import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { currentURL } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support'; import a11yAudit from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/a11y-audit'; import Allocation from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/allocations/detail'; import moment from 'moment'; import isIp from 'is-ip'; let job; let node; let allocation; module('Acceptance | allocation detail', function(hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(async function() { server.create('agent'); node = server.create('node'); job = server.create('job', { groupsCount: 1, withGroupServices: true, createAllocations: false, }); allocation = server.create('allocation', 'withTaskWithPorts', { clientStatus: 'running', }); // Make sure the node has an unhealthy driver node.update({ driver: assign(node.drivers, { docker: { detected: true, healthy: false, }, }), }); // Make sure a task for the allocation depends on the unhealthy driver server.schema.tasks.first().update({ driver: 'docker', }); await Allocation.visit({ id: }); }); test('it passes an accessibility audit', async function(assert) { await a11yAudit(assert); }); test('/allocation/:id should name the allocation and link to the corresponding job and node', async function(assert) { assert.ok(Allocation.title.includes(, 'Allocation name is in the heading'); assert.equal(Allocation.details.job,, 'Job name is in the subheading'); assert.equal( Allocation.details.client,'-')[0], 'Node short id is in the subheading' ); assert.ok(Allocation.execButton.isPresent); assert.equal(document.title, `Allocation ${} - Nomad`); await Allocation.details.visitJob(); assert.equal(currentURL(), `/jobs/${}`, 'Job link navigates to the job'); await Allocation.visit({ id: }); await Allocation.details.visitClient(); assert.equal(currentURL(), `/clients/${}`, 'Client link navigates to the client'); }); test('/allocation/:id should include resource utilization graphs', async function(assert) { assert.equal(Allocation.resourceCharts.length, 2, 'Two resource utilization graphs'); assert.equal(Allocation.resourceCharts.objectAt(0).name, 'CPU', 'First chart is CPU'); assert.equal(Allocation.resourceCharts.objectAt(1).name, 'Memory', 'Second chart is Memory'); }); test('/allocation/:id should present task lifecycles', async function(assert) { const job = server.create('job', { groupsCount: 1, groupTaskCount: 6, withGroupServices: true, createAllocations: false, }); const allocation = server.create('allocation', 'withTaskWithPorts', { clientStatus: 'running', jobId:, }); await Allocation.visit({ id: }); assert.ok(Allocation.lifecycleChart.isPresent); assert.equal(Allocation.lifecycleChart.title, 'Task Lifecycle Status'); assert.equal(Allocation.lifecycleChart.phases.length, 4); assert.equal(Allocation.lifecycleChart.tasks.length, 6); await Allocation.lifecycleChart.tasks[0].visit(); const prestartEphemeralTask = server.db.taskStates .where({ allocationId: }) .find(taskState => { const task = server.db.tasks.findBy({ name: }); return task.Lifecycle && task.Lifecycle.Hook === 'prestart' && !task.Lifecycle.Sidecar; }); assert.equal(currentURL(), `/allocations/${}/${}`); }); test('/allocation/:id should list all tasks for the allocation', async function(assert) { assert.equal( Allocation.tasks.length, server.db.taskStates.where({ allocationId: }).length, 'Table lists all tasks' ); assert.notOk(Allocation.isEmpty, 'Task table empty state is not shown'); }); test('each task row should list high-level information for the task', async function(assert) { const task = server.db.taskStates.where({ allocationId: }).sortBy('name')[0]; const events = server.db.taskEvents.where({ taskStateId: }); const event = events[events.length - 1]; const taskGroup = server.schema.taskGroups.where({ jobId: allocation.jobId, name: allocation.taskGroup, }).models[0]; const jobTask = taskGroup.tasks.models.find(m => ===; const volumes = => ({ name: volume.Volume, source: taskGroup.volumes[volume.Volume].Source, })); Allocation.tasks[0].as(taskRow => { assert.equal(,, 'Name'); assert.equal(taskRow.state, task.state, 'State'); assert.equal(taskRow.message, event.displayMessage, 'Event Message'); assert.equal( taskRow.time, moment(event.time / 1000000).format("MMM DD, 'YY HH:mm:ss ZZ"), 'Event Time' ); const volumesText = taskRow.volumes; volumes.forEach(volume => { assert.ok(volumesText.includes(, `Found label ${}`); assert.ok(volumesText.includes(volume.source), `Found value ${volume.source}`); }); }); }); test('each task row should link to the task detail page', async function(assert) { const task = server.db.taskStates.where({ allocationId: }).sortBy('name')[0]; await Allocation.tasks.objectAt(0).clickLink(); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/allocations/${}/${}`, 'Task name in task row links to task detail' ); await Allocation.visit({ id: }); await Allocation.tasks.objectAt(0).clickRow(); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/allocations/${}/${}`, 