import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import moment from 'moment'; import d3TimeFormat from 'd3-time-format'; import d3Format from 'd3-format'; import d3Scale from 'd3-scale'; import d3Array from 'd3-array'; import LineChart from 'nomad-ui/components/line-chart'; import formatDuration from 'nomad-ui/utils/format-duration'; export default LineChart.extend({ xProp: 'timestamp', yProp: 'percent', timeseries: true, xFormat() { return d3TimeFormat.timeFormat('%H:%M:%S'); }, yFormat() { return d3Format.format('.1~%'); }, // Specific a11y descriptors title: 'Stats Time Series Chart', description: computed('data.[]', 'xProp', 'yProp', function() { const { xProp, yProp, data } = this; const yRange = d3Array.extent(data, d => d[yProp]); const xRange = d3Array.extent(data, d => d[xProp]); const yFormatter = this.yFormat(); const duration = formatDuration(xRange[1] - xRange[0], 'ms', true); return `Time series data for the last ${duration}, with values ranging from ${yFormatter(yRange[0])} to ${yFormatter(yRange[1])}`; }), xScale: computed('data.[]', 'xProp', 'timeseries', 'yAxisOffset', function() { const xProp = this.xProp; const scale = this.timeseries ? d3Scale.scaleTime() : d3Scale.scaleLinear(); const data =; const [low, high] = d3Array.extent(data, d => d[xProp]); const minLow = moment(high) .subtract(5, 'minutes') .toDate(); const extent = data.length ? [Math.min(low, minLow), high] : [minLow, new Date()]; scale.rangeRound([10, this.yAxisOffset]).domain(extent); return scale; }), yScale: computed('data.[]', 'yProp', 'xAxisOffset', function() { const yProp = this.yProp; const yValues = ( || []).mapBy(yProp); let [low, high] = [0, 1]; if (yValues.compact().length) { [low, high] = d3Array.extent(yValues); } return d3Scale .scaleLinear() .rangeRound([this.xAxisOffset, 10]) .domain([Math.min(0, low), Math.max(1, high)]); }), });