param( [string]$nomad_sha, [string]$nomad_version, [string]$nomad_binary, [switch]$enterprise = $false, [switch]$nomad_acls = $false, [string]$config_profile, [string]$role, [string]$index, [switch]$nostart = $false ) Set-StrictMode -Version latest $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $usage = @" Usage: provision.ps1 [options...] Options (use one of the following): -nomad_sha SHA full git sha to install from S3 -nomad_version VERSION release version number (ex. 0.12.4+ent) -nomad_binary FILEPATH path to file on host Options for configuration: -config_profile FILEPATH path to config profile directory -role ROLE role within config profile directory -index INDEX count of instance, for profiles with per-instance config -nostart do not start or restart Nomad -enterprise if nomad_sha is passed, use the ENT version "@ $RunningAsAdmin = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator") if (!$RunningAsAdmin) { Write-Error "Must be executed in Administrator level shell." exit 1 } # Force TLS1.2 [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $install_path = "C:\opt\nomad.exe" $platform = "windows_amd64" Set-Location C:\opt function Usage { Write-Output "${usage}" } function InstallFromS3 { Try { # check that we don't already have this version if (C:\opt\nomad.exe -version ` | Select-String -Pattern $nomad_sha -SimpleMatch -Quiet) { Write-Output "${nomad_sha} already installed" return } } Catch { Write-Output "${nomad_sha} not previously installed" } Stop-Service -Name nomad -ErrorAction Ignore $build_folder = "builds-oss" if ($enterprise) { $build_folder = "builds-ent" } $key = "${build_folder}/nomad_${platform}_${nomad_sha}.zip" Write-Output "Downloading Nomad from s3: $key" Try { Remove-Item -Path ./ -Force -ErrorAction Ignore Read-S3Object -BucketName nomad-team-dev-test-binaries ` -Key $key -File ./ -ErrorAction Stop Remove-Item -Path $install_path -Force -ErrorAction Stop Expand-Archive ./ ./ -Force -ErrorAction Stop Move-Item ` -Path .\pkg\windows_amd64\nomad.exe ` -Destination $install_path -Force -ErrorAction Stop Remove-Item -Path -Force -ErrorAction Ignore New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\opt\nomad.d -ErrorAction Stop New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\opt\nomad -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Output "Failed to install Nomad." Write-Output $_ Write-Host $_.ScriptStackTrace $host.SetShouldExit(-1) throw } Write-Output "Installed Nomad." } function InstallFromUploadedBinary { Stop-Service -Name nomad -ErrorAction Ignore Try { Remove-Item -Path $install_path -Force -ErrorAction Ignore Move-Item -Path $nomad_binary -Destination $install_path -Force -ErrorAction Stop New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\opt\nomad.d -ErrorAction Stop New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\opt\nomad -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Output "Failed to install Nomad." Write-Output $_ $host.SetShouldExit(-1) throw } Write-Output "Installed Nomad." } function InstallFromRelease { Try { # check that we don't already have this version if (C:\opt\nomad.exe -version ` | Select-String -Pattern $nomad_version -SimpleMatch -Quiet) { if (C:\opt\nomad.exe -version ` | Select-String -Pattern dev -SimpleMatch -Quiet -NotMatch) { Write-Output "${nomad_version} already installed" return } } } Catch { Write-Output "${nomad_version} not previously installed" } Stop-Service -Name nomad -ErrorAction Ignore $releases = "" $url = "${releases}/nomad/${nomad_version}/nomad_${nomad_version}_${platform}.zip" Write-Output "Downloading Nomad from: $url" Try { Remove-Item -Path ./ -Force -ErrorAction Ignore Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Outfile -ErrorAction Stop Remove-Item -Path $install_path -Force -ErrorAction Ignore Expand-Archive .\ .\ -ErrorAction Stop Remove-Item -Path -Force -ErrorAction Ignore New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\opt\nomad.d -ErrorAction Stop New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\opt\nomad -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Output "Failed to install Nomad." Write-Output $_ $host.SetShouldExit(-1) throw } Write-Output "Installed Nomad." } function ConfigFiles($src, $dest) { Get-ChildItem -Path "$src" -Name -Attributes !Directory -ErrorAction Ignore` | ForEach-Object { ` New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path "${dest}\$_" -Target "${src}\$_" } } function InstallConfigProfile { if ( Test-Path -Path 'C:\tmp\custom' -PathType Container ) { Remote-Item 'C:\opt\config\custom' -Force -ErrorAction Ignore Move-Item -Path 'C:\tmp\custom' -Destination 'C:\opt\config\custom' -Force } $cfg = "C:\opt\config\${config_profile}" Remove-Item "C:\opt\nomad.d\*" -Force -ErrorAction Ignore Remove-Item "C:\opt\consul.d\*" -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ConfigFiles "${cfg}\nomad" "C:\opt\nomad.d" ConfigFiles "${cfg}\consul" "C:\opt\consul.d" if ( "" -ne $role ) { ConfigFiles "${cfg}\nomad\${role}" "C:\opt\nomad.d" ConfigFiles "${cfg}\consul\${role}" "C:\opt\consul.d" } if ( "" -ne $index ) { ConfigFiles "${cfg}\nomad\${role}\indexed\*${index}*" "C:\opt\nomad.d" ConfigFiles "${cfg}\consul\${role}\indexed\*${index}*" "C:\opt\consul.d" } } function CreateConsulService { New-Service ` -Name "Consul" ` -BinaryPathName "C:\opt\consul.exe agent -config-dir C:\opt\consul.d" ` -StartupType "Automatic" ` -ErrorAction Ignore } function CreateNomadService { New-NetFirewallRule ` -DisplayName 'Nomad HTTP Inbound' ` -Profile @('Public', 'Domain', 'Private') ` -Direction Inbound ` -Action Allow ` -Protocol TCP ` -LocalPort @('4646') # idempotently enable as a service New-Service ` -Name "Nomad" ` -BinaryPathName "C:\opt\nomad.exe agent -config C:\opt\nomad.d" ` -StartupType "Automatic" ` -ErrorAction Ignore } if ( "" -ne $nomad_sha ) { InstallFromS3 CreateNomadService } if ( "" -ne $nomad_version ) { InstallFromRelease CreateNomadService } if ( "" -ne $nomad_binary ) { InstallFromUploadedBinary CreateNomadService } if ( "" -ne $config_profile) { InstallConfigProfile } if (!($nostart)) { CreateConsulService CreateNomadService Restart-Service "Consul" Restart-Service "Nomad" }