/* eslint-disable qunit/require-expect */ import { currentURL, waitFor } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support'; import a11yAudit from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/a11y-audit'; import Task from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/allocations/task/detail'; import Layout from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/layout'; import moment from 'moment'; let allocation; let task; module('Acceptance | task detail', function (hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(async function () { server.create('agent'); server.create('node'); server.create('job', { createAllocations: false }); allocation = server.create('allocation', 'withTaskWithPorts', { clientStatus: 'running', }); server.db.taskStates.update( { allocationId: allocation.id }, { state: 'running' } ); task = server.db.taskStates.where({ allocationId: allocation.id })[0]; await Task.visit({ id: allocation.id, name: task.name }); }); test('it passes an accessibility audit', async function (assert) { assert.expect(1); await a11yAudit(assert); }); test('/allocation/:id/:task_name should name the task and list high-level task information', async function (assert) { assert.ok(Task.title.text.includes(task.name), 'Task name'); assert.ok(Task.state.includes(task.state), 'Task state'); assert.ok( Task.startedAt.includes( moment(task.startedAt).format("MMM DD, 'YY HH:mm:ss ZZ") ), 'Task started at' ); const lifecycle = server.db.tasks.where({ name: task.name })[0].Lifecycle; let lifecycleName = 'main'; if ( lifecycle && (lifecycle.Hook === 'prestart' || lifecycle.Hook === 'poststart') ) { lifecycleName = `${lifecycle.Hook}-${ lifecycle.Sidecar ? 'sidecar' : 'ephemeral' }`; } if (lifecycle && lifecycle.Hook === 'poststop') { lifecycleName = 'poststop'; } assert.equal(Task.lifecycle, lifecycleName); assert.equal(document.title, `Task ${task.name} - Nomad`); }); test('breadcrumbs match jobs / job / task group / allocation / task', async function (assert) { const { jobId, taskGroup } = allocation; const job = server.db.jobs.find(jobId); const shortId = allocation.id.split('-')[0]; assert.equal( Layout.breadcrumbFor('jobs.index').text, 'Jobs', 'Jobs is the first breadcrumb' ); await waitFor('[data-test-job-breadcrumb]'); assert.equal( Layout.breadcrumbFor('jobs.job.index').text, `Job ${job.name}`, 'Job is the second breadcrumb' ); assert.equal( Layout.breadcrumbFor('jobs.job.task-group').text, `Task Group ${taskGroup}`, 'Task Group is the third breadcrumb' ); assert.equal( Layout.breadcrumbFor('allocations.allocation').text, `Allocation ${shortId}`, 'Allocation short id is the fourth breadcrumb' ); assert.equal( Layout.breadcrumbFor('allocations.allocation.task').text, `Task ${task.name}`, 'Task name is the fifth breadcrumb' ); await Layout.breadcrumbFor('jobs.index').visit(); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/jobs', 'Jobs breadcrumb links correctly'); await Task.visit({ id: allocation.id, name: task.name }); await Layout.breadcrumbFor('jobs.job.index').visit(); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/jobs/${job.id}@default`, 'Job breadcrumb links correctly' ); await Task.visit({ id: allocation.id, name: task.name }); await Layout.breadcrumbFor('jobs.job.task-group').visit(); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/jobs/${job.id}@default/${taskGroup}`, 'Task Group breadcrumb links correctly' ); await Task.visit({ id: allocation.id, name: task.name }); await Layout.breadcrumbFor('allocations.allocation').visit(); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/allocations/${allocation.id}`, 'Allocations breadcrumb links correctly' ); }); test('/allocation/:id/:task_name should include resource utilization graphs', async function (assert) { assert.equal( Task.resourceCharts.length, 2, 'Two resource utilization graphs' ); assert.equal( Task.resourceCharts.objectAt(0).name, 'CPU', 'First chart is CPU' ); assert.equal( Task.resourceCharts.objectAt(1).name, 'Memory', 'Second chart is Memory' ); }); test('the events table lists all recent events', async function (assert) { const events = server.db.taskEvents.where({ taskStateId: task.id }); assert.equal( Task.events.length, events.length, `Lists ${events.length} events` ); }); test('when a task has volumes, the volumes table is