import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; import messageFromAdapterError from 'nomad-ui/utils/message-from-adapter-error'; import localStorageProperty from 'nomad-ui/utils/properties/local-storage'; export default Controller.extend({ parseError: null, planError: null, runError: null, planOutput: null, showPlanMessage: localStorageProperty('nomadMessageJobPlan', true), showEditorMessage: localStorageProperty('nomadMessageJobEditor', true), stage: computed('planOutput', function() { return this.get('planOutput') ? 'plan' : 'editor'; }), plan: task(function*() { this.reset(); try { yield this.get('model').parse(); } catch (err) { const error = messageFromAdapterError(err) || 'Could not parse input'; this.set('parseError', error); return; } try { const planOutput = yield this.get('model').plan(); this.set('planOutput', planOutput.Diff); } catch (err) { const error = messageFromAdapterError(err) || 'Could not plan job'; this.set('planError', error); } }).drop(), submit: task(function*() { try { yield this.get('model').run(); const id = this.get('model.plainId'); const namespace = this.get('') || 'default'; this.reset(); // navigate to the new job page this.transitionToRoute('jobs.job', id, { queryParams: { jobNamespace: namespace }, }); } catch (err) { const error = messageFromAdapterError(err) || 'Could not submit job'; this.set('runError', error); } }), reset() { this.set('planOutput', null); this.set('planError', null); this.set('parseError', null); }, });