'Task row links to task detail' ); }); test('tasks with an unhealthy driver have a warning icon', async function(assert) { assert.ok(Allocation.firstUnhealthyTask().hasUnhealthyDriver, 'Warning is shown'); }); test('proxy task has a proxy tag', async function(assert) { // Must create a new job as existing one has loaded and it contains the tasks job = server.create('job', { groupsCount: 1, withGroupServices: true, createAllocations: false, }); allocation = server.create('allocation', 'withTaskWithPorts', { clientStatus: 'running', jobId:, }); const taskState = allocation.taskStates.models.sortBy('name')[0]; const task = server.schema.tasks.findBy({ name: }); task.update('kind', 'connect-proxy:task');; await Allocation.visit({ id: }); assert.ok(Allocation.tasks[0].hasProxyTag); }); test('when there are no tasks, an empty state is shown', async function(assert) { // Make sure the allocation is pending in order to ensure there are no tasks allocation = server.create('allocation', 'withTaskWithPorts', { clientStatus: 'pending' }); await Allocation.visit({ id: }); assert.ok(Allocation.isEmpty, 'Task table empty state is shown'); }); test('when the allocation has not been rescheduled, the reschedule events section is not rendered', async function(assert) { assert.notOk(Allocation.hasRescheduleEvents, 'Reschedule Events section exists'); }); test('ports are listed', async function(assert) { const allServerPorts = allocation.taskResources.models[0].resources.Ports; allServerPorts.sortBy('Label').forEach((serverPort, index) => { const renderedPort = Allocation.ports[index]; assert.equal(, serverPort.Label); assert.equal(, serverPort.To); const expectedAddr = isIp.v6(serverPort.HostIP) ? `[${serverPort.HostIP}]:${serverPort.Value}` : `${serverPort.HostIP}:${serverPort.Value}`; assert.equal(renderedPort.address, expectedAddr); }); }); test('services are listed', async function(assert) { const taskGroup = server.schema.taskGroups.findBy({ name: allocation.taskGroup }); assert.equal(,;'name').forEach((serverService, index) => { const renderedService =[index]; assert.equal(,; assert.equal(renderedService.port, serverService.portLabel); assert.equal(renderedService.tags, (serverService.tags || []).join(', ')); assert.equal(renderedService.connect, serverService.Connect ? 'Yes' : 'No'); const upstreams = serverService.Connect.SidecarService.Proxy.Upstreams; const serverUpstreamsString = upstreams .map(upstream => `${upstream.DestinationName}:${upstream.LocalBindPort}`) .join(' '); assert.equal(renderedService.upstreams, serverUpstreamsString); }); }); test('when the allocation is not found, an error message is shown, but the URL persists', async function(assert) { await Allocation.visit({ id: 'not-a-real-allocation' }); assert.equal( server.pretender.handledRequests .filter(request => !request.url.includes('policy')) .findBy('status', 404).url, '/v1/allocation/not-a-real-allocation', 'A request to the nonexistent allocation is made' ); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/allocations/not-a-real-allocation', 'The URL persists'); assert.ok(Allocation.error.isShown, 'Error message is shown'); assert.equal(Allocation.error.title, 'Not Found', 'Error message is for 404'); }); test('allocation can be stopped', async function(assert) { await Allocation.stop.idle(); await Allocation.stop.confirm(); assert.equal( server.pretender.handledRequests.findBy('method', 'POST').url, `/v1/allocation/${}/stop`, 'Stop request is made for the allocation' ); }); test('allocation can be restarted', async function(assert) { await Allocation.restart.idle(); await Allocation.restart.confirm(); assert.equal( server.pretender.handledRequests.findBy('method', 'PUT').url, `/v1/client/allocation/${}/restart`, 'Restart request is made for the allocation' ); }); test('while an allocation is being restarted, the stop button is disabled', async function(assert) {'/v1/allocation/:id/stop', () => [204, {}, ''], true); await Allocation.stop.idle(); run.later(() => { assert.ok(Allocation.stop.isRunning, 'Stop is loading'); assert.ok(Allocation.restart.isDisabled, 'Restart is disabled'); server.pretender.resolve(server.pretender.requestReferences[0].request); }, 500); await Allocation.stop.confirm(); }); test('if stopping or restarting fails, an error message is shown', async function(assert) {'/v1/allocation/:id/stop', () => [403, {}, '']); await Allocation.stop.idle(); await Allocation.stop.confirm(); assert.ok(Allocation.inlineError.isShown, 'Inline error is shown'); assert.ok( Allocation.inlineError.title.includes('Could Not Stop Allocation'), 'Title is descriptive' ); assert.ok( /ACL token.