shown', async function (assert) { const taskGroup = server.schema.taskGroups.where({ jobId: allocation.jobId, name: allocation.taskGroup, }).models[0]; const jobTask = taskGroup.tasks.models.find((m) => m.name === task.name); assert.ok(Task.hasVolumes); assert.equal(Task.volumes.length, jobTask.volumeMounts.length); }); test('when a task does not have volumes, the volumes table is not shown', async function (assert) { const job = server.create('job', { createAllocations: false, noHostVolumes: true, }); allocation = server.create('allocation', { jobId: job.id, clientStatus: 'running', }); task = server.db.taskStates.where({ allocationId: allocation.id })[0]; await Task.visit({ id: allocation.id, name: task.name }); assert.notOk(Task.hasVolumes); }); test('each volume in the volumes table shows information about the volume', async function (assert) { const taskGroup = server.schema.taskGroups.where({ jobId: allocation.jobId, name: allocation.taskGroup, }).models[0]; const jobTask = taskGroup.tasks.models.find((m) => m.name === task.name); const volume = jobTask.volumeMounts[0]; Task.volumes[0].as((volumeRow) => { assert.equal(volumeRow.name, volume.Volume); assert.equal(volumeRow.destination, volume.Destination); assert.equal( volumeRow.permissions, volume.ReadOnly ? 'Read' : 'Read/Write' ); assert.equal( volumeRow.clientSource, taskGroup.volumes[volume.Volume].Source ); }); }); test('each recent event should list the time, type, and description of the event', async function (assert) { const event = server.db.taskEvents.where({ taskStateId: task.id })[0]; const recentEvent = Task.events.objectAt(Task.events.length - 1); assert.equal( recentEvent.time, moment(event.time / 1000000).format("MMM DD, 'YY HH:mm:ss ZZ"), 'Event timestamp' ); assert.equal(recentEvent.type, event.type, 'Event type'); assert.equal(recentEvent.message, event.displayMessage, 'Event message'); }); test('when the allocation is not found, the application errors', async function (assert) { await Task.visit({ id: 'not-a-real-allocation', name: task.name }); assert.equal( server.pretender.handledRequests .filter((request) => !request.url.includes('policy')) .findBy('status', 404).url, '/v1/allocation/not-a-real-allocation', 'A request to the nonexistent allocation is made' ); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/allocations/not-a-real-allocation/${task.name}`, 'The URL persists' ); assert.ok(Task.error.isPresent, 'Error message is shown'); assert.equal(Task.error.title, 'Not Found', 'Error message is for 404'); }); test('when the allocation is found but the task is not, the application errors', async function (assert) { await Task.visit({ id: allocation.id, name: 'not-a-real-task-name' }); assert.ok( server.pretender.handledRequests .filterBy('status', 200) .mapBy('url') .includes(`/v1/allocation/${allocation.id}`), 'A request to the allocation is made successfully' ); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/allocations/${allocation.id}/not-a-real-task-name`, 'The URL persists' ); assert.ok(Task.error.isPresent, 'Error message is shown'); assert.equal(Task.error.title, 'Not Found', 'Error message is for 404'); }); test('task can be restarted', async function (assert) { await Task.restart.idle(); await Task.restart.confirm(); const request = server.pretender.handledRequests.findBy('method', 'PUT'); assert.equal( request.url, `/v1/client/allocation/${allocation.id}/restart`, 'Restart request is made for the allocation' ); assert.deepEqual( JSON.parse(request.requestBody), { TaskName: task.name }, 'Restart request is made for the correct task' ); }); test('when task restart fails (403), an ACL permissions error message is shown', async function (assert) { server.pretender.put('/v1/client/allocation/:id/restart', () => [ 403, {}, '', ]); await Task.restart.idle(); await Task.restart.confirm(); assert.ok(Task.inlineError.isShown, 'Inline error is shown'); assert.ok( Task.inlineError.title.includes('Could Not Restart Task'), 'Title is descriptive' ); assert.ok( /ACL token.