variable "location" {} variable "image_id" {} variable "vm_size" {} variable "server_count" {} variable "client_count" {} variable "retry_join" {} resource "tls_private_key" "main" { algorithm = "RSA" } resource "null_resource" "main" { provisioner "local-exec" { command = "echo \"${tls_private_key.main.private_key_pem}\" > azure-hashistack.pem" } provisioner "local-exec" { command = "chmod 600 azure-hashistack.pem" } } resource "azurerm_resource_group" "hashistack" { name = "hashistack" location = "${var.location}" } resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "hashistack-vn" { name = "hashistack-vn" address_space = [""] location = "${var.location}" resource_group_name = "${}" } resource "azurerm_subnet" "hashistack-sn" { name = "hashistack-sn" resource_group_name = "${}" virtual_network_name = "${}" address_prefix = "" } resource "azurerm_network_security_group" "hashistack-sg" { name = "hashistack-sg" location = "${var.location}" resource_group_name = "${}" } resource "azurerm_network_security_rule" "hashistack-sgr-22" { name = "hashistack-sgr-22" resource_group_name = "${}" network_security_group_name = "${}" priority = 100 direction = "Inbound" access = "Allow" protocol = "Tcp" source_address_prefix = "*" source_port_range = "*" destination_port_range = "22" destination_address_prefix = "*" } resource "azurerm_network_security_rule" "hashistack-sgr-4646" { name = "hashistack-sgr-4646" resource_group_name = "${}" network_security_group_name = "${}" priority = 101 direction = "Inbound" access = "Allow" protocol = "Tcp" source_address_prefix = "*" source_port_range = "*" destination_port_range = "4646" destination_address_prefix = "*" } resource "azurerm_network_security_rule" "hashistack-sgr-8500" { name = "hashistack-sgr-8500" resource_group_name = "${}" network_security_group_name = "${}" priority = 102 direction = "Inbound" access = "Allow" protocol = "Tcp" source_address_prefix = "*" source_port_range = "*" destination_port_range = "8500" destination_address_prefix = "*" } resource "azurerm_public_ip" "hashistack-server-public-ip" { count = "${var.server_count}" name = "hashistack-server-ip-${count.index}" location = "${var.location}" resource_group_name = "${}" public_ip_address_allocation = "static" } resource "azurerm_network_interface" "hashistack-server-ni" { count = "${var.server_count}" name = "hashistack-server-ni-${count.index}" location = "${var.location}" resource_group_name = "${}" network_security_group_id = "${}" ip_configuration { name = "hashistack-ipc" subnet_id = "${}" private_ip_address_allocation = "dynamic" public_ip_address_id = "${element(azurerm_public_ip.hashistack-server-public-ip.*.id,count.index)}" } tags { ConsulAutoJoin = "auto-join" } } resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "server" { name = "hashistack-server-${count.index}" location = "${var.location}" resource_group_name = "${}" network_interface_ids = ["${element(azurerm_network_interface.hashistack-server-ni.*.id,count.index)}"] vm_size = "${var.vm_size}" count = "${var.server_count}" # Uncomment this line to delete the OS disk automatically when deleting the VM delete_os_disk_on_termination = true # Uncomment this line to delete the data disks automatically when deleting the VM delete_data_disks_on_termination = true storage_image_reference { id = "${var.image_id}" } storage_os_disk { name = "hashistack-server-osdisk-${count.index}" caching = "ReadWrite" create_option = "FromImage" managed_disk_type = "Standard_LRS" } os_profile { computer_name = "hashistack-server-${count.index}" admin_username = "ubuntu" admin_password = "none" custom_data = "${base64encode(data.template_file.user_data_server.rendered)}" } os_profile_linux_config { disable_password_authentication = true ssh_keys { path = "/home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys" key_data = "${tls_private_key.main.public_key_openssh}" } } } data "template_file" "user_data_server" { template = "${file("${path.root}/")}" vars { server_count = "${var.server_count}" retry_join = "${var.retry_join}" } } resource "azurerm_public_ip" "hashistack-client-public-ip" { count = "${var.client_count}" name = "hashistack-client-ip-${count.index}" location = "${var.location}" resource_group_name = "${}" public_ip_address_allocation = "static" } resource "azurerm_network_interface" "hashistack-client-ni" { count = "${var.client_count}" name = "hashistack-client-ni-${count.index}" location = "${var.location}" resource_group_name = "${}" network_security_group_id = "${}" ip_configuration { name = "hashistack-ipc" subnet_id = "${}" private_ip_address_allocation = "dynamic" public_ip_address_id = "${element(azurerm_public_ip.hashistack-client-public-ip.*.id,count.index)}" } tags { ConsulAutoJoin = "auto-join" } } resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "client" { name = "hashistack-client-${count.index}" location = "${var.location}" resource_group_name = "${}" network_interface_ids = ["${element(azurerm_network_interface.hashistack-client-ni.*.id,count.index)}"] vm_size = "${var.vm_size}" count = "${var.client_count}" depends_on = ["azurerm_virtual_machine.server"] # Uncomment this line to delete the OS disk automatically when deleting the VM delete_os_disk_on_termination = true # Uncomment this line to delete the data disks automatically when deleting the VM delete_data_disks_on_termination = true storage_image_reference { id = "${var.image_id}" } storage_os_disk { name = "hashistack-client-osdisk-${count.index}" caching = "ReadWrite" create_option = "FromImage" managed_disk_type = "Standard_LRS" } os_profile { computer_name = "hashistack-client-${count.index}" admin_username = "ubuntu" admin_password = "none" custom_data = "${base64encode(data.template_file.user_data_client.rendered)}" } os_profile_linux_config { disable_password_authentication = true ssh_keys { path = "/home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys" key_data = "${tls_private_key.main.public_key_openssh}" } } } data "template_file" "user_data_client" { template = "${file("${path.root}/")}" vars { retry_join = "${var.retry_join}" } } output "server_public_ips" { value = ["${azurerm_public_ip.hashistack-server-public-ip.*.ip_address}"] } output "client_public_ips" { value = ["${azurerm_public_ip.hashistack-client-public-ip.*.ip_address}"] }