import EmberObject, { get, computed } from '@ember/object'; import { alias } from '@ember/object/computed'; import RollingArray from 'nomad-ui/utils/classes/rolling-array'; import AbstractStatsTracker from 'nomad-ui/utils/classes/abstract-stats-tracker'; import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator'; const percent = (numerator, denominator) => { if (!numerator || !denominator) { return 0; } return numerator / denominator; }; const empty = ts => ({ timestamp: ts, used: null, percent: null }); @classic class AllocationStatsTracker extends EmberObject.extend(AbstractStatsTracker) { // Set via the stats computed property macro allocation = null; @computed('') get url() { return `/v1/client/allocation/${this.get('')}/stats`; } append(frame) { const timestamp = new Date(Math.floor(frame.Timestamp / 1000000)); const cpuUsed = Math.floor(frame.ResourceUsage.CpuStats.TotalTicks) || 0; this.cpu.pushObject({ timestamp, used: cpuUsed, percent: percent(cpuUsed, this.reservedCPU), }); const memoryUsed = frame.ResourceUsage.MemoryStats.RSS; this.memory.pushObject({ timestamp, used: memoryUsed, percent: percent(memoryUsed / 1024 / 1024, this.reservedMemory), }); for (var taskName in frame.Tasks) { const taskFrame = frame.Tasks[taskName]; const stats = this.tasks.findBy('task', taskName); // If for whatever reason there is a task in the frame data that isn't in the // allocation, don't attempt to append data for the task. if (!stats) continue; const frameTimestamp = new Date(Math.floor(taskFrame.Timestamp / 1000000)); const taskCpuUsed = Math.floor(taskFrame.ResourceUsage.CpuStats.TotalTicks) || 0; stats.cpu.pushObject({ timestamp: frameTimestamp, used: taskCpuUsed, percent: percent(taskCpuUsed, stats.reservedCPU), }); const taskMemoryUsed = taskFrame.ResourceUsage.MemoryStats.RSS; stats.memory.pushObject({ timestamp: frameTimestamp, used: taskMemoryUsed, percent: percent(taskMemoryUsed / 1024 / 1024, stats.reservedMemory), }); } } pause() { const ts = new Date(); this.memory.pushObject(empty(ts)); this.cpu.pushObject(empty(ts)); this.tasks.forEach(task => { task.memory.pushObject(empty(ts)); task.cpu.pushObject(empty(ts)); }); } // Static figures, denominators for stats @alias('allocation.taskGroup.reservedCPU') reservedCPU; @alias('allocation.taskGroup.reservedMemory') reservedMemory; // Dynamic figures, collected over time // []{ timestamp: Date, used: Number, percent: Number } @computed('allocation', 'bufferSize') get cpu() { return RollingArray(this.bufferSize); } @computed('allocation', 'bufferSize') get memory() { return RollingArray(this.bufferSize); } @computed('allocation.taskGroup.tasks', 'bufferSize') get tasks() { const bufferSize = this.bufferSize; const tasks = this.get('allocation.taskGroup.tasks') || []; return => ({ task: get(task, 'name'), // Static figures, denominators for stats reservedCPU: get(task, 'reservedCPU'), reservedMemory: get(task, 'reservedMemory'), // Dynamic figures, collected over time // []{ timestamp: Date, used: Number, percent: Number } cpu: RollingArray(bufferSize), memory: RollingArray(bufferSize), })); } } export default AllocationStatsTracker; export function stats(allocationProp, fetch) { return computed(allocationProp, function() { return AllocationStatsTracker.create({ fetch:, allocation: this.get(allocationProp), }); }); }