+?allocation lifecycle/.test(Task.inlineError.message), 'Message mentions ACLs and the appropriate permission' ); await Task.inlineError.dismiss(); assert.notOk(Task.inlineError.isShown, 'Inline error is no longer shown'); }); test('when task restart fails (500), the error message from the API is piped through to the alert', async function (assert) { const message = 'A plaintext error message'; server.pretender.put('/v1/client/allocation/:id/restart', () => [ 500, {}, message, ]); await Task.restart.idle(); await Task.restart.confirm(); assert.ok(Task.inlineError.isShown); assert.ok(Task.inlineError.title.includes('Could Not Restart Task')); assert.equal(Task.inlineError.message, message); await Task.inlineError.dismiss(); assert.notOk(Task.inlineError.isShown); }); test('exec button is present', async function (assert) { assert.ok(Task.execButton.isPresent); }); }); module('Acceptance | task detail (no addresses)', function (hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(async function () { server.create('agent'); server.create('node'); server.create('job'); allocation = server.create('allocation', 'withoutTaskWithPorts', { clientStatus: 'running', }); task = server.db.taskStates.where({ allocationId: allocation.id })[0]; await Task.visit({ id: allocation.id, name: task.name }); }); }); module('Acceptance | task detail (different namespace)', function (hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(async function () { server.create('agent'); server.create('node'); server.create('namespace'); server.create('namespace', { id: 'other-namespace' }); server.create('job', { createAllocations: false, namespaceId: 'other-namespace', }); allocation = server.create('allocation', 'withTaskWithPorts', { clientStatus: 'running', }); task = server.db.taskStates.where({ allocationId: allocation.id })[0]; await Task.visit({ id: allocation.id, name: task.name }); }); test('breadcrumbs match jobs / job / task group / allocation / task', async function (assert) { const { jobId, taskGroup } = allocation; const job = server.db.jobs.find(jobId); await Layout.breadcrumbFor('jobs.index').visit(); assert.equal( currentURL(), '/jobs?namespace=*', 'Jobs breadcrumb links correctly' ); await Task.visit({ id: allocation.id, name: task.name }); await Layout.breadcrumbFor('jobs.job.index').visit(); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/jobs/${job.id}@other-namespace`, 'Job breadcrumb links correctly' ); await Task.visit({ id: allocation.id, name: task.name }); await Layout.breadcrumbFor('jobs.job.task-group').visit(); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/jobs/${job.id}@other-namespace/${taskGroup}`, 'Task Group breadcrumb links correctly' ); await Task.visit({ id: allocation.id, name: task.name }); await Layout.breadcrumbFor('allocations.allocation').visit(); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/allocations/${allocation.id}`, 'Allocations breadcrumb links correctly' ); }); }); module('Acceptance | task detail (not running)', function (hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(async function () { server.create('agent'); server.create('node'); server.create('namespace'); server.create('namespace', { id: 'other-namespace' }); server.create('job', { createAllocations: false, namespaceId: 'other-namespace', }); allocation = server.create('allocation', 'withTaskWithPorts', { clientStatus: 'complete', }); task = server.db.taskStates.where({ allocationId: allocation.id })[0]; await Task.visit({ id: allocation.id, name: task.name }); }); test('when the allocation for a task is not running, the resource utilization graphs are replaced by an empty message', async function (assert) { assert.equal(Task.resourceCharts.length, 0, 'No resource charts'); assert.equal( Task.resourceEmptyMessage, "Task isn't running", 'Empty message is appropriate' ); }); test('exec button is absent', async function (assert) { assert.notOk(Task.execButton.isPresent); }); }); module('Acceptance | proxy task detail', function (hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(async function () { server.create('agent'); server.create('node'); server.create('job', { createAllocations: false }); allocation = server.create('allocation', 'withTaskWithPorts', { clientStatus: 'running', }); const taskState = allocation.taskStates.models[0]; const task = server.schema.tasks.findBy({ name: taskState.name }); task.update('kind', 'connect-proxy:task'); task.save(); await Task.visit({ id: allocation.id, name: taskState.name }); }); test('a proxy tag is shown', async function (assert) { assert.ok(Task.title.proxyTag.isPresent); }); });