{{title "Client " (or model.name model.shortId)}}
{{#if eligibilityError}}

Eligibility Error


{{/if}} {{#if stopDrainError}}

Stop Drain Error


{{/if}} {{#if drainError}}

Drain Error


{{/if}} {{#if showDrainStoppedNotification}}

Drain Stopped

The drain has been stopped and the node has been set to ineligible.

{{/if}} {{#if showDrainUpdateNotification}}

Drain Updated

The new drain specification has been applied.

{{/if}} {{#if showDrainNotification}}

Drain Complete

Allocations have been drained and the node has been set to ineligible.

{{x-icon model.compositeStatusIcon}}

{{or model.name model.shortId}}


{{#if model.isDraining}} {{/if}}
Client Details Status {{model.status}} Address {{model.httpAddr}} Datacenter {{model.datacenter}} Drivers {{#if model.unhealthyDrivers.length}} {{x-icon "warning" class="is-text is-warning"}} {{model.unhealthyDrivers.length}} of {{model.detectedDrivers.length}} {{pluralize "driver" model.detectedDrivers.length}} unhealthy {{else}} All healthy {{/if}}
{{#if model.drainStrategy}}
Drain Strategy
{{#if (not model.drainStrategy.hasNoDeadline)}} Duration {{#if model.drainStrategy.isForced}} -- {{else}} {{format-duration model.drainStrategy.deadline}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{if model.drainStrategy.hasNoDeadline "Deadline" "Remaining"}} {{#if model.drainStrategy.hasNoDeadline}} No deadline {{else if model.drainStrategy.isForced}} -- {{else}} {{moment-from-now model.drainStrategy.forceDeadline interval=1000 hideAffix=true}} {{/if}} Force Drain {{#if model.drainStrategy.isForced}} {{x-icon "warning" class="is-text is-warning"}} Yes {{else}} No {{/if}} Drain System Jobs {{if model.drainStrategy.ignoreSystemJobs "No" "Yes"}}
{{#if (not model.drainStrategy.isForced)}}








{{#if model.lastMigrateTime}}

{{moment-to-now model.lastMigrateTime interval=1000 hideAffix=true}} since an allocation was successfully migrated.


No allocations migrated.

Resource Utilization
Allocations {{#if preemptions.length}} {{/if}}
ID Modified Created Status Job Version Volume CPU Memory
Client Events
Time Subsystem Message {{format-ts row.model.time}} {{row.model.subsystem}} {{#if row.model.message}} {{#if row.model.driver}} {{row.model.driver}} {{/if}} {{row.model.message}} {{else}} No message {{/if}}
{{#if sortedHostVolumes.length}}
Host Volumes
Name Source Permissions {{row.model.name}} {{row.model.path}} {{if row.model.readOnly "Read" "Read/Write"}}
Driver Status
{{#if a.item.detected}} {{if a.item.healthy "Healthy" "Unhealthy"}} {{/if}}
Detected {{if a.item.detected "Yes" "No"}} Last Updated {{moment-from-now a.item.updateTime interval=1000}}


{{capitalize a.item.name}} Attributes
{{#if a.item.attributes.attributesStructured}}

No Driver Attributes

{{#if model.meta.attributesStructured}}

No Meta Attributes

This client is configured with no meta attributes.