+?allocation lifecycle/.test(Allocation.inlineError.message), 'Message mentions ACLs and the appropriate permission' ); await Allocation.inlineError.dismiss(); assert.notOk(Allocation.inlineError.isShown, 'Inline error is no longer shown'); }); }); module('Acceptance | allocation detail (rescheduled)', function(hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(async function() { server.create('agent'); node = server.create('node'); job = server.create('job', { createAllocations: false }); allocation = server.create('allocation', 'rescheduled'); await Allocation.visit({ id: }); }); test('when the allocation has been rescheduled, the reschedule events section is rendered', async function(assert) { assert.ok(Allocation.hasRescheduleEvents, 'Reschedule Events section exists'); }); }); module('Acceptance | allocation detail (not running)', function(hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(async function() { server.create('agent'); node = server.create('node'); job = server.create('job', { createAllocations: false }); allocation = server.create('allocation', { clientStatus: 'pending' }); await Allocation.visit({ id: }); }); test('when the allocation is not running, the utilization graphs are replaced by an empty message', async function(assert) { assert.equal(Allocation.resourceCharts.length, 0, 'No resource charts'); assert.equal( Allocation.resourceEmptyMessage, "Allocation isn't running", 'Empty message is appropriate' ); }); test('the exec and stop/restart buttons are absent', async function(assert) { assert.notOk(Allocation.execButton.isPresent); assert.notOk(Allocation.stop.isPresent); assert.notOk(Allocation.restart.isPresent); }); }); module('Acceptance | allocation detail (preemptions)', function(hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(async function() { server.create('agent'); node = server.create('node'); job = server.create('job', { createAllocations: false }); }); test('shows a dedicated section to the allocation that preempted this allocation', async function(assert) { allocation = server.create('allocation', 'preempted'); const preempter = server.schema.find('allocation', allocation.preemptedByAllocation); const preempterJob = server.schema.find('job', preempter.jobId); const preempterClient = server.schema.find('node', preempter.nodeId); await Allocation.visit({ id: }); assert.ok(Allocation.wasPreempted, 'Preempted allocation section is shown'); assert.equal(Allocation.preempter.status, preempter.clientStatus, 'Preempter status matches'); assert.equal(,, 'Preempter name matches'); assert.equal( Allocation.preempter.priority, preempterJob.priority, 'Preempter priority matches' ); await Allocation.preempter.visit(); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/allocations/${}`, 'Clicking the preempter id navigates to the preempter allocation detail page' ); await Allocation.visit({ id: }); await Allocation.preempter.visitJob(); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/jobs/${}`, 'Clicking the preempter job link navigates to the preempter job page' ); await Allocation.visit({ id: }); await Allocation.preempter.visitClient(); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/clients/${}`, 'Clicking the preempter client link navigates to the preempter client page' ); }); test('shows a dedicated section to the allocations this allocation preempted', async function(assert) { allocation = server.create('allocation', 'preempter'); await Allocation.visit({ id: }); assert.ok(Allocation.preempted, 'The allocations this allocation preempted are shown'); }); test('each preempted allocation in the table lists basic allocation information', async function(assert) { allocation = server.create('allocation', 'preempter'); await Allocation.visit({ id: }); const preemption = allocation.preemptedAllocations .map(id => server.schema.find('allocation', id)) .sortBy('modifyIndex') .reverse()[0]; const preemptionRow = Allocation.preemptions.objectAt(0); assert.equal( Allocation.preemptions.length, allocation.preemptedAllocations.length, 'The preemptions table has a row for each preempted allocation' ); assert.equal(preemptionRow.shortId,'-')[0], 'Preemption short id'); assert.equal( preemptionRow.createTime, moment(preemption.createTime / 1000000).format('MMM DD HH:mm:ss ZZ'), 'Preemption create time' ); assert.equal( preemptionRow.modifyTime, moment(preemption.modifyTime / 1000000).fromNow(), 'Preemption modify time' ); assert.equal(preemptionRow.status, preemption.clientStatus, 'Client status'); assert.equal(preemptionRow.jobVersion, preemption.jobVersion, 'Job Version'); assert.equal( preemptionRow.client, server.db.nodes.find(preemption.nodeId).id.split('-')[0], 'Node ID' ); await preemptionRow.visitClient(); assert.equal(currentURL(), `/clients/${preemption.nodeId}`, 'Node links to node page'); }); test('when an allocation both preempted allocations and was preempted itself, both preemptions sections are shown', async function(assert) { allocation = server.create('allocation', 'preempter', 'preempted'); await Allocation.visit({ id: }); assert.ok(Allocation.preempted, 'The allocations this allocation preempted are shown'); assert.ok(Allocation.wasPreempted, 'Preempted allocation section is shown'); }); });