes(job.status), }); testFacet('Datacenter', { facet: JobsList.facets.datacenter, paramName: 'dc', expectedOptions(jobs) { const allDatacenters = new Set( jobs.mapBy('datacenters').reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), []) ); return Array.from(allDatacenters).sort(); }, async beforeEach() { server.create('job', { datacenters: ['pdx', 'lax'], createAllocations: false, childrenCount: 0, }); server.create('job', { datacenters: ['pdx', 'ord'], createAllocations: false, childrenCount: 0, }); server.create('job', { datacenters: ['lax', 'jfk'], createAllocations: false, childrenCount: 0, }); server.create('job', { datacenters: ['jfk', 'dfw'], createAllocations: false, childrenCount: 0, }); server.create('job', { datacenters: ['pdx'], createAllocations: false, childrenCount: 0, }); await JobsList.visit(); }, filter: (job, selection) => job.datacenters.find((dc) => selection.includes(dc)), }); testFacet('Prefix', { facet: JobsList.facets.prefix, paramName: 'prefix', expectedOptions: ['hashi (3)', 'nmd (2)', 'pre (2)'], async beforeEach() { [ 'pre-one', 'hashi_one', 'nmd.one', 'one-alone', 'pre_two', 'hashi.two', 'hashi-three', 'nmd_two', 'noprefix', ].forEach((name) => { server.create('job', { name, createAllocations: false, childrenCount: 0, }); }); await JobsList.visit(); }, filter: (job, selection) => selection.find((prefix) => job.name.startsWith(prefix)), }); test('when the facet selections result in no matches, the empty state states why', async function (assert) { server.createList('job', 2, { status: 'pending', createAllocations: false, childrenCount: 0, }); await JobsList.visit(); await JobsList.facets.status.toggle(); await JobsList.facets.status.options.objectAt(1).toggle(); assert.ok(JobsList.isEmpty, 'There is an empty message'); assert.equal( JobsList.emptyState.headline, 'No Matches', 'The message is appropriate' ); }); test('the jobs list is immediately filtered based on query params', async function (assert) { server.create('job', { type: 'batch', createAllocations: false }); server.create('job', { type: 'service', createAllocations: false }); await JobsList.visit({ type: JSON.stringify(['batch']) }); assert.equal( JobsList.jobs.length, 1, 'Only one job shown due to query param' ); }); test('the active namespace is carried over to the storage pages', async function (assert) { server.createList('namespace', 2); const namespace = server.db.namespaces[1]; await JobsList.visit(); await JobsList.facets.namespace.toggle(); await JobsList.facets.namespace.options.objectAt(2).select(); await Layout.gutter.visitStorage(); assert.equal(currentURL(), `/csi/volumes?namespace=${namespace.id}`); }); test('when the user has a client token that has a namespace with a policy to run a job', async function (assert) { const READ_AND_WRITE_NAMESPACE = 'read-and-write-namespace'; const READ_ONLY_NAMESPACE = 'read-only-namespace'; server.create('namespace', { id: READ_AND_WRITE_NAMESPACE }); server.create('namespace', { id: READ_ONLY_NAMESPACE }); const policy = server.create('policy', { id: 'something', name: 'something', rulesJSON: { Namespaces: [ { Name: READ_AND_WRITE_NAMESPACE, Capabilities: ['submit-job'], }, { Name: READ_ONLY_NAMESPACE, Capabilities: ['list-job'], }, ], }, }); clientToken.policyIds = [policy.id]; clientToken.save(); window.localStorage.nomadTokenSecret = clientToken.secretId; await JobsList.visit({ namespace: READ_AND_WRITE_NAMESPACE }); assert.notOk(JobsList.runJobButton.isDisabled); await JobsList.visit({ namespace: READ_ONLY_NAMESPACE }); assert.ok(JobsList.runJobButton.isDisabled); }); pageSizeSelect({ resourceName: 'job', pageObject: JobsList, pageObjectList: JobsList.jobs, async setup() { server.createList('job', JobsList.pageSize, { shallow: true, createAllocations: false, }); await JobsList.visit(); }, }); async function facetOptions(assert, beforeEach, facet, expectedOptions) { await beforeEach(); await facet.toggle(); let expectation; if (typeof expectedOptions === 'function') { expectation = expectedOptions(server.db.jobs); } else { expectation = expectedOptions; } assert.deepEqual( facet.options.map((option) => option.label.trim()), expectation, 'Options for facet are as expected' ); } function testSingleSelectFacet( label, { facet, paramName, beforeEach, filter, expectedOptions, optionToSelect } ) { test(`the ${label} facet has the correct options`, async function (assert) { await facetOptions(assert, beforeEach, facet, expectedOptions); }); test(`the ${label} facet filters the jobs list by ${label}`, async function (assert) { await beforeEach(); await facet.toggle(); const option = facet.options.findOneBy('label', optionToSelect); const selection = option.key; await option.select(); const expectedJobs = server.db.jobs .filter((job) => filter(job, selection)) .sortBy('modifyIndex') .reverse(); JobsList.jobs.forEach((job, index) => { assert.equal( job.id, expectedJobs[index].id, `Job at ${index} is ${expectedJobs[index].id}` ); }); }); test(`selecting an option in the ${label} facet updates the ${paramName} query param`, async function (assert) { await beforeEach(); await facet.toggle(); const option = facet.options.objectAt(1); const selection = option.key; await option.select(); assert.ok( currentURL().includes(`${paramName}=${selection}`), 'URL has the correct query param key and value' ); }); } function testFacet( label, { facet, paramName, beforeEach, filter, expectedOptions } ) { test(`the ${label} facet has the correct options`, async function (assert) { await facetOptions(assert, beforeEach, facet, expectedOptions); }); test(`the ${label} facet filters the jobs list by ${label}`, async function (assert) { let option; await beforeEach(); await facet.toggle(); option = facet.options.objectAt(0); await option.toggle(); const selection = [option.key]; const expectedJobs = server.db.jobs .filter((job) => filter(job, selection)) .sortBy('modifyIndex') .reverse(); JobsList.jobs.forEach((job, index) => { assert.equal( job.id, expectedJobs[index].id, `Job at ${index} is ${expectedJobs[index].id}` ); }); }); test(`selecting multiple options in the ${label} facet results in a broader search`, async function (assert) { const selection = []; await beforeEach(); await facet.toggle(); const option1 = facet.options.objectAt(0); const option2 = facet.options.objectAt(1); await option1.toggle(); selection.push(option1.key); await option2.toggle(); selection.push(option2.key); const expectedJobs = server.db.jobs .filter((job) => filter(job, selection)) .sortBy('modifyIndex') .reverse(); JobsList.jobs.forEach((job, index) => { assert.equal( job.id, expectedJobs[index].id, `Job at ${index} is ${expectedJobs[index].id}` ); }); }); test(`selecting options in the ${label} facet updates the ${paramName} query param`, async function (assert) { const selection = []; await beforeEach(); await facet.toggle(); const option1 = facet.options.objectAt(0); const option2 = facet.options.objectAt(1); await option1.toggle(); selection.push(option1.key); await option2.toggle(); selection.push(option2.key); assert.ok( currentURL().includes(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(selection))), 'URL has the correct query param key and value' ); }); test('the run job button works when filters are set', async function (assert) { ['pre-one', 'pre-two', 'pre-three'].forEach((name) => { server.create('job', { name, createAllocations: false, childrenCount: 0, }); }); await JobsList.visit(); await JobsList.facets.prefix.toggle(); await JobsList.facets.prefix.options[0].toggle(); await JobsList.runJobButton.click(); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/jobs/run'); }); } });